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題名 線上影音平臺與有線電視規範定位之融合與分離:以美國經驗為啟示
Convergence and Separation of Regulatory Classification of OVD and CATV: Lessons Learned from U.S. Experiences
作者 張家齊
Chang, Chia-Chi
貢獻者 宋皇志<br>王立達
Sung, Huang-Chih<br>Wang, Li-Dar
Chang, Chia-Chi
關鍵詞 線上影音平臺
Regulatory classification
Digital convergence
日期 2022
上傳時間 1-Aug-2022 18:51:38 (UTC+8)
摘要 在數位匯流時代,線上影音平臺以新興服務之姿進入影音市場,與既有播送媒體呈現競爭、互補與競合的多元關係。富有匯流特性的線上影音平臺,在技術面向跨越監理架構的藩籬,在服務面向與既有播送媒體相仿,主管機關無法完全承襲過往的管制經驗。從而,如何在過於細分的媒體管制架構中,賦予新興媒體合適的監理定位,成為當前管制挑戰。


In the age of digital convergence, online video distributors (“OVDs”) have entered video markets as new entrants and been involved in competitive, complementary and co-opetition relationship with incumbent providers. The characteristics of OVDs are boundary-breaking in terms of technology and service, rendering the authorities incompetent to adopt established regulatory experience. The challenge is therefore to find an adequate regulatory classification of OVDs under overly categorical media regulatory frameworks.

This study recognizes the differences of regulatory classification between OVDs and incumbent cable systems (“CATV”) on the basis of particular cases in the US. We find that the judges are subject to ambiguous statutory languages, therefore rely solely on the technological factor to determine, rather than other relevant elements. This study further examines the regulatory experience of US Copyright Office and Federal Communications Committee and generalizes to three aspects: (1) the boundaries of video industry appear to be more ambiguous and expose the low degree of flexibility of existing regulatory framework; (2) the long-standing policies fail to be applicable to emerging market, hence the need for reform and alternative approaches; and (3) the authorities should leave the market unfettered and avoid impeding innovation while market failure is absent. Moreover, copyright law hinges on communication law system to some degree and is crucial to the development of OVDs, that is, it should also be taken into account that the assessment of impact on licensing market remain relevant.

Aligned with US regulatory experiences, this study suggests that OVDs should not fall into the scope of CATV framework in the sense of technology, policy and market. This study additionally evaluates from the perspective of copyright licensing: (1) the benefit and necessity of enforcing CATV regulations on OVDs and (2) the impact arisen from change of OVDs’ regulatory classification, which will articulate an explicit and prospective regulatory classification and foster digital convergence and market competition.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 宋皇志<br>王立達zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Sung, Huang-Chih<br>Wang, Li-Daren_US (Authors) 張家齊zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Chia-Chien_US
dc.creator (作者) 張家齊zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Chia-Chien_US (日期) 2022en_US 1-Aug-2022 18:51:38 (UTC+8)- 1-Aug-2022 18:51:38 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Aug-2022 18:51:38 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107364219en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107364219zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在數位匯流時代,線上影音平臺以新興服務之姿進入影音市場,與既有播送媒體呈現競爭、互補與競合的多元關係。富有匯流特性的線上影音平臺,在技術面向跨越監理架構的藩籬,在服務面向與既有播送媒體相仿,主管機關無法完全承襲過往的管制經驗。從而,如何在過於細分的媒體管制架構中,賦予新興媒體合適的監理定位,成為當前管制挑戰。


dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the age of digital convergence, online video distributors (“OVDs”) have entered video markets as new entrants and been involved in competitive, complementary and co-opetition relationship with incumbent providers. The characteristics of OVDs are boundary-breaking in terms of technology and service, rendering the authorities incompetent to adopt established regulatory experience. The challenge is therefore to find an adequate regulatory classification of OVDs under overly categorical media regulatory frameworks.

This study recognizes the differences of regulatory classification between OVDs and incumbent cable systems (“CATV”) on the basis of particular cases in the US. We find that the judges are subject to ambiguous statutory languages, therefore rely solely on the technological factor to determine, rather than other relevant elements. This study further examines the regulatory experience of US Copyright Office and Federal Communications Committee and generalizes to three aspects: (1) the boundaries of video industry appear to be more ambiguous and expose the low degree of flexibility of existing regulatory framework; (2) the long-standing policies fail to be applicable to emerging market, hence the need for reform and alternative approaches; and (3) the authorities should leave the market unfettered and avoid impeding innovation while market failure is absent. Moreover, copyright law hinges on communication law system to some degree and is crucial to the development of OVDs, that is, it should also be taken into account that the assessment of impact on licensing market remain relevant.

Aligned with US regulatory experiences, this study suggests that OVDs should not fall into the scope of CATV framework in the sense of technology, policy and market. This study additionally evaluates from the perspective of copyright licensing: (1) the benefit and necessity of enforcing CATV regulations on OVDs and (2) the impact arisen from change of OVDs’ regulatory classification, which will articulate an explicit and prospective regulatory classification and foster digital convergence and market competition.
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究範圍與限制 3
1.3 研究方法與論文架構 4
2. 線上影音平臺發展概況 6
2.1 線上影音平臺定義 6
2.2 線上影音平臺商業模式 8
2.2.1 線上影音平臺與既有播送媒體之競合關係 8
2.2.2 我國線上影音平臺商業模式 10
2.2.3 美國線上影音平臺商業模式 12
2.3 我國線上影音平臺監理定位之發展 14
2.3.1 未竟之業:網際網路視聽服務管理法草案 14 適用對象與納管標準 14 業者資訊揭露與自律義務 15 政府輔導與獎勵機制 15 OTT專法草案潛在缺失 15 晚近發展 17
2.3.2 通傳會新型態影音服務監理規劃 17 通傳會有線電視認定條件 17 學界與產業界回應 18
3. 線上影音平臺是否落入有線電視相關播送媒體規範範圍之比較法研究 20
3.1 美國有線電視相關播送媒體規範 20
3.1.1 有線電視必載/再傳送同意 20 非商業性地方無線電視臺:單軌必載制度 21 商業性地方無線電視臺:雙軌必載/再傳送同意制度 21 必載/再傳送同意制度隱憂 22
3.1.2 有線電視二次傳送強制授權 22 適用對象 23 授權程序 24 權利金管理及爭議解決機制 25 有線電視強制授權機制改革之倡議 25
3.1.3 MVPD節目近用規則 26 禁止事項 26 落日條款 26
3.2 美國實務案例分析 28
3.2.1 聯邦第二巡迴上訴法院WPIX II案 28 背景事實 28 本案主要爭點 29 法院見解 29
3.2.2 紐約南區聯邦地方法院Aereo IV案 32 背景事實 32 本案主要爭點 33 法院見解 33
3.2.3 聯邦通訊委員會Sky Angel申訴案 34 背景事實 34 本案主要爭點 35 FCC見解 35
3.3 小結 36
4. 線上影音平臺與有線電視相關播送媒體之適當監理定位 38
4.1 美國著作權局與聯邦通訊委員會適用法規的交互影響關係 38
4.2 美國著作權局視角:線上影音平臺與有線電視系統的監理定位關係 40
4.2.1 從技術面分析 40
4.2.2 從政策面分析 41 國內政策分析 41 國際政策分析 42
4.2.3 從市場面分析 43
4.3 美國聯邦通訊委員會視角:線上影音平臺與MVPD的監理定位關係 43
4.3.1 從技術面分析 43 FCC技術取向之規範解釋 43 產業技術現況無法完全落入技術取向之MVPD規範 44
4.3.2 從政策面分析 45 MVPD定義現代化 45 調整線上影音平臺監理定位 46
4.3.3 從市場面分析 47 調整線上影音平臺監理定位缺乏明確市場論證 47 彈性管制作為:以促進影音服務市場競爭為核心 48
4.4 小結 49
5. 當前有線電視相關播送媒體規範對於線上影音平臺可能之監理定位 51
5.1 美國監理經驗歸納與對我國啟示 51
5.2 線上影音平臺可否納入我國有線電視相關播送媒體規範 51
5.2.1 釐清線上影音平臺與有線電視差異 51 從技術面分析 51 從政策面分析 53 從市場面分析 54
5.2.2 建立回應產業發展之監理定位:著作權授權宜納入評估 55
6. 結論 59
參考資料 60
dc.format.extent 1756280 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 線上影音平臺zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 有線電視zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 競合關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 監理定位zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位匯流zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) OVDen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) CATVen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Co-opetitionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Regulatory classificationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital convergenceen_US
dc.title (題名) 線上影音平臺與有線電視規範定位之融合與分離:以美國經驗為啟示zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Convergence and Separation of Regulatory Classification of OVD and CATV: Lessons Learned from U.S. Experiencesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文文獻
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202200916en_US