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題名 虛擬現實中不同互動方式之療癒成效—以虛擬自然環境為例
The Healing Effect of Different Interaction Methods in Virtual Reality—— Take the virtual natural environment as an example作者 金憶蕾
Jin, Yi-Lei貢獻者 李蔡彥<br>陳宜秀
Li, Tsai-Yen<br>Chen, Yi-Hsiu
Jin, Yi-Lei關鍵詞 虛擬實境
Virtual Reality
Natural Environment
Profile of Mood States
HRV日期 2022 上傳時間 1-Aug-2022 18:50:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 隨著社會與科技的發展,物價與成本的提高,人們的生活成本與工作壓力成正比,逐步攀升。現代人或多或少都處在壓力環境下生活,壓力也來源於生活中的各個方面:健康、家庭、社交、以及工作等等因素。而這些壓力的影響會間接的導致負面情緒的誕生,從而影響到自我意志及身體健康。根據2019全球整體健康指數資料統計,台灣的壓力指數持續升高,96%的受訪者表示都處在壓力環境下生活。如何緩解壓力已成為一個不容忽視的社會問題。如今,已有相關研究及理論證實自然環境可以舒緩其身心壓力,並且隨著科技的成熟,學者們也發現虛擬自然環境的療癒成效以及逼真程度已與真實世界的效果差異不大。因此,虛擬自然環境也可以使人們緩解壓力情緒,提高正向的情緒。雖然國內外已有眾多學者紛紛探討虛擬自然環境對於緩解壓力的療癒成效,但是卻鮮少有圍繞在虛擬環境中如何加入互動方式以及關於沈浸感的研究。因此本研究的主要目的為探討虛擬自然環境中互動方式的行為差異所造成的沈浸感不同,從而對於療愈成效的影響,也希望能夠為日後的療癒方式提供新的思路及方向。研究採用實驗法方式進行,選擇普通大學生作為研究對象,樣本數為30人,實驗場景則是有:虛擬自然無互動情境、虛擬自然手柄互動情境以及虛擬自然手部互動情境。受測者會被隨機分配到三種場景其中一個進行體驗,實驗時長約為30分鐘。實驗過程中,會保持對受測者進行生理訊號的監測以及在實驗前後會進行情緒上的測量。生理測量上會測量心跳速率以及心率變異度(HRV),情緒部分則是盤斯心情量表(POMS)進行評分。研究結果顯示,生理部分之心跳速率及心率變異度中,三組VR不同的互動方式的受測者心跳速率與心率變異度的數值隨著體驗場景過程都有明顯的下降的趨勢。不僅如此,手柄互動與手部識別的不同互動行爲差異所帶來的生理緩壓成效也有明顯差異,手部識別組的生理緩壓成效更好。情緒部分,POMS 量表整體結果分析三組的活力構面有明顯提升,且手部識別組的分數最高。三組的負面指數情緒分數明顯下降,且緊張構面、困惑構面、疲勞構面三組之間有顯著差異,與此同時,憤怒、沮喪、TMD等情緒構面皆顯著降低,表現出明顯的心理緩壓。綜上所述,高沈浸感的手部識別對其生心理緩壓成效最佳。
With the development of society and technology, prices and costs have increased, and people`s cost of living and work pressure are rising in direct proportion to each other. Modern people are more or less living under stressful situations, and stress comes from various aspects of life: health, family, social, and work, among others. The effects of these stress or can indirectly lead to the birth of negative emotions, which can affect self-will and physical health. According to the 2019 Global Health Index, Taiwan`s stress index continues to rise, with 96% of respondents reporting that they live under stressful conditions. How to relieve stress has become a social issue that cannot be ignored.Nowadays, studies and theories have confirmed that natural environments can relieve physical and mental stress, and with the maturity of technology, scholars have also found that the healing effect of virtual natural environments and the degree of realism is not much different from the effect of the real world. Therefore, virtual natural environments can also help people relieve stress and enhance positive emotions. Although many scholars have explored the healing effects of virtual natural environments on stress relief, there are few studies on how to incorporate interaction and immersion in virtual environments.Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different behavioral differences in interaction styles in virtual natural environments on the effectiveness of healing, and to provide new ideas and directions for future healing approaches.The study was conducted using an experimental approach, with a sample size of 30 general university students. The experimental scenarios were: virtual nature without interaction, virtual nature with handle interaction, and virtual nature with hand interaction. The subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three scenarios and the duration of the experiment was about 30 minutes. During the experiment, physiological signal monitoring is maintained and the subject`s emotion is measured before and after the experiment. The physiological measures were heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV), and the emotional component was scored by the Profile of Mood States (POMS).The results of the study showed that in the physiological part, the heart rate and HRV of the three groups with different VR interaction methods tended to decrease significantly as they experienced the scenes. In addition, there was a significant difference in the physiological stress relief effect between the different interaction behaviors of joystick interaction and hand recognition, with the hand recognition group having a better physiological stress relief effect. For the emotional component, the overall results of the POMS scale showed a significant increase in the vitality profile of the three groups, and the hand recognition group had the highest scores. The negative index mood scores of the three groups decreased significantly, and there were significant differences between the tension, confusion, and fatigue components of the three groups. In summary, hand recognition with high immersion has the best effect on psychological stress relief.參考文獻 中文文獻:呂文馨. (2019). 虛擬實境自然與都市環境恢復效益—以中高齡與高齡者為對象. 臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學研究所學位論文, 1-114.張純婉(2011)。醫療院所內益康花園的恢復性知覺與生心理效益之研究—以台中榮總為例。東海大學景觀學系碩士論文,台中市。 張圓.(2016).城市公共開放空間聲景的恢復性效應研究(博士學位論文,哈爾濱工業大學).陳高揚, 郭正典, & 駱惠銘. (2000). 心率變異度: 原理與應用. 中華民國急救加護醫學會雜誌, 11(2), 47-58.黃勝宏、林榮輝、黃崇儒、洪聰敏(2008)。心率變異度與焦慮之關係。中華體育季刊,22(1),72-79。劉鳳玲 (2014) 不同景觀環境活動之身體活 動量與健康研究:綠色運動概念的應用 (碩士論文)。國立新竹教育大學環境與文 化資源學系碩士班。新竹市。楊筑雅(2002)。台鐵司機員工作壓力與影響因素之研究。國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系碩士論文,新竹市。李幸芳(2014)。影響幼兒園教師工作壓力因素與因應作法之研究。開南大學商學院碩士在職專班碩士論文,桃園縣。彭素玲(2013)。應用DEMATEL探討影響國中藝術才能班教師工作壓力因素之研究。大葉大學工學院碩士在職專班碩士論文,彰化縣。阮劉月恒(2019)。國際機場購物商城衝動購買行為分析。國立虎尾科技大學企業管理系經營管理碩士班碩士論文,雲林縣。蘇懋坤, & 張國康. (2018). 大學生生活壓力與運動幸福感之研究. 輔仁大學體育學刊, (17), 85-100.張珍, & 徐磊青. 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109462023資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 李蔡彥<br>陳宜秀 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Li, Tsai-Yen<br>Chen, Yi-Hsiu en_US (Authors) 金憶蕾 zh_TW (Authors) Jin, Yi-Lei en_US dc.creator (作者) 金憶蕾 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Jin, Yi-Lei en_US (日期) 2022 en_US 1-Aug-2022 18:50:47 (UTC+8) - 1-Aug-2022 18:50:47 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Aug-2022 18:50:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109462023 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 109462023 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著社會與科技的發展,物價與成本的提高,人們的生活成本與工作壓力成正比,逐步攀升。現代人或多或少都處在壓力環境下生活,壓力也來源於生活中的各個方面:健康、家庭、社交、以及工作等等因素。而這些壓力的影響會間接的導致負面情緒的誕生,從而影響到自我意志及身體健康。根據2019全球整體健康指數資料統計,台灣的壓力指數持續升高,96%的受訪者表示都處在壓力環境下生活。如何緩解壓力已成為一個不容忽視的社會問題。如今,已有相關研究及理論證實自然環境可以舒緩其身心壓力,並且隨著科技的成熟,學者們也發現虛擬自然環境的療癒成效以及逼真程度已與真實世界的效果差異不大。因此,虛擬自然環境也可以使人們緩解壓力情緒,提高正向的情緒。雖然國內外已有眾多學者紛紛探討虛擬自然環境對於緩解壓力的療癒成效,但是卻鮮少有圍繞在虛擬環境中如何加入互動方式以及關於沈浸感的研究。因此本研究的主要目的為探討虛擬自然環境中互動方式的行為差異所造成的沈浸感不同,從而對於療愈成效的影響,也希望能夠為日後的療癒方式提供新的思路及方向。研究採用實驗法方式進行,選擇普通大學生作為研究對象,樣本數為30人,實驗場景則是有:虛擬自然無互動情境、虛擬自然手柄互動情境以及虛擬自然手部互動情境。受測者會被隨機分配到三種場景其中一個進行體驗,實驗時長約為30分鐘。實驗過程中,會保持對受測者進行生理訊號的監測以及在實驗前後會進行情緒上的測量。生理測量上會測量心跳速率以及心率變異度(HRV),情緒部分則是盤斯心情量表(POMS)進行評分。研究結果顯示,生理部分之心跳速率及心率變異度中,三組VR不同的互動方式的受測者心跳速率與心率變異度的數值隨著體驗場景過程都有明顯的下降的趨勢。不僅如此,手柄互動與手部識別的不同互動行爲差異所帶來的生理緩壓成效也有明顯差異,手部識別組的生理緩壓成效更好。情緒部分,POMS 量表整體結果分析三組的活力構面有明顯提升,且手部識別組的分數最高。三組的負面指數情緒分數明顯下降,且緊張構面、困惑構面、疲勞構面三組之間有顯著差異,與此同時,憤怒、沮喪、TMD等情緒構面皆顯著降低,表現出明顯的心理緩壓。綜上所述,高沈浸感的手部識別對其生心理緩壓成效最佳。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the development of society and technology, prices and costs have increased, and people`s cost of living and work pressure are rising in direct proportion to each other. Modern people are more or less living under stressful situations, and stress comes from various aspects of life: health, family, social, and work, among others. The effects of these stress or can indirectly lead to the birth of negative emotions, which can affect self-will and physical health. According to the 2019 Global Health Index, Taiwan`s stress index continues to rise, with 96% of respondents reporting that they live under stressful conditions. How to relieve stress has become a social issue that cannot be ignored.Nowadays, studies and theories have confirmed that natural environments can relieve physical and mental stress, and with the maturity of technology, scholars have also found that the healing effect of virtual natural environments and the degree of realism is not much different from the effect of the real world. Therefore, virtual natural environments can also help people relieve stress and enhance positive emotions. Although many scholars have explored the healing effects of virtual natural environments on stress relief, there are few studies on how to incorporate interaction and immersion in virtual environments.Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different behavioral differences in interaction styles in virtual natural environments on the effectiveness of healing, and to provide new ideas and directions for future healing approaches.The study was conducted using an experimental approach, with a sample size of 30 general university students. The experimental scenarios were: virtual nature without interaction, virtual nature with handle interaction, and virtual nature with hand interaction. The subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three scenarios and the duration of the experiment was about 30 minutes. During the experiment, physiological signal monitoring is maintained and the subject`s emotion is measured before and after the experiment. The physiological measures were heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV), and the emotional component was scored by the Profile of Mood States (POMS).The results of the study showed that in the physiological part, the heart rate and HRV of the three groups with different VR interaction methods tended to decrease significantly as they experienced the scenes. In addition, there was a significant difference in the physiological stress relief effect between the different interaction behaviors of joystick interaction and hand recognition, with the hand recognition group having a better physiological stress relief effect. For the emotional component, the overall results of the POMS scale showed a significant increase in the vitality profile of the three groups, and the hand recognition group had the highest scores. The negative index mood scores of the three groups decreased significantly, and there were significant differences between the tension, confusion, and fatigue components of the three groups. In summary, hand recognition with high immersion has the best effect on psychological stress relief. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 謝辭 I摘要 IIIAbstract V目次 VII表次 X圖次 XII第一章 緒論 11.1 研究背景與動機 11.2 研究目標 21.3 研究範圍 21.4 研究流程 3第二章 文獻探討 42.1 高壓力的社會問題 42.1.1 壓力來源 42.1.2 壓力所帶來的負面影響 52.2 自然环境与療癒的关系 62.2.1 療愈的定義 62.2.2 自然環境的定義 62.2.3 自然療癒環境與壓力之間的關係 72.2.4 小結 82.3 虛擬實境中的沈浸感探討 82.3.1 虛擬實境的互動設計與沈浸感之間的關係 82.3.2 虛擬實境中的互動設備差異探討 92.3.3 小結 102.4 虛擬自然環境 102.4.1 虛擬自然環境在療愈上的應用 112.5 生心理测量 122.5.1 生理指標測量方法 122.5.2 心理指標測量方法 13第三章 研究方法 153.1 研究架構 153.2 實驗設計 163.2.1 場景製作 183.2.2 實驗流程 213.3 測量工具 223.3.1 HRV和心跳速率 223.3.2 POMS量表(盤斯心情量表) 233.3 測量對象 233.4 資料處理與分析 23第四章 研究結果分析與討論 244.1 前導實驗:場景調整以及建議 244.2 正式實驗:樣本分析與討論 254.2.1受試者背景描述性統計結果 254.2.2生理測量分析 264.2.3盤斯心情量表(POMS)結果分析 294.2.4半結構式訪談分析 364.3 研究假設驗證 384.4 研究結果討論 414.4.1生理測量結果討論 414.4.2POMS量表問卷結果討論 41第五章 結論與未來建議 435.1研究結論 435.1.1探討分析VR自然情境中不同互動行為是否有緩解壓力成效 435.2未來研究建議 44參考文獻 46中文文獻: 46英文文獻: 47網路文獻: 52附錄 53 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3732947 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 虛擬實境 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自然環境 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 療癒 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 互動行為 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 沈浸感 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 盤斯心情量表 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) HRV zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Virtual Reality en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Natural Environment en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Healing en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) InteractiveBehaviors en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Immersion en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Profile of Mood States en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) HRV en_US dc.title (題名) 虛擬現實中不同互動方式之療癒成效—以虛擬自然環境為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Healing Effect of Different Interaction Methods in Virtual Reality—— Take the virtual natural environment as an example en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻:呂文馨. 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