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題名 成年新住民子女族群認同與社經地位之研究
Children of New Immigrants in Taiwan: Ethnic Identity and Socioeconomic Status in Early Adulthood作者 鄒宗叡
Tsou, Tzung-Ruei貢獻者 邱炫元
Chiou, Syuan-yuan
Tsou, Tzung-Ruei關鍵詞 新住民子女
government policy
children of new immigrants
ethnic identity
socioeconomic status
immediate environment
family background日期 2023 上傳時間 1-Sep-2023 15:52:45 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究採用混合研究方法,旨在探討成年新住民子女的族群認同和社經地位。根據深度訪談和網路問卷的結果,主要研究發現為日常生活環境中的經驗對受訪者族群認同的形塑有顯著的影響。由於日常生活中新住民子女的身份幾乎沒有扮演什麼重要角色,多數受訪者對台灣的認同遠高於對新住民父母族群的認同。另外,政府政策有助於建立一個更友善的社會環境,使受訪者能自信地聲稱自己是台灣人,並對新住民父母的族群抱持正面態度。而使用「臺灣後期中等教育長期追蹤資料庫」和「臺灣社會變遷基本調查資料庫」分別進行統計分析則發現,在高中和青年時期,新住民子女在教育和職業成就皆低於非移民背景者,尤其是東南亞籍新住民子女。家庭背景的劣勢在此過程中扮演重要角色。最後,根據深度訪談和網路問卷的結果,主要研究發現為受訪者進入高等教育的比例和平均年薪與整體社會的情況沒有明顯差異,與上述統計分析結果明顯不同。儘管家庭社經地位對教育和職業成就有顯著影響,有些受訪者由於父母教育態度、提供協助的他人(例:學校老師)、非政府組織,以及政府政策等因素,得以克服其弱勢家庭背景所造成的阻礙。此外,雖然族群身份在此過程中並未扮演重要角色,但由於相關政策提供給新住民子女教育和就業機會,在一些情境中,族群身份確實有顯著的影響。由於統計分析和質性研究結果有明顯差異,如果我們要更深入了解新住民子女在成年後的社經地位,根據具全國代表性的隨機樣本進行的大規模研究計畫,不論是質性或量化研究都有其必要性。
My dissertation research explores the ethnic identification and socioeconomic status of children of new immigrants in their early adulthood in Taiwan, using a mixed methods approach. The findings based on my semi-structured interviews and online survey reveal that daily experiences in the immediate environment, in which ethnic identity has played a trivial role, have contributed to the majority of the participants’ strong identification with the larger society and weak identification with their immigrant heritage. In addition, government policy has helped create a friendlier environment in which the participants feel safe to claim a Taiwanese identity and hold a positive attitude toward their immigrant heritage.Next, using the Taiwan Upper Secondary Education Database (TUSED) and the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) datasets, my analysis shows that children of new immigrants have lower educational and occupational attainment than individuals with a non-immigrant background in high school and early adulthood, particularly children of Southeast Asian immigrants. An important factor appears to be their disadvantaged family background.Third, unlike the statistical results, the findings drawing on my semi-structured interviews and online survey demonstrate that there is no significant difference between the participants and the general population in higher education attendance rate and annual income. Although family socioeconomic status appears to be a significant factor in shaping their educational and occupational attainment, there are factors that have helped some participants overcome barriers posted by their disadvantaged family background, such as parental attitude toward education, supportive people (e.g., school teachers), non-governmental organizations, and government policy. Moreover, ethnic identity is trivial in this process generally, but it is salient in certain situations thanks to relevant policy programs granting children of new immigrants educational and occupational opportunities.Due to the discrepancy between my statistical results and qualitative findings, if we are to better understand the socioeconomic status of children of new immigrants in adulthood, large-scale research projects, both qualitative and quantitative, based on nationally representative random samples may be necessary.參考文獻 Alba, R., & Nee, V. (1997). 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107265501資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 邱炫元 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chiou, Syuan-yuan en_US (Authors) 鄒宗叡 zh_TW (Authors) Tsou, Tzung-Ruei en_US dc.creator (作者) 鄒宗叡 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tsou, Tzung-Ruei en_US (日期) 2023 en_US 1-Sep-2023 15:52:45 (UTC+8) - 1-Sep-2023 15:52:45 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Sep-2023 15:52:45 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107265501 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語博士學位學程(IDAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 107265501 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究採用混合研究方法,旨在探討成年新住民子女的族群認同和社經地位。根據深度訪談和網路問卷的結果,主要研究發現為日常生活環境中的經驗對受訪者族群認同的形塑有顯著的影響。由於日常生活中新住民子女的身份幾乎沒有扮演什麼重要角色,多數受訪者對台灣的認同遠高於對新住民父母族群的認同。另外,政府政策有助於建立一個更友善的社會環境,使受訪者能自信地聲稱自己是台灣人,並對新住民父母的族群抱持正面態度。而使用「臺灣後期中等教育長期追蹤資料庫」和「臺灣社會變遷基本調查資料庫」分別進行統計分析則發現,在高中和青年時期,新住民子女在教育和職業成就皆低於非移民背景者,尤其是東南亞籍新住民子女。家庭背景的劣勢在此過程中扮演重要角色。最後,根據深度訪談和網路問卷的結果,主要研究發現為受訪者進入高等教育的比例和平均年薪與整體社會的情況沒有明顯差異,與上述統計分析結果明顯不同。儘管家庭社經地位對教育和職業成就有顯著影響,有些受訪者由於父母教育態度、提供協助的他人(例:學校老師)、非政府組織,以及政府政策等因素,得以克服其弱勢家庭背景所造成的阻礙。此外,雖然族群身份在此過程中並未扮演重要角色,但由於相關政策提供給新住民子女教育和就業機會,在一些情境中,族群身份確實有顯著的影響。由於統計分析和質性研究結果有明顯差異,如果我們要更深入了解新住民子女在成年後的社經地位,根據具全國代表性的隨機樣本進行的大規模研究計畫,不論是質性或量化研究都有其必要性。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) My dissertation research explores the ethnic identification and socioeconomic status of children of new immigrants in their early adulthood in Taiwan, using a mixed methods approach. The findings based on my semi-structured interviews and online survey reveal that daily experiences in the immediate environment, in which ethnic identity has played a trivial role, have contributed to the majority of the participants’ strong identification with the larger society and weak identification with their immigrant heritage. In addition, government policy has helped create a friendlier environment in which the participants feel safe to claim a Taiwanese identity and hold a positive attitude toward their immigrant heritage.Next, using the Taiwan Upper Secondary Education Database (TUSED) and the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) datasets, my analysis shows that children of new immigrants have lower educational and occupational attainment than individuals with a non-immigrant background in high school and early adulthood, particularly children of Southeast Asian immigrants. An important factor appears to be their disadvantaged family background.Third, unlike the statistical results, the findings drawing on my semi-structured interviews and online survey demonstrate that there is no significant difference between the participants and the general population in higher education attendance rate and annual income. Although family socioeconomic status appears to be a significant factor in shaping their educational and occupational attainment, there are factors that have helped some participants overcome barriers posted by their disadvantaged family background, such as parental attitude toward education, supportive people (e.g., school teachers), non-governmental organizations, and government policy. Moreover, ethnic identity is trivial in this process generally, but it is salient in certain situations thanks to relevant policy programs granting children of new immigrants educational and occupational opportunities.Due to the discrepancy between my statistical results and qualitative findings, if we are to better understand the socioeconomic status of children of new immigrants in adulthood, large-scale research projects, both qualitative and quantitative, based on nationally representative random samples may be necessary. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 11.1. Background 11.2. Research Questions 31.3. Overview of the Chapters 42. Literature Review 72.1. The Ethnic Landscape of Taiwan 72.2. Socioeconomic Status Attainment Mechanism in Taiwan 82.3. New Immigrants and Their Children in Taiwan 132.3.1. General Situation 132.3.2. Academic Achievement of Children of New Immigrants 162.3.3. Education Policy Relevant to Children of New Immigrants 182.3.4. Labor Market Preparation and Outcomes of Children of New Immigrants 222.3.5. Ethnic Identification of Children of New Immigrants 242.4. Ethnic Identity 252.4.1. Theories of Ethnic Identity 252.4.2. Ethnic Identification of Children of Ethnic Intermarriage 302.4.3. Ethnic Identification of Second-Generation Immigrants 352.5. Ethnic Identity and Socioeconomic Status Attainment 382.6. Analytical Framework 422.6.1. A Three-Level Analytical Framework 422.6.2. Avoiding an Essentialist Perspective 463. Research Design 493.1. A Mixed-Methods Approach 503.2. Quantitative Data 513.3. Qualitative Data 544. Ethnic Identity Construction in a Multiethnic Society 604.1. Patterns of Ethnic Identification 604.1.1. Distinction between the Larger Society and the Ethnic Majority 614.1.2. Strength of Identification with Immigrant Heritage 634.2. The Role of Daily Experiences in the Immediate Environment 664.2.1. Triviality of Ethnicity 664.2.2. Ethnicity-Based Negative Experiences 714.2.3. Formation of Dual-Heritage Identification 744.2.4. Situational and Other Identities 784.3. The Role of Government Policy 794.3.1. Strengthened Identification with Immigrant Heritage 794.3.2. Social Benefits 824.4. Summary and Reflection 845. Educational Outcomes in High School and Socioeconomic Status in Early Adulthood 875.1. Educational Outcomes in High School 885.1.1. Description of the Data 885.1.2. Group Comparisons in Educational Outcomes 905.1.3. Group Comparisons in Family Background 925.1.4. Statistical Model 965.1.5. Main Results 985.1.6. Robustness Testing: Dealing with the ―Unknown‖ Category 1045.1.7. Differences among Students with a Southeast Asian Mother 1055.2. Socioeconomic Status in Early Adulthood 1105.2.1. Statistical Model 1105.2.2. Main Results 1125.3. Summary and Reflection 1156. Diverse Socioeconomic Trajectories 1206.1. Educational and Occupational Attainment in Early Adulthood 1216.2. Family Socioeconomic Status 1246.3. Parental Attitude Toward Education 1266.4. Supportive People 1286.5. Christian Church and Non-Governmental Organizations 1306.6. Ethnic Identity 1326.7. Government Policy 1366.8. Summary and Reflection 1396.8.1. Family Socioeconomic Status Matters but Can Be Moderated by A Range ofFactors 1396.8.2. Ethnic Identity Is Irrelevant Generally but Sometimes Plays a Role Due toRelevant Policy 1427. Conclusions 1487.1. Summary of Research Findings 1487.2. Discussion 1527.2.1. Practical Implications 1527.2.2. Theoretical Contributions 1547.2.3. Limitations 159References 160Appendix A: Questionnaire Items 180Appendix B: Interview Questions 189Appendix C: Detailed Statistical Analysis Results for Chapter 5 190 zh_TW dc.format.extent 5082430 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新住民子女 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台灣 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 族群認同 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社經地位 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生活環境 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家庭背景 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政府政策 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) government policy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) children of new immigrants en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) ethnic identity en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) socioeconomic status en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) immediate environment en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) family background en_US dc.title (題名) 成年新住民子女族群認同與社經地位之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Children of New Immigrants in Taiwan: Ethnic Identity and Socioeconomic Status in Early Adulthood en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Alba, R., & Nee, V. (1997). 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