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題名 台灣紡織業因應永續循環綠色經濟風潮之研究
The Strategy of Taiwan’s Textile Industry Responding to the Trend of Sustainability and Green Economy
作者 劉啟瑜
Liu, Chi-Yu
貢獻者 詹文男<br>尚孝純
Tsan, Wen-Nan<br>Shang,Shari S.C
Liu, Chi-Yu
關鍵詞 浄零碳排放
Carbon negative
Made in green
日期 2021
上傳時間 3-Jan-2022 16:07:54 (UTC+8)
摘要 因應全球氣候變遷地球暖化議題,2021年4月全球氣候領袖峰會達成共識,全球必須有具體行動,並於2050年達到淨零碳排放的目標。時尚紡織業是僅次於石化工業的高汙染產業,近年來由於消費者環保意識抬頭,紡織時尚界正掀起所謂綠色永續循環經濟,全球知名時尚運動品牌商,紛紛與環保團體或協會合作,制定相關環保認證標章,以確保產品符合永續循環之要求,並保障職工與消費者安全。
本論文研究旨在介紹全球各主要環保認證標章之特性,及永續循環經濟對台灣紡織業之衝擊,與台灣廠商對取得相關環保認證之必要性,做深入的探討如以下兩點 :
經由本研究分析結果,台灣紡織業由於產業鏈結構完整,聚酯回收紗技術領先全球,在回收再利用的循環經濟上佔有絕對的產業優勢,業者更應積極優化機器設備,改善製程、降低損耗、提升產能以符合並取得相關環保認證標章,提升產品附加價值強化產業競爭力,擺脫東南亞各國之低價競爭,藉由全球綠色永續循環風潮,讓綠色製造 (Made in green) 成為台灣紡織業的代名詞,讓台灣紡織業成全球時尚紡織供應鏈中不可或缺的一環。
In response to climate change and global warming, global leaders have reached consensus in the Leaders’ Summit on Climate held in April to perform concrete actions on addressing environmental issues and reach the goal of zero carbon emission by 2050. The fashion textile industry is the second highest polluting industry, only after the petrochemical industry. In recent years, consumers’ rising awareness of environmental sustainability sets off a wave in the green and sustainable circular economy. Renowned global fashion sports brands have worked with environmental associations and organizations to tailor environmental certifications, ensuring products meeting the goal and requirements of sustainability as well as workers’ and consumers’ safety.
This paper aims to investigate how the sustainable circular economy impacts Taiwan’s textile industry, major environmental certifications’ characteristics around the world, and the necessity of Taiwanese companies to obtain related green environmental certification. The discussion revolves around the following 2 points:
(1) In response to climate change and global warming, how can Taiwanese textile companies seize the opportunities from the trend of sustainability and green economy as well as the rise of major global environmental certification?
(2) Facing the trend of sustainability and green economy caused by the fashion industry, the competitiveness of the textile industry and SWOT analysis are used to derive Taiwanese manufacturer’s corresponding strategies.
This research utilizes qualitative method supported by relative documentations and researcher’s years of industrial and personal experiences, with SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, Ansoff Matrix, and other theoretically based techniques, to organize and summarize the approach of Taiwanese textile companies obtaining various environmental certification and the industrial strategies responding to changes in external business models caused by the rise of global sustainable economy.
The concluding analysis of this research shows that the complete and structured supply chain as well as the leading technology of recycle polyester yarn allow Taiwan’s textile industry to occupy an absolute industrial advantage in recycling as part of the circular economy. Businesses should now strive to obtain any relative environmental certification by actively optimizing mechanical equipment, improving production process, minimizing waste and loss, and increasing production capacity, in order to increase product’s added value while strengthening industrial competitiveness to combat the low-price competition in the Southeastern Asian countries. With the global trend of sustainability and green economy, let “Made in Green” becomes the representative title of Taiwan’s textile industry, which will then become an indispensable part of the global fashion textile supply chain.
參考文獻 書籍

1.搖籃到搖籃William McDonough和Michael Braungart (2002) 取自維基百科


1.紡拓會 官網 2020.6 2019台灣紡織工業概況 取自 › about_textile_2

2.產業資訊 2020 紡織產業概況 取自 › about_textile_2

3. SWOT分析矩陣 1980 舊金山大學韋里克教授 取自MBA智库百科

4.五力分析矩陣 1979 麥可 波特 (Michael Porter) 取自 MBA智库百科

5.安索夫分析矩陣 1975 安索夫博士 (Ansoff) 取自 MBA智库百科


1.郭敘吟 流行V.S永續 2009.8.11 取自
2.Bluesign 官網 取自產品綠色檢索平台
3.Standard100 by Oeko-tex 官網 取自產品綠色檢索平台
4.紡織品無毒保證 2018.5.25 Oeko-tex官網 取自產品綠色檢索平台
5. Better cotton Initiative 官網 2021.3.24 取自MBA智庫百科
6. GOTS官網 全球有機紡織品認證標準取自環境資訊中心2018.5.25 取自
7. GRS官網 全球回收標準 取自
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 詹文男<br>尚孝純zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Tsan, Wen-Nan<br>Shang,Shari S.Cen_US (Authors) 劉啟瑜zh_TW (Authors) Liu, Chi-Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉啟瑜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Liu, Chi-Yuen_US (日期) 2021en_US 3-Jan-2022 16:07:54 (UTC+8)- 3-Jan-2022 16:07:54 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Jan-2022 16:07:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109932072en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109932072zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 因應全球氣候變遷地球暖化議題,2021年4月全球氣候領袖峰會達成共識,全球必須有具體行動,並於2050年達到淨零碳排放的目標。時尚紡織業是僅次於石化工業的高汙染產業,近年來由於消費者環保意識抬頭,紡織時尚界正掀起所謂綠色永續循環經濟,全球知名時尚運動品牌商,紛紛與環保團體或協會合作,制定相關環保認證標章,以確保產品符合永續循環之要求,並保障職工與消費者安全。
本論文研究旨在介紹全球各主要環保認證標章之特性,及永續循環經濟對台灣紡織業之衝擊,與台灣廠商對取得相關環保認證之必要性,做深入的探討如以下兩點 :
經由本研究分析結果,台灣紡織業由於產業鏈結構完整,聚酯回收紗技術領先全球,在回收再利用的循環經濟上佔有絕對的產業優勢,業者更應積極優化機器設備,改善製程、降低損耗、提升產能以符合並取得相關環保認證標章,提升產品附加價值強化產業競爭力,擺脫東南亞各國之低價競爭,藉由全球綠色永續循環風潮,讓綠色製造 (Made in green) 成為台灣紡織業的代名詞,讓台灣紡織業成全球時尚紡織供應鏈中不可或缺的一環。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In response to climate change and global warming, global leaders have reached consensus in the Leaders’ Summit on Climate held in April to perform concrete actions on addressing environmental issues and reach the goal of zero carbon emission by 2050. The fashion textile industry is the second highest polluting industry, only after the petrochemical industry. In recent years, consumers’ rising awareness of environmental sustainability sets off a wave in the green and sustainable circular economy. Renowned global fashion sports brands have worked with environmental associations and organizations to tailor environmental certifications, ensuring products meeting the goal and requirements of sustainability as well as workers’ and consumers’ safety.
This paper aims to investigate how the sustainable circular economy impacts Taiwan’s textile industry, major environmental certifications’ characteristics around the world, and the necessity of Taiwanese companies to obtain related green environmental certification. The discussion revolves around the following 2 points:
(1) In response to climate change and global warming, how can Taiwanese textile companies seize the opportunities from the trend of sustainability and green economy as well as the rise of major global environmental certification?
(2) Facing the trend of sustainability and green economy caused by the fashion industry, the competitiveness of the textile industry and SWOT analysis are used to derive Taiwanese manufacturer’s corresponding strategies.
This research utilizes qualitative method supported by relative documentations and researcher’s years of industrial and personal experiences, with SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, Ansoff Matrix, and other theoretically based techniques, to organize and summarize the approach of Taiwanese textile companies obtaining various environmental certification and the industrial strategies responding to changes in external business models caused by the rise of global sustainable economy.
The concluding analysis of this research shows that the complete and structured supply chain as well as the leading technology of recycle polyester yarn allow Taiwan’s textile industry to occupy an absolute industrial advantage in recycling as part of the circular economy. Businesses should now strive to obtain any relative environmental certification by actively optimizing mechanical equipment, improving production process, minimizing waste and loss, and increasing production capacity, in order to increase product’s added value while strengthening industrial competitiveness to combat the low-price competition in the Southeastern Asian countries. With the global trend of sustainability and green economy, let “Made in Green” becomes the representative title of Taiwan’s textile industry, which will then become an indispensable part of the global fashion textile supply chain.
dc.description.tableofcontents 表次 ......................................vii
圖次 .....................................viii
第一章 緒論 ..................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機 .........................1
第二節 研究問題 ..............................3
第三節 名詞釋義 ..............................5
第四節 研究範圍 ..............................6
第五節 研究章節架構與流程 ....................10

第二章 文獻探討 .............................12
第一節 紡織環保認證 ..........................12
第二節 歐美及世界各大品牌主要環保認證規範現況 ..15
第三節 五力分析 .............................28
第四節 SWOT分析 .............................35
第五節 安索夫矩陣分析 ........................38

第三章 研究方法 .............................40
第一節 研究架構 .............................40
第二節 研究構念 .............................41
第三節 研究工具 .............................42
第四節 研究對象與資料蒐集 ....................43

第四章 研究結果 .............................44
第一節 台灣紡織業現況 ........................44
第二節 研究發現與討論 ........................48
第五章 結論與建議 ............................71
第一節 結論 .................................71
第二節 建議 .................................74
第三節 研究限制 ..............................76
參考文獻 ....................................77
附錄 ........................................79
dc.format.extent 3747202 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 浄零碳排放zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 永續循環zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠色製造zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Carbon negativeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sustainabilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Made in greenen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣紡織業因應永續循環綠色經濟風潮之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Strategy of Taiwan’s Textile Industry Responding to the Trend of Sustainability and Green Economyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 書籍

1.搖籃到搖籃William McDonough和Michael Braungart (2002) 取自維基百科


1.紡拓會 官網 2020.6 2019台灣紡織工業概況 取自 › about_textile_2

2.產業資訊 2020 紡織產業概況 取自 › about_textile_2

3. SWOT分析矩陣 1980 舊金山大學韋里克教授 取自MBA智库百科

4.五力分析矩陣 1979 麥可 波特 (Michael Porter) 取自 MBA智库百科

5.安索夫分析矩陣 1975 安索夫博士 (Ansoff) 取自 MBA智库百科


1.郭敘吟 流行V.S永續 2009.8.11 取自
2.Bluesign 官網 取自產品綠色檢索平台
3.Standard100 by Oeko-tex 官網 取自產品綠色檢索平台
4.紡織品無毒保證 2018.5.25 Oeko-tex官網 取自產品綠色檢索平台
5. Better cotton Initiative 官網 2021.3.24 取自MBA智庫百科
6. GOTS官網 全球有機紡織品認證標準取自環境資訊中心2018.5.25 取自
7. GRS官網 全球回收標準 取自
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202101763en_US