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題名 國小教師數位資訊行為之研究 —以臺中市某區國小為例
An Empirical Examination of Digital Information Behavior among Elementary School Educators: A Case Study in a Specific Primary School of Taichung City.
作者 張君綺
Chang, Jun-Qi
貢獻者 李沛錞
Lee, Pei-Chun
關鍵詞 國小教師
National Elementary School Teachers
Information Behavior
Quality Mixed Research
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 13:34:04 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著資訊科技的進步,數位資源在教育中的應用越來越廣泛。政府積極推動數位學習,期望提升國家競爭力和學生的終身學習能力。國小教師在新課綱的推動下,逐漸在教學中融入數位資源,以培養學生的主動學習能力和創造力。然而,教師在運用數位資源時仍面臨諸多挑戰,如資源選擇、技術能力及學校政策的限制。因此,本研究旨在深入探討國小教師對數位資源的使用情況及其資訊行為,以期提升教學效果及未來數位資源之建置。 本研究主要目的包括:探討國小教師在教學中的數位資訊行為,使用數位資源的頻率與類型,及其實際使用情況。研究問題涵蓋教師使用數位資源的需求與動機、使用管道、頻率、種類及使用過程中遇到的困難與解決方法。資料來源為台中市某區之國小教師填寫問卷以及10位受訪談之國小教師,以SPSS為統計工具進行描述統計與單因子變異數分析;以訪談紀錄做質性之分析。 從研究結果顯示國小教師之資訊需求主要集中在教學,如備課和提升教學技巧,常用Google、Yahoo、社群網站和YouTube等管道,偏好影音資源、電子書和參考工具,重視資訊的正確性和適切性。大多數國小教師經常使用數位資源,其中單一年級之教師與主科教師使用頻率偏高。年齡、任教年資、性別對使用數位資訊頻率影響有限,最高學歷和職務影響較大,但任教科目對特定資源選擇有顯著影響。國小教師在數位資訊行為上面臨找不到合適資源、分類不清等困難,通常透過提升自身檢索技能並向他人求助,但對圖書館資源認知不足。 本研究建議政府應了解國小教師的數位資訊需求,提供專門的搜尋引擎及中英對應詞彙表。設計針對性的培訓計劃,提高教師的數位資訊素養。建立教師間的資訊分享平台,促進合作和交流。強化圖書館數位資源的應用,根據教師需求調整資源,提升教學效果。
With the advancement of information technology(IT), the use of digital resources in education is becoming more and more widespread. The government actively promotes digital learning in the hope of enhancing national competitiveness and students' lifelong learning ability. Under the impetus of the new syllabus, teachers of primary and secondary schools are gradually integrating digital resources into their teaching in order to cultivate students' active learning ability and creativity. However, teachers still face many challenges in utilizing digital resources, such as resource selection, technical skills, and limitations of school policies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the use of digital resources and teachers' information behavior in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and the future development of digital resources. The main objectives of this study were to examine the digital information behaviors of elementary school teachers in teaching, the frequency and types of digital resources used, and their actual use. The research questions covered teachers' needs and motivations for using digital resources, the channels, frequency, and types of use, as well as the difficulties and solutions encountered in the process of using digital resources. The data were obtained from a questionnaire filled out by elementary school teachers in a district in Taichung City, Taiwan, and from 10 interviewed elementary school teachers. Descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)were conducted using SPSS as the statistical tool, and qualitative analyses were conducted using the interview records. The results of the study showed that the information needs of elementary school teachers were mainly focused on teaching, such as lesson planning and improving teaching skills, and that they often used Google, Yahoo, social networking sites, and YouTube, and preferred audio-visual resources, e-books, and reference tools, as well as emphasized the accuracy and relevance of the information. Most of the teachers frequently use digital resources, with single grade teachers and subject teachers using them more frequently. Age, years of teaching experience, and gender had a limited effect on the frequency of using digital information, while the highest level of education and position had a greater effect, but the subject matter of teaching had a significant effect on the selection of specific resources. Elementary school teachers face difficulties in finding and categorizing appropriate resources in their digital information behaviors, and they usually improve their searching skills and ask for help from others, but they do not have enough knowledge about library resources. This study suggests that the government should understand the digital information needs of elementary school teachers and provide a specialized search engine and a glossary of English and Chinese equivalents. Design targeted training programs to improve teachers' digital information literacy. Establish a platform for information sharing among teachers to promote cooperation and exchange. Strengthen the use of digital resources in libraries and adjust the resources according to the needs of teachers to enhance teaching effectiveness.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李沛錞zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lee, Pei-Chunen_US (Authors) 張君綺zh_TW (Authors) Chang,Jun-Qien_US
dc.creator (作者) 張君綺zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Jun-Qien_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 13:34:04 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 13:34:04 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 13:34:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111913012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111913012zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著資訊科技的進步,數位資源在教育中的應用越來越廣泛。政府積極推動數位學習,期望提升國家競爭力和學生的終身學習能力。國小教師在新課綱的推動下,逐漸在教學中融入數位資源,以培養學生的主動學習能力和創造力。然而,教師在運用數位資源時仍面臨諸多挑戰,如資源選擇、技術能力及學校政策的限制。因此,本研究旨在深入探討國小教師對數位資源的使用情況及其資訊行為,以期提升教學效果及未來數位資源之建置。 本研究主要目的包括:探討國小教師在教學中的數位資訊行為,使用數位資源的頻率與類型,及其實際使用情況。研究問題涵蓋教師使用數位資源的需求與動機、使用管道、頻率、種類及使用過程中遇到的困難與解決方法。資料來源為台中市某區之國小教師填寫問卷以及10位受訪談之國小教師,以SPSS為統計工具進行描述統計與單因子變異數分析;以訪談紀錄做質性之分析。 從研究結果顯示國小教師之資訊需求主要集中在教學,如備課和提升教學技巧,常用Google、Yahoo、社群網站和YouTube等管道,偏好影音資源、電子書和參考工具,重視資訊的正確性和適切性。大多數國小教師經常使用數位資源,其中單一年級之教師與主科教師使用頻率偏高。年齡、任教年資、性別對使用數位資訊頻率影響有限,最高學歷和職務影響較大,但任教科目對特定資源選擇有顯著影響。國小教師在數位資訊行為上面臨找不到合適資源、分類不清等困難,通常透過提升自身檢索技能並向他人求助,但對圖書館資源認知不足。 本研究建議政府應了解國小教師的數位資訊需求,提供專門的搜尋引擎及中英對應詞彙表。設計針對性的培訓計劃,提高教師的數位資訊素養。建立教師間的資訊分享平台,促進合作和交流。強化圖書館數位資源的應用,根據教師需求調整資源,提升教學效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the advancement of information technology(IT), the use of digital resources in education is becoming more and more widespread. The government actively promotes digital learning in the hope of enhancing national competitiveness and students' lifelong learning ability. Under the impetus of the new syllabus, teachers of primary and secondary schools are gradually integrating digital resources into their teaching in order to cultivate students' active learning ability and creativity. However, teachers still face many challenges in utilizing digital resources, such as resource selection, technical skills, and limitations of school policies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the use of digital resources and teachers' information behavior in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and the future development of digital resources. The main objectives of this study were to examine the digital information behaviors of elementary school teachers in teaching, the frequency and types of digital resources used, and their actual use. The research questions covered teachers' needs and motivations for using digital resources, the channels, frequency, and types of use, as well as the difficulties and solutions encountered in the process of using digital resources. The data were obtained from a questionnaire filled out by elementary school teachers in a district in Taichung City, Taiwan, and from 10 interviewed elementary school teachers. Descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)were conducted using SPSS as the statistical tool, and qualitative analyses were conducted using the interview records. The results of the study showed that the information needs of elementary school teachers were mainly focused on teaching, such as lesson planning and improving teaching skills, and that they often used Google, Yahoo, social networking sites, and YouTube, and preferred audio-visual resources, e-books, and reference tools, as well as emphasized the accuracy and relevance of the information. Most of the teachers frequently use digital resources, with single grade teachers and subject teachers using them more frequently. Age, years of teaching experience, and gender had a limited effect on the frequency of using digital information, while the highest level of education and position had a greater effect, but the subject matter of teaching had a significant effect on the selection of specific resources. Elementary school teachers face difficulties in finding and categorizing appropriate resources in their digital information behaviors, and they usually improve their searching skills and ask for help from others, but they do not have enough knowledge about library resources. This study suggests that the government should understand the digital information needs of elementary school teachers and provide a specialized search engine and a glossary of English and Chinese equivalents. Design targeted training programs to improve teachers' digital information literacy. Establish a platform for information sharing among teachers to promote cooperation and exchange. Strengthen the use of digital resources in libraries and adjust the resources according to the needs of teachers to enhance teaching effectiveness.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 2 第二節 研究目的與問題 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 第四節 本研究之重要性與貢獻 6 一、學術理論面向 6 二、實務應用面向 6 第五節 重要名詞釋義 7 一、數位資源 7 二、資訊行為 (Information Behavior) 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 圖書館數位資源 9 一、圖書館數位資源發展 9 二、圖書館數位資源內容 11 第二節 資訊行為理論 18 一、資訊需求 18 二、資訊尋求行為 19 三、資訊行為重要模型與理論 20 第三節 國小教師資訊行為 27 一、國小教師數位資源使用情形 27 二、國小教師資訊需求 28 三、國小教師資訊尋求行為及使用 29 第三章 研究方法 35 第一節 研究對象 35 一、研究對象 35 二、樣本數量 36 第二節 研究架構與流程 37 一、研究架構 37 二、研究流程 38 第三節 研究工具 41 一、問卷調查 41 二、深度訪談法 48 第四節 資料處理分析 52 第四章 研究結果 55 第一節 國小教師資訊行為分析 55 一、基本資料敘述 55 二、資訊需求 59 三、資訊尋求 61 四、資訊利用 65 五、資訊評估 68 第二節 國小教師資訊使用頻率與種類分析 72 一、數位資訊使用頻率 72 二、數位訊使用種類 84 第三節 國小教師資訊行為之困難探討 129 一、困難點 130 二、解決方式 134 三、建議或期望 138 第四節 綜合討論 139 一、國小教師數位資訊行為 139 二、國小教師數位資訊行為頻率與種類 140 三、國小教師背景變項與數位資訊使用頻率之差異分析 141 四、國小教師背景變項與數位資訊使用種類之差異分析 142 五、國小教師數位資訊行為困難及解決方式 147 第五章 結論與建議 149 第一節 結論 149 一、國小教師對數位資訊的需求與搜尋行為 149 二、國小教師數位資源使用情況分析 150 三、數位資訊行為的影響因素分析 151 第二節 建議 152 一、了解國小教師的數位資訊需求提供有效的數位資訊搜尋協助 152 二、規劃國小教師數位資源使用培訓計劃促進資源的應用和使用意願 152 三、建立教師間的資訊分享與合作機制 153 四、圖書館公共數位資源之建置參考 153 第三節 未來研究與建議 153 一、研究方法及對象 154 二、研究內容 154 參考文獻 155 附錄 161zh_TW
dc.format.extent 7111036 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國小教師zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資訊行為zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 質量混合研究zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) National Elementary School Teachersen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Information Behavioren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Quality Mixed Researchen_US
dc.title (題名) 國小教師數位資訊行為之研究 —以臺中市某區國小為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) An Empirical Examination of Digital Information Behavior among Elementary School Educators: A Case Study in a Specific Primary School of Taichung City.en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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