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題名 台灣後備部隊之重建
Reconstructing Taiwan’s Armed Forces Reserve作者 林武堅
Cline, Noah貢獻者 甯方璽
Ning, Fang-Shii
Noah Cline關鍵詞 台灣軍隊
Taiwanese military
Defense reform
Reserve affairs日期 2021 上傳時間 2-Sep-2022 15:40:09 (UTC+8) 摘要 目前政府執政期間為兩岸關係20年來的最低點,並引發了對軍事衝突爆發的擔憂。台灣與中國都擁有先進的現代化軍事力量,但中國的現役部隊裝備與數量使臺灣相形見絀。如果中國對台灣發動侵略戰爭,臺灣除了現役部隊之外還需要動員後備力量來保衛自己的領土。台灣有非常龐大後備力量,但後備部隊所接受的訓練及裝備都比現役差,如果繼續忽視後備部隊的重要性,相信將失去阻擋中國武力進犯台灣防衛的最後一道防線。因此本研究審視目前臺灣後備部隊力量及相關政策,並藉由文獻蒐集分析與訪談相關高階軍官及最近接受過後備軍事訓練之個人,評估臺灣後備部隊武裝力量的現狀,並藉由SWOT分析台灣後備武力自身的優勢與劣勢,以及中國威脅之下所面臨的機會與威脅,再與國外後備軍事儲備的比較,據此來強化台灣後備部隊的整備及作戰能力。本研究成果顯示,許多前人研究所提出的建議尚未得到執行,若執行仍能有效提升後備戰力,若能複製美軍現役部隊和後備部隊之間動態機制關係並加強後勤支援,如此將可快速動員後備部隊及提升後備戰力。
Relations between China and Taiwan are currently at a twenty-year low. This has sparked fears of renewed military conflict between the two countries, and concern that China may attempt to invade Taiwan in the near future. Though both countries possess a formidable military, China’s active-duty force dwarfs that of Taiwan. If China were to attempt an invasion, Taiwan would defend its territory by mobilizing its massive military reserve. Taiwan’s armed forces reserve is numerically impressive, but poorly trained and equipped relative to Taiwan’s active-duty military. Continued underinvestment in reserve capabilities has hindered the force’s ability to credibly deter Chinese aggression and limited its effectiveness to fulfill its role as Taiwan’s last line of defense.This study examines the impact on Taiwan’s armed forces reserve resulting from the implementation of major force shaping policy. It assesses the current condition of Taiwan’sarmed forces reserve through an examination of open-source literature and interviews. SWOT analysis has been used to examine shortfalls and form recommendations designed to enhance reserve readiness and field capabilities in line with Taiwan’s military operational concept.This study concludes that recommendations provided by previous studies have gone unimplemented but remain valid, that enhanced mechanization of the reserve force must be matched by enhanced logistical support, and that the adoption of a force design which replicates the United States military’s dynamics relations between active and reserve forces would undermine rapid mobilization.參考文獻 Ahronheim, Anna. “Taiwan to send military delegation to Israel to study reserve forces.” TheJerusalem Post. September 8, 2020., Steve. “Cash-Strapped National Guard Warns It Will Be Forced to Cancel Training,Ground Aircraft.” June 22, 2021., Ben and J.R. Wu. “China Says has Stopped Communication Mechanism withTaiwan.” Reuters. June 25, 2016., David. “Reconceiving Taiwan’s Reserve Forces.” Defense Security Brief 9, no.1 (June2020): 1-8., Rachel. “Taiwan Cuts Compulsory Military Service to 4 Months.” Taiwan Today. January2, 2012., Paula. “Defense Ministry to Strengthen Reserve Forces.” Radio Taiwan International.September 29, 2020., Michael S, Jeffrey Engstrom, Tai Ming Cheung, Kristen Gunness, Scott W. Harold,Susan Puska, and Samuel K. Berkowitz. China’s Incomplete Military Transformation:Assessing the Weaknesses of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Santa Monica, CA:RAND Corporation, 2015.Chen, Kelven. “Taiwan`s defense ministry developing new combat vehicle.” Taiwan News.March 10, 2021., Han. “Taiwan in Time: The First Anti-communist Conscripts.” Taipei Times. July 23,2017.“China is ratcheting up military pressure on Taiwan.” The Economist. October 9, 2021., Lawrence. “KMT`s Ma Vows to end Military Conscription.” South China Morning Post.September 4, 2007., Rachel. “A Civilian Cybersecurity Reserve Corps is Needed for the Pentagon and DHS,Lawmakers from Both Parties say.” Air Force Times. April 29,2021., Zachary. “Trump Administration Touts 33% Increase in Foreign Arms Sales.” CNN.October 10, 2018.“Concerns over Combat-Readiness of Four-Month Conscripts.” Formosa News. October 5, 2020.“Conscription to End for Men Born in 1995 or Later.” Taiwan News. July 16, 2009.“Country Comparisons: Total Fertility Rate.” The World Factbook., Matthew. “Army Reserve`s Ready Force X Units Train to Deploy on Short Notice.” July23, 2018., Conrad and Gian Gentile. “Understanding the Abrams Doctrine: Myth Versus Reality.”December 9, 2015. Primer: Organization of U.S. Ground Forces, Congressional Research Service: 2021, of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center. “Active-Duty Military Personnel byRank/Grade and Service June 30, 2021.”———. “Selected Reserves by Rank/Grade June 30, 2021.”, Ian, Mark Stokes, Cortez A. Cooper, and Arthur Chan. Transformation of Taiwan’sReserve Force. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017.Election Study Center, National Chengchi University. “Taiwanese / Chinese Identity(1992/06~2021/12).” Last modified January 10, 2022., Keoni. “One in Three Taiwanese Children Suffer from a Mental Disorder: Study.”Taiwan News. July 18, 2017., Nolan. “Pentagon: 7 in 10 Youths Would Fail to Qualify for Military Service.” TIME.June 29, 2014., Andrew and Lawrence Kapp. Army Active Component (AC)/Reserve Component (RC)Force Mix: Considerations and Options for Congress, Congressional Research Service,2014.Feng, John. “Taiwan and Japan Track China Warship Together in Apparent Team-up at Sea.”Newsweek. May 4, 2021.———. “Taiwan to Begin 24/7 Simulation of Chinese Invasion.” Newsweek. April 20, 2021,“Former Official Urges Taiwan Military to Include both Volunteers, Conscripts.” Taiwan News.November 17, 2020., Tanner. “Taiwan’s Defense Strategy Doesn’t Make Military Sense.” Foreign Affairs.September 17, 2019., Erin. “Taiwan delays scheme to help Hong Kongers over spying fears.” Aljazeera. May 20,2022., Kathrin. “Taiwan Strives to Bolster Forces in Response to Beijing Sabre-Rattling.”Financial Times. July 12, 2020.———. “US is misleading in its assessment of China’s Taiwan threat.” Global Insight. FinancialTimes. May 5, 2021., Frank S. T. and Lawrence R. Sullivan. “The Chinese Communist Party and the Status ofTaiwan, 1928-1943.” Pacific Affairs 52, No. 3 (Autumn 1979): 449-454. Tzu-ti. “Rare Footage Shows Joint Training of US, Taiwan Special Forces.” TaiwanNews. June 29, 2020., Kelven and Lillian Wu. “Military Explains Some Changes to Conscript System.” CentralNews Agency. September 13, 2013., Paul. “Taiwan’s Military Has Flashy American Weapons but No Ammo.” ForeignPolicy. August 20, 2020., Zin. “Taiwan Remains Most Overweight Asian Country Despite Increase in Exercise.”Taiwan News. June 20, 2019., Jens. “The Problem with Taiwanese Eyes.” The Diplomat. March 12, 2015., Lawrence J. and David R. Segal. “Manning & Financing the Twenty-First-Century All-Volunteer Force.” Dædalus (Spring 2011): 75-78.Landler, Mark. “No New F-16’s for Taiwan, but U.S. to Upgrade Fleet.” New York Times.September 18, 2011. Hsi-ming and Eric Lee. “Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept, Explained.” The Diplomat.November 3, 2020., Yimou and David Lague. “Chinese spies have penetrated Taiwan’s military, casedocuments reveal,” Reuters. December 20, 2021., Yimou, David Lague, and Ben Blanchard. “China Launches ‘Gray-Zone’ Warfare toSubdue Taiwan.” Reuters. December 10, 2020., Nan. “Party Congress Reshuffle Strengthens Xi’s Hold on Central Military Commission.”China Brief. February 26, 2018., Claudia and Elizabeth Hsu. “Incentives to Boost Military Recruitment Successful:President.” Central News Agency. June 16, 2014., Oriana S. “Taiwan’s Defense Policy Under Tsai.” China Brief. October 4, 2016., Fu S. “Operational Changes in Taiwan’s Han Kuang Military Exercises 2008-2010.” ChinaBrief. May 27, 2010.“Military and Security – China.” The World Factbook.“Military and Security – Taiwan.” The World Factbook.“Ministry Says Army Conscription to be Maintained in 2017.” Taipei Times. August 17, 2016., Vanessa. “Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge.” The Diplomat.August 31, 2019.“The most dangerous place on Earth.” Leaders. The Economist. April 29, 2021., Leigh. “Reserve Chief Brings Exec Skills.” Politico. October 24, 2012., Meghann and Leo Shane III. “A Privately Funded National Guard Deployment is Legal,but is it Ethical?” Military Times. June 30, 2021. Conscription Agency, ROC Ministry of the Interior. “Conscription AdministrationFunctions.” October 20, 2017. Totenberg. “Supreme Court Turns Away Challenge To The Rule That Only Men RegisterFor The Draft.” June 7, 2021.’Hanlon, Michael E. “An Asymmetric Defense of Taiwan.” The National Interest. April 28,2021., Wyatt. “Senate Version of Defense Bill Paves way for Taiwan to Attend RIMPAC inFuture Years.” Stars and Stripes. June 30, 2020., Jason. “All-volunteer Military Plans Postponed.” Taipei Times. August 27, 2015. Huang. “Taiwan’s Military Is a Hollow Shell.” Foreign Policy. February 15, 2020.ña, Alan. “Duty and Compensation in the Reserve Component: One Weekend a Month, TwoWeeks a Year, and a Bunch of Unpaid Work.” Modern War Institute. February 19, 2020., Guy. “Army Focus on Counterinsurgency Debated Within.” NPR, May 6. 2008. Ministry of National Defense. "2020 National Defense Policy and an Outlook of FuturePerspectives." December 30, 2020.———. “Clarifying and Explaining the Matter of ‘The Current Military Service System ofRepublic of China is a Duo System of Recruitment and Conscription, not a FullRecruitment System.’” July 8, 2019.———. “Clarifying on the Media Coverage of ‘USA Criticising Republic of China ArmedForces: Lack Real Worth and Effective Combat Capability.’” October 20, 2019.———. “Guofang bu fabu xinwen gao shuoming ‘huifu zhibing zhi’, ‘Nuxing zhibing fuyi’deng qing.” 國防部發布新聞稿,說明「恢復徵兵制」、「女性徵兵服役」等情。[The Ministry of Defense issued a press release explaining the "resumption of theconscription system" and "women`s conscription to serve in the military."], September30, 2020.———. “Reserve Command: Military Recall Selection Methods are Conducted in Accordancewith Regulations.” May 9, 2016.———. 2017 National Defense Report. Taipei, Republic of China: 2017 National DefenseReport Editorial Committee, 2017.———. 2019 National Defense Report. Taipei, Republic of China: 2019 National DefenseReport Editorial Committee, 2019.———. 2021 Quadrennial Defense Review. Taipei, Republic of China: 2021 QuadrennialDefense Review Editorial Committee, 2021.———. Guo jun "tisheng houbei zhan li" zhuanan baogao 國軍「提升後備戰力」專案報告[National army “reserve force enhancement” project report]. 10th Legislative Yuan, 2ndSess., 6th Committee Meeting of the Foreign and National Defense Committee. Taipei,Taiwan: 2020.Sherry, Mark D. “China Defensive.” U.S. Army Center of Military History. Last updated October3, 2003., Matthew. “Taiwan Military Tinkers with Height Limits for Recruits.” Taiwan News.November 11, 2020.———. “Taiwan military to form 5 new coastal defense brigades.” Taiwan News. December 24,2020.“Taiwan can mobilize 450,000 soldiers upon president`s order.” Taiwan News. October 22, 2020.“Taiwan hanguang yanxi shou moni `di wu zongdui` gong tai” 台灣漢光演習 首模擬「第五縱隊」攻台 [Taiwan`s Hankuang exercises first simulated "fifth column" attack onTaiwan]. Wenweipo 文匯報, August 23, 2016.“Taiwan Submarine Capabilities.” Nuclear Threat Initiative. July 22, 2013.“Taiwan`s All-Volunteer Force Program Marks Year One.” Institute for National Defense andSecurity Research. April 1, 2019.`s-All-Volunteer-Force-Program-Marks-Year-One.Thompson, Drew. “Hope on The Horizon: Taiwan’s Radical New Defense Concept.” War on theRocks. October 2, 2018., Aaron. “Last Batch of Compulsory Recruits Near Discharge,” Taipei Times. December 17,2018., Michael. “Fattening up Taiwan: The Nation’s Childhood Obesity Problem.” TaipeiTimes. December 21, 2020. Congress. House of Representatives. The Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense AuthorizationBudget Request from the Department of Defense: Hearing before the Committee onArmed Services, 117th Cong., 1st sess., June 23, 2021.US Congress. Senate. United States Indo-Pacific Command: Hearing before the Committee onArmed Services, 117th Cong., 1st sess., March 9, 2021US Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress:Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China, 2020.US Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel &Readiness. “Manpower & Reserve Affairs.” Last Accessed June 20, 2022.“US Says Taiwan’s Defense Budget Spending ‘Insufficient’ Against Chinese Threat.” TaiwanNews. December 7, 2020., Steve. “Why Were Out-of-State National Guard Units in Washington, D.C.? TheJustice Department’s Troubling Explanation.” Lawfare. June 9, 2020. Cheng-chung and Elizabeth Hsu, “Military Conscription to Stop Completely from 2018:Defense Minister.” Central News Agency. December 12, 2016., Gerrit van der. “The Taiwan Travel Act in Context.” The Diplomat. March 19, 2018., Ben. “Major Changes due for Officer Career Paths in Latest NDAA.” USNI News.August 3, 2018., Dee. “Taiwan`s All-Volunteer Force and Military Transformation.” Project 2049 Institute.December 20, 2017., Shang-su. “Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Military.” The Diplomat. December 26, 2013., Mike. “Taiwan Requests Fighter Jets from the US, but with an Unusual Twist.” DefenseNews. March 11, 2019., Matt and Joseph Yeh. “Taiwan military to double recruitment of `weekend warriors` nextyear.” Focus Taiwan. May 29, 2022,, Li-Chung. “Recruitment and Retention in Taiwan’s New All-Volunteer Force.” ResMilitaris, ERGOMAS, no. 5 (December 2017) 描述 碩士
108926026資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 甯方璽 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Ning, Fang-Shii en_US (Authors) 林武堅 zh_TW (Authors) Noah Cline en_US dc.creator (作者) 林武堅 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Cline, Noah en_US (日期) 2021 en_US 2-Sep-2022 15:40:09 (UTC+8) - 2-Sep-2022 15:40:09 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Sep-2022 15:40:09 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108926026 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 108926026 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 目前政府執政期間為兩岸關係20年來的最低點,並引發了對軍事衝突爆發的擔憂。台灣與中國都擁有先進的現代化軍事力量,但中國的現役部隊裝備與數量使臺灣相形見絀。如果中國對台灣發動侵略戰爭,臺灣除了現役部隊之外還需要動員後備力量來保衛自己的領土。台灣有非常龐大後備力量,但後備部隊所接受的訓練及裝備都比現役差,如果繼續忽視後備部隊的重要性,相信將失去阻擋中國武力進犯台灣防衛的最後一道防線。因此本研究審視目前臺灣後備部隊力量及相關政策,並藉由文獻蒐集分析與訪談相關高階軍官及最近接受過後備軍事訓練之個人,評估臺灣後備部隊武裝力量的現狀,並藉由SWOT分析台灣後備武力自身的優勢與劣勢,以及中國威脅之下所面臨的機會與威脅,再與國外後備軍事儲備的比較,據此來強化台灣後備部隊的整備及作戰能力。本研究成果顯示,許多前人研究所提出的建議尚未得到執行,若執行仍能有效提升後備戰力,若能複製美軍現役部隊和後備部隊之間動態機制關係並加強後勤支援,如此將可快速動員後備部隊及提升後備戰力。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Relations between China and Taiwan are currently at a twenty-year low. This has sparked fears of renewed military conflict between the two countries, and concern that China may attempt to invade Taiwan in the near future. Though both countries possess a formidable military, China’s active-duty force dwarfs that of Taiwan. If China were to attempt an invasion, Taiwan would defend its territory by mobilizing its massive military reserve. Taiwan’s armed forces reserve is numerically impressive, but poorly trained and equipped relative to Taiwan’s active-duty military. Continued underinvestment in reserve capabilities has hindered the force’s ability to credibly deter Chinese aggression and limited its effectiveness to fulfill its role as Taiwan’s last line of defense.This study examines the impact on Taiwan’s armed forces reserve resulting from the implementation of major force shaping policy. It assesses the current condition of Taiwan’sarmed forces reserve through an examination of open-source literature and interviews. SWOT analysis has been used to examine shortfalls and form recommendations designed to enhance reserve readiness and field capabilities in line with Taiwan’s military operational concept.This study concludes that recommendations provided by previous studies have gone unimplemented but remain valid, that enhanced mechanization of the reserve force must be matched by enhanced logistical support, and that the adoption of a force design which replicates the United States military’s dynamics relations between active and reserve forces would undermine rapid mobilization. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgements iDisclaimer iAbstract ii摘要 iiiContents iv1 Introduction 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Problem Statement 91.3 Purpose of Study and Delimitations 91.4 Research Questions 92 Literature Review 102.1 Literature Review 102.2 Methodology and Framework . 263 Present Situation of Taiwan’s Reserve Force 273.1 Strategic Analysis 273.2 Evolution of Conscription and Reserve Forces in Taiwan 333.3 Organization and Training 403.4 Comparison of US Reserve Forces 444 Reconstructing Taiwan’s Armed Forces Reserve for the Future Strategic Environment 504.1 Force Enhancement Plan 504.2 Suggestions for Reconstructing Taiwan’s Reserve 555 Conclusion 63BIBLIOGRAPHY 66 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1058662 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台灣軍隊 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 防衛轉型 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 後備事務 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwanese military en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Defense reform en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Reserve affairs en_US dc.title (題名) 台灣後備部隊之重建 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Reconstructing Taiwan’s Armed Forces Reserve en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Ahronheim, Anna. “Taiwan to send military delegation to Israel to study reserve forces.” TheJerusalem Post. September 8, 2020., Steve. “Cash-Strapped National Guard Warns It Will Be Forced to Cancel Training,Ground Aircraft.” June 22, 2021., Ben and J.R. Wu. “China Says has Stopped Communication Mechanism withTaiwan.” Reuters. June 25, 2016., David. “Reconceiving Taiwan’s Reserve Forces.” Defense Security Brief 9, no.1 (June2020): 1-8., Rachel. “Taiwan Cuts Compulsory Military Service to 4 Months.” Taiwan Today. January2, 2012., Paula. “Defense Ministry to Strengthen Reserve Forces.” Radio Taiwan International.September 29, 2020., Michael S, Jeffrey Engstrom, Tai Ming Cheung, Kristen Gunness, Scott W. Harold,Susan Puska, and Samuel K. Berkowitz. China’s Incomplete Military Transformation:Assessing the Weaknesses of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Santa Monica, CA:RAND Corporation, 2015.Chen, Kelven. “Taiwan`s defense ministry developing new combat vehicle.” Taiwan News.March 10, 2021., Han. “Taiwan in Time: The First Anti-communist Conscripts.” Taipei Times. July 23,2017.“China is ratcheting up military pressure on Taiwan.” The Economist. October 9, 2021., Lawrence. “KMT`s Ma Vows to end Military Conscription.” South China Morning Post.September 4, 2007., Rachel. “A Civilian Cybersecurity Reserve Corps is Needed for the Pentagon and DHS,Lawmakers from Both Parties say.” Air Force Times. April 29,2021., Zachary. “Trump Administration Touts 33% Increase in Foreign Arms Sales.” CNN.October 10, 2018.“Concerns over Combat-Readiness of Four-Month Conscripts.” Formosa News. October 5, 2020.“Conscription to End for Men Born in 1995 or Later.” Taiwan News. July 16, 2009.“Country Comparisons: Total Fertility Rate.” The World Factbook., Matthew. “Army Reserve`s Ready Force X Units Train to Deploy on Short Notice.” July23, 2018., Conrad and Gian Gentile. “Understanding the Abrams Doctrine: Myth Versus Reality.”December 9, 2015. Primer: Organization of U.S. Ground Forces, Congressional Research Service: 2021, of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center. “Active-Duty Military Personnel byRank/Grade and Service June 30, 2021.”———. “Selected Reserves by Rank/Grade June 30, 2021.”, Ian, Mark Stokes, Cortez A. Cooper, and Arthur Chan. Transformation of Taiwan’sReserve Force. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017.Election Study Center, National Chengchi University. “Taiwanese / Chinese Identity(1992/06~2021/12).” Last modified January 10, 2022., Keoni. “One in Three Taiwanese Children Suffer from a Mental Disorder: Study.”Taiwan News. July 18, 2017., Nolan. “Pentagon: 7 in 10 Youths Would Fail to Qualify for Military Service.” TIME.June 29, 2014., Andrew and Lawrence Kapp. Army Active Component (AC)/Reserve Component (RC)Force Mix: Considerations and Options for Congress, Congressional Research Service,2014.Feng, John. “Taiwan and Japan Track China Warship Together in Apparent Team-up at Sea.”Newsweek. May 4, 2021.———. “Taiwan to Begin 24/7 Simulation of Chinese Invasion.” Newsweek. April 20, 2021,“Former Official Urges Taiwan Military to Include both Volunteers, Conscripts.” Taiwan News.November 17, 2020., Tanner. “Taiwan’s Defense Strategy Doesn’t Make Military Sense.” Foreign Affairs.September 17, 2019., Erin. “Taiwan delays scheme to help Hong Kongers over spying fears.” Aljazeera. May 20,2022., Kathrin. “Taiwan Strives to Bolster Forces in Response to Beijing Sabre-Rattling.”Financial Times. July 12, 2020.———. “US is misleading in its assessment of China’s Taiwan threat.” Global Insight. FinancialTimes. May 5, 2021., Frank S. T. and Lawrence R. Sullivan. “The Chinese Communist Party and the Status ofTaiwan, 1928-1943.” Pacific Affairs 52, No. 3 (Autumn 1979): 449-454. Tzu-ti. “Rare Footage Shows Joint Training of US, Taiwan Special Forces.” TaiwanNews. June 29, 2020., Kelven and Lillian Wu. “Military Explains Some Changes to Conscript System.” CentralNews Agency. September 13, 2013., Paul. “Taiwan’s Military Has Flashy American Weapons but No Ammo.” ForeignPolicy. August 20, 2020., Zin. “Taiwan Remains Most Overweight Asian Country Despite Increase in Exercise.”Taiwan News. June 20, 2019., Jens. “The Problem with Taiwanese Eyes.” The Diplomat. March 12, 2015., Lawrence J. and David R. Segal. “Manning & Financing the Twenty-First-Century All-Volunteer Force.” Dædalus (Spring 2011): 75-78.Landler, Mark. “No New F-16’s for Taiwan, but U.S. to Upgrade Fleet.” New York Times.September 18, 2011. Hsi-ming and Eric Lee. “Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept, Explained.” The Diplomat.November 3, 2020., Yimou and David Lague. “Chinese spies have penetrated Taiwan’s military, casedocuments reveal,” Reuters. December 20, 2021., Yimou, David Lague, and Ben Blanchard. “China Launches ‘Gray-Zone’ Warfare toSubdue Taiwan.” Reuters. December 10, 2020., Nan. “Party Congress Reshuffle Strengthens Xi’s Hold on Central Military Commission.”China Brief. February 26, 2018., Claudia and Elizabeth Hsu. “Incentives to Boost Military Recruitment Successful:President.” Central News Agency. June 16, 2014., Oriana S. “Taiwan’s Defense Policy Under Tsai.” China Brief. October 4, 2016., Fu S. “Operational Changes in Taiwan’s Han Kuang Military Exercises 2008-2010.” ChinaBrief. May 27, 2010.“Military and Security – China.” The World Factbook.“Military and Security – Taiwan.” The World Factbook.“Ministry Says Army Conscription to be Maintained in 2017.” Taipei Times. August 17, 2016., Vanessa. “Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge.” The Diplomat.August 31, 2019.“The most dangerous place on Earth.” Leaders. The Economist. April 29, 2021., Leigh. “Reserve Chief Brings Exec Skills.” Politico. October 24, 2012., Meghann and Leo Shane III. “A Privately Funded National Guard Deployment is Legal,but is it Ethical?” Military Times. June 30, 2021. Conscription Agency, ROC Ministry of the Interior. “Conscription AdministrationFunctions.” October 20, 2017. Totenberg. “Supreme Court Turns Away Challenge To The Rule That Only Men RegisterFor The Draft.” June 7, 2021.’Hanlon, Michael E. “An Asymmetric Defense of Taiwan.” The National Interest. April 28,2021., Wyatt. “Senate Version of Defense Bill Paves way for Taiwan to Attend RIMPAC inFuture Years.” Stars and Stripes. June 30, 2020., Jason. “All-volunteer Military Plans Postponed.” Taipei Times. August 27, 2015. Huang. “Taiwan’s Military Is a Hollow Shell.” Foreign Policy. February 15, 2020.ña, Alan. “Duty and Compensation in the Reserve Component: One Weekend a Month, TwoWeeks a Year, and a Bunch of Unpaid Work.” Modern War Institute. February 19, 2020., Guy. “Army Focus on Counterinsurgency Debated Within.” NPR, May 6. 2008. Ministry of National Defense. "2020 National Defense Policy and an Outlook of FuturePerspectives." December 30, 2020.———. “Clarifying and Explaining the Matter of ‘The Current Military Service System ofRepublic of China is a Duo System of Recruitment and Conscription, not a FullRecruitment System.’” July 8, 2019.———. “Clarifying on the Media Coverage of ‘USA Criticising Republic of China ArmedForces: Lack Real Worth and Effective Combat Capability.’” October 20, 2019.———. “Guofang bu fabu xinwen gao shuoming ‘huifu zhibing zhi’, ‘Nuxing zhibing fuyi’deng qing.” 國防部發布新聞稿,說明「恢復徵兵制」、「女性徵兵服役」等情。[The Ministry of Defense issued a press release explaining the "resumption of theconscription system" and "women`s conscription to serve in the military."], September30, 2020.———. “Reserve Command: Military Recall Selection Methods are Conducted in Accordancewith Regulations.” May 9, 2016.———. 2017 National Defense Report. Taipei, Republic of China: 2017 National DefenseReport Editorial Committee, 2017.———. 2019 National Defense Report. Taipei, Republic of China: 2019 National DefenseReport Editorial Committee, 2019.———. 2021 Quadrennial Defense Review. Taipei, Republic of China: 2021 QuadrennialDefense Review Editorial Committee, 2021.———. Guo jun "tisheng houbei zhan li" zhuanan baogao 國軍「提升後備戰力」專案報告[National army “reserve force enhancement” project report]. 10th Legislative Yuan, 2ndSess., 6th Committee Meeting of the Foreign and National Defense Committee. Taipei,Taiwan: 2020.Sherry, Mark D. “China Defensive.” U.S. Army Center of Military History. Last updated October3, 2003., Matthew. “Taiwan Military Tinkers with Height Limits for Recruits.” Taiwan News.November 11, 2020.———. “Taiwan military to form 5 new coastal defense brigades.” Taiwan News. December 24,2020.“Taiwan can mobilize 450,000 soldiers upon president`s order.” Taiwan News. October 22, 2020.“Taiwan hanguang yanxi shou moni `di wu zongdui` gong tai” 台灣漢光演習 首模擬「第五縱隊」攻台 [Taiwan`s Hankuang exercises first simulated "fifth column" attack onTaiwan]. 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