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題名 手機端泛娛樂直播中人格特質、虛擬禮物和打賞意願之關係 -- 以中國大陸手機端直播為例
Personality, virtual gifts and willingness to reward: a study of entertainment live streaming on mobile phone in mainland China
作者 劉鎧琳
Liu, Kai-Lin
貢獻者 陳宜秀<br>江玥慧
Liu, Kai-Lin
關鍵詞 人格特質
Entertainment live streaming
Virtual gift
Social presence
日期 2023
上傳時間 9-Mar-2023 18:13:54 (UTC+8)
摘要 當前中國大陸在線直播行業發展興盛且使用人數眾多。在這一熱門的行業背後,直播平台中的打賞占據了整個行業收入的75%,用戶可以通過不同虛擬禮物的購買來滿足自身的情感、互動和社會身份需求。因此基於以上社會和市場背景,本研究透過人格特質來挖掘用戶的人格特質、虛擬禮物類型和打賞意願之間的關係。
The online live-streaming industry in mainland China today is booming and has a large number of users. Among interactions afforded by these platforms, "gifting" during live-streaming performance accounts for 75% of the industry`s revenue. Through the purchase of different virtual gifts as rewards to the performers, users can satisfy their emotional, interactive, and social identity needs. This thesis aims to explore the relationship between personality, choices of virtual gifts, willingness to gift, and social presence.
This study was conducted in two stages using online surveys to collect data regarding users` viewing experiences. The first stage was designed to solicit and screen eligible subjects. Their demographic information of the subjects, the type of live-streaming, their typical way of gifting, and their data on the Big-Five personality scales were also collected in the questionnaire. Those who were eligible were invited to participate in the second stage, designed to collect the live-viewing experience and gifting behavior after the viewing sessions.  
There are seven variables: willingness to gift, gifting behavior, motivations of gifting, social presence, content quality of live streaming, and choices of virtual gifts. An assortment of statistical analyses was conducted to reveal the relationship among these variables. The study found that the users` personalities did not affect the willingness to gift and the choices of virtual gifts but affected the gifting behavior. Personality affected social presence, and strong social presence would lead to a willingness to gift but would not lead to actual gifting behaviors. The key to rewarding behavior was the price of gifts and motivations for gifting, which was also related to the choices of virtual gifts. On the other hand, the content quality of live streaming would affect the social presence and willingness to gift.
Although the results did not support the original hypotheses of the study, it was found that rewarding contexts caused differences in users` choices of virtual gifts. In addition, when users were motivated to express their emotions, they were more inclined to choose virtual gifts that simulated interpersonal behaviors. Women were more interested in virtual gifts that simulated interpersonal behaviors than men. 
While this study touched upon many factors relevant to viewers of live-streaming, there are still many directions for further investigations of this emerging and complex form of communication. The study also offers several suggestions for future studies on this subject. 
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳宜秀<br>江玥慧zh_TW (Authors) 劉鎧琳zh_TW (Authors) Liu, Kai-Linen_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉鎧琳zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Liu, Kai-Linen_US (日期) 2023en_US 9-Mar-2023 18:13:54 (UTC+8)- 9-Mar-2023 18:13:54 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-Mar-2023 18:13:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109462021en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109462021zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 當前中國大陸在線直播行業發展興盛且使用人數眾多。在這一熱門的行業背後,直播平台中的打賞占據了整個行業收入的75%,用戶可以通過不同虛擬禮物的購買來滿足自身的情感、互動和社會身份需求。因此基於以上社會和市場背景,本研究透過人格特質來挖掘用戶的人格特質、虛擬禮物類型和打賞意願之間的關係。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The online live-streaming industry in mainland China today is booming and has a large number of users. Among interactions afforded by these platforms, "gifting" during live-streaming performance accounts for 75% of the industry`s revenue. Through the purchase of different virtual gifts as rewards to the performers, users can satisfy their emotional, interactive, and social identity needs. This thesis aims to explore the relationship between personality, choices of virtual gifts, willingness to gift, and social presence.
This study was conducted in two stages using online surveys to collect data regarding users` viewing experiences. The first stage was designed to solicit and screen eligible subjects. Their demographic information of the subjects, the type of live-streaming, their typical way of gifting, and their data on the Big-Five personality scales were also collected in the questionnaire. Those who were eligible were invited to participate in the second stage, designed to collect the live-viewing experience and gifting behavior after the viewing sessions.  
There are seven variables: willingness to gift, gifting behavior, motivations of gifting, social presence, content quality of live streaming, and choices of virtual gifts. An assortment of statistical analyses was conducted to reveal the relationship among these variables. The study found that the users` personalities did not affect the willingness to gift and the choices of virtual gifts but affected the gifting behavior. Personality affected social presence, and strong social presence would lead to a willingness to gift but would not lead to actual gifting behaviors. The key to rewarding behavior was the price of gifts and motivations for gifting, which was also related to the choices of virtual gifts. On the other hand, the content quality of live streaming would affect the social presence and willingness to gift.
Although the results did not support the original hypotheses of the study, it was found that rewarding contexts caused differences in users` choices of virtual gifts. In addition, when users were motivated to express their emotions, they were more inclined to choose virtual gifts that simulated interpersonal behaviors. Women were more interested in virtual gifts that simulated interpersonal behaviors than men. 
While this study touched upon many factors relevant to viewers of live-streaming, there are still many directions for further investigations of this emerging and complex form of communication. The study also offers several suggestions for future studies on this subject. 
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 11
第一節 研究背景和動機 11
第二節 研究目的 12
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節 中國大陸手機端泛娛樂直播 14
壹 泛娛樂直播的定義 14
貳 泛娛樂直播的發展 14
參 泛娛樂直播的規模与現狀 25
第二節 中國大陸手機端泛娛樂直播的互動方式 29
壹 兩種互動類型 29
貳 打賞 30
參 打賞用戶 34
肆 打賞意願 36
伍 虛擬禮物 37
陸 泛娛樂直播個案分析 40
第三節 人格特質 43
壹 定義 44
貳 特質取向的人格理論(trait theory) 44
參 五大人格結構(big five)和人格五因素模型(five-factor model) 47
肆 五大人格特質 47
第四節 社會臨場感(Social Presence) 49
壹 定義 49
貳 組成構面 50
第五節 研究假設 51
壹 人格特質、虛擬禮物、打賞動機之間的關係 51
貳 社會臨場感、人格特質和打賞之間的關係 52
參 直播內容品質、社會臨場感、人格特質、打賞意願之間的關係 54
第三章 研究方法 55
第一節 研究框架 55
第二節 研究設計 57
壹 受試人群 57
貳 問卷發放時間 59
參 研究工具 59
肆 小結 64
第四章 研究結果 65
第一節 描述性統計分析 65
壹 人口統計(第一階段問卷) 65
貳 受試者觀看直播習慣分析(第一階段問卷) 66
參 不同打賞動機下受試者對虛擬禮物的選擇偏好(第一階段問卷) 68
肆 受試者觀看行為偏好(第二階段問卷) 68
伍 受試者打賞行為偏好(第二階段問卷) 71
第二節 信度檢測 72
第三節 研究假設檢驗 73
壹 虛擬禮物類型、人格特質和打賞動機之間的關係 73
貳 社會臨場感、人格特質、打賞之間的關係 77
參 直播內容品質、社會臨場感、人格特質、打賞意願之間的關係 87
第五章 結論與建議 98
第一節 研究結論 98
壹 用戶的人格特質不會影響打賞意願和虛擬禮物類型,但會影響打賞行為。 101
貳 高的打賞意願不會引起高的打賞行為 103
參 禮物金額和打賞動機是用戶打賞的關鍵,打賞動機與用戶選擇禮物類型偏好有關 105
肆 用戶的人格特質會影響社會臨場感,且高社會臨場感會導致高打賞意願,但不會導致高打賞行為。 106
伍 直播內容品質會影響社會臨場感和打賞意願。 110
第二節 研究貢獻及限制 111
第三節 未來建議 112
參考文獻 115
附錄一 第一階段問卷 125
附錄二 第二階段問卷 129

表2-1 互聯網及移動通信發展歷程 20
表2-2 網絡直播發展階段 23
表2-3 網絡直播分類 26
表2-4 泛娛樂直播內容 27
表2-5 泛娛樂直播特性 28
表2-6 人格特質評量表的分類 46
表3-1 人格特質之題項 60
表3-2 虛擬禮物類型之題項 61
表3-3 打賞意願之題項 62
表3-4 社會臨場感之題項 63
表4-1 第一階段篩選後受試者人口統計 66
表4-2 不同打賞原因下受試者對虛擬禮物的選擇偏好 68
表4-3 第二階研究段受試者打賞行為偏好 71
表4-4 可信度與 Cronbach’s α 係數值對照表 72
表4-5 本研究問卷量表信度分析 72
表4-6 用戶的人格特質與用戶對虛擬禮物類型的選擇之二元邏輯回歸分析 74
表4-7 不同打賞原因下受試者對虛擬禮物的選擇偏好之二項式檢驗 75
表4-8 在不同打賞動機下用戶對虛擬禮物類型的選擇與性別之卡方分析 76
表4-9 人格特質和打賞意願 線性回歸 77
表4-10 用戶的人格特質與打賞行為之二元邏輯回歸分析 78
表4-11 用戶的打賞意願與打賞行為之二元邏輯回歸分析 79
表4-12 人格特質與社會臨場感之線性回歸 79
表4-13 人格特質與共同存在感之線性回歸 80
表4-14 人格特質與心理參與感之線性回歸 81
表4-15 人格特質與行為參與感之線性回歸 82
表4-16 社會臨場感與打賞意願之相關矩陣(N = 315) 83
表4-17 社會臨場感與打賞行為之二元邏輯回歸分析 83
表4-18 共同存在對和善性和打賞意願的中介效果階層回歸 85
表4-19 心理參與感和行為參與感對外向性和打賞意願的中介效果階層回歸 86
表4-20 直播內容品質與社會臨場感之線性回歸 87
表4-21 內容品質與共同存在感之線性回歸 88
表4-22 直播內容品質與心理參與感之線性回歸 89
表4-23 直播內容品質與行為參與感之線性回歸 89
表4-24 直播內容的品質與打賞意願之線性回歸 90
表4-25 用戶對直播內容的喜愛程度與打賞意願之線性回歸 91
表4-26 直播內容的精彩程度與打賞意願之線性回歸 91
表4-27 外向性對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 93
表4-28 和善性對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 94
表4-29 責任心對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 95
表4-30 神經質對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 96
表4-31 開放性對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 97
表5-1 各項假設檢驗彙總表 98

圖2-1 觀看用戶年齡分佈和用戶每週觀看直播的頻次 24
圖2-2 用戶每週觀看直播的頻次 24
圖2-3「明天安靜唱歌」抖音主頁、pk連線活動、「福袋」活動 41
圖2-4「莉醬超兇噠」抖音主頁、預言幣使用介面、下注介面 42
圖3-1 研究框架圖 56
圖3-2 研究流程圖 64
圖4-1 第一階段篩選後受試者觀看直播習慣: 67
「每週觀看天數、單次觀看時長、送禮金額」 67
圖4-2 第二階研究段受試者觀看行為偏好之觀看直播間類型和觀看直播平台分佈 69
圖4-3 第二階研究段受試者觀看行為偏好:每次觀看直播間的時長、對所觀看直播、直播內容的喜歡程度、所觀看直播間直播內容的精彩程度 70
圖4-4 共同存在感對和善性和打賞意願的中介效果 84
圖4-5 心理參與感和行為參與感對外向性和打賞意願的中介效果 85
圖4-6 外向性對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 92
圖4-7 和善性對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 93
圖4-8 責任心對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 94
圖4-9 神經質對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 95
圖4-10 開放性對直播內容品質和打賞意願的中介效果 96
dc.format.extent 21598387 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人格特質zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 泛娛樂直播zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 打賞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 虛擬禮物zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會臨場感zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Personalityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Entertainment live streamingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Rewardingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Virtual giften_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social presenceen_US
dc.title (題名) 手機端泛娛樂直播中人格特質、虛擬禮物和打賞意願之關係 -- 以中國大陸手機端直播為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Personality, virtual gifts and willingness to reward: a study of entertainment live streaming on mobile phone in mainland Chinaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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