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題名 幼兒園經驗回溯之研究 –以深坑國小附設幼兒園畢業之國小低年級兒童為例
Retrospective Research on the kindergarten experience - Perspectives of 1st and 2nd Grade Children of Shenkeng Elementary School Affiliated Preschools
作者 劉玉鳳
貢獻者 倪鳴香
Ni, Ming-Shiang
關鍵詞 幼兒園經驗
kindergarten experience
Children’s experience
School experience
Children’s narrative
日期 2023
上傳時間 9-Mar-2023 18:58:04 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究為兒童經驗研究,以深坑國小附設幼兒園畢業之國小低年級兒童為研究對象,將研究焦點放在兒童自我詮釋的經驗上,彰顯兒童主觀意義世界的幼兒園教育。透過輔以繪畫的半結構式訪談,蒐集兒童敘說幼兒園經驗資料,探究國小低年級兒童回溯的幼兒園經驗,以及其中對幼兒園教育的啟發。
This is a children’s experience research. It takes retrospective narrative way using semi-structured interviews than 1st and 2nd grade children of Shenkeng elementary school affiliated preschools tell the kindergarten experience from themselves. Exploed what the kindergarten experience then children were tell, and how the inspiration for early childhood education in it.

The results of this research found that "play" is the most relevant content of children`s kindergarten experience, and it is connected with the experience of peers, showing how a child socialization through play. The concept of "freedom" is also involved when children talk about play, reflect the importance of "autonomy" and "respect" in early childhood education. The children seldom mentioned the content of the curriculum activitie. Among them, the curriculum activities in the aspects of "hands-on" and "sensory experience" were particularly impressive. Other than that, it was all about the thing that the children were interested in.

From children`s kindergarten adjustment experience, it can be seen that "going to kindergarten" has the meaning of "moving towards independence" in the interface of childhood, and children can only shift their focus of vision from their own emotional to kindergarten life after they adapted. This point out the children`s need for adaptaion to take priority over than curriculum. All the children`s kindergarten experience from play, challenge, curiosity, expanded life experience, communicate with peers, and a sense of security and exploration interest things, which also reflect the inner needs of childhood.
參考文獻 中文部分
李中文譯(2019)。人的教育:教育、教學和教導的技藝(原作者:Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel)。台北:暖暖書屋。
李政賢、廖志恒、林靜如譯(2007)。質性研究導論(原作者:Uwe Flick)。台北:五南。
李政賢譯(2019)。質性研究:設計與計畫撰寫(原作者:Catherine Marshall & Gretchen B. Rossman )。台北:五南。
李維倫譯(2004)。現象學十四講(原作者:Robert Sokolowski)。台北:心靈工坊文化。
何釐琦、郭妙芳譯(2008)壞人沒有生日–窺探孩子想像遊戲的奧秘(原作者:Vivian Gussin Paley )。台北:阿布拉教育文化。
黃孟嬌譯(1998)。孩子說的故事:了解童年的敘事(原作者:Susan Engel)。台北:成長基金會。
郭恩惠譯(2017)。兒童的奧秘-上(原作者:Martin E. Marty)。台北:財團法人毛毛蟲兒童哲學基金會。
陳筱宛譯(2010)。寶寶也是哲學家(原作者:Alison Gopnik) 。台北:商周出版。
陳瓊森、汪益譯(1995)。超越教化的心靈-追求理解的認知發展(原作者:Howard Gardner)。台北:遠流出版。
張軍紅、陳素月、葉秀香譯(1998)。孩子的一百種語言~義大利瑞及歐方案教學報告書(原作者:Loris Malaguzzi等)。臺北市:光佑文化。
張鑑如、章青(2005)。幼兒敘述能力之發展:多年期研究。九十一學年度師範院校教育學術論文發表會論文集, 1615-1641。
郭玉芬、萬砡君譯(2017)。小阿力的大學校(原作者:Laurence Anholt)。臺北市:上誼文化。
萊素珠、廖鳳瑞(2015)。以生態系統理論之配對觀點探討兩歲幼兒轉銜家庭與幼兒園之研究。慈濟大學教育研究學刊 ,12,131-158。
曾淑賢、劉凱、陳淑芳譯(2010)。人類發展生態學(原作者:Urie Bronfenbrenner)。台北:心理。
Burrington, B. (2006). What Children Never Forget. Scholastic Parent & Child, 13(5), 40-43.
Corsaro, W. A. (1987). Friendship and Peer Culture in the Early Years. Contemporary Sociology, 16(4):567. DOI: 10.2307/2069960.
Clark, A. (2005) ‘Ways of seeing: using the Mosaic approach to listen to young children’s perspectives’, in Clark, A., Kjørholt and Moss, P. (eds.) Beyond Listening. Children’s perspectives on early childhood services. Bristol: Policy Press, p. 29-49.
Christensen, P. (2004). Children’s participation in ethnographic research: Issues of power and representation. Children & Society, 18, 2, 165–176.
Engel, S. (2005). Narrative Analysis of Children`s Experience. In: Sheila Greene & Diane Hogan (Eds.), Researching Children`s Experience. (pp. 200-216). SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI:
Einarsdottir, J. , Dockett, S. & Perry, B. (2009).Making meaning: children’s perspectives expressed through drawings. Early Child Development and Care, 179(2), p217-232. DOI: 10.1080/03004430802666999
Erkan, N. S., Tarman, I., Sanli, Z. S., Kosan, Y., Ömrüuzun, I. (2018). First Grade Students` Perceptions of Their Preschool and Elementary School Experience. International Journal of Progressive Education, v14 n5 p1-13.
Greene, S. & Hogan, D. (2005). Researching Children`s Experience: Methods and Methodological Issues. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Hudson, J. A., & Fivush, R. (1991). As time goes by: Sixth graders remember a kindergarten experience. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 5(4), 347–360.
Haesung, Im、Swadener, Elizabeth Blue (2016). Children voice their kindergarten experiences: A cross-cultural exploratory study in Korea and the US. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.,Vol. 41 Issue 1, p28-35.
Heather A, C. (2017). Embracing Risk in the Canadian Woodlands: Four Children`s Risky Play and Risk-Taking Experiences in a Canadian Forest Kindergarten. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 15(4), p374-388. DOI:10.1177/1476718X15614042
Jadue-Roa, D. S. & David, W. (2012). Young children`s experiences through transition between Kindergarten and First Grade in Chile and its relation with their Developing Learning Agency. Educational & Child Psychology, 29(1), p32-46.
Kragh-Müller, G. & Isbell, R. (2010). Children’s Perspectives on Their Everyday Lives in Child Care in Two Cultures: Denmark and the United States. Early Childhood Education Journal, v39, n1, p17-27. DOI: 10.1007/s10643-010-0434-9
Kathrine, B. (2015). Children`s Well-Being and Involvement in Physically Active Outdoors Play in a Norwegian Kindergarten: Playful Sharing of Physical Experiences. Child Care in Practice, 21(4), p305-323. DOI:10.1080/13575279.2015.1051512
Loizou, E. (2011). Empowering aspects of transition from kindergarten to first grade through children`s voices. Early Years, 31(1), 43–55.
Nelson, K. (1989). Narratives from the crib. Harvard University Press.
Peterson, C. & McCabe, A. (1983). Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a child`s narrative. New York: Plenum.
Tudge, J & Hogan, D. (2005). An ecological approach to observations of children’s everyday lives. In: Sheila Greene & Diane Hogan (Eds.), Researching Children`s Experience. (pp. 102-122). SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: 10.4135/9781849209823.n6
Sahimia, N. N. & Saidb I. (2012). Young Children Selections of the Physical Elements in the Preschool Environment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 38, p176-183.
Sandro Vinicius Sales dos Santos & Isabel de Oliveira e Silva (2016). Children in early childhood education: School as a place of social experience. Educ. Pesqui, vl. n42(1).
Sandseter E. B. H. & Monica, S. (2018). 4-6 year-Old Children’s Experience of Subjective Well-Being and Social Relations in ECEC Institutions. Child Indicators Research, 11(5), p1585-1601. DOI:10.1007/s12187-017-9504-5
Salmi, S. & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Children`s experiencing of their transition from preschool to first grade: A visual narrative study. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, v20, p58-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2017.10.007
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 倪鳴香zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Ni, Ming-Shiangen_US (Authors) 劉玉鳳zh_TW (Authors) LIU, YU-FENGen_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉玉鳳zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) LIU, YU-FENGen_US (日期) 2023en_US 9-Mar-2023 18:58:04 (UTC+8)- 9-Mar-2023 18:58:04 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-Mar-2023 18:58:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106157015en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 幼兒教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106157015zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究為兒童經驗研究,以深坑國小附設幼兒園畢業之國小低年級兒童為研究對象,將研究焦點放在兒童自我詮釋的經驗上,彰顯兒童主觀意義世界的幼兒園教育。透過輔以繪畫的半結構式訪談,蒐集兒童敘說幼兒園經驗資料,探究國小低年級兒童回溯的幼兒園經驗,以及其中對幼兒園教育的啟發。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This is a children’s experience research. It takes retrospective narrative way using semi-structured interviews than 1st and 2nd grade children of Shenkeng elementary school affiliated preschools tell the kindergarten experience from themselves. Exploed what the kindergarten experience then children were tell, and how the inspiration for early childhood education in it.

The results of this research found that "play" is the most relevant content of children`s kindergarten experience, and it is connected with the experience of peers, showing how a child socialization through play. The concept of "freedom" is also involved when children talk about play, reflect the importance of "autonomy" and "respect" in early childhood education. The children seldom mentioned the content of the curriculum activitie. Among them, the curriculum activities in the aspects of "hands-on" and "sensory experience" were particularly impressive. Other than that, it was all about the thing that the children were interested in.

From children`s kindergarten adjustment experience, it can be seen that "going to kindergarten" has the meaning of "moving towards independence" in the interface of childhood, and children can only shift their focus of vision from their own emotional to kindergarten life after they adapted. This point out the children`s need for adaptaion to take priority over than curriculum. All the children`s kindergarten experience from play, challenge, curiosity, expanded life experience, communicate with peers, and a sense of security and exploration interest things, which also reflect the inner needs of childhood.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論–行腳兒童視野的旅程P1
第一節 兒童視野:開啟教育的另一扇窗P2
第二節 研究目的與問題P4
第三節 研究構念P5
第二章 立論基礎P8
第一節 兒童敘說的個人經驗P8
第二節 幼兒園經驗相關研究P11
第三章 研究方法P18
第一節 兒童敘說的研究P18
第二節 研究對象P24
第三節 研究資料蒐集P33
第四節 研究資料處理P40
第五節 研究倫理與研究限制P42
第四章 兒童視野的幼兒園P44
第一節 兒童回憶畫的幼兒園經驗P44
第二節 兒童訪談文本的幼兒園經驗P56
第五章 放下教學才能看見孩子P79
第一節 從遊戲視野再談幼兒教育P80
第二節 立基於理解孩童的教學P84
第三節 看孩童玩遊戲是教師的學習P91
第六章 回顧與展望P95
第一節 讓聆聽孩童落實日常P95
第二節 研究取向的思索與建議P97
附件一 2000-2020年間國內外幼兒園經驗之相關研究P105
附件二 兒童的21種敘說評論P113
附件三 兒童基本資料表P115
附件四 個案就學背景資料一覽P116
dc.format.extent 5410542 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 幼兒園經驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 兒童經驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學校經驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 兒童敘說zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) kindergarten experienceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Children’s experienceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) School experienceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Children’s narrativeen_US
dc.title (題名) 幼兒園經驗回溯之研究 –以深坑國小附設幼兒園畢業之國小低年級兒童為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Retrospective Research on the kindergarten experience - Perspectives of 1st and 2nd Grade Children of Shenkeng Elementary School Affiliated Preschoolsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分
李中文譯(2019)。人的教育:教育、教學和教導的技藝(原作者:Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel)。台北:暖暖書屋。
李政賢、廖志恒、林靜如譯(2007)。質性研究導論(原作者:Uwe Flick)。台北:五南。
李政賢譯(2019)。質性研究:設計與計畫撰寫(原作者:Catherine Marshall & Gretchen B. Rossman )。台北:五南。
李維倫譯(2004)。現象學十四講(原作者:Robert Sokolowski)。台北:心靈工坊文化。
何釐琦、郭妙芳譯(2008)壞人沒有生日–窺探孩子想像遊戲的奧秘(原作者:Vivian Gussin Paley )。台北:阿布拉教育文化。
黃孟嬌譯(1998)。孩子說的故事:了解童年的敘事(原作者:Susan Engel)。台北:成長基金會。
郭恩惠譯(2017)。兒童的奧秘-上(原作者:Martin E. Marty)。台北:財團法人毛毛蟲兒童哲學基金會。
陳筱宛譯(2010)。寶寶也是哲學家(原作者:Alison Gopnik) 。台北:商周出版。
陳瓊森、汪益譯(1995)。超越教化的心靈-追求理解的認知發展(原作者:Howard Gardner)。台北:遠流出版。
張軍紅、陳素月、葉秀香譯(1998)。孩子的一百種語言~義大利瑞及歐方案教學報告書(原作者:Loris Malaguzzi等)。臺北市:光佑文化。
張鑑如、章青(2005)。幼兒敘述能力之發展:多年期研究。九十一學年度師範院校教育學術論文發表會論文集, 1615-1641。
郭玉芬、萬砡君譯(2017)。小阿力的大學校(原作者:Laurence Anholt)。臺北市:上誼文化。
萊素珠、廖鳳瑞(2015)。以生態系統理論之配對觀點探討兩歲幼兒轉銜家庭與幼兒園之研究。慈濟大學教育研究學刊 ,12,131-158。
曾淑賢、劉凱、陳淑芳譯(2010)。人類發展生態學(原作者:Urie Bronfenbrenner)。台北:心理。
Burrington, B. (2006). What Children Never Forget. Scholastic Parent & Child, 13(5), 40-43.
Corsaro, W. A. (1987). Friendship and Peer Culture in the Early Years. Contemporary Sociology, 16(4):567. DOI: 10.2307/2069960.
Clark, A. (2005) ‘Ways of seeing: using the Mosaic approach to listen to young children’s perspectives’, in Clark, A., Kjørholt and Moss, P. (eds.) Beyond Listening. Children’s perspectives on early childhood services. Bristol: Policy Press, p. 29-49.
Christensen, P. (2004). Children’s participation in ethnographic research: Issues of power and representation. Children & Society, 18, 2, 165–176.
Engel, S. (2005). Narrative Analysis of Children`s Experience. In: Sheila Greene & Diane Hogan (Eds.), Researching Children`s Experience. (pp. 200-216). SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI:
Einarsdottir, J. , Dockett, S. & Perry, B. (2009).Making meaning: children’s perspectives expressed through drawings. Early Child Development and Care, 179(2), p217-232. DOI: 10.1080/03004430802666999
Erkan, N. S., Tarman, I., Sanli, Z. S., Kosan, Y., Ömrüuzun, I. (2018). First Grade Students` Perceptions of Their Preschool and Elementary School Experience. International Journal of Progressive Education, v14 n5 p1-13.
Greene, S. & Hogan, D. (2005). Researching Children`s Experience: Methods and Methodological Issues. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Hudson, J. A., & Fivush, R. (1991). As time goes by: Sixth graders remember a kindergarten experience. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 5(4), 347–360.
Haesung, Im、Swadener, Elizabeth Blue (2016). Children voice their kindergarten experiences: A cross-cultural exploratory study in Korea and the US. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.,Vol. 41 Issue 1, p28-35.
Heather A, C. (2017). Embracing Risk in the Canadian Woodlands: Four Children`s Risky Play and Risk-Taking Experiences in a Canadian Forest Kindergarten. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 15(4), p374-388. DOI:10.1177/1476718X15614042
Jadue-Roa, D. S. & David, W. (2012). Young children`s experiences through transition between Kindergarten and First Grade in Chile and its relation with their Developing Learning Agency. Educational & Child Psychology, 29(1), p32-46.
Kragh-Müller, G. & Isbell, R. (2010). Children’s Perspectives on Their Everyday Lives in Child Care in Two Cultures: Denmark and the United States. Early Childhood Education Journal, v39, n1, p17-27. DOI: 10.1007/s10643-010-0434-9
Kathrine, B. (2015). Children`s Well-Being and Involvement in Physically Active Outdoors Play in a Norwegian Kindergarten: Playful Sharing of Physical Experiences. Child Care in Practice, 21(4), p305-323. DOI:10.1080/13575279.2015.1051512
Loizou, E. (2011). Empowering aspects of transition from kindergarten to first grade through children`s voices. Early Years, 31(1), 43–55.
Nelson, K. (1989). Narratives from the crib. Harvard University Press.
Peterson, C. & McCabe, A. (1983). Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a child`s narrative. New York: Plenum.
Tudge, J & Hogan, D. (2005). An ecological approach to observations of children’s everyday lives. In: Sheila Greene & Diane Hogan (Eds.), Researching Children`s Experience. (pp. 102-122). SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: 10.4135/9781849209823.n6
Sahimia, N. N. & Saidb I. (2012). Young Children Selections of the Physical Elements in the Preschool Environment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 38, p176-183.
Sandro Vinicius Sales dos Santos & Isabel de Oliveira e Silva (2016). Children in early childhood education: School as a place of social experience. Educ. Pesqui, vl. n42(1).
Sandseter E. B. H. & Monica, S. (2018). 4-6 year-Old Children’s Experience of Subjective Well-Being and Social Relations in ECEC Institutions. Child Indicators Research, 11(5), p1585-1601. DOI:10.1007/s12187-017-9504-5
Salmi, S. & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Children`s experiencing of their transition from preschool to first grade: A visual narrative study. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, v20, p58-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2017.10.007