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題名 由美國社區處遇制度論我國觀護制度立法——以老年非暴力犯罪為中心
Comparative Study on Community Corrections in Taiwan and the United States: Analyzing Legislation with Emphasis on Nonviolent Elderly Crimes
作者 蔡明憲
Tsai, Ming-Hsien
貢獻者 楊雲驊
Tsai, Ming-Hsien
關鍵詞 二元主義
Social Reintegration
Community Corrections
Elderly Crimes
Nonviolent Crimes
日期 2023
上傳時間 1-Sep-2023 16:19:05 (UTC+8)
摘要 源於我國復歸處遇不足,以及對監獄超額收容之關注,本論文探討美國社區處遇制度引入我國之可行性,並以老年非暴力罪犯為核心進行研究。本論文首先介紹美國社區處遇與傳統機構處遇之差異、優勢與限制,並歸納老年受刑人於監獄中管理方式與健康醫療需求,再探討非暴力罪犯於美國社區處遇制度下之成功應用案例及其再犯率成效。另一方面,本文整理美國分流制度之優點,併介紹美國於COVID-19疫情期間之因應。接著分析我國中間處遇制度之現況與缺失,包括我國外役監、自主間外作業之現狀,以及介紹過往觀護專法草案之立法狀況。隨後進一步以美國社區處遇制度之成功經驗,探討其對我國的啟示,評估我國建構老年非暴力犯罪社區處遇制度之實益,同時探討現行法下調整保安處分、緩起訴之可行性與限制。
This thesis explores the feasibility of introducing the community corrections system from the United States to Taiwan, focusing on the elderly nonviolent crimes. Originating from the advantages of community corrections and the concerns over the inadequacy of correctional system and prison overcrowding in Taiwan. The study highlights the advantages of community corrections and its potential to enhance the criminal rehabilitation process, specifically for elderly nonviolent crimes.
     The characteristics, benefits, and limitations of the community corrections system in the United States are examined. Successful case studies are referenced to illustrate its effectiveness. This part investigates the healthcare requirements, strategies for medical management, and the influence on recidivism rates among elderly prisoners in the correctional system. Another aspect of the research introduces various community-based programs in the United States, including probation-related issues, the benefits of diversion, and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
     Moving on, the study analyzes the problems of the criminal rehabilitation system in Taiwan. It assesses the existing conditions of probation and the corrections of elderly nonviolent offenders, and the legislative landscape of community corrections or intermediate sanctions in Taiwan.
     Subsequently, a comparative analysis is conducted to evaluate the successful experiences of the community corrections system in the United States. It explores its implications for Taiwan and assesses the feasibility, necessity and the practical benefits of establishing a specialized community corrections system tailored to elderly nonviolent offenders. Lastly, the conclusion summarizes the research findings and provides policy recommendations for future developments in the field. It also suggests avenues for further research.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 楊雲驊zh_TW (Authors) 蔡明憲zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Ming-Hsienen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡明憲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Ming-Hsienen_US (日期) 2023en_US 1-Sep-2023 16:19:05 (UTC+8)- 1-Sep-2023 16:19:05 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Sep-2023 16:19:05 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109652013en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律科際整合研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109652013zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 源於我國復歸處遇不足,以及對監獄超額收容之關注,本論文探討美國社區處遇制度引入我國之可行性,並以老年非暴力罪犯為核心進行研究。本論文首先介紹美國社區處遇與傳統機構處遇之差異、優勢與限制,並歸納老年受刑人於監獄中管理方式與健康醫療需求,再探討非暴力罪犯於美國社區處遇制度下之成功應用案例及其再犯率成效。另一方面,本文整理美國分流制度之優點,併介紹美國於COVID-19疫情期間之因應。接著分析我國中間處遇制度之現況與缺失,包括我國外役監、自主間外作業之現狀,以及介紹過往觀護專法草案之立法狀況。隨後進一步以美國社區處遇制度之成功經驗,探討其對我國的啟示,評估我國建構老年非暴力犯罪社區處遇制度之實益,同時探討現行法下調整保安處分、緩起訴之可行性與限制。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis explores the feasibility of introducing the community corrections system from the United States to Taiwan, focusing on the elderly nonviolent crimes. Originating from the advantages of community corrections and the concerns over the inadequacy of correctional system and prison overcrowding in Taiwan. The study highlights the advantages of community corrections and its potential to enhance the criminal rehabilitation process, specifically for elderly nonviolent crimes.
     The characteristics, benefits, and limitations of the community corrections system in the United States are examined. Successful case studies are referenced to illustrate its effectiveness. This part investigates the healthcare requirements, strategies for medical management, and the influence on recidivism rates among elderly prisoners in the correctional system. Another aspect of the research introduces various community-based programs in the United States, including probation-related issues, the benefits of diversion, and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
     Moving on, the study analyzes the problems of the criminal rehabilitation system in Taiwan. It assesses the existing conditions of probation and the corrections of elderly nonviolent offenders, and the legislative landscape of community corrections or intermediate sanctions in Taiwan.
     Subsequently, a comparative analysis is conducted to evaluate the successful experiences of the community corrections system in the United States. It explores its implications for Taiwan and assesses the feasibility, necessity and the practical benefits of establishing a specialized community corrections system tailored to elderly nonviolent offenders. Lastly, the conclusion summarizes the research findings and provides policy recommendations for future developments in the field. It also suggests avenues for further research.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、緒論 1
     第一節、研究動機與問題意識 1
     第二節、研究目的與範圍 3
     第三節、研究方法 3
     第二章、美國社區處遇之成功案例 5
     第一節、社區處遇制度與其限制 5
     第二節、美國老年非暴力罪犯 8
     第一項、美國老年罪犯之量刑 8
     第二項、老年罪犯的健康與醫療需求與監獄的管理方式 11
     第三項、美國聯邦監獄管理局之風險評估 13
     第三節、與老年社區處遇相關之美國聯邦法案與草案 14
     第一項、2008年《第二次機會法案》(The Second Chance Act) 14
     第二項、2018年《第一步法案》(First Step Act) 15
     第三項、二次審視草案(Second Look Act) 16
     第四節、值得借鏡之美國處遇州法 16
     第一項、內華達州老年生活結構化計劃(Structured Senior Living Program) 16
     第二項、佛羅里達州老年犯罪干預教育計畫(Broward Senior Intervention Education) 17
     第三項、俄亥俄州霍金縣監獄(Hocking Correctional Facility) 18
     第四項、俄亥俄州針對性社區處遇替代監禁計畫(Targeted Community Alternatives to Prison) 21
     第五節、倡議中的社區處遇制度——人工智能輔助監控 21
     第六節、小結 25
     第三章、美國緩刑、分流制度與同情釋放之限制 27
     第一節、美國緩刑量能不足應付高齡緩刑者的監督 27
     第二節、以家庭監督為基礎的緩刑難以提供完整監管 29
     第三節、分流制度之侷限性 30
     第四節、COVID-19疫情下之同情釋放 32
     第一項、疫情爆發讓監獄成為傳染病溫床 32
     第二項、無犯罪住房條例的限制 35
     第三項、帶有特赦性質之同情釋放 38
     第四章、我國處遇制度現況與限制 41
     第一節、我國老年犯罪以輕罪為主 41
     第二節、我國中間處遇現況 42
     第一項、自主監外作業成效顯著 42
     第二項、外役監遴選與監管缺失 44
     第三節、社區處遇與保安處分制度之不足 48
     第四節、學者對觀護專法之倡議 52
     第五節、我國立法院2009年觀護法草案可做為立法參考 54
     第六節、小結 58
     第五章、美國法經驗對我國之啟發 59
     第一節、我國非戒護外出工作制度不足 59
     第二節、社區處遇可建構於緩起訴制度 61
     第三節、社區處遇制度之啟示 63
     第一項、社區復歸為國際刑事司法改革趨勢 63
     第二項、美國實務可作為我國立法借鏡 69
     第三項、如何評估老年罪犯對社會處遇之適合程度 72
     第四項、應避免社區處遇制度遭濫用 77
     第四節、調整觀護制度實益 78
     第一項、節省稅支 78
     第二項、減少再犯率 79
     第三項、緩解監獄超額收容 79
     第五節、以美國法借鏡我國未來修正要點 82
     第六節、小結 84
     第六章、結論 85
     參考文獻 87
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 二元主義zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會復歸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社區處遇zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 觀護zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 老年犯罪zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 非暴力犯罪zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Reintegrationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Community Correctionsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Rehabilitationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Elderly Crimesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Nonviolent Crimesen_US
dc.title (題名) 由美國社區處遇制度論我國觀護制度立法——以老年非暴力犯罪為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Comparative Study on Community Corrections in Taiwan and the United States: Analyzing Legislation with Emphasis on Nonviolent Elderly Crimesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文文獻
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