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題名 中重度頭部外傷患者執行功能異常之自我覺察追蹤研究
Self-Awareness of Dysexecutive Symptoms after Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Follow-up Study
作者 莊富雅
Chuang, Fu-Ya
貢獻者 楊啟正
Chuang, Fu-Ya
關鍵詞 中重度頭部外傷
Moderate-to-severe TBI
Dysexecutive syndrome
日期 2023
上傳時間 6-Jul-2023 16:58:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 背景:頭部外傷患者的自我覺察缺損常表現在身體、行為與認知等不同層面;過去研究雖已探討不同評估者觀點作為自我覺察能力指標的準確性,以及其與認知功能的關連性,但鮮少分析自我覺察在受傷後不同時期的變化,以及與認知功能的關係。另一方面,不同研究中的評估者、患者嚴重程度、患者所在場域及評估時間點等,皆仍未釐清。有鑑於此,本研究以縱貫研究法來探討自我覺察缺損的復原歷程。

方法:本研究招募11位中重度頭部外傷患者與11位健康控制組的受試者,並採用執行功能異常症狀問卷(Dysexecutive Questionnaire, DEX)評估受試者日常生活中出現執行功能異常症狀的頻率;同時,以DEX「差異分數」(自評與重要他人評估差異、自評與研究者評估差異)作為自我覺察能力的指標。以健康組患者的一次評估作為比較基準點,評估患者分別於急性期(受傷後一個月)、亞急性期(受傷後三個月)、慢性期(受傷後六個月)的執行功能異常症狀與自我覺察能力,並比較不同評估者(患者、重要他人、研究者)觀點的差異。除此之外,藉由急性期與慢性期的神經心理功能評估,驗證DEX「差異分數」所反映之自我覺察能力。


Background: Impairment of self-awareness is not uncommon after traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is manifested in multiple domains including physical, behavioral, and cognitive ones. Many studies have investigated the accuracy of different informants’ index to evaluate self-awareness and its association with cognitive functions. However, the trajectory of self-awareness after TBI in different recovery phases is still unknown. In addition, the criteria of self-awareness assessment in past studies were still unclear in terms of informants, severity, stages and places. This study thus aims to explore the recovery trajectory of self-awareness along with the recovery process within six months post-injury.

Methods: This study recruited 11 participants with moderate-to-severe TBI and 11 healthy controls. The dysexecutive syndrome in daily life was measured by Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) and self-awareness was assessed by discrepancy scores between participants and others (patients/significant other discrepancies and patients/researcher discrepancies) on DEX. Using healthy control’s DEX scores and awareness index as a baseline, we compared the assessment of patients at acute stage (one-month post-injury), subacute stage (three-months post-injury), and chronic stage (six-months post-injury), and we also analyzed the difference of informants’ index (subject, significant other, researcher). In addition, we clarify the relationship between DEX discrepancy scores and self-awareness through the neuropsychological assessment at acute and chronic stage.

Result: The results showed that the informants’ index was different at acute stage, indicating that researcher’s perspective was more able to uncover patients’ impaired self-awareness. The differences among informants’ index were decreasing at subacute stage, showing that significant other’s perspective was more able to reveal patients’ impairments in daily life. Most of the patients did not show impaired self-awareness at chronic stage. Furthermore, the heterogeneity in the recovery process of impaired self-awareness was revealed by using discrepancy scores of DEX. Lastly, there was a significant association between executive function and self-awareness.

Conclusion: The trajectory of impaired self-awareness could be presented by discrepancy scores of DEX, which might also provide a preliminary information of cognitive deficits and adaptation to life changes of patients. Therefore, different informant’s index of DEX in assessment from acute stage would add more information about impairments in daily life and impaired self-awareness.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 楊啟正zh_TW (Authors) 莊富雅zh_TW (Authors) Chuang, Fu-Yaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 莊富雅zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chuang, Fu-Yaen_US (日期) 2023en_US 6-Jul-2023 16:58:17 (UTC+8)- 6-Jul-2023 16:58:17 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 6-Jul-2023 16:58:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108752008en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 心理學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108752008zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 背景:頭部外傷患者的自我覺察缺損常表現在身體、行為與認知等不同層面;過去研究雖已探討不同評估者觀點作為自我覺察能力指標的準確性,以及其與認知功能的關連性,但鮮少分析自我覺察在受傷後不同時期的變化,以及與認知功能的關係。另一方面,不同研究中的評估者、患者嚴重程度、患者所在場域及評估時間點等,皆仍未釐清。有鑑於此,本研究以縱貫研究法來探討自我覺察缺損的復原歷程。

方法:本研究招募11位中重度頭部外傷患者與11位健康控制組的受試者,並採用執行功能異常症狀問卷(Dysexecutive Questionnaire, DEX)評估受試者日常生活中出現執行功能異常症狀的頻率;同時,以DEX「差異分數」(自評與重要他人評估差異、自評與研究者評估差異)作為自我覺察能力的指標。以健康組患者的一次評估作為比較基準點,評估患者分別於急性期(受傷後一個月)、亞急性期(受傷後三個月)、慢性期(受傷後六個月)的執行功能異常症狀與自我覺察能力,並比較不同評估者(患者、重要他人、研究者)觀點的差異。除此之外,藉由急性期與慢性期的神經心理功能評估,驗證DEX「差異分數」所反映之自我覺察能力。


dc.description.abstract (摘要) Background: Impairment of self-awareness is not uncommon after traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is manifested in multiple domains including physical, behavioral, and cognitive ones. Many studies have investigated the accuracy of different informants’ index to evaluate self-awareness and its association with cognitive functions. However, the trajectory of self-awareness after TBI in different recovery phases is still unknown. In addition, the criteria of self-awareness assessment in past studies were still unclear in terms of informants, severity, stages and places. This study thus aims to explore the recovery trajectory of self-awareness along with the recovery process within six months post-injury.

Methods: This study recruited 11 participants with moderate-to-severe TBI and 11 healthy controls. The dysexecutive syndrome in daily life was measured by Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) and self-awareness was assessed by discrepancy scores between participants and others (patients/significant other discrepancies and patients/researcher discrepancies) on DEX. Using healthy control’s DEX scores and awareness index as a baseline, we compared the assessment of patients at acute stage (one-month post-injury), subacute stage (three-months post-injury), and chronic stage (six-months post-injury), and we also analyzed the difference of informants’ index (subject, significant other, researcher). In addition, we clarify the relationship between DEX discrepancy scores and self-awareness through the neuropsychological assessment at acute and chronic stage.

Result: The results showed that the informants’ index was different at acute stage, indicating that researcher’s perspective was more able to uncover patients’ impaired self-awareness. The differences among informants’ index were decreasing at subacute stage, showing that significant other’s perspective was more able to reveal patients’ impairments in daily life. Most of the patients did not show impaired self-awareness at chronic stage. Furthermore, the heterogeneity in the recovery process of impaired self-awareness was revealed by using discrepancy scores of DEX. Lastly, there was a significant association between executive function and self-awareness.

Conclusion: The trajectory of impaired self-awareness could be presented by discrepancy scores of DEX, which might also provide a preliminary information of cognitive deficits and adaptation to life changes of patients. Therefore, different informant’s index of DEX in assessment from acute stage would add more information about impairments in daily life and impaired self-awareness.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
中重度頭部外傷 1
執行功能異常 8
自我覺察概念與缺損表現 12
自我覺察的評估 21
自我覺察的改變 28
研究目的 29
第二章 方法 33
研究參與者 33
研究程序 36
研究工具 37
分析方法 43
第三章 結果 46
急性期神經心理功能與自我覺察表現 46
亞急性期職業功能與自我覺察表現 73
慢性期神經心理功能、職業功能、自我覺察表現 86
第四章 討論 100
急性期神經心理功能與自我覺察表現 100
亞急性期職業功能與自我覺察表現 115
慢性期神經心理功能、職業功能、自我覺察表現 119
研究限制 126
未來方向 128
參考文獻 129
附錄一:執行功能異常症狀問卷 165
附錄二:研究倫理委員會同意書 169
dc.format.extent 5625056 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中重度頭部外傷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 執行功能異常症狀zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自我覺察zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Moderate-to-severe TBIen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dysexecutive syndromeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Self-awarenessen_US
dc.title (題名) 中重度頭部外傷患者執行功能異常之自我覺察追蹤研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Self-Awareness of Dysexecutive Symptoms after Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Follow-up Studyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王子蘭(2012)。長庚大學額葉指標-台灣版額葉評估量表與額葉行為量表之常模研究(碩士論文)。長庚大學,桃園市。
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