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題名 在易辨認性與污名之間:台灣同志標籤的使用
Between Legibility and Stigma: The Utility of Labels for Taiwanese Tongzhi
作者 何山婷
Highsmith, Allie
貢獻者 南樂<br>陳佩甄
Lev Nachman<br>Chen, Eno
Highsmith, Allie
關鍵詞 台灣
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 13:00:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文在開始解釋酷兒人群理解和認同標籤的方式的差異。是什麼導致 LGBT 族群的認同方式有差異?為什麼有些同志認同比較常見的標籤,有些把這些拒絕?在這篇論文中,我以台灣同志群組為案例研究,提出了一個旨在回答這些問題的理論。藉由採訪 18 位同志活動人,本研究表明,易辨認性和污名是同志群在選擇個人標籤時可能考慮的主要因素。我表明,順性別女同志與男同志(LG) 可能會以不同於LGBT 社群中更邊緣化的成員的方式處理身分認同問題,特別是雙性戀/泛性戀者、跨性別/非二元戀者以及無性戀譜系(BTA) 的人。雖然每個人都希望標籤具有高易辨認性和低污名化,但LG通常會選擇具有高易辨認性和高污名化的標籤,而BTA可能會選擇具有低污名化和低易辨認性的標籤。這項研究還表明,標籤的生命週期可能與污名有關。
This thesis aims to begin to explain variance in the ways that queer people understand and identify with labels. What accounts for the variance in the ways that LGBT people identify? Why do some queer people identify with more common labels and others do not? In this thesis I put forward a theory that aims to answer these questions, using queer communities of Taiwan as a case study. Through interviews with 18 tongzhi activists, this study shows that legibility and stigma are the main factors that queer people may consider in choosing personal labels. I show that cisgender lesbian women and gay men (LGs) may navigate questions of identifier differently than the more marginalized members of the LGBT community, in particular bi/pansexuals, trans/non-binary people, and people on the asexual spectrum (BTAs). I find that while everyone desires labels with high legibility and low stigma, LGs typically choose labels with high legibility and high stigma, while BTAs may choose labels with low stigma and low legibility. This study also suggests that labels may have a life cycle that is partially related to stigma.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 南樂<br>陳佩甄zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lev Nachman<br>Chen, Enoen_US (Authors) 何山婷zh_TW (Authors) Highsmith, Allieen_US
dc.creator (作者) 何山婷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Highsmith, Allieen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 13:00:35 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 13:00:35 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 13:00:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111926020en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111926020zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文在開始解釋酷兒人群理解和認同標籤的方式的差異。是什麼導致 LGBT 族群的認同方式有差異?為什麼有些同志認同比較常見的標籤,有些把這些拒絕?在這篇論文中,我以台灣同志群組為案例研究,提出了一個旨在回答這些問題的理論。藉由採訪 18 位同志活動人,本研究表明,易辨認性和污名是同志群在選擇個人標籤時可能考慮的主要因素。我表明,順性別女同志與男同志(LG) 可能會以不同於LGBT 社群中更邊緣化的成員的方式處理身分認同問題,特別是雙性戀/泛性戀者、跨性別/非二元戀者以及無性戀譜系(BTA) 的人。雖然每個人都希望標籤具有高易辨認性和低污名化,但LG通常會選擇具有高易辨認性和高污名化的標籤,而BTA可能會選擇具有低污名化和低易辨認性的標籤。這項研究還表明,標籤的生命週期可能與污名有關。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis aims to begin to explain variance in the ways that queer people understand and identify with labels. What accounts for the variance in the ways that LGBT people identify? Why do some queer people identify with more common labels and others do not? In this thesis I put forward a theory that aims to answer these questions, using queer communities of Taiwan as a case study. Through interviews with 18 tongzhi activists, this study shows that legibility and stigma are the main factors that queer people may consider in choosing personal labels. I show that cisgender lesbian women and gay men (LGs) may navigate questions of identifier differently than the more marginalized members of the LGBT community, in particular bi/pansexuals, trans/non-binary people, and people on the asexual spectrum (BTAs). I find that while everyone desires labels with high legibility and low stigma, LGs typically choose labels with high legibility and high stigma, while BTAs may choose labels with low stigma and low legibility. This study also suggests that labels may have a life cycle that is partially related to stigma.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents CHAPTER 1: Introduction & Puzzle 7 1.1 Case selection 7 1.2 Research Question and Significance 8 CHAPTER 2: Literature Review 10 2.1 A Short Historical Review: Martial Law and the T/Po Binary 10 2.2 Stigma and Legibility in the Literature 17 2.3 Queer Language: Beyond “Lavender” 19 2.4 Stigmatization of Labels 20 2.5 Hypotheses 24 CHAPTER 3: Methodology 28 3.1 Designing the Interview 28 3.2 Participant Information and Statistics 29 CHAPTER 4: Findings 31 4.1 Angela: Meeting Them Where They’re At 31 4.2 Jordan: “They Have to Know” 32 4.3 Ya-Hong: “Does Your Father Not Have Eyes?” 34 4.4 A-Hua: All but Explicit 34 4.5 Alex: 多元 “Multiple” 35 CHAPTER 5: Discussion & Conclusions 37 5.1 Discussion of Findings 37 5.2 Limitations and Future Research 41 References 43zh_TW
dc.format.extent 4743787 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台灣zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 同志zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 酷兒zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 污名化的標籤zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 身分認同zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) tongzhien_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) queeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) stigmaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) identifieren_US
dc.title (題名) 在易辨認性與污名之間:台灣同志標籤的使用zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Between Legibility and Stigma: The Utility of Labels for Taiwanese Tongzhien_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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