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題名 旅遊業的循環經濟, 以瓜地馬拉永續旅館為例
Sustainable hotel in Guatemala, a business plan for circular economy in the tourism industry
作者 倪妍嘉
Palma, Andrea Michelle Nitsch
貢獻者 劉秀明
Liu, Sandra
Andrea Michelle Nitsch Palma
關鍵詞 循環經濟
Circular Economy
Social Responsibility
Sustainable Hotel
Tourism Industry
日期 2022
上傳時間 1-Aug-2022 17:41:39 (UTC+8)
摘要 This thesis contains a detailed business plan for a sustainable boutique hotel experience in the outskirts of Lake Atitlan, in the small town of San Antonio Palopo, Guatemala; the business plan has the objective to provide a detailed description of the business, the services to be offered, the target market, the expected demand, the competition, the business model and financial structure. “Nïm Hotel” aims to be a profitable business that provides opportunities and education to the local community and also establish sustainable practices that do not affect the ecological footprint in the area, through a circular economy in the tourism industry.
     The ownership structure for Nïm Hotel will be a family-owned business. The family has owned the property for many years and has the perfect location and space to be renovated into a boutique hotel of six rooms. The services that Nïm Hotel will provide its guests will be the room accommodation, a restaurant named “Äj Restaurant” which will have a seasonal menu with local organic produce, additionally the hotel will offer adventure and cultural tours where guests can experience the traditions sharing with local families through different workshops and an online platform where locals can sell their own crafts through a more international channel with fair trade. Nïm Hotel plans to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering its guests a cultural experience, and social-environmental conscious business practices.
參考文獻 APEHGUA. (2022). Association of Small Hotels in Guatemala. Retrieved from Association of Small Hotels in Guatemala:
     GGBC. (2022). Sustainable Construction. Retrieved from Guatemala Green Building Council:
     IGER. (2022). IGER. Retrieved from
     INE. (2019). Long-Term Population Estimates and Projections. Guatemala: National Institute of Stadistics.
     INE. (2020). XII National Population Census and VII of Housing. Guatemala: National Institute of Statistics.
     INE. (2020). XII National Population Census and VII of Housing. Guatemala: National Institute of Statistics.
     INGUAT. (2017). Inbound Tourist Profile . Guatemala: Guatemalan Tourism Institute.
     INGUAT. (2020). Quality Badges and Tourism Sustainability. Retrieved from Q Seal:
     INGUAT. (2022). Hotel Occupancy Bulletin 2021. Guatemala : Department of Market Research and Analysis INGUAT.
     INGUAT. (2022). Tourism Statistical Bulletin Historical Series from 2012 to 2021. Guatemala: Guatemalan Institute of Tourism .
     INGUAT. (2022). Boletin Ocupacion Hotelera 2021. Guatemala.
     Kirchherr, J., Reike, D., & Hekkert, M. (2017). Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions. Retrieved from
     Lara, A. (2010). Architectural proposal for the Craft Training and Exhibition Center of San Antonio Palopó. Guatemala: Faculty of Architecture, USAC.
     MINEDUC. (2021). Anuario Estadistisco de la Educacion. Sistema de Registro Educativo.
     MINEDUC. (2021). Statistical Yearbook of Educaction, Municipality of San Antonio Palopo, Department of Solola. . Guateamala : Ministry of Education.
     MINTRAB. (2022). Benefit Calculation. Retrieved from Ministry of Labor and Social Provision:
     PNC. (2021). Bulletin of Criminal Acts Registered by the National Civil Police. Guatemala: National Civil Police.
     ROTOPLAS. (2021). Rainwater Harvesting System. Retrieved from
     SEMCA. (2022). Monthly Inflation in the Region. Central American Monetary Council.
     SESAN. (2017). Diagonosis of Food and Nutrition Security, Municipality of San Antonio Palopo. Department of Solola. Guatemala : Secretary of Food and Nutrition Security.
     Velásquez, G. (2011). San Antonio Palopo Technical Insitute, Solola. Guatemala: Faculty of Architecture, University of San Carlos of Guatemala.
     Worldbank. (2022, May 05). The World Bank in Guatemala. Retrieved from
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉秀明zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Sandraen_US (Authors) 倪妍嘉zh_TW (Authors) Andrea Michelle Nitsch Palmaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 倪妍嘉zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Palma, Andrea Michelle Nitschen_US (日期) 2022en_US 1-Aug-2022 17:41:39 (UTC+8)- 1-Aug-2022 17:41:39 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Aug-2022 17:41:39 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109933043en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109933043zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis contains a detailed business plan for a sustainable boutique hotel experience in the outskirts of Lake Atitlan, in the small town of San Antonio Palopo, Guatemala; the business plan has the objective to provide a detailed description of the business, the services to be offered, the target market, the expected demand, the competition, the business model and financial structure. “Nïm Hotel” aims to be a profitable business that provides opportunities and education to the local community and also establish sustainable practices that do not affect the ecological footprint in the area, through a circular economy in the tourism industry.
     The ownership structure for Nïm Hotel will be a family-owned business. The family has owned the property for many years and has the perfect location and space to be renovated into a boutique hotel of six rooms. The services that Nïm Hotel will provide its guests will be the room accommodation, a restaurant named “Äj Restaurant” which will have a seasonal menu with local organic produce, additionally the hotel will offer adventure and cultural tours where guests can experience the traditions sharing with local families through different workshops and an online platform where locals can sell their own crafts through a more international channel with fair trade. Nïm Hotel plans to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering its guests a cultural experience, and social-environmental conscious business practices.
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Company Description 1
     1.1 Name and Logo 2
     1.2 Mission 3
     1.3 Vision 3
     1.4 Company Values 3
     1.5 Service Overview 6
     1.5.1 The Hotel 6
     1.5.2 Restaurant 6
     1.5.3 Tours 7
     1.6 Social Impact 8
     1.6.1 Circular Economy 9
     1.6.2 Education Programs 9
     1.6.3 Career Development 12
     1.6.4 Online Platform 12
     2. Business Model Analysis 14
     2.1 Customer Segments 15
     2.1.1 Customer’s Empathy Map 15
     2.1.2 Hotel Guests 17
     2.1.3 Local Community 18
     2.2 Value Proposition 18
     2.2.1 Circular Economy in the Tourism Industry 19
     2.3 Channels 20
     2.4 Customer Relationships 21
     2.5 Revenue Streams 22
     2.6 Key Activities 22
     2.7 Key Resources 23
     2.8 Key Partners 24
     2.9 Cost Structure 24
     3. Market Analysis 26
     3.1 Guatemala’s Population Landscape 26
     3.1.1 Guatemala’s Poverty and Racial Discrimination 27
     3.2 Sololá’s Population and Labor Landscape 28
     3.3 San Antonio Palopo Landscape 30
     3.3.1 San Antonio Palopo Local Population 31
     3.3.2 San Antonio Palopo Economic Landscape 31
     3.3.3 San Antonio Palopo Tourism Offer 33
     3.3.4 San Antonio Palopo weaving, ceramic and textiles 33
     3.4 Guatemala’s Tourism and Hotel Industry 35
     3.4.1 Small Hotels in Guatemala 36
     3.4.2 Hotel Occupation and Offer in Sololá 36
     3.4.3 Hotel Occupation and Offer in San Antonio Palopo 37
     4. Hotel Site Analysis 38
     4.1 Hotel Location 38
     4.2 Hotel Accessibility 38
     4.3 Location Safety Environment 39
     4.4 Project Building 40
     4.4.1 Hotel Size and Structure 40
     4.4.2 Hotel Design 44
     4.4.3 Green Materials 45
     4.5 Hotel Sustainability 46
     4.6 Environmental Analysis 46
     4.6.1 Solar Energy 48
     4.6.2 Rainwater Harvesting System 49
     4.7 Legal Aspects 50
     5. Marketing and Sales Plan 52
     5.1 Competitor Analysis 53
     5.1.1 Direct Competitors 54
     5.1.2 Indirect Competitors 60
     5.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model 61
     5.3 SWOT Analysis 63
     5.4 PESTEL Analysis 64
     5.5 Market Segmentation and Targeting 65
     5.6 Brand Position 66
     5.6.1 Perceptual Brand Mapping 66
     5.7 Marketing Mix 68
     5.7.1 Product 69
     5.7.2 Product Concept 70
     5.7.3 Price 71
     5.7.4 Booking Platforms 72
     5.7.5 Place 74
     5.7.6 Promotion 74
     5.8 Competitive Advantage 75
     5.9 Customer Service Strategy 76
     5.9.1 Sponsorship Program for Education 77
     5.9.2 The Nïm Loyalty Program 78
     6. Organizational Plan 80
     6.1 Organizational Structure and Functions 80
     6.2 Hotel Working Hours 84
     6.3 Employee Working Hours and Conditions 84
     6.3.1 Dress Code Regulations 86
     6.3.2 Career Development 86
     6.3.3 Business Opportunities for Employees 87
     7. Management and Operational Plan 88
     7.1 Hotel Services 88
     7.1.1 Hotel 88
     7.1.2 Äj Restaurant & Bar 88
     7.1.3 Laundry Service 89
     7.1.4 Tours 90
     7.1.5 Online Platform 91
     7.1.6 Spa Service 91
     7.1.7 Shuttle Service 92
     7.2 Equipment, Raw Materials and Beverages 92
     7.2.1 Circular Economy with Suppliers 92
     7.2.2 Sustainable Supplies 93
     7.3 Front Desk 93
     7.4 Housekeeping 93
     7.4.1 Housekeeping Sustainable Practices 94
     7.5 Security 94
     8. Financial Plan 96
     8.1 Initial Funding 96
     8.2 Sales Forecast 98
     8.3 Wages and Salaries 99
     8.4 Cost Structure 100
     8.5 Income Statement 103
     9. References 105
     10. Appendix 107
     10.1 Inbound Tourists Profile from 2014-2021 107
     10.2 Appendix. Hotels’ Occupation Rate by Department in Guatemala at the end of 2021 108
     10.3 Äj Restaurant Seasonal Menu Sample 109
     10.4 Bank Loan Payment 110
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 循環經濟zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 瓜地馬拉zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會責任zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 永續旅館zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 旅遊業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Circular Economyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Guatemalaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Responsibilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sustainable Hotelen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Tourism Industryen_US
dc.title (題名) 旅遊業的循環經濟, 以瓜地馬拉永續旅館為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Sustainable hotel in Guatemala, a business plan for circular economy in the tourism industryen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) APEHGUA. (2022). Association of Small Hotels in Guatemala. Retrieved from Association of Small Hotels in Guatemala:
     GGBC. (2022). Sustainable Construction. Retrieved from Guatemala Green Building Council:
     IGER. (2022). IGER. Retrieved from
     INE. (2019). Long-Term Population Estimates and Projections. Guatemala: National Institute of Stadistics.
     INE. (2020). XII National Population Census and VII of Housing. Guatemala: National Institute of Statistics.
     INE. (2020). XII National Population Census and VII of Housing. Guatemala: National Institute of Statistics.
     INGUAT. (2017). Inbound Tourist Profile . Guatemala: Guatemalan Tourism Institute.
     INGUAT. (2020). Quality Badges and Tourism Sustainability. Retrieved from Q Seal:
     INGUAT. (2022). Hotel Occupancy Bulletin 2021. Guatemala : Department of Market Research and Analysis INGUAT.
     INGUAT. (2022). Tourism Statistical Bulletin Historical Series from 2012 to 2021. Guatemala: Guatemalan Institute of Tourism .
     INGUAT. (2022). Boletin Ocupacion Hotelera 2021. Guatemala.
     Kirchherr, J., Reike, D., & Hekkert, M. (2017). Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions. Retrieved from
     Lara, A. (2010). Architectural proposal for the Craft Training and Exhibition Center of San Antonio Palopó. Guatemala: Faculty of Architecture, USAC.
     MINEDUC. (2021). Anuario Estadistisco de la Educacion. Sistema de Registro Educativo.
     MINEDUC. (2021). Statistical Yearbook of Educaction, Municipality of San Antonio Palopo, Department of Solola. . Guateamala : Ministry of Education.
     MINTRAB. (2022). Benefit Calculation. Retrieved from Ministry of Labor and Social Provision:
     PNC. (2021). Bulletin of Criminal Acts Registered by the National Civil Police. Guatemala: National Civil Police.
     ROTOPLAS. (2021). Rainwater Harvesting System. Retrieved from
     SEMCA. (2022). Monthly Inflation in the Region. Central American Monetary Council.
     SESAN. (2017). Diagonosis of Food and Nutrition Security, Municipality of San Antonio Palopo. Department of Solola. Guatemala : Secretary of Food and Nutrition Security.
     Velásquez, G. (2011). San Antonio Palopo Technical Insitute, Solola. Guatemala: Faculty of Architecture, University of San Carlos of Guatemala.
     Worldbank. (2022, May 05). The World Bank in Guatemala. Retrieved from
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202200846en_US