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題名 金融業者建構數位點數生態圈之研究 - 以台新銀行 Richart Life 為例
The Construction of Digital Reward Points Ecosystem in Financial Industry: A Case Study of Richart Life
作者 張詠淳
Chang, Yong-Tsuen
貢獻者 吳豐祥
Wu, Feng-Shang
Chang, Yong-Tsuen
關鍵詞 金融機構
Richart Life
Financial Institution
Ecosystem theory
digital points
two-sided market
network effects
Taishin Bank
Richart Life
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 13:07:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著數位科技的進步和普及,傳統銀行不僅面臨來自金融科技企業的競爭,許多其他行業的龍頭企業也逐漸在金融市場中發展服務。面臨數位轉型的必要,金融業者多朝向建構生態系統來強化價值創造。在策略發展上,國內金融業者的轉型方向主要朝向「銀行即服務」(Banking as a Service)和「銀行即平台」(Banking as a Platform)兩個方向發展,並藉由各自獨有的優勢,將金融與生活服務相互結合,強化為消費者提供更便利的使用者體驗。 然而,過往文獻中較少以生態系統建構的觀點來觀察金融業者的營運策略與作為,也少見將數位點數機制融入做為經營消費者的策略之一。因此,本研究希望針對金融業者發展生態圈的領域進行深入探討,特別是從生態系統的策略考量、營運作為與數位點數機制的角度來觀察,以了解其在發展數位點數生態圈上的關鍵考量。爰本研究的主要研究問題包括:(1)金融業者建構之數位點數生態系統平台參與者的角色為何?(2)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統之平台策略與營運活動及相關考量因素為何?(3)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統之過程為何? 本研究選定國內首間發展數位點數生態圈的金融業者做為研究對象,考量研究的本質上多少具探索性,因此,研究方法上採較為合適的質性個案研究法,透過單一個案深入探究其數位點數生態圈的發展脈絡。研究架構的設計上以平台之策略面與營運面為核心,並探討其與「平台生產者」、「平台消費者」、「網路效應」與「產業特性」等之間的相互關係。 本研究所得到的主要結論如下: (1)金融業者在建構數位點數平台上,會同時扮演平台提供者、平台管理者、 平台生產者等角色,且做為生產者的角色上,會因為其提供的服務具特許 性,因而在平台生態系統的經營上,獲得了額外的優勢。 (2)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統的平台策略上,會因目標客群之特性不 同,而著重以平台消費者之需求為主,平台生產者為輔。且會透過與平台 生產者的合作來完善點數機制,進而提供更符合平台消費者價值主張的服 務。 (3)金融業者在數位點數生態系統的營運活動上,會透過「促進機制」來管理 負向網路效應對平台之影響,也會透過「媒合機制」來增強平台上的正向 網路效應。 (4)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統的初期,會先透過篩選機制管理平台生產 者的加入,並在確保平台生產者達一定規模後,接著將營運活動專注於吸 引平台參與者,並透過平台生產者之服務留存消費者。 (5)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統的後期,其營運活動會持續著重於吸引平 台生產者,以確保平台上點數兌換方案的吸引力;至於針對平台消費者的 營運活動方面,則會藉由點數機制所引發的正向循環網路效應來持續吸引消費者。 本研究最後並提出學術上與實務上的意涵,以及後續研究的建議。
With the advancement and proliferation of digital technology, traditional banks not only face competition from fintech companies but also see major players from other industries gradually developing services in the financial market. Faced with the necessity of digital transformation, financial institutions are increasingly building ecosystems to enhance value creation. In terms of strategic development, the transformation direction of domestic financial institutions mainly focuses on "Banking as a Service" (BaaS) and "Banking as a Platform" (BaaP). By leveraging their unique advantages, these institutions integrate financial and lifestyle services to provide consumers with a more convenient user experience. However, the existing research seldom observes the operational strategies and actions of financial institutions from the perspective of ecosystem construction, nor does it incorporate digital points mechanisms as a strategy for managing consumer relationships. Therefore, this study aims to delve into the development of ecosystems by financial institutions, particularly from the angles of ecosystem strategy considerations, operational actions, and digital points mechanisms, to understand the key considerations in developing digital points ecosystems. The research questions include:(1)What are the roles of participants in the digital points ecosystem platforms constructed by financial institutions?(2)What are the strategic and operational considerations for financial institutions in building digital points ecosystem platforms?(3)What is the process of constructing digital points ecosystems by financial institutions? This study selects the first financial institution in Taiwan to develop a digital points ecosystem as the research subject. Considering the exploratory nature of the research, a qualitative case study method is adopted, exploring the strategic context through an in-depth single case study. The research framework centers on platform strategy and operations, examining the interactions with "platform producers," "platform consumers," "network effects," and "industry characteristics." The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1)In the digital points ecosystem built by financial institutions, financial institutions simultaneously act as platform providers, managers, and producers. The role of producers, due to the proprietary nature of the services provided, becomes an advantage in the financial institution's ecosystem. (2)In the digital points ecosystem built by financial institutions, the platform strategy focuses primarily on the needs of platform consumers, with platform producers playing a supporting role. By collaborating with platform producers to refine the points mechanism, value propositions are delivered to platform consumers. (3)Financial institutions manage the negative network effects on the platform through "promotion mechanisms" in their operational activities and enhance positive network effects through "matching mechanisms." (4)In the early stages of constructing digital points ecosystems, financial institutions manage the admission of platform producers through selection mechanisms, ensuring a certain scale of platform producers before focusing on attracting platform participants and retaining consumers through the services provided by platform producers. (5)In the later stages of constructing digital points ecosystems, operational activities continue to attract platform producers to ensure the attractiveness of points redemption schemes on the platform. Conversely, operational activities targeting platform consumers will achieve a positive cycle due to the network effects induced by the points mechanism. This study concludes with academic and practical implications, along with suggestions for future research.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 吳豐祥zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wu, Feng-Shangen_US (Authors) 張詠淳zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Yong-Tsuenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張詠淳zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Yong-Tsuenen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 13:07:06 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 13:07:06 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 13:07:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111364129en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111364129zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著數位科技的進步和普及,傳統銀行不僅面臨來自金融科技企業的競爭,許多其他行業的龍頭企業也逐漸在金融市場中發展服務。面臨數位轉型的必要,金融業者多朝向建構生態系統來強化價值創造。在策略發展上,國內金融業者的轉型方向主要朝向「銀行即服務」(Banking as a Service)和「銀行即平台」(Banking as a Platform)兩個方向發展,並藉由各自獨有的優勢,將金融與生活服務相互結合,強化為消費者提供更便利的使用者體驗。 然而,過往文獻中較少以生態系統建構的觀點來觀察金融業者的營運策略與作為,也少見將數位點數機制融入做為經營消費者的策略之一。因此,本研究希望針對金融業者發展生態圈的領域進行深入探討,特別是從生態系統的策略考量、營運作為與數位點數機制的角度來觀察,以了解其在發展數位點數生態圈上的關鍵考量。爰本研究的主要研究問題包括:(1)金融業者建構之數位點數生態系統平台參與者的角色為何?(2)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統之平台策略與營運活動及相關考量因素為何?(3)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統之過程為何? 本研究選定國內首間發展數位點數生態圈的金融業者做為研究對象,考量研究的本質上多少具探索性,因此,研究方法上採較為合適的質性個案研究法,透過單一個案深入探究其數位點數生態圈的發展脈絡。研究架構的設計上以平台之策略面與營運面為核心,並探討其與「平台生產者」、「平台消費者」、「網路效應」與「產業特性」等之間的相互關係。 本研究所得到的主要結論如下: (1)金融業者在建構數位點數平台上,會同時扮演平台提供者、平台管理者、 平台生產者等角色,且做為生產者的角色上,會因為其提供的服務具特許 性,因而在平台生態系統的經營上,獲得了額外的優勢。 (2)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統的平台策略上,會因目標客群之特性不 同,而著重以平台消費者之需求為主,平台生產者為輔。且會透過與平台 生產者的合作來完善點數機制,進而提供更符合平台消費者價值主張的服 務。 (3)金融業者在數位點數生態系統的營運活動上,會透過「促進機制」來管理 負向網路效應對平台之影響,也會透過「媒合機制」來增強平台上的正向 網路效應。 (4)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統的初期,會先透過篩選機制管理平台生產 者的加入,並在確保平台生產者達一定規模後,接著將營運活動專注於吸 引平台參與者,並透過平台生產者之服務留存消費者。 (5)金融業者建構數位點數生態系統的後期,其營運活動會持續著重於吸引平 台生產者,以確保平台上點數兌換方案的吸引力;至於針對平台消費者的 營運活動方面,則會藉由點數機制所引發的正向循環網路效應來持續吸引消費者。 本研究最後並提出學術上與實務上的意涵,以及後續研究的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the advancement and proliferation of digital technology, traditional banks not only face competition from fintech companies but also see major players from other industries gradually developing services in the financial market. Faced with the necessity of digital transformation, financial institutions are increasingly building ecosystems to enhance value creation. In terms of strategic development, the transformation direction of domestic financial institutions mainly focuses on "Banking as a Service" (BaaS) and "Banking as a Platform" (BaaP). By leveraging their unique advantages, these institutions integrate financial and lifestyle services to provide consumers with a more convenient user experience. However, the existing research seldom observes the operational strategies and actions of financial institutions from the perspective of ecosystem construction, nor does it incorporate digital points mechanisms as a strategy for managing consumer relationships. Therefore, this study aims to delve into the development of ecosystems by financial institutions, particularly from the angles of ecosystem strategy considerations, operational actions, and digital points mechanisms, to understand the key considerations in developing digital points ecosystems. The research questions include:(1)What are the roles of participants in the digital points ecosystem platforms constructed by financial institutions?(2)What are the strategic and operational considerations for financial institutions in building digital points ecosystem platforms?(3)What is the process of constructing digital points ecosystems by financial institutions? This study selects the first financial institution in Taiwan to develop a digital points ecosystem as the research subject. Considering the exploratory nature of the research, a qualitative case study method is adopted, exploring the strategic context through an in-depth single case study. The research framework centers on platform strategy and operations, examining the interactions with "platform producers," "platform consumers," "network effects," and "industry characteristics." The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1)In the digital points ecosystem built by financial institutions, financial institutions simultaneously act as platform providers, managers, and producers. The role of producers, due to the proprietary nature of the services provided, becomes an advantage in the financial institution's ecosystem. (2)In the digital points ecosystem built by financial institutions, the platform strategy focuses primarily on the needs of platform consumers, with platform producers playing a supporting role. By collaborating with platform producers to refine the points mechanism, value propositions are delivered to platform consumers. (3)Financial institutions manage the negative network effects on the platform through "promotion mechanisms" in their operational activities and enhance positive network effects through "matching mechanisms." (4)In the early stages of constructing digital points ecosystems, financial institutions manage the admission of platform producers through selection mechanisms, ensuring a certain scale of platform producers before focusing on attracting platform participants and retaining consumers through the services provided by platform producers. (5)In the later stages of constructing digital points ecosystems, operational activities continue to attract platform producers to ensure the attractiveness of points redemption schemes on the platform. Conversely, operational activities targeting platform consumers will achieve a positive cycle due to the network effects induced by the points mechanism. This study concludes with academic and practical implications, along with suggestions for future research.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 金融科技發展 4 第二節 生態系統理論 8 第三節 商業模式 16 第四節 數位點數 18 第五節 本章小結 23 第三章 研究方法 26 第一節 研究架構 26 第二節 研究設計 33 第四章 個案研究 39 第一節 個案背景 39 第二節 目標客群與價值主張 41 第三節 營運活動 45 第四節 平台生產者 49 第五節 平台消費者 51 第六節 網路效應 55 第七節 產業特性 58 第八節 本章小結 60 第五章 研究命題與討論 65 第一節 目標客群與價值主張 65 第二節 營運活動 67 第三節 平台生產者 70 第四節 平台消費者 72 第五節 網路效應 73 第六節 產業特性 74 第六章 結論與建議 77 第一節 研究結論 77 第二節 學術貢獻 81 第三節 實務意涵與建議 83 第四節 未來研究建議 85 參考資料 86 附件 訪談問題 92zh_TW
dc.format.extent 1805523 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 金融機構zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生態系統理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平台zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位點數zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生態圈zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 雙邊市場zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網路效應zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台新銀行zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Richart Lifezh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Financial Institutionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ecosystem theoryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) platformen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) digital pointsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ecosystemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) two-sided marketen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) network effectsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taishin Banken_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Richart Lifeen_US
dc.title (題名) 金融業者建構數位點數生態圈之研究 - 以台新銀行 Richart Life 為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Construction of Digital Reward Points Ecosystem in Financial Industry: A Case Study of Richart Lifeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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