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題名 社會住宅附屬社會福利設施設置需求分析之研究
Research on the Needs Analysis for the Establishment of Social Welfare Facilities in Social Housing
作者 蔡峻維
Tsai, Jun-Wei
貢獻者 白仁德
Pai, Jen-Te
Tsai, Jun-Wei
關鍵詞 社會住宅
Social Housing
Social Welfare Facilities
日期 2024
上傳時間 1-Mar-2024 13:58:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 社會住宅與附屬社會福利設施設置在我國已成為重要的公共政策,政府目標提供全國住宅存量5% 的社會住宅,並建置社會福利設施;由於適合土地稀少與人民需求仍大,如何處理在有限的空間內設置有效且符合人民需求的社會福利設施成為政府須妥善面對的課題。 本研究整理英國、德國、荷蘭、新加坡等國住宅政策,分析各國社會住宅政策推動遇到的阻力與解決方式,其中去商品化是各國住宅政策成功的核心,也是我國社會住宅政策「只租不賣」的宗旨。 本研究透過問卷與訪談,了解到受測者的對於社會住宅附屬社會福利設施的認知(重視)與感受(滿意)程度,其中年齡、身分別、社會住宅社會福利設施使用頻率這三項因素對於認知(重視)與感受(滿意)程度有顯著影響,而使用時間對於也對於感受(滿意)程度,有顯著影響;問卷結果顯示,重視程度與滿意程度,呈現相當大的落差,皆有超過10%以上的不同,當中的落差是由於使用者使用後的感受所造成,可視為使用滿意度,仍需政府單位針對各社會福利設施提供之服務進行改善。 本研究依據IPA分析,發現各族群對於社會福利設施的偏好以居住空間、長照設施、育兒相關設施為主,是全體受訪者共同重視的社會福利設施,而為少數族群提供社會福利設施則較少人重視。 訪談部分則顯示,目前主要興建社會住宅的台北市與新北市,政策執行時以政策考量做為最優先,其次是考慮人民感受。然而細究背後原因,兩個城市的政策規劃與執行依舊有所不同,由於台北市最先開始推動社會住宅的建置,遭遇諸多陳情抗議,社會福利設施成為與周邊民意交換的重要籌碼;新北市因推動較晚,民眾接受度較高,較能以政策導向為主。 我國在各地所設置的社會住宅附屬社會福利設施數量不一,各縣市機關所提供的服務落差相當大,加上並非每一個社會住宅都有設置居住空間外的社會福利設施,政府應積極建構,強化公共服務。
In Taiwan, the development of social housing and related social welfare facilities has emerged as a crucial public policy objective. Establishing corresponding social welfare facilities and allocating 5% of the national housing stock as social housing are objectives of the government. The government is confronted with the formidable task of effectively locating social welfare facilities within constrained spaces that adequately cater to the requirements of the population, owing to the scarcity of suitable land and the persistently high demand for such facilities. An examination of housing policies in countries including the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, and others was conducted for this study. The obstacles and solutions encountered in the promotion of social housing policies in these countries were also analyzed. One of the factors that has been recognized as crucial to the success of housing policies in numerous countries is the de-commodification process. This aspect is additionally a cornerstone of social housing policies in Taiwan, where the goal is to provide housing that is "rent-only, not for sale." The purpose of this study, which used surveys and interviews, was to better understand respondents' cognition (importance) and perception (satisfaction) of social housing and its accompanying social welfare facilities. Age, identity, and the frequency of social welfare facility utilization in social housing are three significant factors which influence both cognition (importance) and perception (satisfaction) levels. In addition, the level of satisfaction is significantly affected by the duration of use. The results of the survey reveal that difference between levels of satisfaction and perceived importance is substantial, exceeding 10%. The discrepancy can be attributed to the experiences of the users, which demonstrate levels of satisfaction. This highlights the imperative for governmental entities to improve the quality of services offered by diverse social welfare facilities. Based on the IPA analysis performed in this research, it has been revealed that residential space, long-term care facilities, and childcare-related facilities are the primary preferences of different ethnic groups with regard to social welfare facilities. These are the social welfare facilities commonly valued by all surveyed individuals. However, providing social welfare facilities for minority groups receives less attention. The interview findings have revealed that Taipei City and New Taipei City, the primary locations for social housing construction, prioritize policy considerations and subsequently take public sentiment into account when implementing policies. However, upon closer investigation of the underlying causes, there are still differences in policy planning and execution between the two cities. Taipei City, being the first to initiate social housing development, faced numerous petitions and protests, making social welfare facilities a crucial bargaining chip in exchanging with public opinion. New Taipei City, on the other hand, has greater public support as a result of the later initiation of social housing projects and can lean more toward policy-oriented approaches. In Taiwan, the quantity of social welfare facilities affiliated with social housing exhibits regional variation. The provision of services by government agencies in different counties and cities exhibits a substantial disparity. In addition, it should be noted that social welfare facilities are not universally available in all social housing developments. To address these disparities, the government should develop and expand public services on a proactive basis.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 白仁德zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Pai, Jen-Teen_US (Authors) 蔡峻維zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Jun-Weien_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡峻維zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Jun-Weien_US (日期) 2024en_US 1-Mar-2024 13:58:02 (UTC+8)- 1-Mar-2024 13:58:02 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Mar-2024 13:58:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109923023en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109923023zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 社會住宅與附屬社會福利設施設置在我國已成為重要的公共政策,政府目標提供全國住宅存量5% 的社會住宅,並建置社會福利設施;由於適合土地稀少與人民需求仍大,如何處理在有限的空間內設置有效且符合人民需求的社會福利設施成為政府須妥善面對的課題。 本研究整理英國、德國、荷蘭、新加坡等國住宅政策,分析各國社會住宅政策推動遇到的阻力與解決方式,其中去商品化是各國住宅政策成功的核心,也是我國社會住宅政策「只租不賣」的宗旨。 本研究透過問卷與訪談,了解到受測者的對於社會住宅附屬社會福利設施的認知(重視)與感受(滿意)程度,其中年齡、身分別、社會住宅社會福利設施使用頻率這三項因素對於認知(重視)與感受(滿意)程度有顯著影響,而使用時間對於也對於感受(滿意)程度,有顯著影響;問卷結果顯示,重視程度與滿意程度,呈現相當大的落差,皆有超過10%以上的不同,當中的落差是由於使用者使用後的感受所造成,可視為使用滿意度,仍需政府單位針對各社會福利設施提供之服務進行改善。 本研究依據IPA分析,發現各族群對於社會福利設施的偏好以居住空間、長照設施、育兒相關設施為主,是全體受訪者共同重視的社會福利設施,而為少數族群提供社會福利設施則較少人重視。 訪談部分則顯示,目前主要興建社會住宅的台北市與新北市,政策執行時以政策考量做為最優先,其次是考慮人民感受。然而細究背後原因,兩個城市的政策規劃與執行依舊有所不同,由於台北市最先開始推動社會住宅的建置,遭遇諸多陳情抗議,社會福利設施成為與周邊民意交換的重要籌碼;新北市因推動較晚,民眾接受度較高,較能以政策導向為主。 我國在各地所設置的社會住宅附屬社會福利設施數量不一,各縣市機關所提供的服務落差相當大,加上並非每一個社會住宅都有設置居住空間外的社會福利設施,政府應積極建構,強化公共服務。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In Taiwan, the development of social housing and related social welfare facilities has emerged as a crucial public policy objective. Establishing corresponding social welfare facilities and allocating 5% of the national housing stock as social housing are objectives of the government. The government is confronted with the formidable task of effectively locating social welfare facilities within constrained spaces that adequately cater to the requirements of the population, owing to the scarcity of suitable land and the persistently high demand for such facilities. An examination of housing policies in countries including the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, and others was conducted for this study. The obstacles and solutions encountered in the promotion of social housing policies in these countries were also analyzed. One of the factors that has been recognized as crucial to the success of housing policies in numerous countries is the de-commodification process. This aspect is additionally a cornerstone of social housing policies in Taiwan, where the goal is to provide housing that is "rent-only, not for sale." The purpose of this study, which used surveys and interviews, was to better understand respondents' cognition (importance) and perception (satisfaction) of social housing and its accompanying social welfare facilities. Age, identity, and the frequency of social welfare facility utilization in social housing are three significant factors which influence both cognition (importance) and perception (satisfaction) levels. In addition, the level of satisfaction is significantly affected by the duration of use. The results of the survey reveal that difference between levels of satisfaction and perceived importance is substantial, exceeding 10%. The discrepancy can be attributed to the experiences of the users, which demonstrate levels of satisfaction. This highlights the imperative for governmental entities to improve the quality of services offered by diverse social welfare facilities. Based on the IPA analysis performed in this research, it has been revealed that residential space, long-term care facilities, and childcare-related facilities are the primary preferences of different ethnic groups with regard to social welfare facilities. These are the social welfare facilities commonly valued by all surveyed individuals. However, providing social welfare facilities for minority groups receives less attention. The interview findings have revealed that Taipei City and New Taipei City, the primary locations for social housing construction, prioritize policy considerations and subsequently take public sentiment into account when implementing policies. However, upon closer investigation of the underlying causes, there are still differences in policy planning and execution between the two cities. Taipei City, being the first to initiate social housing development, faced numerous petitions and protests, making social welfare facilities a crucial bargaining chip in exchanging with public opinion. New Taipei City, on the other hand, has greater public support as a result of the later initiation of social housing projects and can lean more toward policy-oriented approaches. In Taiwan, the quantity of social welfare facilities affiliated with social housing exhibits regional variation. The provision of services by government agencies in different counties and cities exhibits a substantial disparity. In addition, it should be noted that social welfare facilities are not universally available in all social housing developments. To address these disparities, the government should develop and expand public services on a proactive basis.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究方法與流程 6 第貳章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 我國住宅政策沿革 9 第二節 國外社會住宅案例探討 18 第三節 國內外社會住宅暨社會福利設施提供原則 27 第四節 小結 38 第參章 研究設計 41 第一節 研究架構 41 第二節 問卷與調查設計 43 第三節 訪談設計 45 第肆章 實證結果分析 47 第一節 問卷回收結果分析 47 第二節 社會住宅社會福利設施設置IPA分析 63 第三節 影響因素分析 74 第四節 訪談結果整理與分析 94 第五節 綜合分析 103 第伍章 結論與建議 105 第一節 結論 105 第二節 建議 108 參考文獻 109 附錄 115 附錄一、台北市社會住宅及社會福利設施總表 115 附錄二、全國社會住宅及社會福利設施總表 118 附錄三、台北市長柯文哲市長訪談逐字稿 122 附錄四、新北市政府城鄉發展局住宅發展科江怡瑩科長訪談逐字稿 130 附錄五、社會住宅社會福利設施使用與需求問卷 136 附錄六、社會住宅已完工數量表 144 附錄七、全國社會住宅興辦進度統計表 145 附錄八、社會住宅包租代管計畫執行情形 146zh_TW
dc.format.extent 7509891 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會住宅zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公共住宅zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會福利設施zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Housingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Welfare Facilitiesen_US
dc.title (題名) 社會住宅附屬社會福利設施設置需求分析之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Research on the Needs Analysis for the Establishment of Social Welfare Facilities in Social Housingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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