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題名 幼兒計數能力之研究 —以台灣某幼兒園動畫融入數學為例
A Study on Children`s Counting Ability:Applying Animation in Taiwanese Kindergartens
作者 王心潔
Wang, Xin-Jie
貢獻者 張盈堃
Chang, Ying-Kun
Wang, Xin-Jie
關鍵詞 五項計數原則
Five Counting Principles
Children`s Counting Ability
Chinese Culture
日期 2022
上傳時間 1-Aug-2022 18:42:37 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨探討兒童計數能力,以及動畫融入數學時其計數能力狀況。研究以8位幼兒為研究對象,採用觀察法。研究使用2019年Gray提出的五項計數原則,並發展成十個問題,在2022年2月底和3月底分别對幼兒進行了兩次計數能力觀察。在兩次計數能力觀察期間,研究者會播放四次動畫並記錄幼兒的觀影狀況。研究結果顯示:
1. 幼兒計數原則中固定順序原則發展在先,一對一原則其次,基數原則與抽象原則的發展順序並不能確定,最後發展順序無關原則。
2. 幼兒作為主動觀看影片的閱聽人,會對動畫內容進行解釋和解讀。同時,同儕之間存在相互模仿與競爭。幼兒觀看動畫後計數能力的變化可分為三類,即主動學習者、細微變化者和能力較強者。
3. 使用西方理論時需要考慮本土文化適應性問題。華人社會中幼兒計數能力發展會受到文化的構建,華語幼兒數數有本身的語言優勢,並受到華人文化中尊重、羞恥感以及集體意識的影響。
This study aims to investigate children`s counting ability and how that skill changes when they watch mathematically themed animations. The study adopted the observational method to gather data on eight children. Referring to Gray`s ten questions based on five principles of counting in 2019, the study conducted two counting observations at the end of February and March of 2022. During the two counting observations, the researcher played the animations four times and recorded all the data by video. The findings of this research can be concluded as follows:
1. Children demonstrate the stable-order principle and the one-to-one correspondence principle prior to other principles. The development sequence of the cardinal and abstract principles is unclear. The order-irrelevant principle is the last development.
2. As an active audience, children can interpret the contents of the animation. Meanwhile, there are mutual imitations and competitions among peers. The development of children counting ability can be divided into three categories, active learners, subtle changes, and strong knowledge.
3. Cultural adaptation should be considered when using western theories. The development of children`s counting ability in Chinese society is influenced by culture. Chinese children`s counting ability has linguistic advantages, and respect, sense of shame, and collective consciousness can affect it.
參考文獻 一、中文部分
王莉(2018)。 兒童心理學。北京:電子工業出版社。
王麗娟(譯)(2000)。數字感:1,2,3哪裡來?(原作者:S. Dehaene)。台北:先覺。(原著出版年,1999)
李昭明(譯)(2008)。人類文化發展的本質。(原作者:B. Rogoff)。台北
林崇德(1980)。 學齡前兒童數概念與運算能力發展。 北京師範大學學報: 社會科學版,2, 67-77。
林嘉綏、李丹玲(1999)。 幼兒數學教材教法。 台北:五南。
谷瑞勉(2001)。教室中的維高斯基:仲介的讀寫教學與評量(原作者:L. Dixon-Krauss)。台北:心理。(原著出版年,1995)
柳賢等譯 (2006)。 幼兒數學教材教法(原作者:R. Charlesworth)。台北:湯姆生。(原著出版年,1999)
陳淑敏(1994)。Vygotsky 的心理發展理論和教育。屏東師學院報,7,121-143。
常孝貞(2003)。三至五歲幼兒一對一對應、計數能力與基數概念之研究。國 立台灣大學人類發展與家庭研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北市。
柳賢等譯 (2006)。 幼兒數學教材教法(原作者:R. Charlesworth)。台北:湯姆生。(原著出版年,1990)
楊意菁、陳蕓蕓譯(1999)。媒體原理與塑造(原作者: L. Grossberg, E. Wartella & D. C. Whitney)。台北:韋伯。(原著出版年,1998)
賴孟龍、方柔云、王雅葶、季萱。(2016). 三到五歲臺灣學齡前幼兒基本數能力的表現: 與 TEMA 常模比較。 幼兒教保研究,17, 43-61。

Alghazo, I., Alsawaie, O., & Awidi, H. (2010). Enhancing counting skills of preschoolers through the use of computer technology and manipulatives. International Journal of Learning, 17(9),159-176.
Alibali, M. W., & DiRusso, A. A. (1999). The function of gesture in learning to count: More than keeping track. Cognitive Development, 14(1), 37-56.
Anders, Y., Grosse, C., Rossbach, H.-G., Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2013). Preschool and primary school influences on the development of children`s early numeracy skills between the ages of 3 and 7 years in Germany. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 24(2), 195-211.
Baroody, A. J. (1992). The development of kindergartners` mental-addition strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 4(3), 215-235.
Baroody, A., Benson, A., & Lai, M. (2003). Early number and arithmetic sense: A summary of three studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa.
Briars, D., & Siegler, R. S. (1984). A featural analysis of preschoolers` counting knowledge. Developmental Psychology, 20(4), 607-618.
Butterworth, B. (2005). The development of arithmetical abilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(1), 3-18.
Fuson, K. C., & Mierkiewicz, D. (1980). A detailed analysis of the act of counting. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston.
Fuson, K. C., Richards, J., & Briars, D. J. (1982). The acquisition and elaboration of the number word sequence. In C. J. Brainerd (Ed.) Children’s logical and mathematical cognition (pp. 33-92).New York: Springer-Verlag.
Fuson, K. C. (1991). Children’s early counting: Saying the number word sequence, counting objects, and understanding cardinality. In K. Durkin & B. Shire, eds, Language in Mathematical Education: Research and Practice(pp.27-39) Milton Keynes, PA: Open University.
Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1978). The child’s understanding of number. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Gelman, R., & Meck, E. (1983). Preschoolers` counting: Principles before skill. Cognition, 13(3), 343-359.
Ginsburg, H. (1977). The psychology of arithmetic thinking. Journal of Children`s Mathematical Behavior, 1(4),1-89.
Gonçalves, S., Ferreira, R., Conceição, E. M., Silva, C., Machado, P. P., Boyland, E., & Vaz, A. (2018). The impact of exposure to cartoons promoting healthy eating on children`s food preferences and choices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(5), 451-457.
Gray, L. (2019). Preschool counting: What development in understanding of counting looks like for a child during the nursery year. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
University of Birmingham, UK.
Graham, T. A. (1999). The role of gesture in children`s learning to count. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 74(4), 333-355.
Handayani, S., Haryono, H., & Ahmadi, F. (2020). The Effectiveness of animation film media to know ability mathematical concept of early childhood based on gender. Journal of Primary Education, 9(2), 161-167.
Kittidachanupap, N., Singthongchai, J., Naenudorn, E., & Suphakit, N. (2012). Development of animation media for learning English vocabulary for children. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), China.
Lipton, J. S., & Spelke, E. S. (2005). Preschool children`s mapping of number words to nonsymbolic numerosities. Child Development, 76(5), 978-988.
Mierkiewicz, D. B., & Siegler, R. S. (1981). Preschoolers’ abilities to recognize. counting errors. Paper presented in Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Boston.
Miller, K. F., Smith, C. M., Zhu, J., & Zhang, H. (1995). Preschool origins of cross-national differences in mathematical competence: The role of number-naming systems. Psychological Science, 6(1), 56-60.
Mix, K., Sandhofer, C., & Baroody, A. (2005). Number words and number concepts: The interplay of verbal and nonverbal processes in early quantitative development. Advances in child development and behavior, 33, 305-346.
Munn, P. (1997). Children’s beliefs about counting. In L. Thompson (Ed.), Teaching and learning early number, (pp. 19-33). Britian: Open University.
Piaget. (1965). Child`s conception of number. New York: Norton.
Porter, J. (1999). Learning to count: A difficult task? Down syndrome research and practice, 6(2), 85-94.
Rodríguez, P., Lago, M. O., Enesco, I., & Guerrero, S. (2013). Children’s understandings of counting: Detection of errors and pseudoerrors by kindergarten and primary school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 114(1), 35-46.
Sarnecka, B. W., Kamenskaya, V. G., Yamana, Y., Ogura, T., & Yudovina, Y. B. (2007). From grammatical number to exact numbers: Early meanings of ‘one’, ‘two’, and ‘three’ in English, Russian, and Japanese. Cognitive Psychology, 55(2), 136-168.
Saxe, G. B. (1979). Children`s counting: The early formation of numerical symbols. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1979(3), 73-84.
Saxe, G. B., Guberman, S. R., Gearhart, M., Gelman, R., Massey, C. M., & Rogoff, B. (1987). Social processes in early number development. Monographs of the society for Research in Child Development, 52(2), 101-137.
Soydan, S. B., Alakoç pirpir, D., & Azak, H. (2017). Aggressive behaviours of 48-to 66-month-old children: Predictive power of teacher–student relationship, cartoon preferences and mother’s attitude. Early Child Development and Care, 187(8), 1244-1258.
Threlfall, J., & Bruce, B. (2005). “Just” counting: Young children`s oral counting and enumeration. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 13(2), 63-77.
Yoon, H., & Malecki, E. J. (2010). Cartoon planet: Worlds of production and global production networks in the animation industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(1), 239-271.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張盈堃zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chang, Ying-Kunen_US (Authors) 王心潔zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Xin-Jieen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王心潔zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Xin-Jieen_US (日期) 2022en_US 1-Aug-2022 18:42:37 (UTC+8)- 1-Aug-2022 18:42:37 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Aug-2022 18:42:37 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108157020en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 幼兒教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108157020zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨探討兒童計數能力,以及動畫融入數學時其計數能力狀況。研究以8位幼兒為研究對象,採用觀察法。研究使用2019年Gray提出的五項計數原則,並發展成十個問題,在2022年2月底和3月底分别對幼兒進行了兩次計數能力觀察。在兩次計數能力觀察期間,研究者會播放四次動畫並記錄幼兒的觀影狀況。研究結果顯示:
1. 幼兒計數原則中固定順序原則發展在先,一對一原則其次,基數原則與抽象原則的發展順序並不能確定,最後發展順序無關原則。
2. 幼兒作為主動觀看影片的閱聽人,會對動畫內容進行解釋和解讀。同時,同儕之間存在相互模仿與競爭。幼兒觀看動畫後計數能力的變化可分為三類,即主動學習者、細微變化者和能力較強者。
3. 使用西方理論時需要考慮本土文化適應性問題。華人社會中幼兒計數能力發展會受到文化的構建,華語幼兒數數有本身的語言優勢,並受到華人文化中尊重、羞恥感以及集體意識的影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study aims to investigate children`s counting ability and how that skill changes when they watch mathematically themed animations. The study adopted the observational method to gather data on eight children. Referring to Gray`s ten questions based on five principles of counting in 2019, the study conducted two counting observations at the end of February and March of 2022. During the two counting observations, the researcher played the animations four times and recorded all the data by video. The findings of this research can be concluded as follows:
1. Children demonstrate the stable-order principle and the one-to-one correspondence principle prior to other principles. The development sequence of the cardinal and abstract principles is unclear. The order-irrelevant principle is the last development.
2. As an active audience, children can interpret the contents of the animation. Meanwhile, there are mutual imitations and competitions among peers. The development of children counting ability can be divided into three categories, active learners, subtle changes, and strong knowledge.
3. Cultural adaptation should be considered when using western theories. The development of children`s counting ability in Chinese society is influenced by culture. Chinese children`s counting ability has linguistic advantages, and respect, sense of shame, and collective consciousness can affect it.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究起源 1
第二節 幼兒計數能力:理論觀點與文獻回顧 3
第三節 動畫學習實證研究 18
第貳章 研究問題與研究方法 23
第一節 研究問題與分析框架 21
第二節 研究對象 30
第三節 研究流程 37
第四節 分析步驟 41
第五節 研究倫理 42
第參章 研究結果 43
第一節 三至五歲幼兒唱數能力 43
第二節 幼兒計數能力表現 47
第三節 動畫播放 68
第四節 幼兒計數能力發展 75
第肆章 研究討論 83
第一節 幼兒計數能力 83
第二節 動畫觀看 87
第伍章 結論:反思華人文化下的學數學 91
第一節 華語計數優勢 91
第二節 華人文化學習模式 92
第三節 研究省思 99
參考文獻 102
dc.format.extent 3351914 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 五項計數原則zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 動畫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 幼兒計數能力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 華人文化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Five Counting Principlesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Animationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Children`s Counting Abilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Chinese Cultureen_US
dc.title (題名) 幼兒計數能力之研究 —以台灣某幼兒園動畫融入數學為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Children`s Counting Ability:Applying Animation in Taiwanese Kindergartensen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分
王莉(2018)。 兒童心理學。北京:電子工業出版社。
王麗娟(譯)(2000)。數字感:1,2,3哪裡來?(原作者:S. Dehaene)。台北:先覺。(原著出版年,1999)
李昭明(譯)(2008)。人類文化發展的本質。(原作者:B. Rogoff)。台北
林崇德(1980)。 學齡前兒童數概念與運算能力發展。 北京師範大學學報: 社會科學版,2, 67-77。
林嘉綏、李丹玲(1999)。 幼兒數學教材教法。 台北:五南。
谷瑞勉(2001)。教室中的維高斯基:仲介的讀寫教學與評量(原作者:L. Dixon-Krauss)。台北:心理。(原著出版年,1995)
柳賢等譯 (2006)。 幼兒數學教材教法(原作者:R. Charlesworth)。台北:湯姆生。(原著出版年,1999)
陳淑敏(1994)。Vygotsky 的心理發展理論和教育。屏東師學院報,7,121-143。
常孝貞(2003)。三至五歲幼兒一對一對應、計數能力與基數概念之研究。國 立台灣大學人類發展與家庭研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北市。
柳賢等譯 (2006)。 幼兒數學教材教法(原作者:R. Charlesworth)。台北:湯姆生。(原著出版年,1990)
楊意菁、陳蕓蕓譯(1999)。媒體原理與塑造(原作者: L. Grossberg, E. Wartella & D. C. Whitney)。台北:韋伯。(原著出版年,1998)
賴孟龍、方柔云、王雅葶、季萱。(2016). 三到五歲臺灣學齡前幼兒基本數能力的表現: 與 TEMA 常模比較。 幼兒教保研究,17, 43-61。

Alghazo, I., Alsawaie, O., & Awidi, H. (2010). Enhancing counting skills of preschoolers through the use of computer technology and manipulatives. International Journal of Learning, 17(9),159-176.
Alibali, M. W., & DiRusso, A. A. (1999). The function of gesture in learning to count: More than keeping track. Cognitive Development, 14(1), 37-56.
Anders, Y., Grosse, C., Rossbach, H.-G., Ebert, S., & Weinert, S. (2013). Preschool and primary school influences on the development of children`s early numeracy skills between the ages of 3 and 7 years in Germany. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 24(2), 195-211.
Baroody, A. J. (1992). The development of kindergartners` mental-addition strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 4(3), 215-235.
Baroody, A., Benson, A., & Lai, M. (2003). Early number and arithmetic sense: A summary of three studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa.
Briars, D., & Siegler, R. S. (1984). A featural analysis of preschoolers` counting knowledge. Developmental Psychology, 20(4), 607-618.
Butterworth, B. (2005). The development of arithmetical abilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(1), 3-18.
Fuson, K. C., & Mierkiewicz, D. (1980). A detailed analysis of the act of counting. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston.
Fuson, K. C., Richards, J., & Briars, D. J. (1982). The acquisition and elaboration of the number word sequence. In C. J. Brainerd (Ed.) Children’s logical and mathematical cognition (pp. 33-92).New York: Springer-Verlag.
Fuson, K. C. (1991). Children’s early counting: Saying the number word sequence, counting objects, and understanding cardinality. In K. Durkin & B. Shire, eds, Language in Mathematical Education: Research and Practice(pp.27-39) Milton Keynes, PA: Open University.
Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1978). The child’s understanding of number. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Gelman, R., & Meck, E. (1983). Preschoolers` counting: Principles before skill. Cognition, 13(3), 343-359.
Ginsburg, H. (1977). The psychology of arithmetic thinking. Journal of Children`s Mathematical Behavior, 1(4),1-89.
Gonçalves, S., Ferreira, R., Conceição, E. M., Silva, C., Machado, P. P., Boyland, E., & Vaz, A. (2018). The impact of exposure to cartoons promoting healthy eating on children`s food preferences and choices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(5), 451-457.
Gray, L. (2019). Preschool counting: What development in understanding of counting looks like for a child during the nursery year. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
University of Birmingham, UK.
Graham, T. A. (1999). The role of gesture in children`s learning to count. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 74(4), 333-355.
Handayani, S., Haryono, H., & Ahmadi, F. (2020). The Effectiveness of animation film media to know ability mathematical concept of early childhood based on gender. Journal of Primary Education, 9(2), 161-167.
Kittidachanupap, N., Singthongchai, J., Naenudorn, E., & Suphakit, N. (2012). Development of animation media for learning English vocabulary for children. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), China.
Lipton, J. S., & Spelke, E. S. (2005). Preschool children`s mapping of number words to nonsymbolic numerosities. Child Development, 76(5), 978-988.
Mierkiewicz, D. B., & Siegler, R. S. (1981). Preschoolers’ abilities to recognize. counting errors. Paper presented in Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Boston.
Miller, K. F., Smith, C. M., Zhu, J., & Zhang, H. (1995). Preschool origins of cross-national differences in mathematical competence: The role of number-naming systems. Psychological Science, 6(1), 56-60.
Mix, K., Sandhofer, C., & Baroody, A. (2005). Number words and number concepts: The interplay of verbal and nonverbal processes in early quantitative development. Advances in child development and behavior, 33, 305-346.
Munn, P. (1997). Children’s beliefs about counting. In L. Thompson (Ed.), Teaching and learning early number, (pp. 19-33). Britian: Open University.
Piaget. (1965). Child`s conception of number. New York: Norton.
Porter, J. (1999). Learning to count: A difficult task? Down syndrome research and practice, 6(2), 85-94.
Rodríguez, P., Lago, M. O., Enesco, I., & Guerrero, S. (2013). Children’s understandings of counting: Detection of errors and pseudoerrors by kindergarten and primary school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 114(1), 35-46.
Sarnecka, B. W., Kamenskaya, V. G., Yamana, Y., Ogura, T., & Yudovina, Y. B. (2007). From grammatical number to exact numbers: Early meanings of ‘one’, ‘two’, and ‘three’ in English, Russian, and Japanese. Cognitive Psychology, 55(2), 136-168.
Saxe, G. B. (1979). Children`s counting: The early formation of numerical symbols. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1979(3), 73-84.
Saxe, G. B., Guberman, S. R., Gearhart, M., Gelman, R., Massey, C. M., & Rogoff, B. (1987). Social processes in early number development. Monographs of the society for Research in Child Development, 52(2), 101-137.
Soydan, S. B., Alakoç pirpir, D., & Azak, H. (2017). Aggressive behaviours of 48-to 66-month-old children: Predictive power of teacher–student relationship, cartoon preferences and mother’s attitude. Early Child Development and Care, 187(8), 1244-1258.
Threlfall, J., & Bruce, B. (2005). “Just” counting: Young children`s oral counting and enumeration. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 13(2), 63-77.
Yoon, H., & Malecki, E. J. (2010). Cartoon planet: Worlds of production and global production networks in the animation industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(1), 239-271.
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202201051en_US