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題名 寄養家庭因應寄養兒童適應安置生活之策略
The Strategies of Foster Families to Facilitate the Adaptation of Foster Children作者 朱玉欣
Chu, Yu-Hsin貢獻者 謝美娥
Chu, Yu-Hsin關鍵詞 受虐兒童
Abused Child
Foster Care Placement
Foster Child
Foster Family
Coping Strategies日期 2022 上傳時間 5-Jan-2023 15:24:40 (UTC+8) 摘要 基於研究者多年在兒少寄養安置實務上的觀察,期待發掘寄養家庭面對寄養兒童適應安置生活時,如何幫助自己因應寄養兒童帶來的挑戰?寄養社工員的陪伴、訓練和支持提供寄養家庭哪些實際的幫助?寄養兒童在經過一連串生活適應的過程中,最終是穩定還是轉換安置處所?寄養服務過程中,支撐寄養家庭持續服務的態度為何?研究者透過訪談了解寄養家庭的觀點,從中發掘正向的經驗與力量,進而提供社工員及寄養家庭訓練的教材,在實務上能夠更快掌握寄養兒童的需求,迅速回應其行為與情緒議題,以協助兒童穩定生活,順利進行後續返家處遇,維護兒童最佳利益。研究者訪談十二戶寄養家庭的觀點,研究結果顯示受訪者對寄養兒童安置後生活適應的因應策略以積極策略為主,即立即、有效的方式解決問題,少數無法解決寄養兒童的行為議題時,退而求其次以中立策略調適自己的心情。此外,研究者依研究結果將寄養父母的因應策略分為三項能力,一是寄養父母與自我內在連結的能力,主要是寄養父母本身的觀察力、自我覺察、理解、接納與包容力、傾聽、陪伴等出自本身特質與長期經驗養成的教養能力;二是寄養父母與寄養兒童連結的能力,包含能回應寄養兒童的各項需求,協助兒童適應寄養家庭生活,提供規律生活型態並教導兒童生活與人際互動技巧等,第三部分則是寄養父母與環境資源連結的能力,在受訪者中,每一位都提到社工的支持與資源的提供,在具體專業協助下,讓照顧寄養兒童成為團隊合作的一項任務,團隊合作照顧提供寄養家庭強大後盾與支持系統。最後的研究結果提出對政策面、實務面、與未來研究的建議。
Based on the researcher`s observations on the practice of foster care placement for children over the years, look forward to discovering how foster families can help themselves cope with the challenges brought by foster children when they face abused children adapting to placement life. What practical help does the companionship, training and support of foster social workers provide to foster families? In the process of a series of life adaptations, foster children will eventually be stabilized or changed to a place of resettlement? During the process of foster care, what are the beliefs that support the continuous service of foster families? The researcher intends to understand the viewpoints of foster families through interviews, to discover positive experiences and strengths, and to provide training materials for social workers and foster families. In practice, they can more quickly grasp the needs of foster children and respond quickly to their behavioral and emotional issues, in order to assist the child to live a stable life, to carry out the follow-up return home treatment smoothly, and to safeguard the best interests of the child.The researcher interviewed 12 foster families for their views. The results of the study showed that the respondent`s coping strategies for life adaptation of abused children after placement were mainly positive strategies, that is, to solve the problem in an immediate and effective way. When it comes to behavior issues, take the next step to adjust your mood with a neutral strategy. In addition, the researchers divided the coping strategies of foster parents into three abilities according to the research results. One is the ability of foster parents to connect with themselves, mainly the foster parents’ own observation, self-awareness, understanding, acceptance and tolerance, and listening. The parenting ability derived from their own characteristics and long-term experience; the second is the ability of foster parents to connect with foster children, including being able to respond to the needs of foster children, helping children adapt to foster family life, providing a regular lifestyle and teaching children life and interpersonal interaction skills, etc. The third part is the ability of foster parents to connect with environmental resources. Among the interviewees, everyone mentioned the support and resources provided by social workers. Children become a task of teamwork, and teamwork care provides foster families with a strong backing and support system. 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107264007資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 謝美娥 zh_TW (Authors) 朱玉欣 zh_TW (Authors) Chu, Yu-Hsin en_US dc.creator (作者) 朱玉欣 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chu, Yu-Hsin en_US (日期) 2022 en_US 5-Jan-2023 15:24:40 (UTC+8) - 5-Jan-2023 15:24:40 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Jan-2023 15:24:40 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107264007 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 社會工作研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 107264007 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 基於研究者多年在兒少寄養安置實務上的觀察,期待發掘寄養家庭面對寄養兒童適應安置生活時,如何幫助自己因應寄養兒童帶來的挑戰?寄養社工員的陪伴、訓練和支持提供寄養家庭哪些實際的幫助?寄養兒童在經過一連串生活適應的過程中,最終是穩定還是轉換安置處所?寄養服務過程中,支撐寄養家庭持續服務的態度為何?研究者透過訪談了解寄養家庭的觀點,從中發掘正向的經驗與力量,進而提供社工員及寄養家庭訓練的教材,在實務上能夠更快掌握寄養兒童的需求,迅速回應其行為與情緒議題,以協助兒童穩定生活,順利進行後續返家處遇,維護兒童最佳利益。研究者訪談十二戶寄養家庭的觀點,研究結果顯示受訪者對寄養兒童安置後生活適應的因應策略以積極策略為主,即立即、有效的方式解決問題,少數無法解決寄養兒童的行為議題時,退而求其次以中立策略調適自己的心情。此外,研究者依研究結果將寄養父母的因應策略分為三項能力,一是寄養父母與自我內在連結的能力,主要是寄養父母本身的觀察力、自我覺察、理解、接納與包容力、傾聽、陪伴等出自本身特質與長期經驗養成的教養能力;二是寄養父母與寄養兒童連結的能力,包含能回應寄養兒童的各項需求,協助兒童適應寄養家庭生活,提供規律生活型態並教導兒童生活與人際互動技巧等,第三部分則是寄養父母與環境資源連結的能力,在受訪者中,每一位都提到社工的支持與資源的提供,在具體專業協助下,讓照顧寄養兒童成為團隊合作的一項任務,團隊合作照顧提供寄養家庭強大後盾與支持系統。最後的研究結果提出對政策面、實務面、與未來研究的建議。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Based on the researcher`s observations on the practice of foster care placement for children over the years, look forward to discovering how foster families can help themselves cope with the challenges brought by foster children when they face abused children adapting to placement life. What practical help does the companionship, training and support of foster social workers provide to foster families? In the process of a series of life adaptations, foster children will eventually be stabilized or changed to a place of resettlement? During the process of foster care, what are the beliefs that support the continuous service of foster families? The researcher intends to understand the viewpoints of foster families through interviews, to discover positive experiences and strengths, and to provide training materials for social workers and foster families. In practice, they can more quickly grasp the needs of foster children and respond quickly to their behavioral and emotional issues, in order to assist the child to live a stable life, to carry out the follow-up return home treatment smoothly, and to safeguard the best interests of the child.The researcher interviewed 12 foster families for their views. The results of the study showed that the respondent`s coping strategies for life adaptation of abused children after placement were mainly positive strategies, that is, to solve the problem in an immediate and effective way. When it comes to behavior issues, take the next step to adjust your mood with a neutral strategy. In addition, the researchers divided the coping strategies of foster parents into three abilities according to the research results. One is the ability of foster parents to connect with themselves, mainly the foster parents’ own observation, self-awareness, understanding, acceptance and tolerance, and listening. The parenting ability derived from their own characteristics and long-term experience; the second is the ability of foster parents to connect with foster children, including being able to respond to the needs of foster children, helping children adapt to foster family life, providing a regular lifestyle and teaching children life and interpersonal interaction skills, etc. The third part is the ability of foster parents to connect with environmental resources. Among the interviewees, everyone mentioned the support and resources provided by social workers. Children become a task of teamwork, and teamwork care provides foster families with a strong backing and support system. The final findings provide recommendations for policy, practice, and future research. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目 次第一章 緒論....................... 1第一節 研究動機..................... 1第二節 研究背景 .................... 2第三節 研究問題與研究目的................ 10第四節 名詞定義 .................... 11第二章 文獻探討 .................... 13第一節 兒童安置的樣態與安置後的身心反應 ........ 13第二節 家庭寄養安置的定義、特質與功能......... 18第三節 寄養兒童在寄養家庭的行為議題與生活適應 ..... 22第四節 寄養家庭因應寄養兒童生活適應的策略 ........26第五節 寄養服務機構提供寄養家庭的資........... 30第六節 以社會工作相關理論看家庭寄養的服務 ....... 33第三章 研究方法..................... 40第一節 研究設計 .................... 40第二節 研究對象與樣本的選取............... 40第三節 資料收集與分析.................. 44第四節 研究嚴謹度.................... 46第五節 研究倫理 ................. ... 47第四章 研究結果..................... 50第一節 寄養兒童適應寄養家庭的時間 ........... 50第二節 寄養家庭安置前所獲知的安置原因 ......... 53第三節 寄養兒童初期適應的議題與寄養家庭的因應方式 ... 59第四節 寄養家庭自寄養服務系統獲得的訓練、支持與資源.. 103第五節 寄養家庭持續照顧寄養兒童之態度 ......... 114第五章 討論與建議................... 126第一節 研究結論與摘要................. 126第二節 研究討論 ................... 146第三節 研究貢獻與建議................. 156第四節 研究限制.................... 160參考文獻 ........................ 162中文部分 ........................ 162英文部分 ........................ 168附錄一、訪談大綱..................... 174附錄二、訪談同意書.................... 176表 次表1 2021年台灣地區家庭內兒少受虐人數及安置人數統計... 3表2 2021年台灣地區兒少受虐類型及開案人次統計...... 3表3 2021年新增寄養安置之兒少寄養原因. ......... 4表4 2021年全國兒少寄養期間及人數(含委託安置兒少).... 6表5 2021年台北市社會局委託世展安置的寄養兒少年齡及性別.. 7表6 2021年台北市社會局委託世展安置的寄養兒少安置時間... 7表7 2021年台北市社會局委託世展安置的寄養兒少寄養原因... 8表8 2021年台北市社會局委託世展寄養家庭的服務年資.. .. 9表9 兒童疏忽認定指標 ................... 14表10 台北市兒少保護案件通報受案指標............ 15表11 受虐經驗對個人造成的負向影響.......... ...16表12 寄養兒童行為問題面向與正向親職回應.......... 23表13 每戶受訪對象及代號.................. 42表14 受訪者年齡...................... 42表15 受訪者的寄養家庭服務年資............... 43表16 寄養兒童安置時的年齡................ 43表17 寄養兒童的性別.................... 44表18 寄養兒童安置初期的行為議題.............. 60表19 寄養兒童安置初期的情緒議題.............. 90表20 寄養兒童安置原因與原生家庭狀況............ 127表21 寄養兒童行為樣貌、因應策略方式與處理結果....... 129表22 寄養兒童情緒樣貌、因應策略方式與處理結果....... 134表23 受訪者之寄養服務訓練內容............... 139表24 受訪者持續寄養服務之態度彙整............. 141表25 寄養父母自我連結的能力與具體實踐方式......... 149表26 寄養父母與寄養兒童連結的應對策略與具體實踐方式.... 151表27 受訪者運用環境資源的能力與具體實踐方式........ 154圖 次圖1 2021年台灣地區兒少受虐類型及開案人次統計圖....... 4圖2 2021年新增寄養安置之兒少寄養原因........ .... 5圖3 2021年兒少寄養期間及人數................ 6圖4 2021年台北市社會局委託世展安置的寄養兒少安置時間.... 8圖5 2021年台北市社會局委託世展寄養家庭的服務年資...... 9圖6 家庭寄養服務訓練與支持方案 ............... 31圖7 家庭寄養服務流程.................... 32 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3829743 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 受虐兒童 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 寄養兒童 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 寄養安置 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 寄養家庭 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 因應策略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Foster en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Abused Child en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Foster Care Placement en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Foster Child en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Foster Family en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Coping Strategies en_US dc.title (題名) 寄養家庭因應寄養兒童適應安置生活之策略 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Strategies of Foster Families to Facilitate the Adaptation of Foster Children en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份:丁碧雲(1975)。《兒童福利通論》。臺北:正中書局。中華兒童福利基金會(2005)。取自。中華兒童暨家庭扶助基金會(2022)。《110年度兒童少年家庭寄養服務工作成果報告》。衛生福利部社會及家庭署發行。台中。王秀美、范幸玲(2014)。《一位家暴受虐兒的諮商經驗與其療效探討》。美和科技大學民生學院社工系研究計畫,未出版,屏東。王秀美、范幸玲(2015)。〈一位家暴受虐兒復原力的人格特質與自覺的諮商效益〉。《中華輔導與諮商學報》,43期,61-94。王沂釗(2005):〈幽谷中的曙光~正向心理學發展與希望理論在輔導上的應用〉。《教育研究月刊》,134期,106-117。王毓棻(1986)。《台北市寄養父母困擾問題之研究》。東海大學社工研究所碩士論文,未出版,台中。台北市政府社會局(2018)。〈臺北市兒童及少年寄養家庭管理自治條例〉。107年公告版。取自:。台北市政府社會局(2015)。〈台北市政府社會局補助寄養家庭及兒少安置機構照顧特殊需求兒少作業要點〉。取自:。台灣世界展望會(2021)。《台灣世界展望會承辦臺北市政府社會局兒童及少年寄養服務建議書》。台北。朱玉欣(2017)。〈被遺棄的孩子真的被遺棄了嗎?寄養童阿明的故事〉。《台灣世界展望會106年度台北市績優寄養家庭表揚大會手冊》。台北。兒童福利聯盟(2018)。〈兒童權利公約-台灣官方版〉。取自:。余漢儀(1997)。〈家庭寄養照護:受虐孩童的幸抑不幸?〉《台大社會學刊》,25期,105-140。余漢儀(1995)。《兒童受虐─現象檢視與問題反省》。台北:巨流出版社。何素秋(1999)。《兒童寄養父母工作滿足與持續服務意願之研究—以中華兒童暨家庭扶助基金會之寄養家庭為例》。靜宜大學青少年兒童福利研究所碩士論文,未出版,台中。何依芳(2003)。《寄養家庭的壓力與調適》。東海大學社工系碩士論文。台中。沈玉琴(2005)。〈從家庭系統理論看家庭〉。《網路社會學通訊期刊》,46期,取自。李加心(2011)。《寄養家長從事寄養服務的工作滿足與持續服務意願之研究》。東海大學社會工作研究所碩士論文,未出版,台中。李佩芬(2007)。《寄養家庭主要照顧者持續從事寄養家庭服務歷程之探討》。東吳大學社會工作學系碩士論文,未出版,台北。李佩珊(2019)。〈Bronfenbrenner生態系統理論的近期發展與應用〉。《輔導季刊》,55卷,3期,14-24。李開敏(1997)。〈受虐兒童常見之心理與行為特徵〉。《兒童少年保護區域性福利會議》。台北。余祥雲(2011)。〈寄養家庭對受虐兒童的影響〉。《諮商與輔導》,301期,37–42。林金定、嚴嘉楓、陳美花(2005)。〈質性研究方法:訪談模式與實施步驟分析〉。《身心障礙研究季刊》,3卷2期,122–36。林巧翊譯(2005)。《遊戲的治癒力量:受虐兒童的治療工作》。台北:心理出版社。(原著:Eliana, G. 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