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題名 日治時期後臺灣與韓國的地址體系比較 —以臺北市與首爾市為例
일제시기 이후 대만과 한국의 주소 체계 비교 -타이베이시와 서울시를 중심으로–
作者 蘇鈺淇
Su, Yu-Chi
貢獻者 金恩美<br>朴炳善
Su, Yu-Chi
關鍵詞 地址體系
Address system
Road name address
Land lot-based address
Road name
Administrative districts
日期 2023
上傳時間 1-九月-2023 16:21:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究比較日治時期後臺灣臺北市與韓國首爾市的地址規劃,透過分析兩城市地址體系的變化,深化對兩國文化歷史的認識,提供以不同角度探討東亞近現代史的機會。地址不僅是標示地點的工具,其包含的地名、路名也與一國的歷史背景、文化和政權演變密切相關。因此地址體系會隨著政權轉變發生變化,各國使用的地址體系也存在差異。地址體系在2014年以前可分為「道路名地址」、「地番地址」以及「街區地址」。全球多數國家採用的道路名地址由道路名和建築物號碼構成,臺灣使用的「路」、「街」、「巷」即屬於道路名地址的行政單位。地番地址將土地劃分為區塊並賦予號碼,韓國常見的「洞」即屬於地番地址的行政單位。韓國在2014年正式將地址體系由地番地址轉換成以「大道」、「路」、「街」等單位構成的道路名地址後,「洞」雖已不再是正式的行政單位,但日常生活中,韓國居民仍使用「洞」表示場所。而日本自1962年起,將地番地址轉換成以街區形式劃分的街區地址和道路名地址,但目前大多數城市採用街區地址。
The purpose of this study is to compare how the address systems changed in Taipei City and Seoul in postcolonial Taiwan and South Korea. It aims to enhance understanding of cultural history, while also providing an opportunity to explore the modern history of East Asia from different perspectives.
Before 2014, the address systems were mainly categorized into “road name address”, “land lot-based address” and “block address”. Road name address, which is commonly used in many countries, consists of road names and building numbers. Land lot-based address divides land and assigns numbers. The commonly seen “dong” in South Korea falls under the category of land lot-based address. South Korea officially transitioned its address system from land lot-based address to road name address in 2014. While “dong” is no longer an official administrative designation, people still continue to use it in daily life to indicate locations. Block address is an addressing system that divides areas into blocks. Japan changed its address system from land lot-based address to block address and road name address in 1962, but most cities in Japan currently use block address.
Taiwan and South Korea were respectively colonized by Japan in 1895 and 1910. During the colonial era, Japan introduced its distinctive land lot-based address system to both Taiwan and South Korea. However, as the Japanese colonial period came to an end, the two countries exhibited markedly different changes in their address systems. Taiwan changed its address system to road name address system in 1946, whereas South Korea continued using the land lot-based address system until 2014.
The research results are as follows: The National Government of Republic of China took control of Taiwan after World War II. The Japanese-style address system, such as “cho” and “chome”, was abolished and replaced with the address system used in China, such as “lu(road)”, “jie(street)” and “xiang(lane)”. The National Government had significant power, enabling the implementation and establishment of the address system and road name corrections in Taiwan within a short period of time. The address system of Taipei City has been used since then, and the road names mostly remained the same since the second road name correction in 1947. On the other side, after the Japanese colonial period, South Korea went through three years of U.S. military administration before establishing Republic of Korea. Shortly after its establishment, the Korean War broke out. In such circumstances, South Korea faced the challenge of rebuilding from the massive damage caused by the war while also needed to establish a new system of governance. As a result, South Korea continued to use the Japanese-style land lot-based address system, only changing the Japanese-style administrative unit name “cho” to the Korean-style “dong”. However, due to rapid urbanization and industrialization, the continuity of lot numbers was disrupted, making it difficult to find locations. Therefore, the government commenced planning for road name addresses in 1996, with the implementation of the road name address system originally set to begin in 2012. Due to concerns and resistance from residents, the government postponed the implementation date to 2014. The current addressing system in South Korea is composed of “daero(boulevard)”, “ro(road)” and “gil(street)”.
Compare the road name types between Taipei City and Seoul, road names with local characteristics are more than 80% in Seoul, but less than 30% in Taipei City. In Taipei City, approximately 43% of road names are related to city names in China, Chinese ethnic spirit, and historical figures. These names were predominantly chosen based on the ideology of the National Government of the Republic of China, emphasizing “de-Japanization” and “re-Sinicization” after World War II. Taking a closer look at road names named after people in both cities, most of the names in Taipei are related to the National Government, carrying a strong political undertone. But the names in Seoul were mostly given to kings, scholars, and independence activists from the Joseon dynasty to the Japanese colonial period, which are less associated with political connotations. Based on the comprehensive findings of this study, Taiwan and South Korea exhibited different address planning after Japanese colonial rule due to differences in political backgrounds after World War II, democratization, and international address system usage trends.
參考文獻 한국


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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109557001
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 金恩美<br>朴炳善zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 蘇鈺淇zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Su, Yu-Chien_US
dc.creator (作者) 蘇鈺淇zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Su, Yu-Chien_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-九月-2023 16:21:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-九月-2023 16:21:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-九月-2023 16:21:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0109557001en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/147269-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 韓國語文學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109557001zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究比較日治時期後臺灣臺北市與韓國首爾市的地址規劃,透過分析兩城市地址體系的變化,深化對兩國文化歷史的認識,提供以不同角度探討東亞近現代史的機會。地址不僅是標示地點的工具,其包含的地名、路名也與一國的歷史背景、文化和政權演變密切相關。因此地址體系會隨著政權轉變發生變化,各國使用的地址體系也存在差異。地址體系在2014年以前可分為「道路名地址」、「地番地址」以及「街區地址」。全球多數國家採用的道路名地址由道路名和建築物號碼構成,臺灣使用的「路」、「街」、「巷」即屬於道路名地址的行政單位。地番地址將土地劃分為區塊並賦予號碼,韓國常見的「洞」即屬於地番地址的行政單位。韓國在2014年正式將地址體系由地番地址轉換成以「大道」、「路」、「街」等單位構成的道路名地址後,「洞」雖已不再是正式的行政單位,但日常生活中,韓國居民仍使用「洞」表示場所。而日本自1962年起,將地番地址轉換成以街區形式劃分的街區地址和道路名地址,但目前大多數城市採用街區地址。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this study is to compare how the address systems changed in Taipei City and Seoul in postcolonial Taiwan and South Korea. It aims to enhance understanding of cultural history, while also providing an opportunity to explore the modern history of East Asia from different perspectives.
Before 2014, the address systems were mainly categorized into “road name address”, “land lot-based address” and “block address”. Road name address, which is commonly used in many countries, consists of road names and building numbers. Land lot-based address divides land and assigns numbers. The commonly seen “dong” in South Korea falls under the category of land lot-based address. South Korea officially transitioned its address system from land lot-based address to road name address in 2014. While “dong” is no longer an official administrative designation, people still continue to use it in daily life to indicate locations. Block address is an addressing system that divides areas into blocks. Japan changed its address system from land lot-based address to block address and road name address in 1962, but most cities in Japan currently use block address.
Taiwan and South Korea were respectively colonized by Japan in 1895 and 1910. During the colonial era, Japan introduced its distinctive land lot-based address system to both Taiwan and South Korea. However, as the Japanese colonial period came to an end, the two countries exhibited markedly different changes in their address systems. Taiwan changed its address system to road name address system in 1946, whereas South Korea continued using the land lot-based address system until 2014.
The research results are as follows: The National Government of Republic of China took control of Taiwan after World War II. The Japanese-style address system, such as “cho” and “chome”, was abolished and replaced with the address system used in China, such as “lu(road)”, “jie(street)” and “xiang(lane)”. The National Government had significant power, enabling the implementation and establishment of the address system and road name corrections in Taiwan within a short period of time. The address system of Taipei City has been used since then, and the road names mostly remained the same since the second road name correction in 1947. On the other side, after the Japanese colonial period, South Korea went through three years of U.S. military administration before establishing Republic of Korea. Shortly after its establishment, the Korean War broke out. In such circumstances, South Korea faced the challenge of rebuilding from the massive damage caused by the war while also needed to establish a new system of governance. As a result, South Korea continued to use the Japanese-style land lot-based address system, only changing the Japanese-style administrative unit name “cho” to the Korean-style “dong”. However, due to rapid urbanization and industrialization, the continuity of lot numbers was disrupted, making it difficult to find locations. Therefore, the government commenced planning for road name addresses in 1996, with the implementation of the road name address system originally set to begin in 2012. Due to concerns and resistance from residents, the government postponed the implementation date to 2014. The current addressing system in South Korea is composed of “daero(boulevard)”, “ro(road)” and “gil(street)”.
Compare the road name types between Taipei City and Seoul, road names with local characteristics are more than 80% in Seoul, but less than 30% in Taipei City. In Taipei City, approximately 43% of road names are related to city names in China, Chinese ethnic spirit, and historical figures. These names were predominantly chosen based on the ideology of the National Government of the Republic of China, emphasizing “de-Japanization” and “re-Sinicization” after World War II. Taking a closer look at road names named after people in both cities, most of the names in Taipei are related to the National Government, carrying a strong political undertone. But the names in Seoul were mostly given to kings, scholars, and independence activists from the Joseon dynasty to the Japanese colonial period, which are less associated with political connotations. Based on the comprehensive findings of this study, Taiwan and South Korea exhibited different address planning after Japanese colonial rule due to differences in political backgrounds after World War II, democratization, and international address system usage trends.
dc.description.tableofcontents I. 서론 1
1. 문제제기 및 연구 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 3
3. 대만의 인명, 도시명, 도로명 등 한글 표기법 4
4. 선행 연구 4
5. 장절 설명 및 연구 흐름도 8

II. 타이베이시와 서울시의 역사적 주소 체계 10
1. 주소의 표기 방법 10
2. 타이베이시의 역사적 주소 체계 11
2.1 타이베이시의 명칭 기원 11
2.2 청나라 시대의 주소 체계 11
2.3 일제시대의 주소 체계 13
3. 서울시의 역사적 주소 체계 20
3.1 서울시의 명칭 기원 20
3.2 조선시대의 주소 체계 21
3.3 일제시대의 주소 체계 27
4. 역사적 주소 체계 비교 31

III. 일제시기 이후부터 현재까지 타이베이시의 주소 체계 33
1. 성할시(省轄市) 시기 (1945~1967년) 33
1.1 1946년 도로 및 도로명 개정 33
1.2 1947년 두 번째 도로명 개정 36
2. 직할시(直轄市) 승격 (1967년~현재) 41
2.1 1973년 〈타이베이시 도로 명패 및 문패 편정 판법(臺北市道路名牌暨門牌編訂辦法)〉 41
2.2 2014년 〈타이베이시 도로 명명 및 문패 편정 자치조례(臺北市道路命名及門牌編釘自治條例)〉 47
2.2.1 도로명의 원칙 47
2.2.2 도로명 유형 49
2.2.3 도로명의 문제점 52

IV. 일제시기 이후부터 현재까지 서울시의 주소 체계 54
1. 미군정기부터 한국전쟁까지 54
1.1 미군정기의 지명 개편 54
1.2 한국전쟁 시기의 도로 계획 57
2. 행정구역 확장기(1960년대~2000년대) 58
2.1 1963년 행정구역의 확장 58
2.2 1980년대 올림픽 개최와 도로명 증가 61
2.3 동명(洞名)과 도로명 유형 63
3. 2014년 도로명 주소 도입 이후의 주소 체계 64
3.1 도로명 주소의 도입 및 표기법 64
3.2 도로명 유형 71
3.3 도로명 주소의 문제점 77

V. 타이베이시와 서울시의 주소 체계 비교 80
1. 두 도시의 도로명 주소 도입 시기가 다른 이유 80
2. 두 도시의 도로명 명명 원칙 82
3. 두 도시의 도로명 주소 체계의 공통점 83
4. 두 도시의 도로명 주소 체계의 차이점 84
4.1 도로명 유형의 차이 84
4.2 도로 숫자 명명의 차이 86

VI. 결론 88

참고 문헌 91
dc.format.extent 13760826 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109557001en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地址體系zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道路名地址zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地番地址zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 路名類型zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行政區域變遷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Address systemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Road name addressen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Land lot-based addressen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Road nameen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Administrative districtsen_US
dc.title (題名) 日治時期後臺灣與韓國的地址體系比較 —以臺北市與首爾市為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 일제시기 이후 대만과 한국의 주소 체계 비교 -타이베이시와 서울시를 중심으로–en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 한국


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