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題名 歐盟母性保護制度之經驗分析
Experiences of Maternity Protection in the EU
作者 陳靜慧
Chen, Ching-hui
貢獻者 法學院
關鍵詞 母性保護; 性別實質平等; 懷孕歧視; 產假; 育嬰假; 性別刻板印象; 多元性別
Maternity protection; Substantive gender equality; Pregnancy discrimination; Maternity leave; Parental leave; Gender stereotypes; Gender pluralism
日期 2019-06
上傳時間 4-Jul-2022 13:01:11 (UTC+8)
摘要 母性保護(Maternity Protection)制度提供準母親和為母親者特別保護,惟母性保護制度是否有助於提升女性的地位而促進性別實質平等,或者其本身就構成性別歧視,存有爭議。就此歐盟採取的態度是承認女性生育能力造成其在職場上受不利益的事實,故有必要適度採取母性保護措施。本文以產假及育嬰假為中心,探討歐盟母性保護措施是否能有效防制懷孕與生育歧視,進而促進性別實質平等。首先介紹歐盟與產假及育嬰假有關之規範框架,接著分析歐盟法院與此議題相關之判決,再以此為基礎綜合評析歐盟法制的優缺,並思考歐盟經驗對我國之啟示。
Maternity protection at the workplace is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it needs to protect pregnant women and women workers who recently gave birth from discrimination; On the other hand, it might reinforce gender stereotypes and turn them into less attractive within the labour market. This paper aims to analyze how EU supports substantive gender equality through maternity protection measures, especially with regard to maternity and parental leave. This paper will first introduce the EU framework, then explore the significant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) related to pregnancy and rights associated with maternity and parental leave, and finally examine the law on pregnancy discrimination, maternity and parental leave in Taiwan to evaluate whether the EU experience in this field can provide any lessons for Taiwan.
關聯 華岡法粹, No.66, pp.93-142
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 法學院
dc.creator (作者) 陳靜慧
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Ching-hui (日期) 2019-06 4-Jul-2022 13:01:11 (UTC+8)- 4-Jul-2022 13:01:11 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Jul-2022 13:01:11 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 母性保護(Maternity Protection)制度提供準母親和為母親者特別保護,惟母性保護制度是否有助於提升女性的地位而促進性別實質平等,或者其本身就構成性別歧視,存有爭議。就此歐盟採取的態度是承認女性生育能力造成其在職場上受不利益的事實,故有必要適度採取母性保護措施。本文以產假及育嬰假為中心,探討歐盟母性保護措施是否能有效防制懷孕與生育歧視,進而促進性別實質平等。首先介紹歐盟與產假及育嬰假有關之規範框架,接著分析歐盟法院與此議題相關之判決,再以此為基礎綜合評析歐盟法制的優缺,並思考歐盟經驗對我國之啟示。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Maternity protection at the workplace is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it needs to protect pregnant women and women workers who recently gave birth from discrimination; On the other hand, it might reinforce gender stereotypes and turn them into less attractive within the labour market. This paper aims to analyze how EU supports substantive gender equality through maternity protection measures, especially with regard to maternity and parental leave. This paper will first introduce the EU framework, then explore the significant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) related to pregnancy and rights associated with maternity and parental leave, and finally examine the law on pregnancy discrimination, maternity and parental leave in Taiwan to evaluate whether the EU experience in this field can provide any lessons for Taiwan.
dc.format.extent 291 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 華岡法粹, No.66, pp.93-142
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 母性保護; 性別實質平等; 懷孕歧視; 產假; 育嬰假; 性別刻板印象; 多元性別
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Maternity protection; Substantive gender equality; Pregnancy discrimination; Maternity leave; Parental leave; Gender stereotypes; Gender pluralism
dc.title (題名) 歐盟母性保護制度之經驗分析
dc.title (題名) Experiences of Maternity Protection in the EU
dc.type (資料類型) article