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題名 海域執法機關組織績效之評估–以海洋委員會海巡署海洋巡防單位為例
Evaluation of Organizational Performance of Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies: A Case Study of the Maritime Patrol Units of the Coast Guard Administration under the Ocean Affairs Council
作者 張凱婷
貢獻者 郭振雄<br>何怡澄
關鍵詞 海洋委員會海巡署
Coast Guard Administration
Data Envelopment Analysis
Organizational performance indicators
Performance ratios
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 12:58:20 (UTC+8)
摘要 海洋委員會海巡署本著維護國家海洋權益和保障人民生命財產的理念,在「海域治安」、「維護漁權」、「救生救難」、「海洋事務」以及「海洋保育」都負有義不容辭的重要任務。鑑於我國周邊海域的主權與漁權爭議長期懸而未決,以及複合式災難帶來的海事威脅日益增加,海洋巡防單位在提升執法能力並做好靈活應變準備的同時,如能最大化有限資源的效益,海巡署更能有效地達成經略海洋的使命。 本研究以人工方式蒐集,海洋巡防單位組織改造後107年至111年資料,採二階段進行實證分析。第一階段,評估海洋巡防單位的技術效率。根據海洋巡防單位的任務,產出有海域治安、維護漁權、救生救難、海洋保育等四項的案件數,投入有軍職現有員額數與文職現有員額數兩項,並根據投入項與產出的組合建立三個方案。估計時以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)投入面導向模式衡量海洋巡防單位的技術效率(technical efficiency)與生產力變動(productivity change);第二階段,分析組織改造後,海洋巡防單位在不同區域(北部、中部、東部及離島地區)的技術效率與生產力變動情況。此階段採用迴歸分析,分別以效率值、生產力變動以及相關組成作為應變數,分別控制投入產出與時間趨勢,建立三個迴歸模式,分析組織改造後海洋巡防單位在不同區域的效率表現。 實證結果發現,在技術效率分析方面,首先,大致而言離島地區的技術效率較高,南部地區技術效率較低,其餘地區的技術效率在不同投入產出組合或規模報酬假設會有所變動;其次,在變動規模報酬假設下,在控制投入與產出時,時間趨勢迴歸係數顯著為正,出現技術效率提升的趨勢;然而,沒控制投入產出時,時間趨勢係數顯著為負,反而出現技術效率降低的趨勢。 在生產力分析方面,首先,技術變動與全要素生產力變動的迴歸,時間趨勢的迴歸係數顯著為負,顯示組織改造後,隨著時間過去技術變動與全要素生產力的平均趨勢降低;其次,透過圖形與統計概況,發現技術變動與全要素生產力在109年度平均值增加(進步),分散程度(標準差)也擴大;效率變動與規模效率變動在110年度出現相似的情況。
The Coast Guard Administration (CGA) of the Ocean Affairs Council, adhering to the principles of safeguarding national maritime rights and protecting the lives and property of the people, undertakes indispensable missions in &quot;maritime security,&quot; &quot;fishing rights protection,&quot; &quot;search and rescue,&quot; &quot;marine affairs,&quot; and &quot;marine conservation.&quot; Given the longstanding unresolved sovereignty and fishing rights disputes in the surrounding waters of our country and the increasing maritime threats posed by compound disasters, it is imperative for the maritime patrol units to enhance their law enforcement capabilities and prepare for flexible responses. By maximizing the efficiency of limited resources, the CGA can more effectively accomplish its mission of maritime governance. This study manually collected data from the maritime patrol units for the years 2018 to 2022, following organizational restructuring, and conducted an empirical analysis in two phases. In the first phase, the technical efficiency of the maritime patrol units was assessed. Based on the tasks of the maritime patrol units, the outputs included the number of cases related to maritime security, fishing rights protection, search and rescue, and marine conservation, while the inputs comprised the number of military personnel and civilian personnel. Three scenarios were established based on different combinations of inputs and outputs. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) input-oriented model was used to estimate the technical efficiency and productivity change of the maritime patrol units. In the second phase, the study analyzed the technical efficiency and productivity change of the maritime patrol units in different regions (Northern, Central, Eastern, and Outlying Islands) following the organizational restructuring. This phase employed regression analysis, using efficiency values, productivity changes, and related components as dependent variables. Three regression models were established to analyze the efficiency performance of the maritime patrol units in different regions, controlling for inputs, outputs, and/or time trends. The empirical results revealed that, in terms of technical efficiency, the outlying islands generally had higher technical efficiency, while the southern region had lower technical efficiency. The technical efficiency of other regions varied depending on the combination of inputs and outputs or the scale returns assumption. Under the variable returns to scale assumption, the regression coefficient for the time trend was significantly positive when controlling for inputs and outputs, indicating an improving trend in technical efficiency. However, when not controlling for inputs and outputs, the time trend coefficient was significantly negative, indicating a declining trend in technical efficiency. In terms of productivity analysis, the regression coefficients for technical change and total factor productivity change showed a significant negative time trend, indicating a decrease in average technical change and total factor productivity over time following the organizational restructuring. Additionally, graphical and statistical analyses revealed an increase (improvement) in the average values of technical change and total factor productivity in 2020, along with a widening distribution (standard deviation). A similar pattern was observed for efficiency change and scale efficiency change in 2021.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 郭振雄<br>何怡澄zh_TW (Authors) 張凱婷zh_TW (Authors) KELLY,CHANGen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張凱婷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) KELLY, CHANGen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 12:58:20 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 12:58:20 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 12:58:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111921209en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111921209zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 海洋委員會海巡署本著維護國家海洋權益和保障人民生命財產的理念,在「海域治安」、「維護漁權」、「救生救難」、「海洋事務」以及「海洋保育」都負有義不容辭的重要任務。鑑於我國周邊海域的主權與漁權爭議長期懸而未決,以及複合式災難帶來的海事威脅日益增加,海洋巡防單位在提升執法能力並做好靈活應變準備的同時,如能最大化有限資源的效益,海巡署更能有效地達成經略海洋的使命。 本研究以人工方式蒐集,海洋巡防單位組織改造後107年至111年資料,採二階段進行實證分析。第一階段,評估海洋巡防單位的技術效率。根據海洋巡防單位的任務,產出有海域治安、維護漁權、救生救難、海洋保育等四項的案件數,投入有軍職現有員額數與文職現有員額數兩項,並根據投入項與產出的組合建立三個方案。估計時以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)投入面導向模式衡量海洋巡防單位的技術效率(technical efficiency)與生產力變動(productivity change);第二階段,分析組織改造後,海洋巡防單位在不同區域(北部、中部、東部及離島地區)的技術效率與生產力變動情況。此階段採用迴歸分析,分別以效率值、生產力變動以及相關組成作為應變數,分別控制投入產出與時間趨勢,建立三個迴歸模式,分析組織改造後海洋巡防單位在不同區域的效率表現。 實證結果發現,在技術效率分析方面,首先,大致而言離島地區的技術效率較高,南部地區技術效率較低,其餘地區的技術效率在不同投入產出組合或規模報酬假設會有所變動;其次,在變動規模報酬假設下,在控制投入與產出時,時間趨勢迴歸係數顯著為正,出現技術效率提升的趨勢;然而,沒控制投入產出時,時間趨勢係數顯著為負,反而出現技術效率降低的趨勢。 在生產力分析方面,首先,技術變動與全要素生產力變動的迴歸,時間趨勢的迴歸係數顯著為負,顯示組織改造後,隨著時間過去技術變動與全要素生產力的平均趨勢降低;其次,透過圖形與統計概況,發現技術變動與全要素生產力在109年度平均值增加(進步),分散程度(標準差)也擴大;效率變動與規模效率變動在110年度出現相似的情況。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Coast Guard Administration (CGA) of the Ocean Affairs Council, adhering to the principles of safeguarding national maritime rights and protecting the lives and property of the people, undertakes indispensable missions in &quot;maritime security,&quot; &quot;fishing rights protection,&quot; &quot;search and rescue,&quot; &quot;marine affairs,&quot; and &quot;marine conservation.&quot; Given the longstanding unresolved sovereignty and fishing rights disputes in the surrounding waters of our country and the increasing maritime threats posed by compound disasters, it is imperative for the maritime patrol units to enhance their law enforcement capabilities and prepare for flexible responses. By maximizing the efficiency of limited resources, the CGA can more effectively accomplish its mission of maritime governance. This study manually collected data from the maritime patrol units for the years 2018 to 2022, following organizational restructuring, and conducted an empirical analysis in two phases. In the first phase, the technical efficiency of the maritime patrol units was assessed. Based on the tasks of the maritime patrol units, the outputs included the number of cases related to maritime security, fishing rights protection, search and rescue, and marine conservation, while the inputs comprised the number of military personnel and civilian personnel. Three scenarios were established based on different combinations of inputs and outputs. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) input-oriented model was used to estimate the technical efficiency and productivity change of the maritime patrol units. In the second phase, the study analyzed the technical efficiency and productivity change of the maritime patrol units in different regions (Northern, Central, Eastern, and Outlying Islands) following the organizational restructuring. This phase employed regression analysis, using efficiency values, productivity changes, and related components as dependent variables. Three regression models were established to analyze the efficiency performance of the maritime patrol units in different regions, controlling for inputs, outputs, and/or time trends. The empirical results revealed that, in terms of technical efficiency, the outlying islands generally had higher technical efficiency, while the southern region had lower technical efficiency. The technical efficiency of other regions varied depending on the combination of inputs and outputs or the scale returns assumption. Under the variable returns to scale assumption, the regression coefficient for the time trend was significantly positive when controlling for inputs and outputs, indicating an improving trend in technical efficiency. However, when not controlling for inputs and outputs, the time trend coefficient was significantly negative, indicating a declining trend in technical efficiency. In terms of productivity analysis, the regression coefficients for technical change and total factor productivity change showed a significant negative time trend, indicating a decrease in average technical change and total factor productivity over time following the organizational restructuring. Additionally, graphical and statistical analyses revealed an increase (improvement) in the average values of technical change and total factor productivity in 2020, along with a widening distribution (standard deviation). A similar pattern was observed for efficiency change and scale efficiency change in 2021.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 P1 第一節 研究動機與目的 P1 第二節 研究流程 P5 第貳章 文獻探討 P6 第一節 我國海洋巡防單位權屬 P6 第二節 研析績效評估的定義與實證文獻 P9 第三節 探討DEA方法運用於警政機關之文獻 P10 第四節 探討海巡機關相關文獻 P12 第參章 研究方法與設計 P15 第一節 實證模型 P15 第二節 資料來源 P27 第肆章 實證結果 P28 第一節 統計概況 P28 第二節 效率分析 P35 第三節 生產力分析 P51 第伍章 結論 P61 第一節 結論 P61 第二節 研究限制 P64 參考文獻 P65zh_TW
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 海洋委員會海巡署zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資料包絡分析法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織績效指標zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效比率zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Coast Guard Administrationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Data Envelopment Analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organizational performance indicatorsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Performance ratiosen_US
dc.title (題名) 海域執法機關組織績效之評估–以海洋委員會海巡署海洋巡防單位為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Evaluation of Organizational Performance of Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies: A Case Study of the Maritime Patrol Units of the Coast Guard Administration under the Ocean Affairs Councilen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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