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題名 網絡社區結構的跨界和異質性學習與創新效果:全球半導體公司間的專利引用網絡分析
Trans-Community and Heterogeneous Learning of Network Community Structure and Innovation Effects: An Analysis of Patent Citation Networks among Global Semiconductor Firms
作者 江韋築
Jiang, Wei-Zhu
貢獻者 熊瑞梅<br>鄭力軒
Hsung, Ray-May<br>Cheng, Li-Hsuan
Jiang, Wei-Zhu
關鍵詞 全球半導體技術知識場域
Global semiconductor technical knowledge field
Patent citation network among firms
Community detection
日期 2023
上傳時間 2-Aug-2023 14:25:08 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究企圖從技術知識場域的觀點進行技術創新之網絡結構型態分析。透過社會網絡分析,本研究從專利相互引用資料中描繪出半導體製程技術的全球技術知識場域,並以組織場域的概念探究全球頂尖半導體公司的技術知識學習創新行動。本研究企圖整合技術知識場域的知識叢集化與地位層級化結構特徵,並探討公司在這些結構條件下如何進行異質知識探索與創新。本研究利用社區偵測方法辨識技術知識場域中的不同技術領域,並探討公司的異質領域知識探索如何促進公司在場域中得到的創新評價。「跨界」與「異質性」概念區分了技術知識領域內與外的差異,並提供公司一面進行領域內的知識累積,另一面進行領域外的異質性知識學習的同步並進之圖像。並且,本研究進一步檢視不同地位條件的公司進行跨界異質性學習探索的行為模式及創新回報模式的差異。
This study attempts to analyze the network structures of technological innovation from the approach of the knowledge field. Using social network analysis, it configures the global knowledge field of semiconductor process technology based on patent citation data, and explores the actions which top semiconductor companies learn and innovate from the approach of the organizational field. This research attempts to integrate characteristics of knowledge clustering, hierarchical status in the technological knowledge field, and explores how to proceed the heterogeneous exploration and innovation under these structure conditions. Using community detection methods to identify different technological domains, this study investigates how exploring diverse knowledge promotes the evaluation of firm innovation. The concepts of "trans-community" and "heterogeneity" distinguish between knowledge within and outside the domain, and provide the configuration of simultaneous processing of inside knowledge accumulation and outside heterogeneous learning. This study further examines the differentiated effects of trans-community and heterogeneous learning on the return of innovation under hierarchical status conditions.
The findings show that (1) The community structure of the global semiconductor technical knowledge field evolves from chaos to stability. The trans-community exploration for most companies has shifted from proactive to moderate state, and heterogeneous exploration has also been increasingly active. As the field community structure evolves, trans-community exploration has developed a balance-required characteristic, and the effect of heterogeneous exploration on innovation has also been increasingly strong. (2) As to high-status companies, consolidating knowledge advantages within the domain is beneficial for maintaining their evaluation of innovation, but they usually perform trans-community exploration more proactively. It implies that there may be intense competition for a long-term technology advantage among high-status companies. A broader "optimal trans-community ratio range" allows them to adopt suboptimal strategies without losing position. High-status companies rely on heterogeneous exploration to level up evaluation of innovation. (3) As to low-status companies, moderately high trans-community exploration enhances their evaluation of innovation, but companies with the lowest status rank tend to perform excessive exploration which, combined with a narrower "optimal trans-community ratio range", hinders upward mobility. Highly heterogeneous exploration is less frequent for low-status companies but more beneficial for them. (4) The balance-required characteristics is more significant in logic, memory, and equipment technology domains, which indicates these three domains have the most active technology deepening and innovation demand in the entire field.
參考文獻 參考書目
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 熊瑞梅<br>鄭力軒zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsung, Ray-May<br>Cheng, Li-Hsuanen_US (Authors) 江韋築zh_TW (Authors) Jiang, Wei-Zhuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 江韋築zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Jiang, Wei-Zhuen_US (日期) 2023en_US 2-Aug-2023 14:25:08 (UTC+8)- 2-Aug-2023 14:25:08 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Aug-2023 14:25:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110254004en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110254004zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究企圖從技術知識場域的觀點進行技術創新之網絡結構型態分析。透過社會網絡分析,本研究從專利相互引用資料中描繪出半導體製程技術的全球技術知識場域,並以組織場域的概念探究全球頂尖半導體公司的技術知識學習創新行動。本研究企圖整合技術知識場域的知識叢集化與地位層級化結構特徵,並探討公司在這些結構條件下如何進行異質知識探索與創新。本研究利用社區偵測方法辨識技術知識場域中的不同技術領域,並探討公司的異質領域知識探索如何促進公司在場域中得到的創新評價。「跨界」與「異質性」概念區分了技術知識領域內與外的差異,並提供公司一面進行領域內的知識累積,另一面進行領域外的異質性知識學習的同步並進之圖像。並且,本研究進一步檢視不同地位條件的公司進行跨界異質性學習探索的行為模式及創新回報模式的差異。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study attempts to analyze the network structures of technological innovation from the approach of the knowledge field. Using social network analysis, it configures the global knowledge field of semiconductor process technology based on patent citation data, and explores the actions which top semiconductor companies learn and innovate from the approach of the organizational field. This research attempts to integrate characteristics of knowledge clustering, hierarchical status in the technological knowledge field, and explores how to proceed the heterogeneous exploration and innovation under these structure conditions. Using community detection methods to identify different technological domains, this study investigates how exploring diverse knowledge promotes the evaluation of firm innovation. The concepts of "trans-community" and "heterogeneity" distinguish between knowledge within and outside the domain, and provide the configuration of simultaneous processing of inside knowledge accumulation and outside heterogeneous learning. This study further examines the differentiated effects of trans-community and heterogeneous learning on the return of innovation under hierarchical status conditions.
The findings show that (1) The community structure of the global semiconductor technical knowledge field evolves from chaos to stability. The trans-community exploration for most companies has shifted from proactive to moderate state, and heterogeneous exploration has also been increasingly active. As the field community structure evolves, trans-community exploration has developed a balance-required characteristic, and the effect of heterogeneous exploration on innovation has also been increasingly strong. (2) As to high-status companies, consolidating knowledge advantages within the domain is beneficial for maintaining their evaluation of innovation, but they usually perform trans-community exploration more proactively. It implies that there may be intense competition for a long-term technology advantage among high-status companies. A broader "optimal trans-community ratio range" allows them to adopt suboptimal strategies without losing position. High-status companies rely on heterogeneous exploration to level up evaluation of innovation. (3) As to low-status companies, moderately high trans-community exploration enhances their evaluation of innovation, but companies with the lowest status rank tend to perform excessive exploration which, combined with a narrower "optimal trans-community ratio range", hinders upward mobility. Highly heterogeneous exploration is less frequent for low-status companies but more beneficial for them. (4) The balance-required characteristics is more significant in logic, memory, and equipment technology domains, which indicates these three domains have the most active technology deepening and innovation demand in the entire field.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、緒論 9
第一節、研究動機與目的 9
第二節、章節安排 10
第二章、文獻探討 11
第一節、公司間專利引用網絡作為技術知識場域 12
第二節、公司間專利引用網絡的社區結構、跨界與異質性 15
一、社區結構、跨界與異質性 15
二、時期對跨界異質性之創新效果的調節作用 19
三、技術領域對跨界異質性之創新效果的調節作用 20
第三節、地位與跨界異質性 21
第四節、全球半導體產業基本介紹 26
第三章、研究方法 28
第一節、資料來源與處理 28
第二節、網絡分析方法:公司間專利引用網絡的建構 30
第三節、網絡分析方法:社區偵測方法的應用 34
第四節、「跨界」與「異質性」的測量 36
第五節、其他變項與模型 38
第四章、分析結果 42
第一節、描述性分析:社區結構與演變 42
一、社區結構與技術領域 42
二、技術知識領域專業分化趨勢:社區流變與Modularity Q 47
第二節、描述性分析:跨界與異質性之分佈型態 50
一、時期變化 50
二、技術領域差異 54
三、地位差異 61
第三節、模型分析結果 63
一、跨界與異質性的創新效果 64
二、地位與跨界異質性 67
三、時期與跨界異質性 72
四、技術領域與跨界異質性 74
第四節、個案比較:邏輯晶片領域的台美中公司 77
一、台積電如何實現技術領先 79
二、中芯國際如何快速追趕 85
第五章、結論與討論 88
第一節、分析結果歸納 88
第二節、研究貢獻 90
一、跨界異質性概念架構與時期和技術領域的發現 90
二、「場域社區結構」與公司跨界異質性探索的「行為模式」和「回報模式」之變遷趨勢的同步一致性 91
三、跨界異質性探索與地位再製或流動的交互影響 92
第三節、研究限制與未來研究方向 95
參考書目 97
附錄1 全球各國代表性半導體廠商的最多與次多IPC專利分類 101
附錄2 MTrends資料庫資料搜尋與處理的擷取畫面 104
附錄3 H01L專利最多的51家公司名單 107
附錄4 逐年社區網絡圖 109
附錄5 跨界與異質性指標的計算方式詳細說明 119
dc.format.extent 22078263 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全球半導體技術知識場域zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公司間專利相互引用網絡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社區偵測zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 跨界zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 異質性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Global semiconductor technical knowledge fielden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Patent citation network among firmsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Community detectionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Trans-communityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Heterogeneityen_US
dc.title (題名) 網絡社區結構的跨界和異質性學習與創新效果:全球半導體公司間的專利引用網絡分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Trans-Community and Heterogeneous Learning of Network Community Structure and Innovation Effects: An Analysis of Patent Citation Networks among Global Semiconductor Firmsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
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