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題名 從江戶時代出版文化論胡文煥書籍之東傳
Research on Hu Wenhuan’S Imported Books to Japan in Vi Ew of the Publishing Culture in Edo Japan
作者 林桂如
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 胡文煥; 江戶; 女教書; 類書
Hu Wenhuan; Edo; women education books; lexicon encyclopedia
日期 2019-10
上傳時間 4-Jul-2024 14:12:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 江戶時代出版興盛,其中漢籍市場十分活絡。當時漢籍輸出城市以福州、南京為主,福州書籍來自 建陽,南京即為江南。江南書賈中,胡文煥之名屢屢見於日本書林出版目錄,然胡文煥常非此書作 者,而是刊者。歷來日本出版文化研究視角,鮮以中國書賈作為研究主題,故本計畫欲以明末江南 書賈胡文煥為對象,從其東傳書籍中最為日本市場關注之二大類型:《事物紀原》、《助語辭》等 詞語類書與《列女傳》等女教書,分析江戶儒者文士以至書賈對其人其書之認識。其中研究涵蓋中 日書籍版本分析與內容比對、日本編校者身份與地方書肆區域性關係、三都書肆出版傾向與讀者諸 多層面,並與江戶時代文化、社會作一結合。希冀從彼此關係中,重新審視中國書肆在東亞漢籍傳 播之地位,以及在儒者參與、書賈商業活動下所形成的漢學教養普及現象。
Publishing industry was flourishing in Edo Japan when many books imported from China to Japan were published by Japanese bookstores. At that time, the cities exporting books were mainly Fuzhou and Nanjing. The exported books from Fuzhou were published in Jianyang and the books from Nanjing were published in Jiangnan. In the books from Jiangnan the name “Hu Wenhuan” often appeared in the Edo Japan publishing directory although he was the publisher, not the author. In the past studies individual Chinese publishers have been rarely an object of research from the perspective of the publishing culture in Edo Japan. Therefore, this project intends to do research on Hu Wenhuan, a popular publisher in Jiangnan, to examine how the Japanese Confucians and bookstores view him and his books. This study includes text version analysis of Chinese and Japanese books, content comparison, research on the relationship between the status of the Confucian collators and the local bookstores in Edo Japan, and the publishing preferences in Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka. Taking into consideration the culture and social environment of Edo Japan, and focusing on Hu Wenhuan’s books that received most attention, I will study lexicon encyclopedia such as Shiwu ji yuan, Zhuyuci and women education books such as Lienü zhuan, which were of the utmost publishing priority in the publishing market of Edo Japan. With this research on the relationship between the Chinese publisher Hu Wenhuan, Japanese Confucianism, bookstores in the three major publishing centers and regional readers, I hope to provide a new insight into to the acceptance of the Chinese publishers in Edo Japan, as well as the training in Sinology among the ordinary people with the popularization of education promoted by the Confucians and stimulated by business interest of bookstores.
關聯 科技部, MOST106-2410-H004-160-MY2, 106.08-108.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 中文系
dc.creator (作者) 林桂如 (日期) 2019-10 4-Jul-2024 14:12:26 (UTC+8)- 4-Jul-2024 14:12:26 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Jul-2024 14:12:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 江戶時代出版興盛,其中漢籍市場十分活絡。當時漢籍輸出城市以福州、南京為主,福州書籍來自 建陽,南京即為江南。江南書賈中,胡文煥之名屢屢見於日本書林出版目錄,然胡文煥常非此書作 者,而是刊者。歷來日本出版文化研究視角,鮮以中國書賈作為研究主題,故本計畫欲以明末江南 書賈胡文煥為對象,從其東傳書籍中最為日本市場關注之二大類型:《事物紀原》、《助語辭》等 詞語類書與《列女傳》等女教書,分析江戶儒者文士以至書賈對其人其書之認識。其中研究涵蓋中 日書籍版本分析與內容比對、日本編校者身份與地方書肆區域性關係、三都書肆出版傾向與讀者諸 多層面,並與江戶時代文化、社會作一結合。希冀從彼此關係中,重新審視中國書肆在東亞漢籍傳 播之地位,以及在儒者參與、書賈商業活動下所形成的漢學教養普及現象。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Publishing industry was flourishing in Edo Japan when many books imported from China to Japan were published by Japanese bookstores. At that time, the cities exporting books were mainly Fuzhou and Nanjing. The exported books from Fuzhou were published in Jianyang and the books from Nanjing were published in Jiangnan. In the books from Jiangnan the name “Hu Wenhuan” often appeared in the Edo Japan publishing directory although he was the publisher, not the author. In the past studies individual Chinese publishers have been rarely an object of research from the perspective of the publishing culture in Edo Japan. Therefore, this project intends to do research on Hu Wenhuan, a popular publisher in Jiangnan, to examine how the Japanese Confucians and bookstores view him and his books. This study includes text version analysis of Chinese and Japanese books, content comparison, research on the relationship between the status of the Confucian collators and the local bookstores in Edo Japan, and the publishing preferences in Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka. Taking into consideration the culture and social environment of Edo Japan, and focusing on Hu Wenhuan’s books that received most attention, I will study lexicon encyclopedia such as Shiwu ji yuan, Zhuyuci and women education books such as Lienü zhuan, which were of the utmost publishing priority in the publishing market of Edo Japan. With this research on the relationship between the Chinese publisher Hu Wenhuan, Japanese Confucianism, bookstores in the three major publishing centers and regional readers, I hope to provide a new insight into to the acceptance of the Chinese publishers in Edo Japan, as well as the training in Sinology among the ordinary people with the popularization of education promoted by the Confucians and stimulated by business interest of bookstores.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST106-2410-H004-160-MY2, 106.08-108.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 胡文煥; 江戶; 女教書; 類書
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hu Wenhuan; Edo; women education books; lexicon encyclopedia
dc.title (題名) 從江戶時代出版文化論胡文煥書籍之東傳
dc.title (題名) Research on Hu Wenhuan’S Imported Books to Japan in Vi Ew of the Publishing Culture in Edo Japan
dc.type (資料類型) report