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題名 購屋搜尋行為之研究
其他題名 Home Buyers Search Behavior in Taiwan
作者 張金鶚
關鍵詞 購屋搜尋;購屋目的;搜尋誘因;搜尋管道
Purchase purpose;Search behavior;Search attractions;Information channels
日期 2002
上傳時間 18-四月-2007 18:23:59 (UTC+8)
出版社 臺北市:國立政治大學地政學系
摘要 房屋本身具有異質性、昂貴性、耐久性、低重複購買頻率、消費與投資雙重性等特質,這些特質使得一般行銷研究之結果,無法完全適用於解釋購屋搜尋行為。本文提出三個假說並加以檢驗,利用問卷調查方式,針對台中市 1998-2002 年已購屋之主要家計負責人進行調查。實證結果顯示購屋者搜尋期間最長為六個月,且三個假說均獲得證實。自住型購屋者因房屋良窳對所有家戶成員均切身相關,因此搜尋期間較個人投資型購屋者長;而房屋異於一般財貨的特性,使得購屋者在搜尋時,重視產品差異甚於價格差異,且時間壓力與過去購買經驗對搜尋期間影響不顯著;另外,尋求仲介協助之購屋者,因為可供考慮物件增多,且服務費用多寡與取得物件數量無關,因此,其搜尋期間較自行搜尋者增加。本文在實務上的意涵為,業者應多提供購屋者關於產品之外部資訊,特別是與家戶切身相關之房屋資訊,並極力避免價格戰,而仲介業者也應重新檢討目前的服務方式,以期達成協助購屋者迅速成交之企業訴求。
Housing is a durable good with heterogeneity, expensive and low buying frequency. Those characters made the housing search behavior may not be generalized from the general marketing research results. Our search tested the three hypotheses by questionnaire which investigated the person in charge family livelihood who bought house on 1998 to 2002 in Tai-chung. The results show that the longest search duration is six months. And our three hypotheses are confirmed. First, because the house is bad or good which is important to all family members, the search duration of the people who buying house for living is longer than those who for investing. Second, the product differences of the house lead buyer search more than the price difference; in the mean while the influences of time pressure and purchase experience on search duration are not significant. Lastly, because brokers have more house selling information to choice, and there is no relation between the commission and case search, the person who use broker for home search has longer searcher duration than those who search by himself. The meaning of our search in practice is the house seller should provide more product information to house buyer, and giving every effort to avoid price war; and the brokers should provide better services to shorter the transaction time.
描述 核定金額:732500元
資料類型 report
dc.coverage.temporal 計畫年度:91 起迄日期:20020801~20030731en_US
dc.creator (作者) 張金鶚zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2002en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-四月-2007 18:23:59 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.date.accessioned 8-九月-2008 16:51:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-四月-2007 18:23:59 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.date.available 8-九月-2008 16:51:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-四月-2007 18:23:59 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) 912415H004018SSS.pdfen_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://tair.lib.ntu.edu.tw:8000/123456789/4838en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/4838-
dc.description (描述) 核定金額:732500元en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 房屋本身具有異質性、昂貴性、耐久性、低重複購買頻率、消費與投資雙重性等特質,這些特質使得一般行銷研究之結果,無法完全適用於解釋購屋搜尋行為。本文提出三個假說並加以檢驗,利用問卷調查方式,針對台中市 1998-2002 年已購屋之主要家計負責人進行調查。實證結果顯示購屋者搜尋期間最長為六個月,且三個假說均獲得證實。自住型購屋者因房屋良窳對所有家戶成員均切身相關,因此搜尋期間較個人投資型購屋者長;而房屋異於一般財貨的特性,使得購屋者在搜尋時,重視產品差異甚於價格差異,且時間壓力與過去購買經驗對搜尋期間影響不顯著;另外,尋求仲介協助之購屋者,因為可供考慮物件增多,且服務費用多寡與取得物件數量無關,因此,其搜尋期間較自行搜尋者增加。本文在實務上的意涵為,業者應多提供購屋者關於產品之外部資訊,特別是與家戶切身相關之房屋資訊,並極力避免價格戰,而仲介業者也應重新檢討目前的服務方式,以期達成協助購屋者迅速成交之企業訴求。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Housing is a durable good with heterogeneity, expensive and low buying frequency. Those characters made the housing search behavior may not be generalized from the general marketing research results. Our search tested the three hypotheses by questionnaire which investigated the person in charge family livelihood who bought house on 1998 to 2002 in Tai-chung. The results show that the longest search duration is six months. And our three hypotheses are confirmed. First, because the house is bad or good which is important to all family members, the search duration of the people who buying house for living is longer than those who for investing. Second, the product differences of the house lead buyer search more than the price difference; in the mean while the influences of time pressure and purchase experience on search duration are not significant. Lastly, because brokers have more house selling information to choice, and there is no relation between the commission and case search, the person who use broker for home search has longer searcher duration than those who search by himself. The meaning of our search in practice is the house seller should provide more product information to house buyer, and giving every effort to avoid price war; and the brokers should provide better services to shorter the transaction time.-
dc.format applicaiton/pdfen_US
dc.format.extent bytesen_US
dc.format.extent 37171 bytesen_US
dc.format.extent 37171 bytes-
dc.format.extent 15611 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdfen_US
dc.format.mimetype application/pdfen_US
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.format.mimetype text/plain-
dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language.iso zh-TWen_US
dc.publisher (出版社) 臺北市:國立政治大學地政學系en_US
dc.rights (權利) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 購屋搜尋;購屋目的;搜尋誘因;搜尋管道-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Purchase purpose;Search behavior;Search attractions;Information channels-
dc.title (題名) 購屋搜尋行為之研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Home Buyers Search Behavior in Taiwan-
dc.type (資料類型) reporten