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題名 官邸政策制定過程的動態:以 2018 年「出入境管裡及難民認定法修正案」與旅宿業為例.
The Dynamics of Policy-Making Process in Kantei: The Case of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment and the Accommodation Industry.
作者 何麗華
Fijalkowska, Agata Marta
貢獻者 蔡中民
Tsai, Chungmin
Fijalkowska, Agata Marta
關鍵詞 官邸
2018 Immigration Act Amendment
日期 2022
摘要 本研究的主要目的是為了解日本的政策制定過程做出貢獻。據信安倍和他的官邸對官僚、他自己的政黨和商界進行了獨特的控制,此外,他將總理的領導和決策主動性提升到了一個新的水平。 我們應用了策略網絡方法爲了呈現安倍的一般決策模式,而且將其與他的前輩們的模式進行比較。再加上,通過分析2018出入境管裡及難民認定法修正案的政策網絡我們能夠進一步加深對安倍政策制定模式的理解,而且我們也更理解日本勞工移民政策制定背後的因素。 爲了評估安倍新政策制定模式對移民立法的影響,我們詳細分析了旅宿業的政策結果。選擇這個行業進行詳細分析主要是由於作者在該行業的專業經驗。不過,因爲旅宿業沒有參加技能實習制度該行業是分析新簽證計劃受歡迎程度的重要案例。 為了實現這些目標,我們通過分析學術出版物、官方文件、政府出版物、報紙文章提供了廣泛的背景。再加上,為了更好地評估2018年入境管裡及難民認定法修正案的結果,我們與旅宿業的代表進行了問卷調查。 根據我們的研究、我們認為安倍的強勢地位成為可能強有力的政策倡議和自上而下的決策。但另一方面,在一些政策領域 、其他傳統決策成員的影響力不受限制,而且不一定會導致決策過程的結果發生重大變化。
The primary aim of this research is to contribute to the knowledge on the policy-making process in Japan. It is believed that Abe and his Kantei exerted unique control over the bureaucracy, his own party and the business circles, taking prime-ministerial leadership and policy-making initiative to a new level. We applied the policy-network approach to present Abe’s general decision-making pattern and to put it into a comparison with the ones that existed under his predecessors. What is more, by a detailed analysis of the policy-network of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment we, not only deepened our understanding of Abe’s policy-making patterns further, but also contributed to our knowledge on the mechanism behind labour-related immigration policy-making in Japan. By closing our argument with detailed analysis of the policy-results in the accommodation industry we evaluated the effects of Abe`s new policy-making patterns on the immigration legislation. This industry was chosen for the detailed analysis mainly due to the author`s professional experience in the industry. However, the fact that the accommodation industry had not participated in the TITP made it an important case for analysing the popularity of the new visa scheme program. To achieve these goals the method of analysing secondary resources such as academic publications, official documents, government publications, newspaper articles etc provides a vast background for our original analysis. Next, to better evaluate the results of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment, we conducted questionnaires with the representatives of the accommodation industry. Based on our research we argue that, while Abe`s strong position allowed for a strong policy-initiative and a top-down decision making, on the other hand in some policy domains it did not limit the influence exercised by other traditional actors of the policy-making and did not necessarily lead to significant change in the outcomes of the policy-making process.
描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡中民zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Tsai, Chungminen_US (Authors) 何麗華zh_TW (Authors) Fijalkowska, Agata Martaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 何麗華zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Fijalkowska, Agata Martaen_US (日期) 2022en_US
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101265506en_US
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語博士學位學程(IDAS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101265506zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究的主要目的是為了解日本的政策制定過程做出貢獻。據信安倍和他的官邸對官僚、他自己的政黨和商界進行了獨特的控制,此外,他將總理的領導和決策主動性提升到了一個新的水平。 我們應用了策略網絡方法爲了呈現安倍的一般決策模式,而且將其與他的前輩們的模式進行比較。再加上,通過分析2018出入境管裡及難民認定法修正案的政策網絡我們能夠進一步加深對安倍政策制定模式的理解,而且我們也更理解日本勞工移民政策制定背後的因素。 爲了評估安倍新政策制定模式對移民立法的影響,我們詳細分析了旅宿業的政策結果。選擇這個行業進行詳細分析主要是由於作者在該行業的專業經驗。不過,因爲旅宿業沒有參加技能實習制度該行業是分析新簽證計劃受歡迎程度的重要案例。 為了實現這些目標,我們通過分析學術出版物、官方文件、政府出版物、報紙文章提供了廣泛的背景。再加上,為了更好地評估2018年入境管裡及難民認定法修正案的結果,我們與旅宿業的代表進行了問卷調查。 根據我們的研究、我們認為安倍的強勢地位成為可能強有力的政策倡議和自上而下的決策。但另一方面,在一些政策領域 、其他傳統決策成員的影響力不受限制,而且不一定會導致決策過程的結果發生重大變化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The primary aim of this research is to contribute to the knowledge on the policy-making process in Japan. It is believed that Abe and his Kantei exerted unique control over the bureaucracy, his own party and the business circles, taking prime-ministerial leadership and policy-making initiative to a new level. We applied the policy-network approach to present Abe’s general decision-making pattern and to put it into a comparison with the ones that existed under his predecessors. What is more, by a detailed analysis of the policy-network of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment we, not only deepened our understanding of Abe’s policy-making patterns further, but also contributed to our knowledge on the mechanism behind labour-related immigration policy-making in Japan. By closing our argument with detailed analysis of the policy-results in the accommodation industry we evaluated the effects of Abe`s new policy-making patterns on the immigration legislation. This industry was chosen for the detailed analysis mainly due to the author`s professional experience in the industry. However, the fact that the accommodation industry had not participated in the TITP made it an important case for analysing the popularity of the new visa scheme program. To achieve these goals the method of analysing secondary resources such as academic publications, official documents, government publications, newspaper articles etc provides a vast background for our original analysis. Next, to better evaluate the results of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment, we conducted questionnaires with the representatives of the accommodation industry. Based on our research we argue that, while Abe`s strong position allowed for a strong policy-initiative and a top-down decision making, on the other hand in some policy domains it did not limit the influence exercised by other traditional actors of the policy-making and did not necessarily lead to significant change in the outcomes of the policy-making process.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstracts i List of figures vii Abbreviations viii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Research Background 1 1.2. Research interest 2 1.3. Research approach 4 1.4. Research methods 5 1.5. Significance of the study 7 1.6. The Structure 8 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework and Methodology 10 2.1. Theoretical Framework 10 2.1.1. General concept 10 2.1.2. Policy domain and its components 11 2.1.3. Key relations 16 2.1.4. Dynamics in policy domains 18 2.1.5. Application in the thesis 18 2.1.6. Application of the theory to Japan 20 2.1.7. The actors of Japanese policy-making 21 2.1.8. The Iron-Triangle 36 2.1.9. Summary 41 2.2. The Methodology 42 2.2.1. Research questions 42 2.2.2. Methods of Data Collection 44 2.2.3. Research Limitations 45 2.2.4. Summary 46 Chapter 3. The Prime Ministers as Actors of the Policy-Making in Japan and Japanese Immigration Decision-Making 47 3.1. The Prime Ministers as Actors of the Policy-Making in Japan 48 3.1.1. Policy-making under the `55 system (1955 – 1992) 49 3.1.2. Policy-making between 1993-2009 53 3.1.3. Policy-making under the Democratic Party of Japan (2009-2012) 84 3.2. Japanese Immigration Decision-Making 103 3.2.1. 1945- 1950 Strictly controlled immigration 103 3.2.2. the ‘52 regime (1951-1980) 105 3.2.3. the ‘82 regime (1981-1988) 107 3.2.4. the ‘90 regime (1989-1999) 110 3.2.5. Further reforms between 2000-2018 113 3.2.6. Summary 118 3.3. Conclusions 119 Chapter 4. Abe`s Policy-Network and the Decision-Making Behind the 2018 Immigration Law Amendment 120 4.1. Policy-making under Abe"s second premiership (2012-2020) 120 4.1.1. Abe’s first term as prime minister 123 4.1.2. Return to power in 2012 124 4.1.3. Characteristics of Kantei-leadership under Abe 127 4.1.4. Other actors in Kantei-led policy-making 144 4.1.5. Abenomics as an example of Kante-led policy-making 166 4.1.6. Summary 178 4.2. The foreign workforce in Japan 181 4.2.1. Age structure of the population 184 4.2.2. Labour shortages 186 4.2.3. Foreign workforce in Japan 195 4.2.4. Summary 220 4.3. The Content the 2018 Immigration Act Reform 222 4.3.1. Details regarding the Specified Skilled Worker (i) and Specified Skilled Worker (ii) visas (respectively SSWI and SSWII) 222 4.3.2. The SSW as an extension of the TITP 235 4.3.3. Comparison with Korean reforms 241 4.3.4. Summary 247 4.4. The policy-network behind the 2018 Immigration Act Reform 248 4.4.1. The policy-making process behind the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment 249 4.4.2. The policy-network behind the 2018 Immigration Law Amendment 287 4.4.3. Summary 295 4.5. Conclusions 296 Chapter 5. The Results of Law Implementation and the Accommodation Industry 298 5.1. Japan as a Tourism-Oriented Country 298 5.2. The characteristics of labour shortages in the accommodation industry 302 5.3. Foreign workers in the industry 303 5.4. Regional revitalisation and foreign staff 304 5.5. The accommodation industry as part of SSW program 305 5.6. Status of skilled workers’ employment in the accommodation industry 307 5.7. Questionnaires 311 5.8. Conclusions 318 Chapter 6. Conclusions 322 References 328 Appendix 1. Questionnaire Details (English translation) 370 Appendix 2. Questionnaire Details (Original Japanese version) 376zh_TW
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 官邸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政策制定zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 出入境管裡及難民認定法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Kanteien_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Policy-makingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 2018 Immigration Act Amendmenten_US
dc.title (題名) 官邸政策制定過程的動態:以 2018 年「出入境管裡及難民認定法修正案」與旅宿業為例.zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Dynamics of Policy-Making Process in Kantei: The Case of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment and the Accommodation Industry.en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesis-