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題名 淨零路徑下的農電空間衝突與利益關係剖析
Spatial Conflicts and Stakeholders Analysis between Photovoltaic and Agriculture under the Net Zero Pathway
作者 鄭安廷;李怡臻
Cheng, An-ting;Lee, Yi-chen
貢獻者 地政系
關鍵詞 淨零排放; 太陽能光電; 農地; 再生能源; 空間衝突
Net-zero; Solar photovoltaic; Farmland; Renewable energy; Spatial conflict
日期 2023-12
上傳時間 2024-07-17
摘要 長期以來,人類社會一直以永續發展為目標,試圖減緩氣候變遷對地球帶來的損害,因此國際間針對溫室氣體的排放量提出減量與管控的協議,包含2050淨零排放、2030年全球減碳45%,控制升溫在攝氏1.5度以內等共識,並建構碳交易機制確保公平正義。歐盟國家更首先開始對跨境進口至歐盟的商品或服務實施「碳邊境調整機制」,成為吹響當代環境保護的第一個號角,使得各國企業開始積極取得再生能源憑證。台灣也因應全球氣候變遷治理趨勢、紓緩供應鏈的減碳壓力,於2022年3月展開再生能源的相關政策推動。然而再生能源相較於傳統能源,單位土地發電效率較低,便需要更大面積的土地才能提供相等的電力供應。因此再生能源的發展,特別是台灣推動成效最高的太陽能光電,在與農地競逐相同的區位條件之下,衍生出許多空間衝突。有鑑於此,為了瞭解當代的農電爭議與空間衝突樣態,本研究回顧淨零排放相關策略對土地利用之影響及利益關係人理論,並聚焦於地面型太陽能光電的近五年案例,剖析其空間衝突樣態;針對與經濟面衝突之案例,利用理論模型探究其背後的利益關係,最後以國土規劃觀點及農工衝突經驗,思考農地光電現象與提供相關建議。
For a long time, humans have been trying to mitigate the damages caused by climate change to the Earth, and pursuing the sustainable development goal. Therefore, international agreements have been proposed to reduce and control greenhouse gas emissions, including targets such as net-zero emissions by 2050, global carbon reduction by 45% by 2030, and limiting the temperature rise to within 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, carbon trading mechanisms have been established to ensure fairness and justice. The European Union (EU) countries have taken a further step by implementing the "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" for goods or services imported into the EU, setting an example for contemporary environmental protection and prompting companies worldwide to actively seek renewable energy certificates. In response to the global climate change governance trend and the need to reduce carbon emissions in supply chains, Taiwan initiated policies to promote renewable energy since March 2022. However, compared to traditional energy sources, renewable energy has a lower power generation efficiency per unit of land, requiring larger land areas to provide the same level of power supply. As a result, the development of renewable energy, particularly photovoltaic solar energy, which has shown the highest effectiveness in Taiwan, has led to various spatial conflicts with agricultural land when competing for the same locations. To better understand the present disputes between photovoltaics and agriculture, as well as their spatial conflict patterns, this study reviews the impact of net-zero emissions-related strategies on land use and stakeholder theories. The study focuses on cases of ground-mounted photovoltaic installations over the past five years, analyzing their spatial conflict patterns. For cases involving economic conflicts, theoretical models are employed to explore the underlying stakeholder interests. Finally, drawing from a spatial planning perspective and experiences from agriculture-manufacturing conflicts, the study reflects on the phenomenon of agricultural land and photovoltaic installations and provides relevant recommendations.
關聯 規劃學報, Vol.41, No.2, pp.1-34
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 地政系
dc.creator (作者) 鄭安廷;李怡臻
dc.creator (作者) Cheng, An-ting;Lee, Yi-chen (日期) 2023-12 2024-07-17- 2024-07-17- (上傳時間) 2024-07-17-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 長期以來,人類社會一直以永續發展為目標,試圖減緩氣候變遷對地球帶來的損害,因此國際間針對溫室氣體的排放量提出減量與管控的協議,包含2050淨零排放、2030年全球減碳45%,控制升溫在攝氏1.5度以內等共識,並建構碳交易機制確保公平正義。歐盟國家更首先開始對跨境進口至歐盟的商品或服務實施「碳邊境調整機制」,成為吹響當代環境保護的第一個號角,使得各國企業開始積極取得再生能源憑證。台灣也因應全球氣候變遷治理趨勢、紓緩供應鏈的減碳壓力,於2022年3月展開再生能源的相關政策推動。然而再生能源相較於傳統能源,單位土地發電效率較低,便需要更大面積的土地才能提供相等的電力供應。因此再生能源的發展,特別是台灣推動成效最高的太陽能光電,在與農地競逐相同的區位條件之下,衍生出許多空間衝突。有鑑於此,為了瞭解當代的農電爭議與空間衝突樣態,本研究回顧淨零排放相關策略對土地利用之影響及利益關係人理論,並聚焦於地面型太陽能光電的近五年案例,剖析其空間衝突樣態;針對與經濟面衝突之案例,利用理論模型探究其背後的利益關係,最後以國土規劃觀點及農工衝突經驗,思考農地光電現象與提供相關建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) For a long time, humans have been trying to mitigate the damages caused by climate change to the Earth, and pursuing the sustainable development goal. Therefore, international agreements have been proposed to reduce and control greenhouse gas emissions, including targets such as net-zero emissions by 2050, global carbon reduction by 45% by 2030, and limiting the temperature rise to within 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, carbon trading mechanisms have been established to ensure fairness and justice. The European Union (EU) countries have taken a further step by implementing the "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" for goods or services imported into the EU, setting an example for contemporary environmental protection and prompting companies worldwide to actively seek renewable energy certificates. In response to the global climate change governance trend and the need to reduce carbon emissions in supply chains, Taiwan initiated policies to promote renewable energy since March 2022. However, compared to traditional energy sources, renewable energy has a lower power generation efficiency per unit of land, requiring larger land areas to provide the same level of power supply. As a result, the development of renewable energy, particularly photovoltaic solar energy, which has shown the highest effectiveness in Taiwan, has led to various spatial conflicts with agricultural land when competing for the same locations. To better understand the present disputes between photovoltaics and agriculture, as well as their spatial conflict patterns, this study reviews the impact of net-zero emissions-related strategies on land use and stakeholder theories. The study focuses on cases of ground-mounted photovoltaic installations over the past five years, analyzing their spatial conflict patterns. For cases involving economic conflicts, theoretical models are employed to explore the underlying stakeholder interests. Finally, drawing from a spatial planning perspective and experiences from agriculture-manufacturing conflicts, the study reflects on the phenomenon of agricultural land and photovoltaic installations and provides relevant recommendations.
dc.format.extent 137 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 規劃學報, Vol.41, No.2, pp.1-34
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 淨零排放; 太陽能光電; 農地; 再生能源; 空間衝突
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Net-zero; Solar photovoltaic; Farmland; Renewable energy; Spatial conflict
dc.title (題名) 淨零路徑下的農電空間衝突與利益關係剖析
dc.title (題名) Spatial Conflicts and Stakeholders Analysis between Photovoltaic and Agriculture under the Net Zero Pathway
dc.type (資料類型) article