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題名 從公民審議到民主倫理性 ——論哈伯馬斯的溝通理論是否需要黑格爾式的奠基
From Civic Deliberation to Democratic Ethics - On Whether Habermas` Theory of Communication Needs a Hegelian Foundation
作者 林遠澤
Lin, Yuan-ze
貢獻者 哲學系
關鍵詞 道德性與倫理性;批判理論;法蘭克福學派;哈伯馬斯;霍耐特
Morality and Ethical Life;Critical Theory;Frankfurt School;Habermas;Honneth
日期 2021-06
上傳時間 28-Mar-2022 14:41:33 (UTC+8)
摘要 在德國法蘭克福大學為哈伯馬斯九十壽慶所舉辦的盛大演溝中,哈伯馬斯以「再一次:論道德性與倫理性的關係」這個講題,來回顧他一生的學思發展、並確立他的晚年定論。他宣稱他的溝通理論所代表的康德道德普遍主義,才是解決當前時代問題所需要的哲學理論。據此,本文將從哈伯馬斯三度經歷「從康德走向黑格爾並再度回到康德」的學思發展過程,分析他在這篇演講中所隱涵提出的三項晚年定論。並透過與霍耐特承認理論的對照來說明,哈伯馬斯的溝通理論仍存在道德的抽象性問題,他的理論因而恐仍難免於黑格爾透過倫理性學說對於康德的道德性所展開的批判。透過論證哈伯馬斯的溝通理論為何仍需一種黑格爾倫理性的奠基,本文將試圖指出,當代民主理論的完整圖像,實應從公民審議進一步發展到民主倫理性的形塑。
In a gala lecture organised by Frankfurt University for Habermas`s 90th birthday celebration, Habermas reviewed the development of his academic thought throughout his life under the title "Once again: on the relationship between morality and ethical life". He claimed that the Kantian moral universalism represented by his theory of communication is the type of philosophical theory needed to solve the problems of our time. This paper will analyse the three late theses of Habermas in this speech through the three stages of his intellectual development, "From Kant to Hegel and back again". By contrast with Honneth, it is shown that Habermas`s theory of communication still inevitably falls into the formality of Kantian morality, and that his interpretation of Hegel`s doctrine of ethical life is very inadequate. In this way, it is clear that Habermas`s theory of communication is still in need of a Hegelian ethical foundation, and that the complete picture of contemporary democratic theory should be further developed from civic deliberation to the shaping of democratic ethics.
關聯 《哲學與文化》, Vol.48, No.6, pp.5-28
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 哲學系
dc.creator (作者) 林遠澤
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Yuan-ze (日期) 2021-06 28-Mar-2022 14:41:33 (UTC+8)- 28-Mar-2022 14:41:33 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 28-Mar-2022 14:41:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在德國法蘭克福大學為哈伯馬斯九十壽慶所舉辦的盛大演溝中,哈伯馬斯以「再一次:論道德性與倫理性的關係」這個講題,來回顧他一生的學思發展、並確立他的晚年定論。他宣稱他的溝通理論所代表的康德道德普遍主義,才是解決當前時代問題所需要的哲學理論。據此,本文將從哈伯馬斯三度經歷「從康德走向黑格爾並再度回到康德」的學思發展過程,分析他在這篇演講中所隱涵提出的三項晚年定論。並透過與霍耐特承認理論的對照來說明,哈伯馬斯的溝通理論仍存在道德的抽象性問題,他的理論因而恐仍難免於黑格爾透過倫理性學說對於康德的道德性所展開的批判。透過論證哈伯馬斯的溝通理論為何仍需一種黑格爾倫理性的奠基,本文將試圖指出,當代民主理論的完整圖像,實應從公民審議進一步發展到民主倫理性的形塑。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In a gala lecture organised by Frankfurt University for Habermas`s 90th birthday celebration, Habermas reviewed the development of his academic thought throughout his life under the title "Once again: on the relationship between morality and ethical life". He claimed that the Kantian moral universalism represented by his theory of communication is the type of philosophical theory needed to solve the problems of our time. This paper will analyse the three late theses of Habermas in this speech through the three stages of his intellectual development, "From Kant to Hegel and back again". By contrast with Honneth, it is shown that Habermas`s theory of communication still inevitably falls into the formality of Kantian morality, and that his interpretation of Hegel`s doctrine of ethical life is very inadequate. In this way, it is clear that Habermas`s theory of communication is still in need of a Hegelian ethical foundation, and that the complete picture of contemporary democratic theory should be further developed from civic deliberation to the shaping of democratic ethics.
dc.format.extent 972770 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 《哲學與文化》, Vol.48, No.6, pp.5-28
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道德性與倫理性;批判理論;法蘭克福學派;哈伯馬斯;霍耐特
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Morality and Ethical Life;Critical Theory;Frankfurt School;Habermas;Honneth
dc.title (題名) 從公民審議到民主倫理性 ——論哈伯馬斯的溝通理論是否需要黑格爾式的奠基
dc.title (題名) From Civic Deliberation to Democratic Ethics - On Whether Habermas` Theory of Communication Needs a Hegelian Foundation
dc.type (資料類型) article