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題名 台灣金融控股公司併購案例分析: 富邦金控併購日盛金控
Merger and Acquisition of Financial Holdings in Taiwan – A Case Study of Fubon Financial Holdings and Jih Sun Financial Holdings
作者 吳佳穎
貢獻者 陳明進<br>謝一中
關鍵詞 金金併
Hostile takeover
日期 2024
上傳時間 1-Feb-2024 11:32:45 (UTC+8)
摘要 2018年修訂「金融控股公司投資管理辦法」後,國內金融機構併購案數量極少,作為國內首宗金金併成功案例,富邦金併購日盛金一案,成為研究當前台灣金融整併重要來源。本研究以富邦金之角度,分析併購綜效、交易價格合理性及非合意併購程序之優勢,並試圖歸納個案對國內金融整併趨勢之啟示。 併購價格部分,經市場法及資產法評估,推算取得控制權合理區間介於12.5元/股~13.95元/股,相對日盛金控於併購消息前一日之收盤股價10.4元/股,溢價率為20.19%~34.13%。對比富邦金控公開收購價13.0元/股亦落於此區間,溢價率為25%,推估併購價購尚屬合理。 併購綜效部分,本次富邦金併購日盛金,主要係吸收合併其銀行及證券子公司。併入富邦金控後,日盛銀行及日盛證券之財務表現首次優於產業平均值;北富銀及富邦證券分別與日盛銀行及日盛證券合併後,在財務上之成長尚無法實證與併購之關係,然市占率達併購前預期。本研究認為合併初期資源仍在整合當中,合併之綜效尚待更長期之觀察。 併購程序部分,本研究認為富邦金成功併購日盛金,主要原因三項:富邦金資產規模大且獲利能力高,有利其進行增資,提高併購成功機會;其他市場競爭者無法取得金管會核准,使富邦金成為唯一合規之非合意併購者;受惠於非合意併購價購,富邦金得先以公開收購大量股份,於取得50%以上股份後,主導雙方董事會及股東會通過合併案,再以現金逐出合併方式取得完整股份。 本研究認為早期經營不善之金融機構已經完成整併,外加國內金控多由原始股東家族持有,合意併購之空間有限,因而富邦金之案例能提供其他符合非合意併購之金融業者重新思考併購策略,並有助國內金融整併持續發展。
The number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) cases in the Financial industry in Taiwan has decreased sharply while the related regulations have been temporarily relaxed. The purpose of this study was to discover the structure and potential of M&A cases after the amendment of ‘’Regulations Governing the Investing Activities of a Financial Holding Company’’ in 2018. The M&A case of Fubon Financial Holdings and Jih Sun Financial Holdings in 2022 was one of the very few successful M&A cases in the industry in recent years. It was also the first authorised hostile takeover case in Taiwan’s financial industry and the first successful case of a merger of two independent financial holding companies in Taiwan. In this sense, the study aims to ascertain the crucial messages that the case could bring to the industry, from the aspects of synergies and polices. In terms of analysing the synergies to the merger of Fubon, the paper compared the market share and financial performance of these two financial holding companies before and after the M&A. The study found that Fubon benefited from the M&A in terms of the rise of the market share of its commercial bank and securities company. On the contrary, the performance of profitability after merging was not significant. On the other hand, to illustrate how the authority (Financial Supervisory Commission) plays the most crucial role in the M&A of financial institutions the paper assessed the whole legal process from Fubon’s announcement of investing in Jih Sun in 2020 to the accomplishment of the merger of the two financial holding companies in 2022 and the mergers of their subsidiaries in 2023; as a time-series case study. The Financial Holdings in Taiwan are mainly controlled by big businesses, and most of them are family-owned. It could be difficult and futile to negotiate to reach a consensus. Therefore, the mode of Fubon Financial in this case, to some extent, was a demonstration case to those financial holding companies qualified to initiate a hostile takeover at the standard set by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳明進<br>謝一中zh_TW (Authors) 吳佳穎zh_TW (Authors) WU, CHIA-YINen_US
dc.creator (作者) 吳佳穎zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) WU, CHIA-YINen_US (日期) 2024en_US 1-Feb-2024 11:32:45 (UTC+8)- 1-Feb-2024 11:32:45 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Feb-2024 11:32:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111ZB1048en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際金融碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111ZB1048zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 2018年修訂「金融控股公司投資管理辦法」後,國內金融機構併購案數量極少,作為國內首宗金金併成功案例,富邦金併購日盛金一案,成為研究當前台灣金融整併重要來源。本研究以富邦金之角度,分析併購綜效、交易價格合理性及非合意併購程序之優勢,並試圖歸納個案對國內金融整併趨勢之啟示。 併購價格部分,經市場法及資產法評估,推算取得控制權合理區間介於12.5元/股~13.95元/股,相對日盛金控於併購消息前一日之收盤股價10.4元/股,溢價率為20.19%~34.13%。對比富邦金控公開收購價13.0元/股亦落於此區間,溢價率為25%,推估併購價購尚屬合理。 併購綜效部分,本次富邦金併購日盛金,主要係吸收合併其銀行及證券子公司。併入富邦金控後,日盛銀行及日盛證券之財務表現首次優於產業平均值;北富銀及富邦證券分別與日盛銀行及日盛證券合併後,在財務上之成長尚無法實證與併購之關係,然市占率達併購前預期。本研究認為合併初期資源仍在整合當中,合併之綜效尚待更長期之觀察。 併購程序部分,本研究認為富邦金成功併購日盛金,主要原因三項:富邦金資產規模大且獲利能力高,有利其進行增資,提高併購成功機會;其他市場競爭者無法取得金管會核准,使富邦金成為唯一合規之非合意併購者;受惠於非合意併購價購,富邦金得先以公開收購大量股份,於取得50%以上股份後,主導雙方董事會及股東會通過合併案,再以現金逐出合併方式取得完整股份。 本研究認為早期經營不善之金融機構已經完成整併,外加國內金控多由原始股東家族持有,合意併購之空間有限,因而富邦金之案例能提供其他符合非合意併購之金融業者重新思考併購策略,並有助國內金融整併持續發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) cases in the Financial industry in Taiwan has decreased sharply while the related regulations have been temporarily relaxed. The purpose of this study was to discover the structure and potential of M&A cases after the amendment of ‘’Regulations Governing the Investing Activities of a Financial Holding Company’’ in 2018. The M&A case of Fubon Financial Holdings and Jih Sun Financial Holdings in 2022 was one of the very few successful M&A cases in the industry in recent years. It was also the first authorised hostile takeover case in Taiwan’s financial industry and the first successful case of a merger of two independent financial holding companies in Taiwan. In this sense, the study aims to ascertain the crucial messages that the case could bring to the industry, from the aspects of synergies and polices. In terms of analysing the synergies to the merger of Fubon, the paper compared the market share and financial performance of these two financial holding companies before and after the M&A. The study found that Fubon benefited from the M&A in terms of the rise of the market share of its commercial bank and securities company. On the contrary, the performance of profitability after merging was not significant. On the other hand, to illustrate how the authority (Financial Supervisory Commission) plays the most crucial role in the M&A of financial institutions the paper assessed the whole legal process from Fubon’s announcement of investing in Jih Sun in 2020 to the accomplishment of the merger of the two financial holding companies in 2022 and the mergers of their subsidiaries in 2023; as a time-series case study. The Financial Holdings in Taiwan are mainly controlled by big businesses, and most of them are family-owned. It could be difficult and futile to negotiate to reach a consensus. Therefore, the mode of Fubon Financial in this case, to some extent, was a demonstration case to those financial holding companies qualified to initiate a hostile takeover at the standard set by the Financial Supervisory Commission.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 9 第一節 研究動機與目的 9 第二節 研究架構與問題 10 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 我國金融政策演進 13 第二節 我國企業併購趨勢 20 第三節 我國金融整併效應 25 第四節 金融機構評價方法 28 第三章 個案研究 32 第一節 交易雙方 32 第二節 交易程序 39 第四章 併購案交易價格 43 第一節 研究個案之企業評價概要 43 第二節 研究個案之企業評價內容(市場法) 44 第三節 研究個案之企業評價內容(資產法) 52 第四節 研究個案之企業評價結論 58 第五章 併購綜效分析 59 第一節 金控併購前子公司分析(2020年第四季) 59 第二節 金控合併後子公司分析(2022年第四季) 68 第三節 金控子公司合併後分析(2023年第三季) 78 第六章 結論與建議 85 第一節 富邦金與日盛金合併綜效總結 85 第二節 首宗金金併對於金融產業啟示 91 第七章 研究限制 96 參考文獻 97zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2873641 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 金金併zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 非合意併購zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 富邦金zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) M&Aen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Fubonen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hostile takeoveren_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣金融控股公司併購案例分析: 富邦金控併購日盛金控zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Merger and Acquisition of Financial Holdings in Taiwan – A Case Study of Fubon Financial Holdings and Jih Sun Financial Holdingsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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