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題名 趙順孫《四書纂疏》思想研究
Zhao Shunsun's Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books
作者 程家慷
Cheng, Jia-Kang
貢獻者 陳逢源
Chen, Feng-Yuan
Cheng, Jia-Kang
關鍵詞 趙順孫
Zhao Shunsun
Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books
Zhu Xi
Four Books of Notes to Sentences
the Four Books during the Song Dynasty
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 13:53:42 (UTC+8)
摘要 朱熹之後,高足遍佈南宋各處,使得其思想得以傳播,為成為日後的學術主流奠定基礎。然而朱熹後學眾多紛紜,當中的佼佼者有黃榦、輔廣、陳淳、蔡沈、葉味道和真德秀等等。對於朱熹思想的傳播與詮釋都相當出色,如若不一同閱讀,難以理解朱熹和其後學思想。因此將其集結於一處,以利於閱讀和思考當中的道理,這就說明趙順孫《四書纂疏》在宋代四書學的位置相當重要,也是總結宋代四書學的重要著作。《四書纂疏》的重要性是集結和篩選朱熹和其高足的說法,以利於理解《四書集注》的注解。所以,分析趙順孫《四書纂疏》所引用的文獻,將會有利於了解宋代四書學的討論,也能夠了解趙順孫的篩選目的,從而了解其思想。 趙順孫《四書纂疏》撰寫的目的是要疏解朱熹《四書章句集注》,注解涉及諸多理學概念。所以本文將會擷取能夠凸顯趙順孫思想的論題和其引用的文獻加以分析,以便更深入了解趙順孫的四書學。本文主要討論趙順孫《四書纂疏》當中的仁論、聖人觀和工夫論。焦三者的目的是因為關係密切,仁論探討的問題是價值來源的問題、聖人觀所探討的乃是透過認知仁性以後,所要達到的目的、最後乃是將其實踐的工夫論,這三者缺一不可,形成一個重要環節。因此,本文將會以這三個部分進行深入的討論。 本文從趙順孫仁論切入,是因為趙氏注意到當時的學界皆以討論理、氣等理學觀念為主,對仁的討論不多。所以,趙順孫就集結朱熹和其高足的學說為一體,敘述對於仁的認知。透過趙氏的引用和討論,不難發現,仁與理、氣、心、性都是相當重要的概念。趙順孫不只補足對仁的論述,而且也確定了仁在心性上是與形上的天理相互呼應。此舉補足宋代理學對於仁的忽略。認知仁的目的,是要成為聖人。然而趙順孫卻強調聖人雖然重要,但是不可忽略君子的地位。因此,趙順孫強調需以聖人為最終目標,而以君子為階段性目標,唯有達到君子的位階,才有成為聖人的可能。本文指出此點,旨在說明趙順孫在梳理前人說法的同時是按照自己的標準進行排列,使得自身的想法能夠融入前人文獻當中。 最後,則是討論趙順孫實踐的方法——工夫論。本文認為,趙順孫在工夫論的討論注重對工夫的實踐態度,而非創造新的工夫論課題。而趙氏對於工夫論態度的指出則是在嚴謹、融會貫通上呈現,這就提供讀者有新的方向可以參考。 綜上所述,透過這三個主題的討論,本文認為其疏解的用意既是其關注所在。是趙順孫自身的道德體驗,記錄於《四書纂疏》當中,幫助讀者更容易理解。所以,趙順孫《四書纂疏》絕非是一部工具書,而帶有個人理解的著作。
After Zhu Xi, his prominent disciples spread throughout the Southern SongDynasty, facilitating the dissemination of his thoughts and laying the foundation for it to become the mainstream of later academic scholarship. However, Zhu Xi's later followers were numerous and diverse. Among the outstanding ones were Huang Gan,Fu Guang, Chen Chun, Cai Shen, Ye Weidao, and Zhen Dexiu, among others. They excelled in both the propagation and interpretation of Zhu Xi's ideas. Without reading their works together, it is difficult to fully comprehend Zhu Xi and his followers'thoughts. Therefore, collecting these works in one place facilitates reading and understanding the underlying principles, highlighting the significant position of Zhao Shunsun's "Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books" in the study of the Four Books during the Song Dynasty. It is also an essential work summarizing Song Dynasty scholarship on the Four Books. The importance of " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " lies in its collection and selection of Zhu Xi and his disciples' interpretations, aiding in the understanding of the annotations in "Four Books of Notes to Sentences." Thus, analyzing the references Zhao Shunsun used in " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " will help understand the discussions on the Four Books during the Song Dynasty and reveal Zhao Shunsun's purpose in selecting certain materials, thereby shedding light on his thoughts. Zhao Shunsun wrote " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " to clarify Zhu Xi's " Four Books of Notes to Sentences.," with annotations involving various concepts of Neo-Confucianism. Therefore, this article will select topics that highlight Zhao Shunsun's thoughts and analyze the references he cited to gain a deeper understanding of his study of the Four Books. This article mainly discusses the theories of benevolence (ren), the concept of the sage, and the practice theory (gongfu) in Zhao Shunsun's " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " The focus on these three areas is due to their close interrelation: the theory of benevolence addresses the issue of the source of values; the concept of the sage pertains to the ultimate goal to be achieved through understanding benevolence; and finally, the practice theory deals with the methods of actualizing these principles. These three aspects are indispensable, forming an essential link. Therefore, this article will conduct an in-depth discussion of these three parts. The article starts with Zhao Shunsun's theory of benevolence because Zhao noticed that the academic community at the time mainly focused on discussing concepts like principle (li) and vital force (qi), with little discussion on benevolence. Thus, Zhao Shunsun integrated the teachings of Zhu Xi and his disciples to explain the understanding of benevolence. Through Zhao's references and discussions, it is evident that benevolence is closely related to concepts like principle, vital force, mind, and nature. Zhao Shunsun not only supplemented the discourse on benevolence but also established that benevolence in the mind and nature corresponds with the metaphysical principle. This action compensated for the neglect of benevolence in Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism. The purpose of understanding benevolence is to become a sage. However, Zhao Shunsun emphasized that while the sage is important, the status of the gentleman should not be overlooked. Therefore, Zhao Shunsun stressed that the ultimate goal should be the sage, with the gentleman as a transitional goal. Only by reaching the status of a gentleman can one have the possibility of becoming a sage. This article points out that Zhao Shunsun, while organizing the statements of previous scholars, arranged them according to his standards, allowing his ideas to be integrated into the previous literature. Finally, the article discusses Zhao Shunsun's method of practice—gongfu theory.It argues that Zhao Shunsun focused on the attitude towards practicing gongfu rather than creating new topics within the gongfu theory. Zhao's emphasis on the attitude towards gongfu practice is presented through meticulous and comprehensive integration, providing readers with a new direction for reference. In conclusion, through the discussion of these three themes, this article suggests that Zhao Shunsun's intention in his annotations reflects his own moral experiences recorded in " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books," making it easier for readers to understand. Therefore, Zhao Shunsun's " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books is by no means a mere reference book but a work imbued with personal understanding.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳逢源zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Feng-Yuanen_US (Authors) 程家慷zh_TW (Authors) Cheng, Jia-Kangen_US
dc.creator (作者) 程家慷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Cheng, Jia-Kangen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 13:53:42 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 13:53:42 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 13:53:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108151021en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 中國文學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108151021zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 朱熹之後,高足遍佈南宋各處,使得其思想得以傳播,為成為日後的學術主流奠定基礎。然而朱熹後學眾多紛紜,當中的佼佼者有黃榦、輔廣、陳淳、蔡沈、葉味道和真德秀等等。對於朱熹思想的傳播與詮釋都相當出色,如若不一同閱讀,難以理解朱熹和其後學思想。因此將其集結於一處,以利於閱讀和思考當中的道理,這就說明趙順孫《四書纂疏》在宋代四書學的位置相當重要,也是總結宋代四書學的重要著作。《四書纂疏》的重要性是集結和篩選朱熹和其高足的說法,以利於理解《四書集注》的注解。所以,分析趙順孫《四書纂疏》所引用的文獻,將會有利於了解宋代四書學的討論,也能夠了解趙順孫的篩選目的,從而了解其思想。 趙順孫《四書纂疏》撰寫的目的是要疏解朱熹《四書章句集注》,注解涉及諸多理學概念。所以本文將會擷取能夠凸顯趙順孫思想的論題和其引用的文獻加以分析,以便更深入了解趙順孫的四書學。本文主要討論趙順孫《四書纂疏》當中的仁論、聖人觀和工夫論。焦三者的目的是因為關係密切,仁論探討的問題是價值來源的問題、聖人觀所探討的乃是透過認知仁性以後,所要達到的目的、最後乃是將其實踐的工夫論,這三者缺一不可,形成一個重要環節。因此,本文將會以這三個部分進行深入的討論。 本文從趙順孫仁論切入,是因為趙氏注意到當時的學界皆以討論理、氣等理學觀念為主,對仁的討論不多。所以,趙順孫就集結朱熹和其高足的學說為一體,敘述對於仁的認知。透過趙氏的引用和討論,不難發現,仁與理、氣、心、性都是相當重要的概念。趙順孫不只補足對仁的論述,而且也確定了仁在心性上是與形上的天理相互呼應。此舉補足宋代理學對於仁的忽略。認知仁的目的,是要成為聖人。然而趙順孫卻強調聖人雖然重要,但是不可忽略君子的地位。因此,趙順孫強調需以聖人為最終目標,而以君子為階段性目標,唯有達到君子的位階,才有成為聖人的可能。本文指出此點,旨在說明趙順孫在梳理前人說法的同時是按照自己的標準進行排列,使得自身的想法能夠融入前人文獻當中。 最後,則是討論趙順孫實踐的方法——工夫論。本文認為,趙順孫在工夫論的討論注重對工夫的實踐態度,而非創造新的工夫論課題。而趙氏對於工夫論態度的指出則是在嚴謹、融會貫通上呈現,這就提供讀者有新的方向可以參考。 綜上所述,透過這三個主題的討論,本文認為其疏解的用意既是其關注所在。是趙順孫自身的道德體驗,記錄於《四書纂疏》當中,幫助讀者更容易理解。所以,趙順孫《四書纂疏》絕非是一部工具書,而帶有個人理解的著作。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) After Zhu Xi, his prominent disciples spread throughout the Southern SongDynasty, facilitating the dissemination of his thoughts and laying the foundation for it to become the mainstream of later academic scholarship. However, Zhu Xi's later followers were numerous and diverse. Among the outstanding ones were Huang Gan,Fu Guang, Chen Chun, Cai Shen, Ye Weidao, and Zhen Dexiu, among others. They excelled in both the propagation and interpretation of Zhu Xi's ideas. Without reading their works together, it is difficult to fully comprehend Zhu Xi and his followers'thoughts. Therefore, collecting these works in one place facilitates reading and understanding the underlying principles, highlighting the significant position of Zhao Shunsun's "Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books" in the study of the Four Books during the Song Dynasty. It is also an essential work summarizing Song Dynasty scholarship on the Four Books. The importance of " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " lies in its collection and selection of Zhu Xi and his disciples' interpretations, aiding in the understanding of the annotations in "Four Books of Notes to Sentences." Thus, analyzing the references Zhao Shunsun used in " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " will help understand the discussions on the Four Books during the Song Dynasty and reveal Zhao Shunsun's purpose in selecting certain materials, thereby shedding light on his thoughts. Zhao Shunsun wrote " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " to clarify Zhu Xi's " Four Books of Notes to Sentences.," with annotations involving various concepts of Neo-Confucianism. Therefore, this article will select topics that highlight Zhao Shunsun's thoughts and analyze the references he cited to gain a deeper understanding of his study of the Four Books. This article mainly discusses the theories of benevolence (ren), the concept of the sage, and the practice theory (gongfu) in Zhao Shunsun's " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books " The focus on these three areas is due to their close interrelation: the theory of benevolence addresses the issue of the source of values; the concept of the sage pertains to the ultimate goal to be achieved through understanding benevolence; and finally, the practice theory deals with the methods of actualizing these principles. These three aspects are indispensable, forming an essential link. Therefore, this article will conduct an in-depth discussion of these three parts. The article starts with Zhao Shunsun's theory of benevolence because Zhao noticed that the academic community at the time mainly focused on discussing concepts like principle (li) and vital force (qi), with little discussion on benevolence. Thus, Zhao Shunsun integrated the teachings of Zhu Xi and his disciples to explain the understanding of benevolence. Through Zhao's references and discussions, it is evident that benevolence is closely related to concepts like principle, vital force, mind, and nature. Zhao Shunsun not only supplemented the discourse on benevolence but also established that benevolence in the mind and nature corresponds with the metaphysical principle. This action compensated for the neglect of benevolence in Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism. The purpose of understanding benevolence is to become a sage. However, Zhao Shunsun emphasized that while the sage is important, the status of the gentleman should not be overlooked. Therefore, Zhao Shunsun stressed that the ultimate goal should be the sage, with the gentleman as a transitional goal. Only by reaching the status of a gentleman can one have the possibility of becoming a sage. This article points out that Zhao Shunsun, while organizing the statements of previous scholars, arranged them according to his standards, allowing his ideas to be integrated into the previous literature. Finally, the article discusses Zhao Shunsun's method of practice—gongfu theory.It argues that Zhao Shunsun focused on the attitude towards practicing gongfu rather than creating new topics within the gongfu theory. Zhao's emphasis on the attitude towards gongfu practice is presented through meticulous and comprehensive integration, providing readers with a new direction for reference. In conclusion, through the discussion of these three themes, this article suggests that Zhao Shunsun's intention in his annotations reflects his own moral experiences recorded in " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books," making it easier for readers to understand. Therefore, Zhao Shunsun's " Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Books is by no means a mere reference book but a work imbued with personal understanding.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究回顧 8 第三節 版本問題 15 第四節 研究方法 19 第五節 論文之架構 20 第二章 生平及其著作 23 第一節 學術背景 23 第二節 生平簡介 26 第三節 師承與著作 27 第三章 論仁 33 第一節 仁的本質 36 第二節 判斷「仁」的方法 45 第三節 對仁的態度:不違仁 50 第四節 仁與財的關係 54 第四章 論聖人 61 第一節 聖人與天理 65 第二節 聖人與道德 70 第三節 聖人與君子 78 第五章 論工夫 89 第一節 實踐之理:吾道一以貫之 91 第二節 克己復禮 102 第三節 對工夫的態度 109 第六章 結論 119 參考文獻 123zh_TW
dc.format.extent 4095486 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 趙順孫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 《四書纂疏》zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 朱熹zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 《四書章句集注》zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宋代四書學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Zhao Shunsunen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Booksen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Zhu Xien_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Four Books of Notes to Sentencesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the Four Books during the Song Dynastyen_US
dc.title (題名) 趙順孫《四書纂疏》思想研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Zhao Shunsun's Study on the Compilation and Annotation of the Four Booksen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻 一、 古籍文獻 1.(先秦)列子撰,(晉)張湛注:《列子注》,收入於國學整理社編:《諸子 集成》(北京:中華書局,1954 年)。 2.(漢)孔安國傳,(唐)孔穎達正義:《尚書正義》(台北:藝文印書館,1989 年)。 3. (漢)鄭玄注,(唐)賈公彥疏:《周禮注疏》(台北:藝文印書館,1965 年)。 4. (漢)鄭玄注,(唐)孔穎達疏:《禮記注疏》(台北:藝文印書館,1989 年)。 5. (漢)鄭玄注,(唐)賈公彥疏:《儀禮注疏》(台北:藝文印書館,1965 年)。 6.(漢)許慎撰,(清)段玉裁注:《新添古音說文解字注》(台北:洪葉文化, 2016 年 10 月)。 7.(漢)趙歧注, (宋)孫奭疏:《孟子注疏》(台北:藝文印書館,1993 年)。 8.(魏)何晏注, (宋)邢昺疏:《論語注疏》(台北:藝文印書館,1993 年)。 9.(魏)王弼著,樓宇烈校釋:《老子周易王弼注校釋》(台北:華正書局,1981 年)。 10.(梁)皇侃:《論語義疏》(北京:中華書局,2013 年)。 11. (宋)周敦頤著,陳克明點校:《周敦頤集》(北京:中華書局,1990 年 5 月)。 12.(宋)張橫渠:《張載集》(台北:漢京文化事業有限公司,1983 年)。 13.(宋):程顥、程頤著,王孝魚點校:《二程集》(北京:中華書局,1981 年 7 月)。 14.(宋)朱熹:《四書章句集注》 (台北:國立台灣大學出版中心,2016 年)。 15(宋)朱熹:《四書或問》,收入於(宋)朱熹著,朱傑人、嚴佐之、劉永翔 等編:《朱子全書》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2002 年)。 16. 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