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題名 自由主義陰影下的洛克:洛克論財產的道德問題
In the Shadow of Liberalism: Locke on the Moral Problem of Property Right
作者 周家瑜
Chou, Chia-Yu
貢獻者 政治系
關鍵詞 約翰洛克 ; 施特勞斯 ; 馬克佛森 ; 財產權 ; 自由主義 ; 共同 所有權
John Locke ; Leo Strauss ; C.B. Macpherson ; Property Right ; Liberalism ; Communal Ownership
日期 2021-12
上傳時間 12-Jan-2022 09:11:53 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文企圖藉由洛克論經濟與貨幣政策的論文來闡明洛克政治思想 中核心環節─財產權理論。本文認為以「施特勞斯—馬克佛森」為 起點的主流自由主義式詮釋以個人主義為詮釋基礎與出發點,簡化了 洛克的財產權理論,並且因此忽略了洛克式政治社會的社群關切與共 善面向。本文論證:相對於傳統個人主義式詮釋,政府與法律的干預 扮演更積極的角色,除此之外,洛克對財產權的關注源自其對社會不 平等的關切,因此資源分配與財產權制度的規定與當代的自由放任原 則相去甚遠,這並不是否定洛克政治思想中個人主義的部分,而僅是 藉由此一詮釋指向另一個被忽略的社群關切與共善面向。
This essay aims to explore one of the core concepts in Locke’s political thought, that is, his theory of property rights. I argue that Locke has provided a much richer conception of property rights than it is usually thought. To do so, I first argue against the mainstream interpretation provided by both Leo Strauss and C.B. Macpherson. While the main thesis of this view might be severely criticized, their focus on individualism and rights-based interpretation seems to remain influential. Then I investigate the interpretation of one important contemporary Locke scholar, Jeremy Waldron, for more detailed analysis of Locke’s theory of property rights in the second section. I argue that these interpretations are overshadowed by the liberal individualist reading mentioned above. To shed light upon Locke’s concern for the disadvantaged and the communitarian and egalitarian aspects of his political thought, I further investigate Locke’s Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money.
關聯 政治與社會哲學評論, 75, 1-53
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政治系
dc.creator (作者) 周家瑜
dc.creator (作者) Chou, Chia-Yu (日期) 2021-12 12-Jan-2022 09:11:53 (UTC+8)- 12-Jan-2022 09:11:53 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 12-Jan-2022 09:11:53 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文企圖藉由洛克論經濟與貨幣政策的論文來闡明洛克政治思想 中核心環節─財產權理論。本文認為以「施特勞斯—馬克佛森」為 起點的主流自由主義式詮釋以個人主義為詮釋基礎與出發點,簡化了 洛克的財產權理論,並且因此忽略了洛克式政治社會的社群關切與共 善面向。本文論證:相對於傳統個人主義式詮釋,政府與法律的干預 扮演更積極的角色,除此之外,洛克對財產權的關注源自其對社會不 平等的關切,因此資源分配與財產權制度的規定與當代的自由放任原 則相去甚遠,這並不是否定洛克政治思想中個人主義的部分,而僅是 藉由此一詮釋指向另一個被忽略的社群關切與共善面向。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This essay aims to explore one of the core concepts in Locke’s political thought, that is, his theory of property rights. I argue that Locke has provided a much richer conception of property rights than it is usually thought. To do so, I first argue against the mainstream interpretation provided by both Leo Strauss and C.B. Macpherson. While the main thesis of this view might be severely criticized, their focus on individualism and rights-based interpretation seems to remain influential. Then I investigate the interpretation of one important contemporary Locke scholar, Jeremy Waldron, for more detailed analysis of Locke’s theory of property rights in the second section. I argue that these interpretations are overshadowed by the liberal individualist reading mentioned above. To shed light upon Locke’s concern for the disadvantaged and the communitarian and egalitarian aspects of his political thought, I further investigate Locke’s Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money.
dc.format.extent 2289211 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政治與社會哲學評論, 75, 1-53
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 約翰洛克 ; 施特勞斯 ; 馬克佛森 ; 財產權 ; 自由主義 ; 共同 所有權
dc.subject (關鍵詞) John Locke ; Leo Strauss ; C.B. Macpherson ; Property Right ; Liberalism ; Communal Ownership
dc.title (題名) 自由主義陰影下的洛克:洛克論財產的道德問題
dc.title (題名) In the Shadow of Liberalism: Locke on the Moral Problem of Property Right
dc.type (資料類型) article