題名 漢語親子對話中的共同建構敘事
Co-constructed narrative in mandarin mother-child conversation作者 陳郁蓉
Chen, Yu-Jung貢獻者 黃瓊之
Huang, Chiung-Chih
Chen, Yu-Jung關鍵詞 漢語
Language acquisition
Mother-child interaction日期 2022 上傳時間 1-三月-2022 16:31:36 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究探討漢語親子對話中的共同建構敘事、母親在敘事中所使用的鷹架策略 (scaffolding strategy),以及母親言語和兒童敘事表現之間的關係。研究語料為四組親子互動的自然語料,各取一個小時,兒童的年紀約為五歲。文中的分析涵蓋了六個層面: (1)共同建構敘事的特徵 (2)共同建構敘事的敘事元素 (narrative component) (3)母親和兒童在敘事元素上的使用分佈 (4)母親和五歲兒童在共同建敘事中的貢獻 (5)母親在敘事中所使用的鷹架策略 (6)母親的敘事表現和鷹架策略對兒童敘事表現的影響。首先,研究結果顯示對話中的共同敘事通常不超過50句話語,然後敘事的主題大多與個人經歷有關,並且不同長度的敘事都有重新介紹 (reintroduction) 這個特徵。第二,五歲兒童和媽媽所共同建構的長敘事都包含所有的敘事元素。第三,母親和兒童在敘事元素使用上的分佈是相似的。不論母親或者兒童都傾向在敘事中使用主要情節 (complicating action) 而較少使用背景介紹 (orientation)。第四,母親和五歲兒童在共同建敘事中的貢獻也是相似的。第五,母親在鷹架策略方面都傾向使用信息請求 (information request) 去幫助兒童敘事。最後,研究結果指出母親的敘事表現和他們的鷹架策略似乎都跟兒童的敘事表現有正相關。
The present study investigated co-constructed conversational narratives (CCNs) produced by Mandarin-speaking children and their mothers. In addition, maternal scaffolding strategies and the relationship between the mothers’ scaffolding and the children’s performance in the CCNs were also examined. The data included four hours of five-year-old Mandarin-speaking children’s conversations with their mothers. Based on an adaption of the high point approach (Chang, 2003; Haden et al., 1997; Peterson & McCabe, 1983), the mothers’ and children’s utterances in the CCNs were categorized into five narrative structure components: orientation, complicating action, evaluation, description, and relevant non-narrative utterance. Moreover, the maternal scaffolding strategies were analyzed based on the framework of Zevenbergen et al. (2016). Regarding the characteristics of the CCNs, first, the topics of most of the CCNs were about personal experiences and the lengths rarely exceeded 50 utterances. Second, the CCNs of different lengths were all reintroduced by either of the speakers. Furthermore, the longer the length of the CCN was, the more narrative structure components the CCN had. Consequently, most of the long CCNs contained all five narrative structure components. Concerning the distribution of the mothers’ and children’s utterances across different narrative structure components, they both produced complicating action utterances more often and orientation utterances less frequently. Regarding the mothers’ and the children’s contribution of narrative structure components in the CCNs, the mothers’ contribution was similar to the children’s contribution. As for the maternal scaffolding strategies, the mothers preferred using information requests to scaffold their child in the CCNs. Finally, there was a positive correlation between the maternal scaffolding strategies and the children’s narrative performance. This study revealed Mandarin-speaking children’s and mothers’ daily performance in interactive narratives in natural conversations. Given that this type of narrative is on the fringe of narrative research, the findings from this study extend the current understanding of narratives and provide a fuller picture of narrative acquisition.參考文獻 Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1995). A narrative perspective on the development of the tense/aspect system in second language acquisition. Studies in Second LanguageAcquisition, 263–291.Chang, C. (2003). Talking about the past: How do Chinese mothers elicit narratives from their young children across time? Narrative Inquiry, 13(1), 99–126.Chang, C. J. (2004). Telling stories of experiences: Narrative development of young Chinese children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 25, 83–104.Eisenberg, A. R. (1985). Learning to describe past experiences in conversation. Discourse Processes, 8(2), 177–204.Engel, S. (1986). The role of mother-child interaction in autobiographical recall. In A. Hudson (Chair), Learning to talk about the past. Symposium conducted at the Southeastern Conference on Human Development. March 1986, Nashville, TN.Fivush, R., & Fromhoff, F. A. (1988). Style and structure in mother‐child conversations about the past. Discourse Processes, 11(3), 337–355.Georgakopoulou, A. (2006). The other side of the story: Towards a narrative analysisof narratives-in-interaction. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 235–257.Haden, C. A., Haine, R. A., & Fivush, R. (1997). Developing narrative structure in parent-child reminiscing across the preschool years. Developmental Psychology, 33(2), 295.Haden, C. A., Ornstein, P. A., Rudek, D. J., & Cameron, D. (2009). Reminiscing in the early years: Patterns of maternal elaborativeness and children’s remembering. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33(2), 118–130.Hopper, P. J. (1979). Some observations on the typology of focus and aspect in narrative language. Studies in Language International Journal Sponsored by the Foundation “Foundations of Language”, 3(1), 37–64.Huang, C. C. (2003). Talking about past events in conversation: An analysis of Mandarin mother-child and adult-adult discourse. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 1(1), 121–154.Keenan, E. O., & Schieffelin, B. B. (1983). Topic as a discourse notion: A study of topic in the conversations of children and adults. In E. Ochs & B. B. Schieffelin (Eds.), Acquiring conversational competence (pp. 66–113). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.Kelly, K. R., & Bailey, A. L. (2013a). Dual development of conversational and narrative discourse: Mother and child interactions during narrative co-construction. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 59(4), 426–460.Kelly, K. R., & Bailey, A. L. (2013b). Becoming independent storytellers: Modelingchildren’s development of narrative macrostructure. First Language, 33(1), 68–88.Kozulin, A., Ageyev, V. S., Gindis, B., & Miller, S. M. (Eds.). (2003). Vygotsky’s educational theory in cultural context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Labov, W. (1972). The transformation of experience in narrative syntax. In W. Labov (Ed.), Language in the inner city: Studies in the Black English vernacular (pp. 354–396). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.Labov, W., & Waletzky, J. (1967). Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. In J. Helm (Ed.), Essays on the verbal and visual arts (pp. 12–44). Seattle: University of Washington Press.MacWhinney, B. (2000). The CHILDES Project: Tools for analyzing talk (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Mandelbaum, J. (2013). Storytelling in conversation. In J. Sidnell & T. Stivers (Eds.), The handbook of conversation analysis (pp. 492–508). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. (1984). What makes a good story? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 13, 457–480.McCabe, A., & Rollins, P. R. (1994). Assessment of preschool narrative skills. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 3(1), 45–56.Melzi, G., Schick, A., & Bostwick, E. (2013). Latino children’s narrative competencies over the preschool years. Actualidades en psicología, 27(115), 1–14.Minami, M. (2001). Maternal styles of narrative elicitation and the development of children’s narrative skill: A study on parental scaffolding. Narrative Inquiry, 11(1), 55–80.Nelson, K. (1989). Monologue as representation of real-life experience. In K. Nelson (Ed.), Narratives from the crib (pp. 27–72). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University PressNorrick, N. R. (2000). Conversational narrative: Storytelling in everyday talk (Vol. 203). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.Norrick, N. R. (2003). Remembering and forgetfulness in conversational narrative. Discourse Processes, 36(1), 47–76.Norrick, N. R. (2007). Conversational storytelling. In David Herman (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to narrative (pp. 127–142). New York: Cambridge University Press.Ochs, E., Smith, R., & Taylor, C. (1989). Detective stories at dinnertime: Problem-solving through co-narration. Cultural Dynamics, 2(2), 238–257.Oshiro, A., Pihl, A., Peterson, L., & Pramling, N. (2019). Scaffolding 5-year-old children in Japanese kindergarten collaboratively retelling a tale. International Journal of Early Years Education, 27(1), 82–94.Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. (1983). Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a child’s narrative. New York: Plenum.Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. (1992). Parental styles of narrative elicitation: Effect on children’s narrative structure and content. First Language, 12(36), 299–321.Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. (1994). A social interactionist account of developing decontextualized narrative skill. Developmental Psychology, 30(6), 937.Price, J. R., Roberts, J. E., & Jackson, S. C. (2006). Structural development of the fictional narratives of African American preschoolers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 37, 178–190.Quasthoff, U. M., & Nikolaus, K. (1982). What makes a good story? Towards the production of conversational narratives. Advances in Psychology, 8, 16–28.Reese, E., & Fivush, R. (1993). Parental styles of talking about the past. Developmental Psychology, 29(3), 596.Reese, E., Haden, C. A., & Fivush, R. (1993). Mother-child conversations about the past: Relationships of style and memory over time. Cognitive Development, 8(4), 403–430.Rochanavibhata, S., & Marian, V. (2020). Maternal scaffolding styles and children’s developing narrative skills: A cross-cultural comparison of autobiographical conversations in the US and Thailand. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26, 1–15.Saltzman, W. R., Pynoos, R. S., Lester, P., Layne, C. M., & Beardslee, W. R. (2013). Enhancing family resilience through family narrative co-construction. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 16(3), 294–310.Stone, P. S. (1992). “You know what?” Conversational narratives of preschool children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 7(3), 367–382.Tannock, R., Purvis, K. L., & Schachar, R. J. (1993). Narrative abilities in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal peers. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 21(1), 103–117.Umiker-Sebeok, D. J. (1979). Preschool children’s intraconversational narratives. Journal of Child Language, 6(1), 91–109.Vygotsky, L. (1987). Zone of proximal development. In Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (Vol. 5291, p. 157). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Waller, A. (2006). Communication access to conversational narrative. Topics in Language Disorders, 26(3), 221–239.Wang, Q., Leichtman, M. D., & Davies, K. I. (2000). Sharing memories and telling stories: American and Chinese mothers and their 3-year-olds. Memory, 8(3), 159–177.Zevenbergen, A. A., Holmes, A., Haman, E., Whiteford, N., & Thielges, S. (2016). Variability in mothers’ support for preschoolers’ contributions to co-constructed narratives as a function of child age. First Language, 36(6), 601–616.Zhang, F., McCabe, A., Ye, J., Wang, Y., & Li, X. (2019). A developmental study of the narrative components and patterns of Chinese children aged 3-6 years. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48(2), 477–500. 描述 碩士
107555001資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107555001 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃瓊之 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Huang, Chiung-Chih en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳郁蓉 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Chen, Yu-Jung en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳郁蓉 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yu-Jung en_US dc.date (日期) 2022 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-三月-2022 16:31:36 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-三月-2022 16:31:36 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-三月-2022 16:31:36 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0107555001 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/139131 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 107555001 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究探討漢語親子對話中的共同建構敘事、母親在敘事中所使用的鷹架策略 (scaffolding strategy),以及母親言語和兒童敘事表現之間的關係。研究語料為四組親子互動的自然語料,各取一個小時,兒童的年紀約為五歲。文中的分析涵蓋了六個層面: (1)共同建構敘事的特徵 (2)共同建構敘事的敘事元素 (narrative component) (3)母親和兒童在敘事元素上的使用分佈 (4)母親和五歲兒童在共同建敘事中的貢獻 (5)母親在敘事中所使用的鷹架策略 (6)母親的敘事表現和鷹架策略對兒童敘事表現的影響。首先,研究結果顯示對話中的共同敘事通常不超過50句話語,然後敘事的主題大多與個人經歷有關,並且不同長度的敘事都有重新介紹 (reintroduction) 這個特徵。第二,五歲兒童和媽媽所共同建構的長敘事都包含所有的敘事元素。第三,母親和兒童在敘事元素使用上的分佈是相似的。不論母親或者兒童都傾向在敘事中使用主要情節 (complicating action) 而較少使用背景介紹 (orientation)。第四,母親和五歲兒童在共同建敘事中的貢獻也是相似的。第五,母親在鷹架策略方面都傾向使用信息請求 (information request) 去幫助兒童敘事。最後,研究結果指出母親的敘事表現和他們的鷹架策略似乎都跟兒童的敘事表現有正相關。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The present study investigated co-constructed conversational narratives (CCNs) produced by Mandarin-speaking children and their mothers. In addition, maternal scaffolding strategies and the relationship between the mothers’ scaffolding and the children’s performance in the CCNs were also examined. The data included four hours of five-year-old Mandarin-speaking children’s conversations with their mothers. Based on an adaption of the high point approach (Chang, 2003; Haden et al., 1997; Peterson & McCabe, 1983), the mothers’ and children’s utterances in the CCNs were categorized into five narrative structure components: orientation, complicating action, evaluation, description, and relevant non-narrative utterance. Moreover, the maternal scaffolding strategies were analyzed based on the framework of Zevenbergen et al. (2016). Regarding the characteristics of the CCNs, first, the topics of most of the CCNs were about personal experiences and the lengths rarely exceeded 50 utterances. Second, the CCNs of different lengths were all reintroduced by either of the speakers. Furthermore, the longer the length of the CCN was, the more narrative structure components the CCN had. Consequently, most of the long CCNs contained all five narrative structure components. Concerning the distribution of the mothers’ and children’s utterances across different narrative structure components, they both produced complicating action utterances more often and orientation utterances less frequently. Regarding the mothers’ and the children’s contribution of narrative structure components in the CCNs, the mothers’ contribution was similar to the children’s contribution. As for the maternal scaffolding strategies, the mothers preferred using information requests to scaffold their child in the CCNs. Finally, there was a positive correlation between the maternal scaffolding strategies and the children’s narrative performance. This study revealed Mandarin-speaking children’s and mothers’ daily performance in interactive narratives in natural conversations. Given that this type of narrative is on the fringe of narrative research, the findings from this study extend the current understanding of narratives and provide a fuller picture of narrative acquisition. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgement ivChinese Abstract ixEnglish Abstract xChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Background 11.2 Purpose of the Study 51.3 Organization 6Chapter 2 Literature Review 82.1 Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 82.2 Children’s Narrative Performance 112.3 Narrative Structure Components 152.4 Maternal Scaffolding Strategies 182.5 Relationship between Maternal Scaffolding and Children’s Narrative Performance 23Chapter 3 Methodology 273.1 Subjects and Data Collection 273.2 Data Analysis 293.2.1 Identifying Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 293.2.2 Narrative Structure Coding 303.2.3 Maternal Scaffolding Coding 33Chapter 4 Results 384.1 Overall Performance in the Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 384.2 Mothers’ and Children’s Performance in the Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 494.3 Maternal Scaffolding Strategies in the Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 614.4 Relationship between Mothers’ Scaffolding and Children’s Narrative Performance 65Chapter 5 Discussion 755.1 Overall Performance in the Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 765.2 Children’s and Mothers’ Performance in the Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 795.3 Maternal Scaffolding Strategies in the Co-constructed Conversational Narratives 835.4 Relationship between Mothers’ Scaffolding and Children’s Narrative Performance 84Chapter 6 Conclusion 886.1 Summary 886.2 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 91Appendix 93References 94 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1352101 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107555001 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漢語 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敘事 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語言習得 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 親子互動 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mandarin en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Narrative en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Language acquisition en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mother-child interaction en_US dc.title (題名) 漢語親子對話中的共同建構敘事 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Co-constructed narrative in mandarin mother-child conversation en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1995). A narrative perspective on the development of the tense/aspect system in second language acquisition. Studies in Second LanguageAcquisition, 263–291.Chang, C. (2003). Talking about the past: How do Chinese mothers elicit narratives from their young children across time? Narrative Inquiry, 13(1), 99–126.Chang, C. J. (2004). Telling stories of experiences: Narrative development of young Chinese children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 25, 83–104.Eisenberg, A. R. (1985). Learning to describe past experiences in conversation. Discourse Processes, 8(2), 177–204.Engel, S. (1986). The role of mother-child interaction in autobiographical recall. In A. Hudson (Chair), Learning to talk about the past. Symposium conducted at the Southeastern Conference on Human Development. March 1986, Nashville, TN.Fivush, R., & Fromhoff, F. A. (1988). Style and structure in mother‐child conversations about the past. Discourse Processes, 11(3), 337–355.Georgakopoulou, A. (2006). The other side of the story: Towards a narrative analysisof narratives-in-interaction. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 235–257.Haden, C. A., Haine, R. A., & Fivush, R. (1997). Developing narrative structure in parent-child reminiscing across the preschool years. Developmental Psychology, 33(2), 295.Haden, C. A., Ornstein, P. A., Rudek, D. J., & Cameron, D. (2009). Reminiscing in the early years: Patterns of maternal elaborativeness and children’s remembering. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33(2), 118–130.Hopper, P. J. (1979). Some observations on the typology of focus and aspect in narrative language. Studies in Language International Journal Sponsored by the Foundation “Foundations of Language”, 3(1), 37–64.Huang, C. C. (2003). Talking about past events in conversation: An analysis of Mandarin mother-child and adult-adult discourse. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 1(1), 121–154.Keenan, E. O., & Schieffelin, B. B. (1983). Topic as a discourse notion: A study of topic in the conversations of children and adults. In E. Ochs & B. B. Schieffelin (Eds.), Acquiring conversational competence (pp. 66–113). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.Kelly, K. R., & Bailey, A. L. (2013a). Dual development of conversational and narrative discourse: Mother and child interactions during narrative co-construction. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 59(4), 426–460.Kelly, K. R., & Bailey, A. L. (2013b). Becoming independent storytellers: Modelingchildren’s development of narrative macrostructure. First Language, 33(1), 68–88.Kozulin, A., Ageyev, V. S., Gindis, B., & Miller, S. M. (Eds.). (2003). Vygotsky’s educational theory in cultural context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Labov, W. (1972). The transformation of experience in narrative syntax. In W. Labov (Ed.), Language in the inner city: Studies in the Black English vernacular (pp. 354–396). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.Labov, W., & Waletzky, J. (1967). Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. In J. Helm (Ed.), Essays on the verbal and visual arts (pp. 12–44). Seattle: University of Washington Press.MacWhinney, B. (2000). The CHILDES Project: Tools for analyzing talk (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Mandelbaum, J. (2013). Storytelling in conversation. In J. Sidnell & T. Stivers (Eds.), The handbook of conversation analysis (pp. 492–508). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. (1984). What makes a good story? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 13, 457–480.McCabe, A., & Rollins, P. R. (1994). Assessment of preschool narrative skills. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 3(1), 45–56.Melzi, G., Schick, A., & Bostwick, E. (2013). Latino children’s narrative competencies over the preschool years. Actualidades en psicología, 27(115), 1–14.Minami, M. (2001). Maternal styles of narrative elicitation and the development of children’s narrative skill: A study on parental scaffolding. Narrative Inquiry, 11(1), 55–80.Nelson, K. (1989). Monologue as representation of real-life experience. In K. Nelson (Ed.), Narratives from the crib (pp. 27–72). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University PressNorrick, N. R. (2000). Conversational narrative: Storytelling in everyday talk (Vol. 203). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.Norrick, N. R. (2003). Remembering and forgetfulness in conversational narrative. Discourse Processes, 36(1), 47–76.Norrick, N. R. (2007). Conversational storytelling. In David Herman (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to narrative (pp. 127–142). New York: Cambridge University Press.Ochs, E., Smith, R., & Taylor, C. (1989). Detective stories at dinnertime: Problem-solving through co-narration. Cultural Dynamics, 2(2), 238–257.Oshiro, A., Pihl, A., Peterson, L., & Pramling, N. (2019). Scaffolding 5-year-old children in Japanese kindergarten collaboratively retelling a tale. International Journal of Early Years Education, 27(1), 82–94.Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. (1983). Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a child’s narrative. New York: Plenum.Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. (1992). Parental styles of narrative elicitation: Effect on children’s narrative structure and content. First Language, 12(36), 299–321.Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. (1994). A social interactionist account of developing decontextualized narrative skill. Developmental Psychology, 30(6), 937.Price, J. R., Roberts, J. E., & Jackson, S. C. (2006). Structural development of the fictional narratives of African American preschoolers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 37, 178–190.Quasthoff, U. M., & Nikolaus, K. (1982). What makes a good story? Towards the production of conversational narratives. Advances in Psychology, 8, 16–28.Reese, E., & Fivush, R. (1993). Parental styles of talking about the past. Developmental Psychology, 29(3), 596.Reese, E., Haden, C. A., & Fivush, R. (1993). Mother-child conversations about the past: Relationships of style and memory over time. Cognitive Development, 8(4), 403–430.Rochanavibhata, S., & Marian, V. (2020). Maternal scaffolding styles and children’s developing narrative skills: A cross-cultural comparison of autobiographical conversations in the US and Thailand. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26, 1–15.Saltzman, W. R., Pynoos, R. S., Lester, P., Layne, C. M., & Beardslee, W. R. (2013). Enhancing family resilience through family narrative co-construction. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 16(3), 294–310.Stone, P. S. (1992). “You know what?” Conversational narratives of preschool children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 7(3), 367–382.Tannock, R., Purvis, K. L., & Schachar, R. J. (1993). Narrative abilities in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal peers. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 21(1), 103–117.Umiker-Sebeok, D. J. (1979). Preschool children’s intraconversational narratives. Journal of Child Language, 6(1), 91–109.Vygotsky, L. (1987). Zone of proximal development. In Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (Vol. 5291, p. 157). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Waller, A. (2006). Communication access to conversational narrative. Topics in Language Disorders, 26(3), 221–239.Wang, Q., Leichtman, M. D., & Davies, K. I. (2000). Sharing memories and telling stories: American and Chinese mothers and their 3-year-olds. Memory, 8(3), 159–177.Zevenbergen, A. A., Holmes, A., Haman, E., Whiteford, N., & Thielges, S. (2016). Variability in mothers’ support for preschoolers’ contributions to co-constructed narratives as a function of child age. First Language, 36(6), 601–616.Zhang, F., McCabe, A., Ye, J., Wang, Y., & Li, X. (2019). A developmental study of the narrative components and patterns of Chinese children aged 3-6 years. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48(2), 477–500. zh_TW dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202200235 en_US