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題名 營業秘密法制下法人刑事責任之研究
Studies on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons Under Trade Secret Act
作者 蔡雨倫
Tsai, Yu-Lun
貢獻者 馮震宇
Fong, Jerry G.
Tsai, Yu-Lun
關鍵詞 營業秘密
Trade secret
Corporate crime
Criminal liability
Double punishment
日期 2023
上傳時間 2-八月-2023 14:36:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 因應國際對於營業秘密保護的重視,多數國家積極強化營業秘密的刑事制裁規範,其中不乏法人刑罰的規定。我國營業秘密法早在2013年即以兩罰制之方式訂有法人刑罰規定,近年更是將侵害營業秘密犯罪的層級提升至國安法並加重刑度。然而,縱使法人刑罰規範已訂定多年,其立法及施行上仍有值得改進之處,尤其在近年聯電與美光案的重大案件中,更凸顯問題存在。
In order to protect trade secrets, many countries have strengthened their criminal sanctions against trade secret misappropriation, including provisions for corporate punishment. As early as 2013, Taiwan`s Trade Secrets Act established provisions for corporate punishment through a double punishment system, and in recent years, the severity of punishment for trade secret crimes has been elevated to national security laws. However, despite the existence of corporate punishment regulations for many years, there are still rooms for improvement in legislation and implementation. This was highlighted in recent high-profile cases involving United Microelectronics Corporation and Micron Technology.
This article first studies the current status of Taiwan`s trade secrets legislation and summarizes foreign legal systems and corporate punishment regulations. The double punishment system in Taiwan`s legislation raises concerns about principles such as the presumption of innocence, self-incrimination, and proportionality of punishment. Furthermore, in practice, courts fail to examine the elements of the crime and the criteria for sentencing, and interpretation of corporate preventive responsibility is too strict in Taiwan. Most foreign legislative examples are based on the responsibility of the corporation itself, wherein the corporation satisfies the elements of the offense or fails in its supervisory responsibilities, and is then held accountable. Although Taiwan has similar regulations, they are not implemented by the courts.
Next, the implementation status of criminal liability for corporates under Trade Secret Act in the past 10 years and the investigation and prosecution situation from 2014 to 2018 in Taiwan were analyzed. The results showed that the prosecution rate and conviction rate for corporate crimes were 25.9% and 52.9%, respectively, which were not far from the values of natural person crimes. However, the number of defendants between corporations and natural person who were prosecuted differed by nearly 8 times, with 29 and 229 respectively, due to the huge difference in the number of investigators, which were 112 and 879 respectively. It is speculated that it is related to the conditions of complaint and judicial capacity. All defendant corporations are local companies, indicating that existing regulations may not be effective in economic espionage cases involving third countries. Furthermore, regarding the UMC case judgment, the court has clarified standards for corporate exemption from liability through "best efforts to prevent" measures. In addition to declarative regulations, companies should have active, specific, and effective preventive measures. However, requirements for prevention by departments such as information and human resources appear to be overly strict and impractical in practice.
In summary, this article proposes specific provisions for amendment, which clarify the elements of corporate criminal liability and shift the burden of proof to prosecutors, and the sentencing should consider the differences between corporations and natural persons. In practice, the judgment should provide detailed explanations of the elements of corporate crime, and the sentencing should consider the degree of corporate compliance and preventive measures. In addition, the high standards for corporate prevention obligations should be balanced with reasonable confidentiality measures, so that most small and medium-sized enterprises can bear the cost of preventive measures, together maintaining the orderly operation of commercial competition and enabling the development of Taiwan`s industries.
參考文獻 一、 中文文獻 (按作者姓氏筆畫排列)
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22. 智慧財產法院108年度刑智上訴字第 52號判決
23. 最高法院110年度台上字第2661號刑事判決
24. 臺灣臺中地方法院 107 年度 智訴 字第 1 號刑事判決
25. 智慧財產法院 108 年度 刑智上訴 字第 37 號刑事判決
26. 智慧財產及商業法院 110 年度 刑智上更(一) 字第 2 號刑事判決
27. 臺灣橋頭地方法院 106 年度 智訴 字第 6 號刑事判決
28. 臺灣士林地方法院 105 年度 智訴 字第 4 號刑事判決
29. 臺灣臺中地方法院 104 年度 智訴 字第 13 號刑事判決
30. 臺灣橋頭地方法院 104 年度 智訴 字第 13 號刑事判決
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35. 臺灣臺中地方法院107年度智訴字第21號刑事判決
36. 智慧財產法院 106 年度刑智上訴字第 29 號刑事判決

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二、 外文文獻
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(三) 法院判決
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4. United States International Trade Commission, Section 337 statistics: types of unfair acts alleged in active investigations by fiscal year (updated annually),
available at https://www.usitc.gov/intellectual_property/337_statistics_types_unfair_acts_alleged_active.htm (Last visited: May. 17, 2022).
5. Department of Justice, PRC State-Owned Company, Taiwan Company, and Three Individuals Charged With Economic Espionage (2018), available at https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/prc-state-owned-company-taiwan-company-and-three-individuals-charged-economic-espionage (Last visited: May. 13, 2022).
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9. Foreign and Economic Espionage Penalty Enhancement Act of 2012, available at https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/6029 (Last visited: Mar. 4, 2023).
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108652022
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 馮震宇zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Fong, Jerry G.en_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 蔡雨倫zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Tsai, Yu-Lunen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡雨倫zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Yu-Lunen_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-八月-2023 14:36:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-八月-2023 14:36:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-八月-2023 14:36:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0108652022en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/146706-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律科際整合研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108652022zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 因應國際對於營業秘密保護的重視,多數國家積極強化營業秘密的刑事制裁規範,其中不乏法人刑罰的規定。我國營業秘密法早在2013年即以兩罰制之方式訂有法人刑罰規定,近年更是將侵害營業秘密犯罪的層級提升至國安法並加重刑度。然而,縱使法人刑罰規範已訂定多年,其立法及施行上仍有值得改進之處,尤其在近年聯電與美光案的重大案件中,更凸顯問題存在。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In order to protect trade secrets, many countries have strengthened their criminal sanctions against trade secret misappropriation, including provisions for corporate punishment. As early as 2013, Taiwan`s Trade Secrets Act established provisions for corporate punishment through a double punishment system, and in recent years, the severity of punishment for trade secret crimes has been elevated to national security laws. However, despite the existence of corporate punishment regulations for many years, there are still rooms for improvement in legislation and implementation. This was highlighted in recent high-profile cases involving United Microelectronics Corporation and Micron Technology.
This article first studies the current status of Taiwan`s trade secrets legislation and summarizes foreign legal systems and corporate punishment regulations. The double punishment system in Taiwan`s legislation raises concerns about principles such as the presumption of innocence, self-incrimination, and proportionality of punishment. Furthermore, in practice, courts fail to examine the elements of the crime and the criteria for sentencing, and interpretation of corporate preventive responsibility is too strict in Taiwan. Most foreign legislative examples are based on the responsibility of the corporation itself, wherein the corporation satisfies the elements of the offense or fails in its supervisory responsibilities, and is then held accountable. Although Taiwan has similar regulations, they are not implemented by the courts.
Next, the implementation status of criminal liability for corporates under Trade Secret Act in the past 10 years and the investigation and prosecution situation from 2014 to 2018 in Taiwan were analyzed. The results showed that the prosecution rate and conviction rate for corporate crimes were 25.9% and 52.9%, respectively, which were not far from the values of natural person crimes. However, the number of defendants between corporations and natural person who were prosecuted differed by nearly 8 times, with 29 and 229 respectively, due to the huge difference in the number of investigators, which were 112 and 879 respectively. It is speculated that it is related to the conditions of complaint and judicial capacity. All defendant corporations are local companies, indicating that existing regulations may not be effective in economic espionage cases involving third countries. Furthermore, regarding the UMC case judgment, the court has clarified standards for corporate exemption from liability through "best efforts to prevent" measures. In addition to declarative regulations, companies should have active, specific, and effective preventive measures. However, requirements for prevention by departments such as information and human resources appear to be overly strict and impractical in practice.
In summary, this article proposes specific provisions for amendment, which clarify the elements of corporate criminal liability and shift the burden of proof to prosecutors, and the sentencing should consider the differences between corporations and natural persons. In practice, the judgment should provide detailed explanations of the elements of corporate crime, and the sentencing should consider the degree of corporate compliance and preventive measures. In addition, the high standards for corporate prevention obligations should be balanced with reasonable confidentiality measures, so that most small and medium-sized enterprises can bear the cost of preventive measures, together maintaining the orderly operation of commercial competition and enabling the development of Taiwan`s industries.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及目的 1
第一項 營業秘密案件增加 1
第二項 各國加重刑罰制裁 2
第三項 聯電案之啟示 3
第二節 研究方法及架構 4
第三節 研究範圍及限制 5
第二章 我國營業秘密法制 7
第一節 營業秘密法簡介 7
第一項 規範體系 7
第二項 立法歷程 8
第三項 保護客體及要件 12
第二節 侵害營業秘密之刑事責任 13
第一項 保護法益與手段關聯性 13
第二項 法人刑事責任 17
第三項 判斷犯罪流程 20
第三節 營業秘密法第13條之4立法評析 22
第一項 我國法人刑罰規範 23
第二項 兩罰制 25
第三項 舉證責任 29
第四節 小結 31
第三章 國外法制及法人刑罰規範 33
第一節 美國 33
第一項 美國營業秘密法制簡介 33
第二項 侵害營業秘密之刑事責任 39
第三項 法人可歸責性及刑罰規範 44
第四項 小結 49
第二節 德國 51
第一項 德國營業秘密法制簡介 51
第二項 侵害營業秘密之刑事責任 52
第三項 法人可歸責性及刑罰規範 53
第四項 小結 56
第三節 日本 57
第一項 日本營業秘密法制簡介 57
第二項 侵害營業秘密之刑事責任 58
第三項 法人可歸責性及刑罰規範 60
第四項 小結 62
第四節 小結 63
第四章 案例分析與探討 65
第一節 我國案例量化研究 65
第一項 偵查及起訴案件 66
第二項 一審法人刑事判決 68
第三項 二審法人刑事判決 72
第四項 判決結果分析 75
第二節 聯電與美光案 81
第一項 案件簡介 81
第二項 半導體產業發展 85
第三項 我國案件審理情形 89
第四項 美國案件審理情形 93
第五項 案件分析與探討 98
第三節 小結 107
第五章 法規面、實證面之檢討與分析 109
第一節 法規面 109
第一項 法人可歸責性 109
第二項 防免責任標準 112
第三項 舉證責任問題 113
第二節 實證面 115
第一項 無法達成立法目的 115
第二項 不符訴訟經濟原則 117
第三項 淪為商業政策工具 119
第三節 具體建議 125
第一項 法規修正 125
第二項 判決修正 128
第六章 結論與建議 131
第一節 結論 131
第二節 建議 133
參考文獻 135
dc.format.extent 4806563 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108652022en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 營業秘密zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 法人刑罰zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 兩罰規定zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 第13條之4zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Trade secreten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Corporate crimeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Criminal liabilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Double punishmenten_US
dc.title (題名) 營業秘密法制下法人刑事責任之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Studies on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons Under Trade Secret Acten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文文獻 (按作者姓氏筆畫排列)
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(四) 法院判決
1. 司法院大法官釋字第313號解釋文
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8. 智慧財產法院 108 年度刑智上訴字第 1 號刑事判決
9. 臺灣臺中地方法院 105 年度 智訴 字第 19 號刑事判決
10. 智慧財產法院 106 年度 刑智上訴 字第 38 號刑事判決
11. 臺灣新北地方法院 104 年度智訴字第 11 號刑事判決
12. 智慧財產法院 104 年度 刑智上訴 字第 61 號刑事判決
13. 臺灣士林地方法院 105 年度 金訴 字第 7 號刑事判決
14. 臺灣臺中地方法院 109 年度 智訴 字第 13 號刑事判決
15. 智慧財產及商業法院 110 年度 刑智上訴 字第 27 號判決
16. 臺灣臺中地方法院 106 年度 智訴 字第 11 號刑事判決
17. 智慧財產及商業法院 109 年度 刑智上重訴 字第 4 號刑事判決
18. 臺灣新北地方法院 108 年度 智訴 字第 20 號刑事判決
19. 臺灣臺中地方法院105年度智訴字第5號刑事判決
20. 智慧財產及商業法院109年度刑智上訴字第4號刑事判決
21. 臺灣雲林地方法院105年度智訴字第 3號刑事判決
22. 智慧財產法院108年度刑智上訴字第 52號判決
23. 最高法院110年度台上字第2661號刑事判決
24. 臺灣臺中地方法院 107 年度 智訴 字第 1 號刑事判決
25. 智慧財產法院 108 年度 刑智上訴 字第 37 號刑事判決
26. 智慧財產及商業法院 110 年度 刑智上更(一) 字第 2 號刑事判決
27. 臺灣橋頭地方法院 106 年度 智訴 字第 6 號刑事判決
28. 臺灣士林地方法院 105 年度 智訴 字第 4 號刑事判決
29. 臺灣臺中地方法院 104 年度 智訴 字第 13 號刑事判決
30. 臺灣橋頭地方法院 104 年度 智訴 字第 13 號刑事判決
31. 智慧財產法院107年度刑智上訴字第 13號判決
32. 最高法院 110 年度台上字第 3193 號刑事判決
33. 智慧財產法院101年度民營訴字第2號民事判決。
34. 智慧財產法院105年度刑智上訴字第11號判決
35. 臺灣臺中地方法院107年度智訴字第21號刑事判決
36. 智慧財產法院 106 年度刑智上訴字第 29 號刑事判決

(五) 政府機構文件
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5. 2013年營業秘密法部分條文修正草案總說明
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(六) 網路及其他資料
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二、 外文文獻
(一) 專書

(二) 期刊
1. K-C Liu, The Problems with Trade Secret Protection/Overprotection in Asia (2022).
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(三) 法院判決
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2. Micron Tech., Inc. v. United Microelectronics Corp., 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 115650
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6. Ranza v. Nike, Inc., 793 F.3d 1059, 1068 (9th Cir. 2015)
7. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg Co Ltd v. Semiconductor Mfg Intern Corp., 2004 U.S. Dist. WL 5212448
8. 東京高判昭 25.4.21.

(四) 政府機構文件
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