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題名 從績效資訊角度論地方政府績效管理制度之規劃與執行:以長期照顧十年計畫2.0為例
A Study of Local Government`s Planning and Implementing Performance Management System from the Performance Information Perspective: Using the Long-term Care Program 2.0 as an Example作者 陳郁函
Chen, Yu-Han貢獻者 陳敦源
Chen, Don-Yun
Chen, Yu-Han關鍵詞 長照2.0
Long-term Care Program 2.0
Performance management
Performance regime
Performance information
Business Evaluation of Local Health Agencies日期 2022 上傳時間 2-Sep-2022 15:14:37 (UTC+8) 摘要 2026年我國老年人口比率將超過20%為「超高齡社會」,老年人口比率逐漸攀升也意味著高齡社會的來臨其老人安養與照顧問題越趨棘手。為此,國家發展委員會將「長期照顧十年計畫2.0」(簡稱長照2.0)列為行政院列管重要計畫,由主管機關衛生福利部訂定中長程計畫、年度施政計畫,並且每年施行「地方衛生機關業務考評」,長照業務為其依考評項目,檢視該年度各地方政府的執行成效。地方政府如何因應中央政府之考評,並且發展其自主的績效管理模式,並且避免績效悖理之現象,探析績效資訊之運用以及瞭解影響績效表現之績效體系的樣貌,尤其重要。基此,本研究以績效體系與績效資訊之理論視角,針對長照業務的「地方衛生機關業務考評」執行實情,剖析其運作現況並回答以下研究問題:一、長照政策的績效管理制度的規劃為何?有哪些執行問題?;二、面對由上而下的管理制度,地方政府如何運用績效資訊進行管理,其策略與行為為何?運用過程受到那些要素影響?;三、應用績效資訊於績效管理過程中,面臨那些挑戰?為解答上開研究問題,以衛福部、地方政府相關主責與承辦機關以及相關服務單位為研究對象,透過深度訪談法並輔以文件分析法,以長照業務的「地方衛生機關業務考評」為焦點,探究其績效管理之實際情形以及與理想之間的落差。最後,本研究認為長照政策之績效管理邁向品質監測之階段,應更加注重整體服務輸送流程之各環節的網絡,以及委託代理關係建構之的互動合作。因此績效體系之制度系絡與績效干預對於績效管理的檢視有更寬廣的視野,助於進一步瞭解績效資訊之運用情形。對此,提出三大研究建議,一、應建立績效管理制度之雙向反饋機制避免績效悖理之產生;二、透過績效體系之視野檢視與修正管理制度;三、績效資訊於績效管理過程中之重要性應明朗化且建構學習環境。
In 2026, the population aging will exceed 20% as an " Aging Society" in Taiwan. In other words, the gradual increase in the ratio of elderly population also means that with the advent of an aging society, the problem of nursing and care for the elderly has become more and more difficult. To this end, the National Development Council has listed the “Long-term Care Program 2.0” (referred to as “Long-term Care 2.0”) as an important project under the administration of the Executive Yuan, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the competent authority has formulated a medium-term and long-term plan and coordination of annual governance plans. The “Business Evaluation of Local Health Angencies” is carried out every year, and the long-term care business is one of evaluation item based on the evaluation of the performance of each local government in annual year.How local governments respond to the central government`s evaluation and develop their performance management models? How to avoid the so-called “performance paradoxes?” It is important to analyze how the locals use of performance information, and understand the connotation of the performance regime. Based on the theory of performance regime and performance information, the study analyzes the practice of the Long-term Care Program 2.0 with Business Evaluation of Local Health Angencies, and try to answer the following research questions: 1. What is the planning of the performance management system of the long-term care policy? What are the implementation issues? 2. In the face of the top-down management system, how does the local government use performance information to manage, and what are its strategies and actions? What are the factors that affect the application process? 3. What are the challenges in applying performance information to performance management?To answer the above research question, the study taking the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the responsible and undertaking agencies of the local government and relevant service units as the research objects, through in-depth interviews with document analysis. Focusing on the “Business Evaluation of Local Health Agencies” of Long-term Care Program 2.0, it explores the actual situation and the gap between its performance management and ideal.Finally, this study believes that the performance management of the Long-term Care Program 2.0 is moving towards the stage of quality monitoring, and more attention should be paid to the network of each link in the overall service delivery process and the interaction and cooperation in the construction of the principal-agent relationship. Therefore, the institutional context and performance intervention of the performance regime have a broader perspective on the inspection of performance management, which helps to further understand the application of performance information. In this regard, three research proposals are put forward: 1. The two-way feedback mechanism of the performance management system should be established to avoid the occurrence of performance paradox; 2. Review and revise the management machnism through the perspective of performance regime; 3. 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107256002資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳敦源 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Don-Yun en_US (Authors) 陳郁函 zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Yu-Han en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳郁函 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yu-Han en_US (日期) 2022 en_US 2-Sep-2022 15:14:37 (UTC+8) - 2-Sep-2022 15:14:37 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Sep-2022 15:14:37 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107256002 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 107256002 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 2026年我國老年人口比率將超過20%為「超高齡社會」,老年人口比率逐漸攀升也意味著高齡社會的來臨其老人安養與照顧問題越趨棘手。為此,國家發展委員會將「長期照顧十年計畫2.0」(簡稱長照2.0)列為行政院列管重要計畫,由主管機關衛生福利部訂定中長程計畫、年度施政計畫,並且每年施行「地方衛生機關業務考評」,長照業務為其依考評項目,檢視該年度各地方政府的執行成效。地方政府如何因應中央政府之考評,並且發展其自主的績效管理模式,並且避免績效悖理之現象,探析績效資訊之運用以及瞭解影響績效表現之績效體系的樣貌,尤其重要。基此,本研究以績效體系與績效資訊之理論視角,針對長照業務的「地方衛生機關業務考評」執行實情,剖析其運作現況並回答以下研究問題:一、長照政策的績效管理制度的規劃為何?有哪些執行問題?;二、面對由上而下的管理制度,地方政府如何運用績效資訊進行管理,其策略與行為為何?運用過程受到那些要素影響?;三、應用績效資訊於績效管理過程中,面臨那些挑戰?為解答上開研究問題,以衛福部、地方政府相關主責與承辦機關以及相關服務單位為研究對象,透過深度訪談法並輔以文件分析法,以長照業務的「地方衛生機關業務考評」為焦點,探究其績效管理之實際情形以及與理想之間的落差。最後,本研究認為長照政策之績效管理邁向品質監測之階段,應更加注重整體服務輸送流程之各環節的網絡,以及委託代理關係建構之的互動合作。因此績效體系之制度系絡與績效干預對於績效管理的檢視有更寬廣的視野,助於進一步瞭解績效資訊之運用情形。對此,提出三大研究建議,一、應建立績效管理制度之雙向反饋機制避免績效悖理之產生;二、透過績效體系之視野檢視與修正管理制度;三、績效資訊於績效管理過程中之重要性應明朗化且建構學習環境。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In 2026, the population aging will exceed 20% as an " Aging Society" in Taiwan. In other words, the gradual increase in the ratio of elderly population also means that with the advent of an aging society, the problem of nursing and care for the elderly has become more and more difficult. To this end, the National Development Council has listed the “Long-term Care Program 2.0” (referred to as “Long-term Care 2.0”) as an important project under the administration of the Executive Yuan, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the competent authority has formulated a medium-term and long-term plan and coordination of annual governance plans. The “Business Evaluation of Local Health Angencies” is carried out every year, and the long-term care business is one of evaluation item based on the evaluation of the performance of each local government in annual year.How local governments respond to the central government`s evaluation and develop their performance management models? How to avoid the so-called “performance paradoxes?” It is important to analyze how the locals use of performance information, and understand the connotation of the performance regime. Based on the theory of performance regime and performance information, the study analyzes the practice of the Long-term Care Program 2.0 with Business Evaluation of Local Health Angencies, and try to answer the following research questions: 1. What is the planning of the performance management system of the long-term care policy? What are the implementation issues? 2. In the face of the top-down management system, how does the local government use performance information to manage, and what are its strategies and actions? What are the factors that affect the application process? 3. What are the challenges in applying performance information to performance management?To answer the above research question, the study taking the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the responsible and undertaking agencies of the local government and relevant service units as the research objects, through in-depth interviews with document analysis. Focusing on the “Business Evaluation of Local Health Agencies” of Long-term Care Program 2.0, it explores the actual situation and the gap between its performance management and ideal.Finally, this study believes that the performance management of the Long-term Care Program 2.0 is moving towards the stage of quality monitoring, and more attention should be paid to the network of each link in the overall service delivery process and the interaction and cooperation in the construction of the principal-agent relationship. Therefore, the institutional context and performance intervention of the performance regime have a broader perspective on the inspection of performance management, which helps to further understand the application of performance information. In this regard, three research proposals are put forward: 1. The two-way feedback mechanism of the performance management system should be established to avoid the occurrence of performance paradox; 2. Review and revise the management machnism through the perspective of performance regime; 3. The importance of performance information in the performance management process should be clarified and the learning environment should be constructed. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目次 I表次 III圖次 IV第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的與問題 4第三節 相關名詞解釋 5第二章 文獻探討 7第一節 長期照顧政策的發展 7第二節 我國政府施政績效管理制度 24第三節 績效管理之意涵與問題 29第四節 績效體系做為檢視績效管理作為的廣角視野 35第五節 績效資訊之意涵與運用 41第六節 小結 57第三章 研究設計 59第一節 研究架構 59第二節 研究方法 60第三節 研究對象 65第四節 質性研究分析 70第四章 研究分析與發現 75第一節 長照2.0之政策規劃與執行現況 75第二節 長照2.0之績效體系 99第三節 如何運用績效資訊進行績效管理 129第五章 結論與建議 151第一節 研究發現 152第二節 政策建議 160第三節 研究貢獻與研究限制 165參考文獻 167中文部分 167英文部分 173附錄 179附錄一、訪談題綱 179附錄二、108年衛生福利部地方衛生機關業務考評作業手冊 180 zh_TW dc.format.extent 5620052 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 長照2.0 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效管理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效體系 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效資訊 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方衛生機關業務考評 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Long-term Care Program 2.0 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Performance management en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Performance regime en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Performance information en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Business Evaluation of Local Health Agencies en_US dc.title (題名) 從績效資訊角度論地方政府績效管理制度之規劃與執行:以長期照顧十年計畫2.0為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Study of Local Government`s Planning and Implementing Performance Management System from the Performance Information Perspective: Using the Long-term Care Program 2.0 as an Example en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分王品(2015)。德國長期照顧保險效應分析:1995-2013。人文及社會科學集刊,27(1),135-203。王儷玲、邱于芬、謝明華、陳彥志(2017)。長期照顧保險商品設計與風險效果分析。臺大管理論叢,27(2S),177-207。王美雯、張妏瑜(2020)。從醫療實務者角度說明社區整體照護模式A單位執行之整合困境與整合經驗。長期照護雜誌,24(2),83-91。丘昌泰(2013)。公共管理。臺北:智勝。曲同光、崔道華、彭美琪、陳信婷(2015)。我國長期照顧保險制度規劃概述。長庚科技學刊,(23),1-14。朱金池、王俊元、郭銘峰(2014)。從利害關係人途徑析探公部門績效管理:我國地方政府之經驗。文官制度季刊,6(4),1-26。朱景鵬、朱鎮明、魯炳炎(2004)。地方政府治理能力評估模式建構之研究。臺北:行政院研究發展與考核委員會。余朝權(2010)。組織行為學(三版),臺北:五南。吳心楷、辛靜婷 (2011)。數位學習研究中質性資料的管理與分析:以NVivo 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