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題名 以延伸型整合性科技接受模型與遊戲化八角框架 探討 B2C 電商平臺的持續使用意願影響
Using UTAUT2 and Octalysis Discussion on the Continuous Information-Using influence of B2C E-Commerce
作者 吳雨琴
Wu, Yuqin
貢獻者 陳聖智
Sheng-Chih Chen
Wu, Yuqin
關鍵詞 B2C 電商平臺
日期 2024
上傳時間 1-三月-2024 13:51:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著數位時代的發展,B2C 電商平臺用戶數量由以往的快速增長進入存量時期。 在這樣的競爭環境下,B2C 電商平臺為了引流用戶,紛紛尋求新的手段來吸引和留 存消費者。其中,遊戲化行銷作為一種創新的手段在各大知名 B2C 電商平臺如淘寶、 京東、拼多多等中得到廣泛應用。這種遊戲化行銷方式被視為提升用戶體驗、增加 黏性的有效途徑。本研究以延伸型整合科技接受模型 (Venkatesh et al, 2012)為研究 框架,同時以遊戲化八角框架作為調節變數,以拼多多為例,透過問卷調查的方式 來深入研究 B2C 電商平臺的持續使用意願及其相關因素。 在收集到的 586 份問卷中,有效問卷數達到 296 份,經過統計分析後,本研究 到了以下幾點結論: 一、使用者現況:超過九成的使用者曾有拼多多的使用經驗,八成的使用者在 拼多多上有購物經驗,並且有超過一半的使用者曾經收到過好友的鏈接幫助要求。 這顯示拼多多在用戶間的影響和參與度較高。 二、使用者特性對遊戲化行銷看法:年齡對於對遊戲化行銷的看法無顯著差異, 但在教育程度上有顯著差異,城市之間的差異不大,而收入水準則對社會影響有顯 著差異。這表明教育程度和收入水準對於對遊戲化行銷的感知和評價有較大的影響。 三、變項對使用意願之影響:「享樂動機」、「價格價值」、「習慣」與「社 會影響」構面變項皆對消費者對拼多多的「使用意願」具有正向影響。這意味著這 些構面對於用戶的持續參與有積極的推動作用。 四、遊戲化八角框架的「所有權」、「成就」、「賦予創造力」構面對使用意 願之影響:「遊戲化八角框架」的「所有權」、「成就」、「賦予創造力」構面對 於「享樂動機」、「社會影響」構面變項具有調節效果。具體而言,遊戲化八角框 架的「所有權」、「成就」、「賦予創造力」構面在正向影響享樂動機和社會影響 的同時,與使用意圖之間的影響關係,進一步增進了消費者的參與度和忠誠度。
With the development of the digital age, the number of B2C e-commerce platform users has entered the stock period from the rapid growth in the past. In such a competitive environment, B2C e-commerce platforms seek new ways to attract and retain consumers in order to attract users. Among them, gamification marketing, as an innovative means, has been widely used in well-known B2C e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.COM and Pinduoduo. This gamification marketing method is regarded as an effective way to improve user experience and increase stickiness. In this study, the extended integrated technology acceptance model (Venkatesh et al, 2012) is taken as the research framework, and the gamification octagonal framework is taken as the adjustment variable. Taking Pinduoduo as an example, the continuous use intention of B2C e-commerce platform and its related factors are deeply studied through questionnaire survey. Among the 586 questionnaires collected, the number of valid questionnaires reached 296. After statistical analysis, we got the following conclusions: First of all, the current situation of users: more than 90% of users have used Pinduoduo, 80% of users have had shopping experience in Pinduoduo, and more than half of users have received requests for help from friends. This shows that Pinduoduo has a high degree of influence and participation among users. Second, users' views on gamification marketing: there is no significant difference in age, but there is a significant difference in education level, and there is little difference between cities, while income level has a significant difference in social impact. This shows that education level and income level have great influence on the perception and evaluation of gamification marketing. Thirdly, the influence of variables on the willingness to use: The variables of hedonic motivation, price value, habit and social influence all have positive effects on consumers' willingness to use Pinduoduo. This means that these aspects have a positive role in promoting the continuous participation of users. Fourthly, the ownership, achievement and creativity of the gamification octagonal framework have an influence on the use intention: the ownership, achievement and creativity of the gamification octagonal framework have a moderating effect on the hedonic motivation and social influence. Specifically, the aspects of "ownership", "achievement" and "creativity" of the gamification octagonal framework have a positive impact on hedonic motivation and social impact, and at the same time, have an impact on the use intention, which further enhances consumers' participation and loyalty
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110464065
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳聖智zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Sheng-Chih Chenen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 吳雨琴zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Wu, Yuqinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 吳雨琴zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wu, Yuqinen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-三月-2024 13:51:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-三月-2024 13:51:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-三月-2024 13:51:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0110464065en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/150199-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110464065zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著數位時代的發展,B2C 電商平臺用戶數量由以往的快速增長進入存量時期。 在這樣的競爭環境下,B2C 電商平臺為了引流用戶,紛紛尋求新的手段來吸引和留 存消費者。其中,遊戲化行銷作為一種創新的手段在各大知名 B2C 電商平臺如淘寶、 京東、拼多多等中得到廣泛應用。這種遊戲化行銷方式被視為提升用戶體驗、增加 黏性的有效途徑。本研究以延伸型整合科技接受模型 (Venkatesh et al, 2012)為研究 框架,同時以遊戲化八角框架作為調節變數,以拼多多為例,透過問卷調查的方式 來深入研究 B2C 電商平臺的持續使用意願及其相關因素。 在收集到的 586 份問卷中,有效問卷數達到 296 份,經過統計分析後,本研究 到了以下幾點結論: 一、使用者現況:超過九成的使用者曾有拼多多的使用經驗,八成的使用者在 拼多多上有購物經驗,並且有超過一半的使用者曾經收到過好友的鏈接幫助要求。 這顯示拼多多在用戶間的影響和參與度較高。 二、使用者特性對遊戲化行銷看法:年齡對於對遊戲化行銷的看法無顯著差異, 但在教育程度上有顯著差異,城市之間的差異不大,而收入水準則對社會影響有顯 著差異。這表明教育程度和收入水準對於對遊戲化行銷的感知和評價有較大的影響。 三、變項對使用意願之影響:「享樂動機」、「價格價值」、「習慣」與「社 會影響」構面變項皆對消費者對拼多多的「使用意願」具有正向影響。這意味著這 些構面對於用戶的持續參與有積極的推動作用。 四、遊戲化八角框架的「所有權」、「成就」、「賦予創造力」構面對使用意 願之影響:「遊戲化八角框架」的「所有權」、「成就」、「賦予創造力」構面對 於「享樂動機」、「社會影響」構面變項具有調節效果。具體而言,遊戲化八角框 架的「所有權」、「成就」、「賦予創造力」構面在正向影響享樂動機和社會影響 的同時,與使用意圖之間的影響關係,進一步增進了消費者的參與度和忠誠度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the development of the digital age, the number of B2C e-commerce platform users has entered the stock period from the rapid growth in the past. In such a competitive environment, B2C e-commerce platforms seek new ways to attract and retain consumers in order to attract users. Among them, gamification marketing, as an innovative means, has been widely used in well-known B2C e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.COM and Pinduoduo. This gamification marketing method is regarded as an effective way to improve user experience and increase stickiness. In this study, the extended integrated technology acceptance model (Venkatesh et al, 2012) is taken as the research framework, and the gamification octagonal framework is taken as the adjustment variable. Taking Pinduoduo as an example, the continuous use intention of B2C e-commerce platform and its related factors are deeply studied through questionnaire survey. Among the 586 questionnaires collected, the number of valid questionnaires reached 296. After statistical analysis, we got the following conclusions: First of all, the current situation of users: more than 90% of users have used Pinduoduo, 80% of users have had shopping experience in Pinduoduo, and more than half of users have received requests for help from friends. This shows that Pinduoduo has a high degree of influence and participation among users. Second, users' views on gamification marketing: there is no significant difference in age, but there is a significant difference in education level, and there is little difference between cities, while income level has a significant difference in social impact. This shows that education level and income level have great influence on the perception and evaluation of gamification marketing. Thirdly, the influence of variables on the willingness to use: The variables of hedonic motivation, price value, habit and social influence all have positive effects on consumers' willingness to use Pinduoduo. This means that these aspects have a positive role in promoting the continuous participation of users. Fourthly, the ownership, achievement and creativity of the gamification octagonal framework have an influence on the use intention: the ownership, achievement and creativity of the gamification octagonal framework have a moderating effect on the hedonic motivation and social influence. Specifically, the aspects of "ownership", "achievement" and "creativity" of the gamification octagonal framework have a positive impact on hedonic motivation and social impact, and at the same time, have an impact on the use intention, which further enhances consumers' participation and loyaltyen_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與意義 1 1.2 研究問題 10 第2章 文獻探討 13 2.1 B2C 電商平臺 13 2.2 遊戲化理論及發展 16 2.3 使用與滿足理論與持續使用意願 17 2.3.1 使用與滿足理論 17 2.3.2 持續使用意願 19 2.4 延伸型整合性科技接受模式 21 2.5 遊戲化八角框架 23 第3章 研究方法 27 3.1 拼多多的個案分析 27 3.2 研究架構 31 3.3 建構模型與假設提出 33 3.4 問卷設計 37 3.5 問卷詳情及回收 42 第4章 研究結果與分析 43 4.1 描述性統計分析 43 4.2 信效度分析 50 4.3 各變數之間差異分析 51 4.4 各變數之間相關分析 56 4.5 各變數對持續使用意願之影響 58 4.6 所有權、成就與賦予創造力之調節效果分析 59 第5章 結論 73 5.1 研究總結與實務意涵 73 5.2 研究限制 76 5.3 後續研究與建議 77 參考文獻 79 附錄:問卷 85zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2077409 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110464065en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) B2C 電商平臺zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 遊戲化行銷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 延伸整合性科技接受模型zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 遊戲化八角框架zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 持續使用意願zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-commerceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Gamificationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) UTAUT2en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Octalysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Information-Usingen_US
dc.title (題名) 以延伸型整合性科技接受模型與遊戲化八角框架 探討 B2C 電商平臺的持續使用意願影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Using UTAUT2 and Octalysis Discussion on the Continuous Information-Using influence of B2C E-Commerceen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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