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題名 公視PeoPo平台資深公民記者持續參與動機之研究
An Investigation into Continuous Participation Motives of Senior Citizen Journalists in PTS PeoPo Platform
作者 李佳蓮;陳才
Lee, Chia-Lien;Chen, Tasi
貢獻者 廣播與電視
關鍵詞 公民記者; 公民新聞; 參與動機; 社會交換理論; PeoPo公民新聞平台
Citizen Journalists; Citizen Journalism; Participation motives; Social exchange theory; PeoPo citizen journalism platform
日期 2022-08
上傳時間 6-Feb-2023 09:30:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 公民新聞的出現,打破專業新聞機構資訊壟斷的局面,然而公民記者卻沒有獲得固定的薪資報酬。公共電視成立的網路PeoPo公民新聞平台,稿件數量近年即呈現下滑趨勢,因此了解資深公民記者之參與動機,以及PeoPo平台是否能滿足他們的需要,為了平台永續發展與公民新聞理想的落實,實乃當務之急。本研究採用深度訪談法,以半結構式的提問方式,訪問九位長期參與的公民記者,以及三位公視平台的工作人員,進一步釐清公民記者與PeoPo平台間的關係。 研究結果顯示,從事公民記者的動機可區分為有形報酬、技能學習、知識成長、職涯發展、獲取樂趣、拓展關係、豐富人生、使命感以及成就感等;而PeoPo平台的知名度、網頁瀏覽數與分享等機制、以及影音培訓課程、「踹拍」活動、年度主題徵案、公視頻道選擇播出與「公民新聞獎」活動,對公民記者都具有吸引力,且能滿足他們的不同需要。然而隨著網路各種影音平台增加,PeoPo的獨特性似乎在降低,這是在考量永續發展時亟需要注意的。
The emergence of citizen journalism broke the informational dominance of professional journalism institutions. However, the citizen journalists would not be paid for their works. The number of video reports submitted to the online PeoPo citizen journalism platform, which was established by Public Television Service (PTS), has declined in recent years. Therefore, it is urgent to understand participation motives of senior citizen journalists as well as effectiveness of various programs offered by the platform, in order to achieve sustainable development goals of PeoPo platform. A research was conducted. The research method was in-depth interviews with semi-structured questions with nine senior citizen journalists and three PeoPo workers. The results showed that extrinsic reward, skill learning, knowledge enhancing, career development, fun, social relations, life enrichment, sense of purpose, and sense of achievement are the participation motives of senior citizen journalists. PTS’s Reputation and interactive mechanism of PeoPo platform, as well as various programs offered by PeoPo, such as training session, outing event, “OnTV”, and reportage award, contributed to the strong relations between the platform and its journalists. However, as online video platforms proliferate, the uniqueness of PeoPo seems fading. It may pose a threat to the further development of this platform.
關聯 廣播與電視, 42, 41-73
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 廣播與電視-
dc.creator (作者) 李佳蓮;陳才-
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Chia-Lien;Chen, Tasi- (日期) 2022-08- 6-Feb-2023 09:30:17 (UTC+8)- 6-Feb-2023 09:30:17 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 6-Feb-2023 09:30:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 公民新聞的出現,打破專業新聞機構資訊壟斷的局面,然而公民記者卻沒有獲得固定的薪資報酬。公共電視成立的網路PeoPo公民新聞平台,稿件數量近年即呈現下滑趨勢,因此了解資深公民記者之參與動機,以及PeoPo平台是否能滿足他們的需要,為了平台永續發展與公民新聞理想的落實,實乃當務之急。本研究採用深度訪談法,以半結構式的提問方式,訪問九位長期參與的公民記者,以及三位公視平台的工作人員,進一步釐清公民記者與PeoPo平台間的關係。 研究結果顯示,從事公民記者的動機可區分為有形報酬、技能學習、知識成長、職涯發展、獲取樂趣、拓展關係、豐富人生、使命感以及成就感等;而PeoPo平台的知名度、網頁瀏覽數與分享等機制、以及影音培訓課程、「踹拍」活動、年度主題徵案、公視頻道選擇播出與「公民新聞獎」活動,對公民記者都具有吸引力,且能滿足他們的不同需要。然而隨著網路各種影音平台增加,PeoPo的獨特性似乎在降低,這是在考量永續發展時亟需要注意的。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The emergence of citizen journalism broke the informational dominance of professional journalism institutions. However, the citizen journalists would not be paid for their works. The number of video reports submitted to the online PeoPo citizen journalism platform, which was established by Public Television Service (PTS), has declined in recent years. Therefore, it is urgent to understand participation motives of senior citizen journalists as well as effectiveness of various programs offered by the platform, in order to achieve sustainable development goals of PeoPo platform. A research was conducted. The research method was in-depth interviews with semi-structured questions with nine senior citizen journalists and three PeoPo workers. The results showed that extrinsic reward, skill learning, knowledge enhancing, career development, fun, social relations, life enrichment, sense of purpose, and sense of achievement are the participation motives of senior citizen journalists. PTS’s Reputation and interactive mechanism of PeoPo platform, as well as various programs offered by PeoPo, such as training session, outing event, “OnTV”, and reportage award, contributed to the strong relations between the platform and its journalists. However, as online video platforms proliferate, the uniqueness of PeoPo seems fading. It may pose a threat to the further development of this platform.-
dc.format.extent 796458 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 廣播與電視, 42, 41-73-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公民記者; 公民新聞; 參與動機; 社會交換理論; PeoPo公民新聞平台-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Citizen Journalists; Citizen Journalism; Participation motives; Social exchange theory; PeoPo citizen journalism platform-
dc.title (題名) 公視PeoPo平台資深公民記者持續參與動機之研究-
dc.title (題名) An Investigation into Continuous Participation Motives of Senior Citizen Journalists in PTS PeoPo Platform-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30385/JRTS.202208_(42).0002-
dc.doi.uri (DOI)