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題名 高中經濟學學業成績表現及對升學之影響
A Study of Academic Performance in High School Economics and Its Influence on the Pursuit of a Higher Education
作者 丁年初
Ting, Nien-Chu
貢獻者 吳文傑
Wu, Wen-Chieh
Ting, Nien-Chu
關鍵詞 高中經濟學
Senior high school economics
Economics education
Civics and Society
General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT)
Enrollment outcomes
日期 2023
上傳時間 2-Aug-2023 13:56:22 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究主要在探討高中經濟教育受到哪些因素影響,並分析高中經濟教育如何影響高中生大學學科能力測驗之表現,以及與學生就讀大學學校排名與經濟商管相關科系的選擇是否具有關聯。教育作為一項具有潛移默化作用的長期工程,本文研究目的即在呈現高中階段經濟教育的重要性及影響力,作為教育相關單位部門對於經濟教育經費預算與政策規畫之參考。本研究首先針對近百年來高中公民與社會科中的經濟教育課程標準內容或課綱進行綜合整理,再來分析國內外學者對於經濟教育之定義及重要性,並整理高中經濟學學習表現與大學升學表現之文獻。透過整理眾多國內外文獻發現,高中階段的經濟教育課程對於大學經濟課程具有顯著正向的影響,更在培養社會大眾經濟認知及素養過程中扮演重要的角色。



This study aims to examine the influencing factors on economics education in senior high school, as well as how economics education affects student performance in the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT), whether it correlates with students’ accepted university ranking, and their decision on majoring in economics or business-related fields. This study aims to demonstrate the importance and impact of economics education, serving as a reference for educational authorities in budgeting and policy planning for economics education. The study first comprehensively reviews the curriculum and syllabi for economics education in the subject of Civics and Society from the past century. Next, the definition and importance of economics education are analyzed. Additionally, the study examines the existing literature on senior high school economics performance and university enrollment outcomes.

In the empirical research section, regression analysis based on data collected from students enrolled in a public senior high school in New Taipei City in 2018 was performed. The data included their grades in Chinese, English, Mathematics, and Civics and Society, their GSAT scores, and information regarding the university and major they ultimately enrolled in. The study first examines the factors influencing their economics performance and identifies some differences from previous research. It was found that female students performed better in economics than male students and that the level of prior mathematics education does not have a significant impact on senior high school economics performance. Additionally, the study shows that students in the social science track performed better than those majoring in either the natural sciences or medical sciences tracks.

The study found a correlation between economics performance with GSAT and the choice of major. After controlling for students` grades in Chinese and Mathematics, it is found students with better economics performance also achieved higher scores in Chinese and Mathematics in GSAT. This finding suggests that the “unique analytical approach” in economics plays a crucial role in the performance of certain subjects. The study also found that students who performed better in economics have a higher chance of entering the top 10 universities, although this is significantly less pronounced when narrowing to only the top 5 universities. Furthermore, without controlling for students` tracks, it is found that students with better economics scores are more likely to be admitted to economics or business-related majors.

This study is the first to analyze the factors influencing the performance of senior high school students in Economics and its impact on their university enrollment in Taiwan. The findings demonstrates the considerable influence of economics performance on the future development and options for Taiwanese senior high school students. Economics education can achieve the “dual benefits” in terms of personal rational decision-making and national policy development. Lastly, the researchers suggest that educational authorities allocate more funding or subsidies to curriculum planning related to economics, and especially promote relevant programs more actively to improve awareness and applications from Civics and Society teachers, enhancing economic literacy and competence among Taiwanese citizens and effectively addressing the increasingly complex economic issues and challenges of today.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 吳文傑zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wu, Wen-Chiehen_US (Authors) 丁年初zh_TW (Authors) Ting, Nien-Chuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 丁年初zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ting, Nien-Chuen_US (日期) 2023en_US 2-Aug-2023 13:56:22 (UTC+8)- 2-Aug-2023 13:56:22 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Aug-2023 13:56:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102255502en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102255502zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究主要在探討高中經濟教育受到哪些因素影響,並分析高中經濟教育如何影響高中生大學學科能力測驗之表現,以及與學生就讀大學學校排名與經濟商管相關科系的選擇是否具有關聯。教育作為一項具有潛移默化作用的長期工程,本文研究目的即在呈現高中階段經濟教育的重要性及影響力,作為教育相關單位部門對於經濟教育經費預算與政策規畫之參考。本研究首先針對近百年來高中公民與社會科中的經濟教育課程標準內容或課綱進行綜合整理,再來分析國內外學者對於經濟教育之定義及重要性,並整理高中經濟學學習表現與大學升學表現之文獻。透過整理眾多國內外文獻發現,高中階段的經濟教育課程對於大學經濟課程具有顯著正向的影響,更在培養社會大眾經濟認知及素養過程中扮演重要的角色。



dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study aims to examine the influencing factors on economics education in senior high school, as well as how economics education affects student performance in the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT), whether it correlates with students’ accepted university ranking, and their decision on majoring in economics or business-related fields. This study aims to demonstrate the importance and impact of economics education, serving as a reference for educational authorities in budgeting and policy planning for economics education. The study first comprehensively reviews the curriculum and syllabi for economics education in the subject of Civics and Society from the past century. Next, the definition and importance of economics education are analyzed. Additionally, the study examines the existing literature on senior high school economics performance and university enrollment outcomes.

In the empirical research section, regression analysis based on data collected from students enrolled in a public senior high school in New Taipei City in 2018 was performed. The data included their grades in Chinese, English, Mathematics, and Civics and Society, their GSAT scores, and information regarding the university and major they ultimately enrolled in. The study first examines the factors influencing their economics performance and identifies some differences from previous research. It was found that female students performed better in economics than male students and that the level of prior mathematics education does not have a significant impact on senior high school economics performance. Additionally, the study shows that students in the social science track performed better than those majoring in either the natural sciences or medical sciences tracks.

The study found a correlation between economics performance with GSAT and the choice of major. After controlling for students` grades in Chinese and Mathematics, it is found students with better economics performance also achieved higher scores in Chinese and Mathematics in GSAT. This finding suggests that the “unique analytical approach” in economics plays a crucial role in the performance of certain subjects. The study also found that students who performed better in economics have a higher chance of entering the top 10 universities, although this is significantly less pronounced when narrowing to only the top 5 universities. Furthermore, without controlling for students` tracks, it is found that students with better economics scores are more likely to be admitted to economics or business-related majors.

This study is the first to analyze the factors influencing the performance of senior high school students in Economics and its impact on their university enrollment in Taiwan. The findings demonstrates the considerable influence of economics performance on the future development and options for Taiwanese senior high school students. Economics education can achieve the “dual benefits” in terms of personal rational decision-making and national policy development. Lastly, the researchers suggest that educational authorities allocate more funding or subsidies to curriculum planning related to economics, and especially promote relevant programs more actively to improve awareness and applications from Civics and Society teachers, enhancing economic literacy and competence among Taiwanese citizens and effectively addressing the increasingly complex economic issues and challenges of today.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 資料來源與限制 8
第三節 章節架構 11
第二章 我國高中公民與社會科之課程演變 13
第三章 文獻回顧 46
第一節 有關經濟教育之意義及其重要性 46
第二節 有關國內外高中經濟學學習表現與大學升學表現 55
第四章 模型設定 76
第一節 研究主題及相關問題 76
第二節 假說設定 79
第三節 變數設定與迴歸模型 83
第五章 實證結果 96
第一節 主題一之實證結果 99
第二節 主題二之實證結果 101
第三節 主題三之實證結果 107
第四節 主題四之實證結果 109
第六章 結論、建議與未來研究方向 112
第一節 結論 112
第二節 建議與未來研究方向 117
參考文獻 123
dc.format.extent 5023910 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高中經濟學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經濟教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公民與社會科zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大學學測zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 升學表現zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Senior high school economicsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Economics educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Civics and Societyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Enrollment outcomesen_US
dc.title (題名) 高中經濟學學業成績表現及對升學之影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study of Academic Performance in High School Economics and Its Influence on the Pursuit of a Higher Educationen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻

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