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題名 從一個太極拳團體探討佛教與道教的身心修煉
Taking a Taiji group as an Example to Study the Buddhist and Daoist Body-Mind Cultivation作者 王秀妃
Wang, Hsiu-Fei貢獻者 謝世維
Hsieh, Shu-Wei
Wang, Hsiu-Fei關鍵詞 佛教內明
Buddhist Insight Meditation
Daoist Inner Alchemy
Body-Mind Cultivation
Religious Experience日期 2022 上傳時間 2022-10-05 摘要 本研究聚焦在解開宗教修煉經驗的歷程。研究人員在一個佛教徒組成的道家內丹「太極拳」團體中,觀察到團員如何透過三層身心修煉的解明歷程,抵達佛教內明與道教內丹的身心修煉以及開啟助人為主的生命實踐之道。論述的行文由如下的六章貫串而成。第一章緒論,交代研究背景、文獻回顧、研究方法與進行步驟以及本研究考察的太極拳團體。第二章,探討此太極拳團體傳承百年間以經典、修煉方法以及實際經驗所形成的解明經驗。第三章,太極拳教導師站在修煉者角度,幫助修煉者在身心修煉過程中,透過觀看身心修煉的動態,打開三層身體時空,抵達身心修煉的解明宗教經驗。說明三層身體、身心修煉、身心修煉以及宗教經驗的意涵。第四章,則是修煉者將太極拳由內丹、武術以及個人修煉轉向助人的整復工作。在工作現場中,站在求助者立場,開啟以求助者問題為主,協同技法、助人者經驗形成的助人生命經驗。第五章,身心修煉與宗教經驗,研究人員參與觀察、實際身心修煉探究佛教內明與道教內丹的宗教經驗。第六章,總結本文要點。研究人員發現團員在教導師口授知識與身傳方法的同時,一面觀察自己的體驗,一面參考佛教內明、道教內丹與當代醫學的身體觀與知識體系,調整自己的三層身體,形成一連串變動不停的解明經驗過程。而解明經驗不僅在修煉場所以及時間內發生,團員也會進一步將解明經驗靈活運用,以開展個人的身心修煉、助人修煉、宗教經驗以及生命實踐的解明之道。
This research attempts to demystify the experience of learning a new mystical religious practice. Subjects were lay Buddhists who undergo training as a group to learn "Taijiquan". The "Taijiquan" set includes Daoist inner alchemy practice, a form of Chinese mystical body practice. The researcher observed how the lay Buddhists, by practicing the "Taijiquan", realized both the teachings of Buddhist insight meditation and Daoist inner alchemy as well as how this new knowledge influenced their daily life and inner perceptions of religious experience. The thesis has six chapters. The first chapter, contains an explanation of the research background, a literature review, outlines research methods and procedures and introduces the practitioners. The second chapter, analyzed the relationship between scriptures, cultivation methods and practice experience of Cheng Man Ching, Wu Kuo Chung, Chen Quo Kuan and the practitioners. The third chapter records how the teacher taught Taijiquan according to the physical abilities of each the practitioners, helped practitioners to perceive the movements of their three-layered bodies and their subjective expansion of time and space, and assisted the practitioners in the understanding of their individual religious experiences. Meanwhile explains the concepts of the three-layered body, body cultivation, body-mind cultivation and religious body cultivation. In the fourth chapter, some of practitioners transform their inner alchemy of martial arts, and personal practice of Taijiquan into a practical chiropractic work for helping others. In the work place, the practitioners offer the techniques of Taijiquan which were best suited to relieve the needs of the person seeking assistance. The fifth chapter, self-reflection. Chapter sixth makes a synthesis of the findings.Briefly, the practitioners synthesized scriptures, cultivation methods and practice experience together resulting in the demystification of new religious experiences and knowledge that benefited the individual practitioner, but also promoted the ability to help others in practical life and in interpretation of religious experiences.參考文獻 參考書目一、經典CBETA,12 06 2022,[線上]. Available: Online大正藏T0099《雜阿含經.卷1.第23經》,12 6 2022,[線上]. Available:《大方廣華佛華嚴經.入法界品》善財童子五十三參,12 6 2022,[線上]. Available:《中庸》中國哲學書電子化計劃,12 6 2022,[線上]. Available:《說文解字》中國哲學書電子化計劃,12 6 2022,[線上]. Available:《易經》中國哲學書電子化計劃,12 6 2022,[線上]. Available:。《黃帝內經. 素問.靈蘭秘典》,12 6 2022,[線上]. 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102156503資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 謝世維 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Hsieh, Shu-Wei en_US (Authors) 王秀妃 zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Hsiu-Fei en_US dc.creator (作者) 王秀妃 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Wang, Hsiu-Fei en_US (日期) 2022 en_US 2022-10-05 - 2022-10-05 - (上傳時間) 2022-10-05 - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102156503 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 宗教研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 102156503 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究聚焦在解開宗教修煉經驗的歷程。研究人員在一個佛教徒組成的道家內丹「太極拳」團體中,觀察到團員如何透過三層身心修煉的解明歷程,抵達佛教內明與道教內丹的身心修煉以及開啟助人為主的生命實踐之道。論述的行文由如下的六章貫串而成。第一章緒論,交代研究背景、文獻回顧、研究方法與進行步驟以及本研究考察的太極拳團體。第二章,探討此太極拳團體傳承百年間以經典、修煉方法以及實際經驗所形成的解明經驗。第三章,太極拳教導師站在修煉者角度,幫助修煉者在身心修煉過程中,透過觀看身心修煉的動態,打開三層身體時空,抵達身心修煉的解明宗教經驗。說明三層身體、身心修煉、身心修煉以及宗教經驗的意涵。第四章,則是修煉者將太極拳由內丹、武術以及個人修煉轉向助人的整復工作。在工作現場中,站在求助者立場,開啟以求助者問題為主,協同技法、助人者經驗形成的助人生命經驗。第五章,身心修煉與宗教經驗,研究人員參與觀察、實際身心修煉探究佛教內明與道教內丹的宗教經驗。第六章,總結本文要點。研究人員發現團員在教導師口授知識與身傳方法的同時,一面觀察自己的體驗,一面參考佛教內明、道教內丹與當代醫學的身體觀與知識體系,調整自己的三層身體,形成一連串變動不停的解明經驗過程。而解明經驗不僅在修煉場所以及時間內發生,團員也會進一步將解明經驗靈活運用,以開展個人的身心修煉、助人修煉、宗教經驗以及生命實踐的解明之道。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research attempts to demystify the experience of learning a new mystical religious practice. Subjects were lay Buddhists who undergo training as a group to learn "Taijiquan". The "Taijiquan" set includes Daoist inner alchemy practice, a form of Chinese mystical body practice. The researcher observed how the lay Buddhists, by practicing the "Taijiquan", realized both the teachings of Buddhist insight meditation and Daoist inner alchemy as well as how this new knowledge influenced their daily life and inner perceptions of religious experience. The thesis has six chapters. The first chapter, contains an explanation of the research background, a literature review, outlines research methods and procedures and introduces the practitioners. The second chapter, analyzed the relationship between scriptures, cultivation methods and practice experience of Cheng Man Ching, Wu Kuo Chung, Chen Quo Kuan and the practitioners. The third chapter records how the teacher taught Taijiquan according to the physical abilities of each the practitioners, helped practitioners to perceive the movements of their three-layered bodies and their subjective expansion of time and space, and assisted the practitioners in the understanding of their individual religious experiences. Meanwhile explains the concepts of the three-layered body, body cultivation, body-mind cultivation and religious body cultivation. In the fourth chapter, some of practitioners transform their inner alchemy of martial arts, and personal practice of Taijiquan into a practical chiropractic work for helping others. In the work place, the practitioners offer the techniques of Taijiquan which were best suited to relieve the needs of the person seeking assistance. The fifth chapter, self-reflection. Chapter sixth makes a synthesis of the findings.Briefly, the practitioners synthesized scriptures, cultivation methods and practice experience together resulting in the demystification of new religious experiences and knowledge that benefited the individual practitioner, but also promoted the ability to help others in practical life and in interpretation of religious experiences. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目次第一章 緒論 13第一節 研究背景 13第二節 文獻回顧 16一、身心修煉研究情形 18二、宗教經驗研究情形 21第三節 研究方法 25第四節 研究對象 27第五節 小結 29第二章 身心修煉協同經典與方法的宗教經驗 31第一節 傳承 31第二節 太極拳與內丹功法 33一、立身太陽系 40二、自身的學習態度 42(一)嬰兒與童子 42(二)嬰兒與母親的雙重身分 44(三)非侵入式的去蕪存精 46(四)知道極限 49(五)火候 50第三節 有關係的身心修煉(of, with, and, for, become) 52一、身體與神聖的關係(of, with, and, become) 52二、身心修煉與人建立不傷人能助人的關係(and, with, for) 55第四節 身心修煉與古今學科的關係 57第五節 小結 58第三章 三層身心修煉的自助指標 62第一節 身心修煉的開端︰對身心實際構成情況與邊界進行考察 62第二節 身心修煉初期︰對身心實際構成情況再考察與邊界解構 68一、文本身心的擱置 68二、對讀兩個宗教文本找出文本的範疇與限制 69三、實際考察的現象 69四、文化身體之範疇與侷限 73第三節 身心修煉中期︰對身心實際情況與邊界進行解構與重構 76一、越過困境 76二、不停地改 77第四節 身心修煉後期︰透視身心實際構成情況與邊界的開展 80第四章 互助關係 87第一節 身體不是附屬品 88第二節 用「手」傾「聽」 90一、「鬆」以四兩撥動求助者的千斤之軀 92二、維護鼎爐與槓杆的正位 94三、身體運作有一定的條理以及限度 96第三節 互推互轉及互助的漸與頓──維度與模塊的晒選與抉擇 97第四節 參與遊 99第五節 案例 100第五章 身心修煉與宗教經驗 102第一節 何謂身心修煉 103一、身與體 104二、身與體原含身體與心理之意涵 105三、實際參與現場的身心有三個運作的層次 107四、宗教作為由正確再到更好的身心目標 108第二節 何謂修煉 112一、修與煉 112二、宗教修煉 113第三節 身心修煉的宗教 114一、佛教內明的身心修煉 114(一)「內明」在佛教的意涵 115(二)佛教內明的身心修煉界說 117(三)小結 121二、道教內丹的身心修煉 122(一)道教內丹的意涵 124(二)道教內丹的身心修煉界說 125(三)小結 128三、道教內丹太極拳的身心修煉 129第四節 歷程式的宗教經驗 130一、傳統師徒制的提升 130二、師父以徒弟的基礎為教導與修煉的基礎(for you) 131三、參與遊中的助人體驗(for you) 131四、宗教經典在現在時空生發的宗教經驗 132五、體驗的信有別於信仰 133六、宗教經驗之無法教與煉 134第五節 小結 135第六章 結論 139參考書目 143圖次圖 1目前學界對宗教經驗研究概況示意圖 30圖 2拜師遞大帖才有的內丹傳承牌位一 61圖 3拜師遞大帖才有的內丹傳承牌位二 61 表次表格 1 鄭子太極拳內丹修煉的三階九級 35表格 2 楊式太極與鄭子太極加入左式內丹的區別 37表格 3 有關係的身心修煉表 60表格 4 身、體、身體到身體與心理的演變形成三層身心 109表格 5身體修煉到宗教經驗的歷程 138 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3691335 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 佛教內明 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道教內丹 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 太極拳 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 身體修煉 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 身心修煉 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宗教經驗 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Buddhist Insight Meditation en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Daoist Inner Alchemy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taijiquan en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Body-Mind Cultivation en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Religious Experience en_US dc.title (題名) 從一個太極拳團體探討佛教與道教的身心修煉 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Taking a Taiji group as an Example to Study the Buddhist and Daoist Body-Mind Cultivation en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目一、經典CBETA,12 06 2022,[線上]. 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