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題名 辛亥革命時期日本對保護在華日僑的外交舉措
Japan`s Diplomatic Measures for the Protection of Japanese Nationals Overseas during the Xinhai Revolution Period
作者 朝野嵩史
Asano, Takafumi
貢獻者 政大史粹
關鍵詞 中日外交  ; 日僑  ; 護僑  ; 辛亥革命 
 Sino-Japanese diplomacy  ; the protection of nationals overseas  ; Japanese nationals overseas  ; Xinhai Revolution
日期 2021-09
上傳時間 22-Nov-2021 15:26:08 (UTC+8)
摘要 1911年10月,武昌起義後各省紛紛宣佈獨立,翌年,中華民國臨時政府在南京成立,最後使得清朝政府宣告終結。辛亥革命時期,圍繞中國的外交主要由英國主導,南北雙方經過交涉後,清朝皇帝決定退位,最終以共和政體完成南北統一。辛亥革命不僅對中國人,也對當時在華外僑產生巨大影響。辛亥革命爆發後,列強紛紛以護僑為由將軍隊派赴中國各地,加強在軍事力量。日本也以護僑為由,積極增援軍隊,並擴大自己的勢力。本文以辛亥革命為例,透過中日文檔案資料,分析辛亥革命期間日本的護僑舉措,並且探究其對後來中日關係的影響。
In October of 1911, Wuchang Uprising broke out, after the success of the uprising, many provinces declared independence, and the provisional government of the Republic of China established in Nanjing, in finally Qing dynasty came to an end. During the revolution, Britain took the initiative in the diplomatic negotiations over the Chinese problems. After the negotiations, Qing emperor abdicated the throne, and the Peking government of the Republic of China unified the country finally. The Xinhai Revolution changed the Chinese politics and the society dramatically, on the other hand, foreign people had been effected seriously in China. During the revolution, the Great Powers not only dispatched an army to protect the nationals, but also strengthened the military power in China. In those days, Japan strengthen the military power and expanded the interests. This paper discusses the Japan`s diplomatic measures for the safety of Japanese nationals in China.
關聯 政大史粹, 36, 179-201
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大史粹
dc.creator (作者) 朝野嵩史
dc.creator (作者) Asano, Takafumi (日期) 2021-09 22-Nov-2021 15:26:08 (UTC+8)- 22-Nov-2021 15:26:08 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 22-Nov-2021 15:26:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 1911年10月,武昌起義後各省紛紛宣佈獨立,翌年,中華民國臨時政府在南京成立,最後使得清朝政府宣告終結。辛亥革命時期,圍繞中國的外交主要由英國主導,南北雙方經過交涉後,清朝皇帝決定退位,最終以共和政體完成南北統一。辛亥革命不僅對中國人,也對當時在華外僑產生巨大影響。辛亥革命爆發後,列強紛紛以護僑為由將軍隊派赴中國各地,加強在軍事力量。日本也以護僑為由,積極增援軍隊,並擴大自己的勢力。本文以辛亥革命為例,透過中日文檔案資料,分析辛亥革命期間日本的護僑舉措,並且探究其對後來中日關係的影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In October of 1911, Wuchang Uprising broke out, after the success of the uprising, many provinces declared independence, and the provisional government of the Republic of China established in Nanjing, in finally Qing dynasty came to an end. During the revolution, Britain took the initiative in the diplomatic negotiations over the Chinese problems. After the negotiations, Qing emperor abdicated the throne, and the Peking government of the Republic of China unified the country finally. The Xinhai Revolution changed the Chinese politics and the society dramatically, on the other hand, foreign people had been effected seriously in China. During the revolution, the Great Powers not only dispatched an army to protect the nationals, but also strengthened the military power in China. In those days, Japan strengthen the military power and expanded the interests. This paper discusses the Japan`s diplomatic measures for the safety of Japanese nationals in China.
dc.format.extent 902572 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大史粹, 36, 179-201
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中日外交  ; 日僑  ; 護僑  ; 辛亥革命 
dc.subject (關鍵詞)  Sino-Japanese diplomacy  ; the protection of nationals overseas  ; Japanese nationals overseas  ; Xinhai Revolution
dc.title (題名) 辛亥革命時期日本對保護在華日僑的外交舉措
dc.title (題名) Japan`s Diplomatic Measures for the Protection of Japanese Nationals Overseas during the Xinhai Revolution Period
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0007
dc.doi.uri (DOI)