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題名 基於SOR模型探討疫情下環境因素及內在因素對動物認養意圖之研究
A Study of Environmental and Intrinsic Factors on Animal Adoption Intentions in COVID-19 Pandemic Based on SOR Model作者 鄭如芸
Zheng, Ru-Yun貢獻者 陳聖智
Chen, Sheng-Chih
Zheng, Ru-Yun關鍵詞 COVID-19
Bandwagon Effect
Media Richness
Animal Anthropomorphism
Self-disclosure日期 2023 上傳時間 9-Mar-2023 18:40:36 (UTC+8) 摘要 在疫情的肆虐之下,卻有更多的動物找到溫暖的家,大環境的刺激似乎對我們造成了特別的影響,導致了不同的選擇,可能是新的狀態,例如:疫情所帶來的焦慮不安、壓力、抑鬱感和孤獨感創造了新的需求。也可能是想和別人一樣的從眾效果在作祟、又或者是被社群媒體更多元的豐富資訊給說服。本研究將檢驗以上種種環境的刺激是否對於寵物認養的管道有正向幫助。過往研究證實人對犬貓的同理心程度至少與人和人之間的一樣多 (Angantyr & Hansen, 2011) ,本研究更欲檢驗個人同理心、動物擬人化和自我揭露之程度是否影響動物認養行為,作為媒合潛在飼養者與動物的參考依據。本研究以SOR模型(刺激-有機體-反應)作為基礎架構,從環境刺激和內在因素中尋找影響認養態度及意圖的因子,S-環境刺激包含COVID-19 (CN)、社會影響 (Social Influence, SI) 與媒體影響 (Media Influence, MI) ;內在因素包含同理心 (Empathy, EM)、動物擬人化 (Animal Anthropomorphism, AN) 和自我揭露 (Self-disclosure, SD);O-有機體為認養態度 (Adoption Attitude, AA) ;R-反應為認養意圖 (Adoption Intention, AI) 。本研究顯示目前疫情對民眾並無產生顯著的負面心理反應;有特定特質的人,例如:同理心、動物擬人化、自我揭露程度較高者更容易認養寵物,而社會、媒體和個人特質的作用皆會對認養態度造成影響。本研究藉由了解認養意圖,能找出潛在領養者,欲優化動物領養途徑,加速動物的流動性,期待幫助更多的流浪動物。
Under the ravages of the epidemic, yet more animals are finding warm homes. The stimulus of the general environment seems to have had a particular impact on us, leading to different choices. It may be that new states, such as anxiety, stress, depression, and loneliness brought about by the epidemic, create new demands, or it may be that the bandwagon effect of wanting to be like others is at work, or that we are persuaded by the richness of more diverse information in social media. This study will examine whether these environmental stimuli have a positive effect on the pet adoption pipeline. Previous research has demonstrated that people empathize with dogs and cats at least as much as people do with each other (Angantyr & Hansen, 2011), and this study aims to examine whether personal empathy, animal anthropomorphism, and self-disclosure affect animal adoption behavior as a reference for matching potential owners with their animals.The SOR model (stimulus-organism-response) was used as the basic framework for this study to identify the factors affecting adoption attitudes and intentions from environmental stimuli and intrinsic factors. S - Environmental stimuli include COVID-19 (CN), Social Influence (SI) and Media Influence (MI); Intrinsic factors include Empathy (EM), Animal Anthropomorphism (AN) and Self-disclosure (SD); O - organism as Adoption Attitude (AA); R - response as Adoption Intention (AI). This study shows that the current epidemic has not had a significant negative psychological impact on people; people with specific traits, such as higher levels of empathy, animal anthropomorphism, and self-disclosure, are more likely to adopt pets; social media and personal traits can all have an impact on adoption attitudes. By understanding adoption intentions, this study can identify potential adopters, optimize animal adoption pathways, and accelerate animal mobility in the hope of helping more stray animals.參考文獻 一、英文部分Arluke, A. (2006). Just a Dog: Understanding Animal Cruelty and Ourselves. Retrieved from: DOI: 10.26530/OAPEN_626980Asmundson, G., Paluszek, M. M., Landry, C. A., Rachor, G. S., McKay, D., & Taylor, S. (2020).Do pre-existing anxiety-related and mood disorders differentially impact COVID-19 stressresponses and coping? Journal of anxiety disorders, 74, 102271. DOI:10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102271Ahmad, A.R., & Murad, H.R. (2020). 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109464012資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳聖智 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Sheng-Chih en_US (Authors) 鄭如芸 zh_TW (Authors) Zheng, Ru-Yun en_US dc.creator (作者) 鄭如芸 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Zheng, Ru-Yun en_US (日期) 2023 en_US 9-Mar-2023 18:40:36 (UTC+8) - 9-Mar-2023 18:40:36 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 9-Mar-2023 18:40:36 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109464012 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 109464012 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在疫情的肆虐之下,卻有更多的動物找到溫暖的家,大環境的刺激似乎對我們造成了特別的影響,導致了不同的選擇,可能是新的狀態,例如:疫情所帶來的焦慮不安、壓力、抑鬱感和孤獨感創造了新的需求。也可能是想和別人一樣的從眾效果在作祟、又或者是被社群媒體更多元的豐富資訊給說服。本研究將檢驗以上種種環境的刺激是否對於寵物認養的管道有正向幫助。過往研究證實人對犬貓的同理心程度至少與人和人之間的一樣多 (Angantyr & Hansen, 2011) ,本研究更欲檢驗個人同理心、動物擬人化和自我揭露之程度是否影響動物認養行為,作為媒合潛在飼養者與動物的參考依據。本研究以SOR模型(刺激-有機體-反應)作為基礎架構,從環境刺激和內在因素中尋找影響認養態度及意圖的因子,S-環境刺激包含COVID-19 (CN)、社會影響 (Social Influence, SI) 與媒體影響 (Media Influence, MI) ;內在因素包含同理心 (Empathy, EM)、動物擬人化 (Animal Anthropomorphism, AN) 和自我揭露 (Self-disclosure, SD);O-有機體為認養態度 (Adoption Attitude, AA) ;R-反應為認養意圖 (Adoption Intention, AI) 。本研究顯示目前疫情對民眾並無產生顯著的負面心理反應;有特定特質的人,例如:同理心、動物擬人化、自我揭露程度較高者更容易認養寵物,而社會、媒體和個人特質的作用皆會對認養態度造成影響。本研究藉由了解認養意圖,能找出潛在領養者,欲優化動物領養途徑,加速動物的流動性,期待幫助更多的流浪動物。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Under the ravages of the epidemic, yet more animals are finding warm homes. The stimulus of the general environment seems to have had a particular impact on us, leading to different choices. It may be that new states, such as anxiety, stress, depression, and loneliness brought about by the epidemic, create new demands, or it may be that the bandwagon effect of wanting to be like others is at work, or that we are persuaded by the richness of more diverse information in social media. This study will examine whether these environmental stimuli have a positive effect on the pet adoption pipeline. Previous research has demonstrated that people empathize with dogs and cats at least as much as people do with each other (Angantyr & Hansen, 2011), and this study aims to examine whether personal empathy, animal anthropomorphism, and self-disclosure affect animal adoption behavior as a reference for matching potential owners with their animals.The SOR model (stimulus-organism-response) was used as the basic framework for this study to identify the factors affecting adoption attitudes and intentions from environmental stimuli and intrinsic factors. S - Environmental stimuli include COVID-19 (CN), Social Influence (SI) and Media Influence (MI); Intrinsic factors include Empathy (EM), Animal Anthropomorphism (AN) and Self-disclosure (SD); O - organism as Adoption Attitude (AA); R - response as Adoption Intention (AI). This study shows that the current epidemic has not had a significant negative psychological impact on people; people with specific traits, such as higher levels of empathy, animal anthropomorphism, and self-disclosure, are more likely to adopt pets; social media and personal traits can all have an impact on adoption attitudes. By understanding adoption intentions, this study can identify potential adopters, optimize animal adoption pathways, and accelerate animal mobility in the hope of helping more stray animals. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的與問題 9第三節 研究範圍與流程 10第二章 文獻探討 12第一節 SOR模型 12第二節 環境刺激 15第三節 內在因素 25第四節 態度與行為意圖 30第三章 研究方法 33第一節 研究架構與假設 34第二節 研究操作與研究對象 36第三節 研究設計 37第四章 研究結果 41第一節 敘述性統計分析 41第二節 獨立樣本T檢定 51第三節 信度與效度分析 53第四節 研究假設驗證 54第五章 研究結論與建議 62第一節 研究結論 62第二節 實務貢獻 68第三節 研究限制及未來建議 71第六章 參考文獻 73附錄一 研究變項與衡量指標 94附錄二 正式問卷 99附錄三 結構方程式模型執行過程 105 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2845623 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) COVID-19 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 從眾效應 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 媒體豐富性 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 同理心 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 動物擬人化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自我揭露 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) COVID-19 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Bandwagon Effect en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Media Richness en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Empathy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Animal Anthropomorphism en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Self-disclosure en_US dc.title (題名) 基於SOR模型探討疫情下環境因素及內在因素對動物認養意圖之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Study of Environmental and Intrinsic Factors on Animal Adoption Intentions in COVID-19 Pandemic Based on SOR Model en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、英文部分Arluke, A. 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