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題名 從亞洲四小龍到後疫情時代的產業用地政策挑戰:以編定工業區系統為例
Industrial Land Policy Challenges in Taiwan: from Four Asian Tigers to Post COVID-19 Era
作者 鄭安廷
Cheng, An-Ting
貢獻者 地政系
關鍵詞 發展型國家 ; 產業用地政策 ; 國土計畫 ; 制度變遷 ; 後疫情時代
developmental state ; industrial land policy ; national spatial plan ; institutional change ; post COVID 19-era
日期 2021-03
上傳時間 6-Jan-2022 16:26:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 二戰後臺灣採取發展型國家策略,透過集權和由上而下的產業發展模式取得經濟的快速發展。臺灣在九○年代以前經濟計畫優先於土地計畫,但隨著民主化發展和權力分散,中央政府逐漸失去了產業發展的領導地位,並進一步影響產業用地政策。本文旨於探討台灣在過七十年來因為國內政經情勢演變,不可避免地導致發展型國家的產業用地政策變遷,以及如何相對應進行制度改革。此外,進一步探討近期國際市場重大事件對臺灣產業用地政策以及政府領導力的影響。本研究透過民主化前後中央政府開發產業園區的能力和產業用地政策之探討,發現中央政府的權力在八○年代達到頂峰,但隨著政府權力的分散,政府在經濟發展的定位從領導轉為指導。此外,國土計畫法公告實施後,國土計畫便作為部門政策協調的平台以整合經濟計畫與空間計畫。本研究發現,隨著民主化以及政府在經濟發展領導力的降低,發展國家的工業用地政策將不可避免地進行改革。但近期政府回應國際市場重大事件並透過中央決策發展策略性產業的情形,似有回到早期的國家主導年代的跡象,是否成為長期性趨勢將有待觀察。
In the post-WWII era, great economic success was achieved in countries that adopted developmental state strategy, mainly because of their centralized administrative power back then and top-down industrial development model. However, with democratization taking place, central governments have gradually lost their dominance over industrial development and this further affected their land use policies. In the case of Taiwan, economic plans had precedence over land use plans before the 1990s, and as democratization and decentralization took place, economic plans were no longer the priority. This article aims to explore whether democratization would inevitably lead to a reform to industrial land use policy of developmental states and whether institutional reform would occur in response. Besides, discuss how COVID-19 affected industrial land policy in Taiwan. This article studied the central government`s ability to develop industrial parks and industrial land policy before and after democratization. It was found that the power of the central government was at the peak in the 1980s, and following the decline of the political dominance, and the role of the central government also shifted from leadership to guidance. In response to the shift, Taiwan changed the mechanism of spatial planning embraced its National Spatial Plan as a platform for sectoral policy coordination. In conclusion, this article finds that the industrial land use policy of developmental state will inevitably be reformed as democratization takes place and government`s role in economic development became negative, but some signs showed that the role became positive in post COVID-19 era.
關聯 公共事務評論, Vol.19, No.2, pp.57 - 72
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 地政系
dc.creator (作者) 鄭安廷
dc.creator (作者) Cheng, An-Ting (日期) 2021-03 6-Jan-2022 16:26:24 (UTC+8)- 6-Jan-2022 16:26:24 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 6-Jan-2022 16:26:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 二戰後臺灣採取發展型國家策略,透過集權和由上而下的產業發展模式取得經濟的快速發展。臺灣在九○年代以前經濟計畫優先於土地計畫,但隨著民主化發展和權力分散,中央政府逐漸失去了產業發展的領導地位,並進一步影響產業用地政策。本文旨於探討台灣在過七十年來因為國內政經情勢演變,不可避免地導致發展型國家的產業用地政策變遷,以及如何相對應進行制度改革。此外,進一步探討近期國際市場重大事件對臺灣產業用地政策以及政府領導力的影響。本研究透過民主化前後中央政府開發產業園區的能力和產業用地政策之探討,發現中央政府的權力在八○年代達到頂峰,但隨著政府權力的分散,政府在經濟發展的定位從領導轉為指導。此外,國土計畫法公告實施後,國土計畫便作為部門政策協調的平台以整合經濟計畫與空間計畫。本研究發現,隨著民主化以及政府在經濟發展領導力的降低,發展國家的工業用地政策將不可避免地進行改革。但近期政府回應國際市場重大事件並透過中央決策發展策略性產業的情形,似有回到早期的國家主導年代的跡象,是否成為長期性趨勢將有待觀察。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the post-WWII era, great economic success was achieved in countries that adopted developmental state strategy, mainly because of their centralized administrative power back then and top-down industrial development model. However, with democratization taking place, central governments have gradually lost their dominance over industrial development and this further affected their land use policies. In the case of Taiwan, economic plans had precedence over land use plans before the 1990s, and as democratization and decentralization took place, economic plans were no longer the priority. This article aims to explore whether democratization would inevitably lead to a reform to industrial land use policy of developmental states and whether institutional reform would occur in response. Besides, discuss how COVID-19 affected industrial land policy in Taiwan. This article studied the central government`s ability to develop industrial parks and industrial land policy before and after democratization. It was found that the power of the central government was at the peak in the 1980s, and following the decline of the political dominance, and the role of the central government also shifted from leadership to guidance. In response to the shift, Taiwan changed the mechanism of spatial planning embraced its National Spatial Plan as a platform for sectoral policy coordination. In conclusion, this article finds that the industrial land use policy of developmental state will inevitably be reformed as democratization takes place and government`s role in economic development became negative, but some signs showed that the role became positive in post COVID-19 era.
dc.format.extent 2195287 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 公共事務評論, Vol.19, No.2, pp.57 - 72
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 發展型國家 ; 產業用地政策 ; 國土計畫 ; 制度變遷 ; 後疫情時代
dc.subject (關鍵詞) developmental state ; industrial land policy ; national spatial plan ; institutional change ; post COVID 19-era
dc.title (題名) 從亞洲四小龍到後疫情時代的產業用地政策挑戰:以編定工業區系統為例
dc.title (題名) Industrial Land Policy Challenges in Taiwan: from Four Asian Tigers to Post COVID-19 Era
dc.type (資料類型) article