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題名 企業導入綠色供應鏈的實施與績效評估- 以電子產業為例
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Enterprises Introducing Green Supply Chain— The Electronics Industry as an Example
作者 陳彥伶
Chen, Yen-Ling
貢獻者 羅明琇<br>郁方
Lo, Ming-Shiow<br>Yu, Fang
Chen, Yen-Ling
關鍵詞 綠色供應鏈
Performance indicators
Green supply chain
Motivating drives
日期 2023
上傳時間 2-Aug-2023 13:37:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 綠色供應鏈管理是企業實踐永續當中重要的一環,是一個將社會、環境及經濟因素納入供應鏈管理中的系統性方法,它可以幫助企業實現生產和經營活動的綠色化,減少環境污染和資源浪費,促進可持續發展。故本研究透過台灣電子產業作為研究對象,從綠色供應鏈管理的角度出發,進一步的研究企業在現今的環境下,透過什麼樣的動機、導入了哪些綠色供應鏈底下的綠色價值活動,進而對企業產生了哪些正面或負面的績效影響。

本研究透過了三家個案公司的深入探討,獲得了企業在導入綠色供應鏈時,因為不同的內部趨力(如環保意識)以及外部的動機(如市場壓力),進而對於整體著重的綠色價值活動、關鍵績效評估以及階段性目標有所差異。且進一步的了解到企業成功實踐綠色供應鏈導入需要獲得高層的支持,同時須將企業感受到外來的壓力點成功地轉換成內部趨力,才能有效的推行相關的綠色價值活動。最後,企業能持續改善則可以透過PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)的循環模式,全面的確認目標及任務、並且透過組織架構有效的執行,再藉由全面性思維來判斷績效評估指標,避免為了一個維度的績效提升,導致另一個維度的績效更大幅度的下降,並持續地透過此循環來讓企業展現永續的成長、增加獲利以及企業的聲譽和形象。
Green supply chain management is an important aspect of corporate sustainability, which involves systematically integrating social, environmental, and economic factors into supply chain management. It helps companies achieve greener production and operational activities, reduce environmental pollution and resource waste, and promote sustainable development. Therefore, this study focuses on the electronics industry in Taiwan to explore the motivations and implementation of green value activities within the framework of green supply chain management. Furthermore, it examines the positive or negative performance impacts on companies under the current environmental conditions.

Through in-depth analysis of three case companies, this study reveals that the adoption of green supply chains varies in terms of emphasized green value activities, key performance evaluations, and phased objectives due to different internal forces and external motivations. It further emphasizes that successful implementation of green supply chains requires support from top management and the effective transformation of external pressures into internal driving forces within the organization. Continuous improvement by following the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle is crucial, as it ensures comprehensive goal and task identification, effective execution through organizational structures, and performance evaluation based on holistic thinking. This approach prevents the potential scenario where improving performance in one dimension leads to a significant decline in another dimension, and it enables sustainable growth, increased profitability, and enhanced reputation and image for the company.
參考文獻 Agyabeng-Mensah, Y., & Tang, L. (2021). The relationship among green human capital, green logistics practices, green competitiveness, social performance and financial performance. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 32(7), 1377-1398.
Beske-Janssen, P., Johnson, M. P., & Schaltegger, S. (2015). 20 years of performance measurement in sustainable supply chain management – what has been achieved? Supply chain management, 20(6), 664-680.
Diabat, A., & Govindan, K. (2011). An analysis of the drivers affecting the implementation of green supply chain management. Resources, conservation and recycling, 55(6), 659-667.
Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. The Academy of Management review, 14(4), 532-550.
Foo, P.-Y., Lee, V.-H., Tan, G. W.-H., & Ooi, K.-B. (2018). A gateway to realising sustainability performance via green supply chain management practices: A PLS–ANN approach. Expert systems with applications, 107, 1-14.
Green, K. W., Zelbst, P. J., Meacham, J., & Bhadauria, V. S. (2012). Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance. Supply chain management, 17(3), 290-305.
Hapuwatte, B. M., & Jawahir, I. S. (2021). Closed‐loop sustainable product design for circular economy. Journal of industrial ecology, 25(6), 1430-1446.
Hristov, I., Chirico, A., & Ranalli, F. (2022). Corporate strategies oriented towards sustainable governance: advantages, managerial practices and main challenges. Journal of management and governance, 26(1), 75-97.
Hu, A. H., & Hsu, C. W. (2010). Critical factors for implementing green supply chain management practice: An empirical study of electrical and electronics industries in Taiwan. Management research review, 33(6), 586-608.
Kalpande, S. D., & Toke, L. K. (2021). Assessment of green supply chain management practices, performance, pressure and barriers amongst Indian manufacturer to achieve sustainable development. International journal of productivity and performance management, 70(8), 2237-2257.
Liu, S., Eweje, G., He, Q., & Lin, Z. (2020). Turning motivation into action: A strategic orientation model for green supply chain management. Business strategy and the environment, 29(7), 2908-2918.
Lo, H.-W., Liou, J. J. H., Wang, H.-S., & Tsai, Y.-S. (2018). An integrated model for solving problems in green supplier selection and order allocation. Journal of cleaner production, 190, 339-352.
Luthra, S., Garg, D., & Haleem, A. (2014). Green supply chain management: Implementation and performance – a literature review and some issues. Journal of advances in management research, 11(1), 20-46.
Min, H., & Galle, W. P. (1997). Green purchasing strategies: Trends and implications. The journal of supply chain management, 33(3), 10.
Our common future / World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Oxford University Press.
Rao, P., & Holt, D. (2005). Do green supply chains lead to competitiveness and economic performance? International journal of operations & production management, 25(9), 898-916.
Safian, S. S., Jamaludin, S., Osman, A. A., Shaharuddin, N., Wahab, S. N., & Kassim, Z. (2022). The Influence of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on Environmental Performance: Case Study of Automotive Industry in Malaysia. International journal of academic research in business and social sciences, 12(3).
Sahoo, S., & Vijayvargy, L. (2021). Green supply chain management practices and its impact on organizational performance: evidence from Indian manufacturers. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 32(4), 862-886.
Srivastava, S. K. (2007). Green supply-chain management: A state-of-the-art literature review. International journal of management reviews : IJMR, 9(1), 53-80.
Stake, R. E. (2006). Multiple case study analysis / Robert E. Stake. The Guilford Press.
Taticchi, P., Carbone, P., & Albino, V. (2013). Corporate sustainability / edited by Paolo Taticchi, Paolo Carbone, Vito Albino. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Upadhyay, P., & Kumar, A. (2020). A house of sustainability-based approach for green product design: Setting future research agenda. Management of environmental quality, 31(4), 819-846.
Yang, J., Wang, Y., Gu, Q., & Xie, H. (2022). The antecedents and consequences of green purchasing: an empirical investigation. Benchmarking : an international journal, 29(1), 1-21.
Yildiz Çankaya, S., & Sezen, B. (2019). Effects of green supply chain management practices on sustainability performance. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 30(1), 98-121.
Yin, R. K. (1984). Case study research : design and methods / Robert K. Yin ; foreword by Donald T. Campbell. Sage Publications.
Yook, K. H., Choi, J. H., & Suresh, N. C. (2018). Linking green purchasing capabilities to environmental and economic performance: The moderating role of firm size. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 24(4), 326-337.
文雅, & 杨维国. (2018). 绿色产品设计的特征及策略探究. 艺术科技, 31(1), 124.
吕惠奇, & 闫文文. (2019). 基于绿色设计理念的产品包装设计探析. 艺术科技, 32(12), 138-139.
江怡洒, & 冯泰文. (2022). 绿色供应链整合:研究述评与展望. 外国经济与管理, 44(6), 135-152.
呂東英. (2014). 從永續治理看企業社會責任之落實. 會計研究月刊(340).
张冕. (2015). 企业建立绿色供应链的意愿:基于保护动机理论的实证研究. 物流技术, 34(17), 151-153.
李长吉, 金. (2011). 个案研究法研究述评. 常州工学院学报:社会科学版, 29(6), 107-111.
陈宪帅, 薛雅伟, & 张剑. (2022). 工业行业绿色生产效率实证研究. 安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版), 39(1), 26-30.
姚仲达. (2018). 绿色制造概说. 中国制笔(2), 23-27.
赵一平 朱庆华, 谢. (2008). 绿色供应链管理的系统动力机制研究. 科技管理研究, 28(2), 152-155.
贾文军. (2018). 绿色采购研究综述. Guan li guan cha(8), 84-85.
陳李綢. (2005). 個案研究 : 理論與實務 / 陳李綢著 (初版 ed.). 心理.
陳炫碩, 陳佩宜, 游敏, & 張一中. (2014). 由制度理論探討企業實施綠色供應鏈之研究. 商管科技季刊, 15(2), 247-278.
曾韵, & 張煥穆. (2016). 從第五屆GRI全球年會看永續供應鏈治理趨勢-永續供應鏈整合與資訊透明度的重要性. 證券服務(651).
廖小菲, & 谭杰. (2021). 绿色供应链管理、供应链集中度与企业价值. 吉林工商学院学报, 37(6), 48-54.
潘淑滿. (2003). 質性研究 : 理論與應用 / 潘淑滿著 (初版 ed.). 心理.
蔡爭岳, & 粘孝堉. (2007). 以ISO14000經驗引進綠色製造. 品質月刊, 43(11), 041-044.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 羅明琇<br>郁方zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lo, Ming-Shiow<br>Yu, Fangen_US (Authors) 陳彥伶zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Yen-Lingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳彥伶zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yen-Lingen_US (日期) 2023en_US 2-Aug-2023 13:37:57 (UTC+8)- 2-Aug-2023 13:37:57 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Aug-2023 13:37:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110363101en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110363101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 綠色供應鏈管理是企業實踐永續當中重要的一環,是一個將社會、環境及經濟因素納入供應鏈管理中的系統性方法,它可以幫助企業實現生產和經營活動的綠色化,減少環境污染和資源浪費,促進可持續發展。故本研究透過台灣電子產業作為研究對象,從綠色供應鏈管理的角度出發,進一步的研究企業在現今的環境下,透過什麼樣的動機、導入了哪些綠色供應鏈底下的綠色價值活動,進而對企業產生了哪些正面或負面的績效影響。

本研究透過了三家個案公司的深入探討,獲得了企業在導入綠色供應鏈時,因為不同的內部趨力(如環保意識)以及外部的動機(如市場壓力),進而對於整體著重的綠色價值活動、關鍵績效評估以及階段性目標有所差異。且進一步的了解到企業成功實踐綠色供應鏈導入需要獲得高層的支持,同時須將企業感受到外來的壓力點成功地轉換成內部趨力,才能有效的推行相關的綠色價值活動。最後,企業能持續改善則可以透過PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)的循環模式,全面的確認目標及任務、並且透過組織架構有效的執行,再藉由全面性思維來判斷績效評估指標,避免為了一個維度的績效提升,導致另一個維度的績效更大幅度的下降,並持續地透過此循環來讓企業展現永續的成長、增加獲利以及企業的聲譽和形象。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Green supply chain management is an important aspect of corporate sustainability, which involves systematically integrating social, environmental, and economic factors into supply chain management. It helps companies achieve greener production and operational activities, reduce environmental pollution and resource waste, and promote sustainable development. Therefore, this study focuses on the electronics industry in Taiwan to explore the motivations and implementation of green value activities within the framework of green supply chain management. Furthermore, it examines the positive or negative performance impacts on companies under the current environmental conditions.

Through in-depth analysis of three case companies, this study reveals that the adoption of green supply chains varies in terms of emphasized green value activities, key performance evaluations, and phased objectives due to different internal forces and external motivations. It further emphasizes that successful implementation of green supply chains requires support from top management and the effective transformation of external pressures into internal driving forces within the organization. Continuous improvement by following the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle is crucial, as it ensures comprehensive goal and task identification, effective execution through organizational structures, and performance evaluation based on holistic thinking. This approach prevents the potential scenario where improving performance in one dimension leads to a significant decline in another dimension, and it enables sustainable growth, increased profitability, and enhanced reputation and image for the company.
dc.description.tableofcontents 致謝辭 2
摘要 3
目錄 5
圖表目錄 7

第一章 緒論 8
1.1 研究背景與動機 8
1.2 研究目的 9
1.3 研究流程 10
1.4 研究範圍與限制 11

第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1 永續治理 (Sustainable Governance)12
2.2 綠色供應鏈 (Global supply chain management) 13
2.3 驅動動機 (Motivating drives) 15
2.4 實施與執行 (Implementation) 17
2.5 績效管理 (Performance indicators) 20

第三章 研究方法 23
3.1 研究方法 23
3.2 研究對象 25
3.3 研究架構 26
3.4 個案分析設計 27

第四章 個案分析 32
4.1 個案公司A 32
4.2 個案公司B 42
4.3 個案公司C 51
4.4 跨個案分析 61
4.5 小節 70

第五章 結論與建議 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2 管理意涵 73
5.3 研究貢獻 74
5.4 未來研究建議 75

參考文獻 76

附錄-訪談逐字稿 80
受訪公司:A公司 80
受訪公司:B公司 97
受訪公司:C公司 111
dc.format.extent 2161764 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠色供應鏈zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 導入驅動動機zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 實施與執行zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Performance indicatorsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Green supply chainen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Motivating drivesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Implementationen_US
dc.title (題名) 企業導入綠色供應鏈的實施與績效評估- 以電子產業為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Enterprises Introducing Green Supply Chain— The Electronics Industry as an Exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Agyabeng-Mensah, Y., & Tang, L. (2021). The relationship among green human capital, green logistics practices, green competitiveness, social performance and financial performance. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 32(7), 1377-1398.
Beske-Janssen, P., Johnson, M. P., & Schaltegger, S. (2015). 20 years of performance measurement in sustainable supply chain management – what has been achieved? Supply chain management, 20(6), 664-680.
Diabat, A., & Govindan, K. (2011). An analysis of the drivers affecting the implementation of green supply chain management. Resources, conservation and recycling, 55(6), 659-667.
Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. The Academy of Management review, 14(4), 532-550.
Foo, P.-Y., Lee, V.-H., Tan, G. W.-H., & Ooi, K.-B. (2018). A gateway to realising sustainability performance via green supply chain management practices: A PLS–ANN approach. Expert systems with applications, 107, 1-14.
Green, K. W., Zelbst, P. J., Meacham, J., & Bhadauria, V. S. (2012). Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance. Supply chain management, 17(3), 290-305.
Hapuwatte, B. M., & Jawahir, I. S. (2021). Closed‐loop sustainable product design for circular economy. Journal of industrial ecology, 25(6), 1430-1446.
Hristov, I., Chirico, A., & Ranalli, F. (2022). Corporate strategies oriented towards sustainable governance: advantages, managerial practices and main challenges. Journal of management and governance, 26(1), 75-97.
Hu, A. H., & Hsu, C. W. (2010). Critical factors for implementing green supply chain management practice: An empirical study of electrical and electronics industries in Taiwan. Management research review, 33(6), 586-608.
Kalpande, S. D., & Toke, L. K. (2021). Assessment of green supply chain management practices, performance, pressure and barriers amongst Indian manufacturer to achieve sustainable development. International journal of productivity and performance management, 70(8), 2237-2257.
Liu, S., Eweje, G., He, Q., & Lin, Z. (2020). Turning motivation into action: A strategic orientation model for green supply chain management. Business strategy and the environment, 29(7), 2908-2918.
Lo, H.-W., Liou, J. J. H., Wang, H.-S., & Tsai, Y.-S. (2018). An integrated model for solving problems in green supplier selection and order allocation. Journal of cleaner production, 190, 339-352.
Luthra, S., Garg, D., & Haleem, A. (2014). Green supply chain management: Implementation and performance – a literature review and some issues. Journal of advances in management research, 11(1), 20-46.
Min, H., & Galle, W. P. (1997). Green purchasing strategies: Trends and implications. The journal of supply chain management, 33(3), 10.
Our common future / World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Oxford University Press.
Rao, P., & Holt, D. (2005). Do green supply chains lead to competitiveness and economic performance? International journal of operations & production management, 25(9), 898-916.
Safian, S. S., Jamaludin, S., Osman, A. A., Shaharuddin, N., Wahab, S. N., & Kassim, Z. (2022). The Influence of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on Environmental Performance: Case Study of Automotive Industry in Malaysia. International journal of academic research in business and social sciences, 12(3).
Sahoo, S., & Vijayvargy, L. (2021). Green supply chain management practices and its impact on organizational performance: evidence from Indian manufacturers. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 32(4), 862-886.
Srivastava, S. K. (2007). Green supply-chain management: A state-of-the-art literature review. International journal of management reviews : IJMR, 9(1), 53-80.
Stake, R. E. (2006). Multiple case study analysis / Robert E. Stake. The Guilford Press.
Taticchi, P., Carbone, P., & Albino, V. (2013). Corporate sustainability / edited by Paolo Taticchi, Paolo Carbone, Vito Albino. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Upadhyay, P., & Kumar, A. (2020). A house of sustainability-based approach for green product design: Setting future research agenda. Management of environmental quality, 31(4), 819-846.
Yang, J., Wang, Y., Gu, Q., & Xie, H. (2022). The antecedents and consequences of green purchasing: an empirical investigation. Benchmarking : an international journal, 29(1), 1-21.
Yildiz Çankaya, S., & Sezen, B. (2019). Effects of green supply chain management practices on sustainability performance. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 30(1), 98-121.
Yin, R. K. (1984). Case study research : design and methods / Robert K. Yin ; foreword by Donald T. Campbell. Sage Publications.
Yook, K. H., Choi, J. H., & Suresh, N. C. (2018). Linking green purchasing capabilities to environmental and economic performance: The moderating role of firm size. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 24(4), 326-337.
文雅, & 杨维国. (2018). 绿色产品设计的特征及策略探究. 艺术科技, 31(1), 124.
吕惠奇, & 闫文文. (2019). 基于绿色设计理念的产品包装设计探析. 艺术科技, 32(12), 138-139.
江怡洒, & 冯泰文. (2022). 绿色供应链整合:研究述评与展望. 外国经济与管理, 44(6), 135-152.
呂東英. (2014). 從永續治理看企業社會責任之落實. 會計研究月刊(340).
张冕. (2015). 企业建立绿色供应链的意愿:基于保护动机理论的实证研究. 物流技术, 34(17), 151-153.
李长吉, 金. (2011). 个案研究法研究述评. 常州工学院学报:社会科学版, 29(6), 107-111.
陈宪帅, 薛雅伟, & 张剑. (2022). 工业行业绿色生产效率实证研究. 安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版), 39(1), 26-30.
姚仲达. (2018). 绿色制造概说. 中国制笔(2), 23-27.
赵一平 朱庆华, 谢. (2008). 绿色供应链管理的系统动力机制研究. 科技管理研究, 28(2), 152-155.
贾文军. (2018). 绿色采购研究综述. Guan li guan cha(8), 84-85.
陳李綢. (2005). 個案研究 : 理論與實務 / 陳李綢著 (初版 ed.). 心理.
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