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題名 重點大學學歷對收入的影響: 基於「中國勞動力動態調查」的反事實分析
The Effects of Top Universities on Income: A Counterfactual Analysis from China Labor-force Dynamics Survey
作者 袁晨曦
Yuan, Chenxi
貢獻者 張峯彬
Chang, Feng-Bin
Yuan, Chenxi
關鍵詞 重點大學
Top Universities
Economic Returns
Higher Education
Counterfactual Analysis
日期 2023
上傳時間 1-九月-2023 15:30:20 (UTC+8)
摘要 學校教育是社會地位分層和流動的重要機制,中國大陸通過高度標準化的考試制度、逐年擴張的高教系統,試圖不斷達成教育公平的目標。不過隨著高教擴張,大學文憑逐漸貶值,高等教育入學門檻看似降低,但是重點大學的入學依舊競爭激烈,近年來重點大學入學的機會不均等引起關注。此外,即使進入重點大學,不同階層的學生從學校到工作的轉換過程可能有較大發展差異,「寒門學生」跨入重點高校後能否削弱先賦地位的劣勢值得關注。

現有研究討論中國重點大學的回報,常聚焦特定年份特定大學的畢業生起薪工資,缺乏考察全國範圍和時間跨度長的收入情況。本研究利用中山大學(大陸)中國勞動力動態調查(China Labor-force Dynamics Survey , CLDS)2014年和2016年的資料,以反事實分析(Counterfactual Causal Analysis)的方法,分析重點大學學歷對收入的因果效應。

個體進入重點大學並非隨機事件,而是基於一系列因素,因此本研究利用家庭背景相關變項對重點大學入學機會進行預測,將進入重點大學當成一種處理(Treatment),再分析學生入學重點大學後獲得怎樣的回報。本研究還納入不同時期高教擴張程度的變項來進行更嚴謹的分析。研究除OLS普通迴歸之外,使用具迴歸調整的逆概率加權(Inverse Probability Weighted Regression Adjusted,IPWRA)模型,在反事實框架下綜合逆概率加權和迴歸方法削弱選擇性偏差,使得結果獲得雙重穩健性。

Education serves as an important mechanism for social stratification and mobility. Mainland China has pursued educational equity through a highly standardized examination system and expanding higher education. However, with this expansion, the value of university degrees has diminished, and though the entrance threshold to higher education appears to decrease, competition for entry into top universities remains intense, sparking concerns about unequal opportunities. Furthermore, even within these prestigious institutions, students from varying backgrounds experience significant disparities in transitioning from education to the workforce. It is important to investigate whether students from disadvantaged backgrounds can mitigate their initial disadvantages after graduation from top universities.

Current research on the returns of attending top Chinese universities often fixates on graduates’ starting salaries from specific universities and years, lacking a comprehensive view of income trends across the nation and over time. To address this gap, our study employs data from the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) conducted by Sun Yat-sen University in 2014 and 2016. Utilizing the Counterfactual Causal Analysis framework, we analyze the causal impact of top university on income.

Individual admission to top universities is not random; it hinges on various factors. Thus, our study employs family background-related variables to predict the likelihood of admission to a top university, treating this admission as a “treatment”. Subsequently, I analyze the returns students receive after attending these institutions. The analysis also incorporates variables that reflect different phases of higher education expansion for a more rigorous investigation. Apart from employing the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression, I employ the Inverse Probability Weighted Regression Adjusted (IPWRA) model, which amalgamates inverse probability weighting and regression adjustment within the Counterfactual Causal Analysis framework to address selection biases and enhance result robustness.

The findings reveal the following: (1) Admission to top universities is influenced by factors including the level of one’s high school, exam location, gender, and family social status, with a negative correlation to higher education expansion. (2) Under the Counterfactual Causal Analysis framework, the direct effect of attending a top university on annual income is, on average, 27.6% higher compared to the income of those who did not attend such institutions. Additionally, the indirect impact of attending prestigious universities on income may operate through the accumulation of political capital and the industry in which graduates work. Moreover, data shows that students from top universities have wider gender inequality in income, but these individuals are not significantly influenced by higher education expansion or years of work experience.
參考文獻 王海平、薑星海,2019,<我國大學生就業質量研究綜述>。《北京教育:高教版》2019(04):52-54。
邢春冰、李實,2011,<擴招「大躍進」、教育機會與大學畢業生就> 。《經濟學(季刊)》2011(04):1187-1208。
吳克明 、 吳丹,2021,<高等教育與社會流動的關係:一個文獻綜述>。《教育經濟評論》2021(04):118-128
吳曉剛,2016, <中國當代的高等教育、精英形成與社會分層>。《文化縱橫》2016(3):17。
周光禮、蔡三發、徐賢春、王頂明,2019,<世界一流大學的建設與評價:國際經驗與中國探索>。《中國高教研究》2019 (09):22-28。
陳耐帥,許友誼,2014,<「211 工程」院校入學機會分佈的區域差異分析>。《高校教育管理》 8(3): 34-38。
張原、陳建奇,2008,<人力資本還是行業特徵:中國行業間工資回報差異的成因分析>。 《世界經濟》,2008(05):68-80。
梁晨、董浩、任韻竹、李中清,2017,<江山代有才人出——中國教育精英的來源與轉變(1865-2014) >。《社會學研究》32(03):48-70。
喬錦忠,2007,<優質高等教育入學機會分佈的區域差異>。《北京師範大學學報(社會科學版)》 1: 23-28。
楊江華, 2014,<我國高等教育入學機會的區域差異及其變遷>。《高等教育研究》 35(12): 27-34。
劉和旺、王宇鋒,2010,<政治資本的收益隨市場化進程增加還是減少>。 《經濟學(季刊)》, 9(03):891-908。
劉志業、欒開政、李衛東,2003,<教育過度與高校畢業生就業問題分析>。 《高等教育研究》2003(04):25-29。
諸建芳、王伯慶、恩斯特·使君多福,1995,<中國人力資本投資的個人收益率研究>。 經濟研究(12),55-63。
蔡麗麗、黃容霞,2021,<我國世界一流大學建設政策30年:歷史演變與分析(1991~2020) >。《內蒙古社會科學》42(06):162-170。
關秉寅、 彭思錦、崔成秀,2019,<臺灣高教擴張對年輕世代薪資及職業聲望的影響:反事實的分析>。《人文及社會科學集刊》31(4):555-599。

Blau, Peter M., and Otis Dudley Duncan,1967, The American occupational structure. New York: Free Press.
Caliendo, Marco, and Sabine Kopeinig, 2008, “Some practical guidance for the implementation of propensity score matching. ” Journal of economic surveys 22.1: 31-72.
Carnoy, M. 1995. International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education, Second Edition. USA : Pergamon
Charles, M., & Bradley, K. ,2002, “Equal but Separate? A Cross-National Study of Sex Segregation in Higher Education.” American Sociological Review 67(4): 573–599.
Domina, Thurston, Andrew Penner, and Emily Penner, 2017, “Categorical inequality: Schools as sorting machines. ” Annual review of sociology 43: 311-330.
Gerber, Theodore P., and Sin Yi Cheung, 2008, “Horizontal stratification in postsecondary education: Forms, explanations, and implications. ” Annual Review of Sociology 34: 299-318.
Guo, Shenyang, and Mark W. Fraser, 2014, Propensity score analysis: Statistical methods and applications. Vol. 11. SAGE publications.
Hauser, Seth M., and Yu Xie, 2005, “Temporal and regional variation in earnings inequality: Urban China in transition between 1988 and 1995. ” Social Science Research 34.1: 44-79.
Hipp, John R, 2008, “Counterfactuals and causal inference: Methods and principles for social research. ” 320-322.
Jacob Mincer,1974, Schooling, Experience and Earnings. New York : Columbia University Press.
Li, Haizheng, and Yi Luo, 2004, “Reporting errors, ability heterogeneity, and returns to schooling in China. ” Pacific Economic Review 9.3: 191-207.
Li, Hongbin, Pak Wai Liu, Junsen Zhang, and Ning Ma , 2007, “Economic returns to communist party membership: Evidence from urban Chinese twins. ” The Economic Journal 117.523: 1504-1520.
Lucas, Samuel R ,2001, “Effectively maintained inequality: Education transitions, track mobility, and social background effects.” American journal of sociology, 106(6), 1642-1690.
Morgan, Stephen L., and Christopher Winship, 2015, Counterfactuals and causal inference. Cambridge University Press.
Raftery, Adrian E., and Michael Hout, 1993, “Maximally maintained inequality: Expansion, reform, and opportunity in Irish education, 1921-75. ” Sociology of education (1993): 41-62.
Rosenbaum, Paul R., and Donald B. Rubin, 1983, “The central role of the propensity score in observational studies for causal effects. ” Biometrika 70.1: 41-55.
Rubin, Donald B, 2004, Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. Vol. 81. John Wiley & Sons.
Słoczyński, Tymon, S. Derya Uysal, and Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, 2022, “Doubly Robust Estimation of Local Average Treatment Effects Using Inverse Probability Weighted Regression Adjustment. ” arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01300.
Smith, Matthew J., Mohammad A. Mansournia, Camille Maringe, Paul N. Zivich, Stephen R. Cole, Clémence Leyrat, Aurélien Belot, Bernard Rachet, and Miguel A. Luque-Fernandez, 2022, “Introduction to computational causal inference using reproducible Stata, R, and Python code: a tutorial. ” Statistics in medicine 41.2: 407-432.
Spagat, M.,2006, “Human capital and the future of transition economies. ” Journal of Comparative Economics 34(1): 44-56.
Unger, Jonathan, 1980, “Severing the Links between Education and Careers: the Sobering Experience of China`s Urban Schools, 1968‐76. ” The IDS Bulletin 11.2: 49-54.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108254021
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張峯彬zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chang, Feng-Binen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 袁晨曦zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Yuan, Chenxien_US
dc.creator (作者) 袁晨曦zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yuan, Chenxien_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-九月-2023 15:30:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-九月-2023 15:30:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-九月-2023 15:30:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0108254021en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/147056-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108254021zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 學校教育是社會地位分層和流動的重要機制,中國大陸通過高度標準化的考試制度、逐年擴張的高教系統,試圖不斷達成教育公平的目標。不過隨著高教擴張,大學文憑逐漸貶值,高等教育入學門檻看似降低,但是重點大學的入學依舊競爭激烈,近年來重點大學入學的機會不均等引起關注。此外,即使進入重點大學,不同階層的學生從學校到工作的轉換過程可能有較大發展差異,「寒門學生」跨入重點高校後能否削弱先賦地位的劣勢值得關注。

現有研究討論中國重點大學的回報,常聚焦特定年份特定大學的畢業生起薪工資,缺乏考察全國範圍和時間跨度長的收入情況。本研究利用中山大學(大陸)中國勞動力動態調查(China Labor-force Dynamics Survey , CLDS)2014年和2016年的資料,以反事實分析(Counterfactual Causal Analysis)的方法,分析重點大學學歷對收入的因果效應。

個體進入重點大學並非隨機事件,而是基於一系列因素,因此本研究利用家庭背景相關變項對重點大學入學機會進行預測,將進入重點大學當成一種處理(Treatment),再分析學生入學重點大學後獲得怎樣的回報。本研究還納入不同時期高教擴張程度的變項來進行更嚴謹的分析。研究除OLS普通迴歸之外,使用具迴歸調整的逆概率加權(Inverse Probability Weighted Regression Adjusted,IPWRA)模型,在反事實框架下綜合逆概率加權和迴歸方法削弱選擇性偏差,使得結果獲得雙重穩健性。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) Education serves as an important mechanism for social stratification and mobility. Mainland China has pursued educational equity through a highly standardized examination system and expanding higher education. However, with this expansion, the value of university degrees has diminished, and though the entrance threshold to higher education appears to decrease, competition for entry into top universities remains intense, sparking concerns about unequal opportunities. Furthermore, even within these prestigious institutions, students from varying backgrounds experience significant disparities in transitioning from education to the workforce. It is important to investigate whether students from disadvantaged backgrounds can mitigate their initial disadvantages after graduation from top universities.

Current research on the returns of attending top Chinese universities often fixates on graduates’ starting salaries from specific universities and years, lacking a comprehensive view of income trends across the nation and over time. To address this gap, our study employs data from the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) conducted by Sun Yat-sen University in 2014 and 2016. Utilizing the Counterfactual Causal Analysis framework, we analyze the causal impact of top university on income.

Individual admission to top universities is not random; it hinges on various factors. Thus, our study employs family background-related variables to predict the likelihood of admission to a top university, treating this admission as a “treatment”. Subsequently, I analyze the returns students receive after attending these institutions. The analysis also incorporates variables that reflect different phases of higher education expansion for a more rigorous investigation. Apart from employing the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression, I employ the Inverse Probability Weighted Regression Adjusted (IPWRA) model, which amalgamates inverse probability weighting and regression adjustment within the Counterfactual Causal Analysis framework to address selection biases and enhance result robustness.

The findings reveal the following: (1) Admission to top universities is influenced by factors including the level of one’s high school, exam location, gender, and family social status, with a negative correlation to higher education expansion. (2) Under the Counterfactual Causal Analysis framework, the direct effect of attending a top university on annual income is, on average, 27.6% higher compared to the income of those who did not attend such institutions. Additionally, the indirect impact of attending prestigious universities on income may operate through the accumulation of political capital and the industry in which graduates work. Moreover, data shows that students from top universities have wider gender inequality in income, but these individuals are not significantly influenced by higher education expansion or years of work experience.
dc.description.tableofcontents 表次 VI
圖次 VII

第一章 緒論 1

第二章 文獻回顧與研究假設 5
第一節 高等教育分層與經濟回報 5
一、高等教育分層對收入的直接正效應 5
二、高等教育分層對收入的間接正效應 6
三、高等教育分層對收入的效應弱化 7
四、可能存在的選擇性偏差 8
第二節 重點大學入學機會的影響因素研究 9
一、微觀家庭因素 10
二、社會結構變遷 11
三、制度因素:重點中學制、戶籍制度和高考配額制度 13

第三章 研究方法 15
第一節 研究方法介紹 15
一、研究簡介 15
二、反事實推論和傾向分數配對的分析方法 16
第二節 資料介紹與研究設計 20
一、相關變項的定義、測量與資料處理 21
二、模型設計 27

第四章 進入重點大學機會與收入回報之結果 29
第一節 普通OLS迴歸分析 29
第二節 隨機化處理: 影響上重點大學機會的因素 31
第三節 上重點大學對收入的因果效應:基於IPWRA模型 36
第四節 結論與討論 40

參考文獻 43
附錄 47
dc.format.extent 2404787 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108254021en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 重點大學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經濟回報zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高等教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 反事實分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 逆概率加權迴歸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Top Universitiesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Economic Returnsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Higher Educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Counterfactual Analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) IPWRAen_US
dc.title (題名) 重點大學學歷對收入的影響: 基於「中國勞動力動態調查」的反事實分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Effects of Top Universities on Income: A Counterfactual Analysis from China Labor-force Dynamics Surveyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王海平、薑星海,2019,<我國大學生就業質量研究綜述>。《北京教育:高教版》2019(04):52-54。
邢春冰、李實,2011,<擴招「大躍進」、教育機會與大學畢業生就> 。《經濟學(季刊)》2011(04):1187-1208。
吳克明 、 吳丹,2021,<高等教育與社會流動的關係:一個文獻綜述>。《教育經濟評論》2021(04):118-128
吳曉剛,2016, <中國當代的高等教育、精英形成與社會分層>。《文化縱橫》2016(3):17。
周光禮、蔡三發、徐賢春、王頂明,2019,<世界一流大學的建設與評價:國際經驗與中國探索>。《中國高教研究》2019 (09):22-28。
陳耐帥,許友誼,2014,<「211 工程」院校入學機會分佈的區域差異分析>。《高校教育管理》 8(3): 34-38。
張原、陳建奇,2008,<人力資本還是行業特徵:中國行業間工資回報差異的成因分析>。 《世界經濟》,2008(05):68-80。
梁晨、董浩、任韻竹、李中清,2017,<江山代有才人出——中國教育精英的來源與轉變(1865-2014) >。《社會學研究》32(03):48-70。
喬錦忠,2007,<優質高等教育入學機會分佈的區域差異>。《北京師範大學學報(社會科學版)》 1: 23-28。
楊江華, 2014,<我國高等教育入學機會的區域差異及其變遷>。《高等教育研究》 35(12): 27-34。
劉和旺、王宇鋒,2010,<政治資本的收益隨市場化進程增加還是減少>。 《經濟學(季刊)》, 9(03):891-908。
劉志業、欒開政、李衛東,2003,<教育過度與高校畢業生就業問題分析>。 《高等教育研究》2003(04):25-29。
諸建芳、王伯慶、恩斯特·使君多福,1995,<中國人力資本投資的個人收益率研究>。 經濟研究(12),55-63。
蔡麗麗、黃容霞,2021,<我國世界一流大學建設政策30年:歷史演變與分析(1991~2020) >。《內蒙古社會科學》42(06):162-170。
關秉寅、 彭思錦、崔成秀,2019,<臺灣高教擴張對年輕世代薪資及職業聲望的影響:反事實的分析>。《人文及社會科學集刊》31(4):555-599。

Blau, Peter M., and Otis Dudley Duncan,1967, The American occupational structure. New York: Free Press.
Caliendo, Marco, and Sabine Kopeinig, 2008, “Some practical guidance for the implementation of propensity score matching. ” Journal of economic surveys 22.1: 31-72.
Carnoy, M. 1995. International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education, Second Edition. USA : Pergamon
Charles, M., & Bradley, K. ,2002, “Equal but Separate? A Cross-National Study of Sex Segregation in Higher Education.” American Sociological Review 67(4): 573–599.
Domina, Thurston, Andrew Penner, and Emily Penner, 2017, “Categorical inequality: Schools as sorting machines. ” Annual review of sociology 43: 311-330.
Gerber, Theodore P., and Sin Yi Cheung, 2008, “Horizontal stratification in postsecondary education: Forms, explanations, and implications. ” Annual Review of Sociology 34: 299-318.
Guo, Shenyang, and Mark W. Fraser, 2014, Propensity score analysis: Statistical methods and applications. Vol. 11. SAGE publications.
Hauser, Seth M., and Yu Xie, 2005, “Temporal and regional variation in earnings inequality: Urban China in transition between 1988 and 1995. ” Social Science Research 34.1: 44-79.
Hipp, John R, 2008, “Counterfactuals and causal inference: Methods and principles for social research. ” 320-322.
Jacob Mincer,1974, Schooling, Experience and Earnings. New York : Columbia University Press.
Li, Haizheng, and Yi Luo, 2004, “Reporting errors, ability heterogeneity, and returns to schooling in China. ” Pacific Economic Review 9.3: 191-207.
Li, Hongbin, Pak Wai Liu, Junsen Zhang, and Ning Ma , 2007, “Economic returns to communist party membership: Evidence from urban Chinese twins. ” The Economic Journal 117.523: 1504-1520.
Lucas, Samuel R ,2001, “Effectively maintained inequality: Education transitions, track mobility, and social background effects.” American journal of sociology, 106(6), 1642-1690.
Morgan, Stephen L., and Christopher Winship, 2015, Counterfactuals and causal inference. Cambridge University Press.
Raftery, Adrian E., and Michael Hout, 1993, “Maximally maintained inequality: Expansion, reform, and opportunity in Irish education, 1921-75. ” Sociology of education (1993): 41-62.
Rosenbaum, Paul R., and Donald B. Rubin, 1983, “The central role of the propensity score in observational studies for causal effects. ” Biometrika 70.1: 41-55.
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