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題名 雙重邊陲:旅台陸生的身份再現——以新冠疫情中兩岸網民論述「陸生返台」事件為例
Double Margins: Identity Representation of Mainland Chinese Students in Taiwan —A Case Study of Cross-Strait Online Discourse During the Covid-19 Pandemic作者 陳夏平
Chen, Xia-Ping貢獻者 黃葳威
Huang, Wei-Wei
Chen, Xia-Ping關鍵詞 陸生
Mainland Chinese Students in Taiwan
Identity Representation
Discourse Analysis
Double Margins
Structure of Feeling日期 2024 上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 14:08:52 (UTC+8) 摘要 作為「生活在別處」的離散群體,旅台陸生長期夾在台灣與中國大陸地緣、政治、文化和情感的交會之處,其身份因兩岸關係之升降而起伏、牽動與掣肘。已有的傳播學研究大多刻畫台灣新聞對陸生的建構、或追訪陸生自身的國族經驗實作,較少見作為被言說的陸生在兩岸民間社會的身份再現。傳播科技為現代共同體愈加強有力地帶來了「他者」,新冠疫情為民族主義思潮的再升溫鋪展了新的社會脈絡。本文著眼「陸生返台」事件中兩岸數位社群平台的用戶發言,通過批判論述分析解構了台灣四大報臉書粉絲專頁和微博自媒體賬號「台灣傻事」的相關留言評論,從文本的修辭策略、畫界方式和情感表達三個面向探究兩岸網民對陸生群體的他者再現和我群的邊界建構。 研究發現在兩岸網民的論述中,新冠病毒被複寫了政治色彩和道德深意,參與到「我們」對「他者」的想象和畫界中。在台灣社會,陸生的身份意型被建構為威脅安全防線、侵蝕民主思想的隱喻;陸生返台政策的是與非在「政治化」論述策略中轉化為藍綠陣營的角力、意識形態的較量;被本質化的陸生成為去主體性的尷尬附庸、不在場的中國因素。在大陸社會,旅台陸生因為離開安全的祖國而被拒絕同情,成為大眾宣洩民粹情緒的替罪羊;承受了以大國心態傲視台灣的「非人化」貶損和公民身份的消解;大陸網民對台湾的厭棄情緒亦微妙殃及了陸生這一「內部的他者」,勾畫了更嚴苛的國族認同和情感包容邊界。 作為「他者」的陸生群體由此陷落兩岸論域的「雙重邊陲」。「雙重邊陲」這一地帶既有戰後台灣恐懼政治下集體「亡國」恐懼和疫情帶來的個人「死亡」恐懼所調動的述情姿態,亦有轉型中國以愛國主義為主、「懼」危險外部世界、「惡」台灣價值形態、「怒」陸生軟弱不爭等論述共同組構的別樣表情。這不僅是西方化的東方實踐(台灣)與在地化的東方實踐(社會主義中國大陸)所擠壓出的邊陲,更勾連了台海關係的張弛、政治遺緒的糾葛和兩岸經濟社會發展「風水輪流轉」的變遷印跡。
As diasporas “living elsewhere”, the Mainland Chinese students in Taiwan have long been caught between the geographic, political, cultural and emotional intersection of Taiwan and China, and their identities are affected and constrained by the ups and downs of cross-strait relations. Most of the existing studies have portrayed the identity construction of the Mainland Chinese students by Taiwan's news organizations, or interviewed their own national experience, but rarely have we seen the identity representation of the students in the cross-strait civil societies as the spoken ones. Communication technology has increasingly brought the “other” into modern society, and the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a new social context for the resurgence of nationalist sentiments. The article focuses on the comments of cross-strait digital community platforms in the context of the "Mainland Chinese Students Returning to Taiwan" incident. Through Wodak's critical discourse analysis method, we have deconstructed two types of online discourse domains: the comments on the Facebook fan pages of the four major newspapers in Taiwan and the related comments on the Weibo self-media account, “Taiwan Foolishness”, and explored the rhetorical strategies, framing style, and emotional expressions in the texts. The study explores the cross-strait users’ reproduction of the “otherness” and the constrction of the boundaries of "us" in the discourse. The study has found that in the discourse of digital users of corss-strait, the COVID-19 virus has been imbued with political implications and moral significance, becoming part of the imagination and boundary-drawing between “us” and the “other”. In Taiwanese society, the identity of Mainland Chinese students is constructed as a metaphor threatening security and eroding democratic values. The debate over the policy of Mainland Chinese students returning to Taiwan transforms into a political discourse strategy of the blue and green camps, involving ideological struggles. The Mainland Chinese students are essentialized into awkward appendages, embodying the absent “Chinese factor”. In mainland Chinese society, these students are refused sympathy for leaving their safe homeland, becoming scapegoats for populist emotions. They endure “dehumanization” derogation from a great power mentality that scorns Taiwan and the dissolution of their civic identity. Furthermore, Mainland Chineses’ aversion to Taiwan subtly affects these “internal others”, sketching stricter national identity and emotional inclusion boundaries. The group of Mainland Chinese students thus falls into the “double margins” of the discourse between cross-strait. 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108464061資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃葳威 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Huang, Wei-Wei en_US (Authors) 陳夏平 zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Xia-Ping en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳夏平 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Xia-Ping en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 5-Aug-2024 14:08:52 (UTC+8) - 5-Aug-2024 14:08:52 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 14:08:52 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108464061 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 108464061 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 作為「生活在別處」的離散群體,旅台陸生長期夾在台灣與中國大陸地緣、政治、文化和情感的交會之處,其身份因兩岸關係之升降而起伏、牽動與掣肘。已有的傳播學研究大多刻畫台灣新聞對陸生的建構、或追訪陸生自身的國族經驗實作,較少見作為被言說的陸生在兩岸民間社會的身份再現。傳播科技為現代共同體愈加強有力地帶來了「他者」,新冠疫情為民族主義思潮的再升溫鋪展了新的社會脈絡。本文著眼「陸生返台」事件中兩岸數位社群平台的用戶發言,通過批判論述分析解構了台灣四大報臉書粉絲專頁和微博自媒體賬號「台灣傻事」的相關留言評論,從文本的修辭策略、畫界方式和情感表達三個面向探究兩岸網民對陸生群體的他者再現和我群的邊界建構。 研究發現在兩岸網民的論述中,新冠病毒被複寫了政治色彩和道德深意,參與到「我們」對「他者」的想象和畫界中。在台灣社會,陸生的身份意型被建構為威脅安全防線、侵蝕民主思想的隱喻;陸生返台政策的是與非在「政治化」論述策略中轉化為藍綠陣營的角力、意識形態的較量;被本質化的陸生成為去主體性的尷尬附庸、不在場的中國因素。在大陸社會,旅台陸生因為離開安全的祖國而被拒絕同情,成為大眾宣洩民粹情緒的替罪羊;承受了以大國心態傲視台灣的「非人化」貶損和公民身份的消解;大陸網民對台湾的厭棄情緒亦微妙殃及了陸生這一「內部的他者」,勾畫了更嚴苛的國族認同和情感包容邊界。 作為「他者」的陸生群體由此陷落兩岸論域的「雙重邊陲」。「雙重邊陲」這一地帶既有戰後台灣恐懼政治下集體「亡國」恐懼和疫情帶來的個人「死亡」恐懼所調動的述情姿態,亦有轉型中國以愛國主義為主、「懼」危險外部世界、「惡」台灣價值形態、「怒」陸生軟弱不爭等論述共同組構的別樣表情。這不僅是西方化的東方實踐(台灣)與在地化的東方實踐(社會主義中國大陸)所擠壓出的邊陲,更勾連了台海關係的張弛、政治遺緒的糾葛和兩岸經濟社會發展「風水輪流轉」的變遷印跡。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) As diasporas “living elsewhere”, the Mainland Chinese students in Taiwan have long been caught between the geographic, political, cultural and emotional intersection of Taiwan and China, and their identities are affected and constrained by the ups and downs of cross-strait relations. Most of the existing studies have portrayed the identity construction of the Mainland Chinese students by Taiwan's news organizations, or interviewed their own national experience, but rarely have we seen the identity representation of the students in the cross-strait civil societies as the spoken ones. Communication technology has increasingly brought the “other” into modern society, and the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a new social context for the resurgence of nationalist sentiments. The article focuses on the comments of cross-strait digital community platforms in the context of the "Mainland Chinese Students Returning to Taiwan" incident. Through Wodak's critical discourse analysis method, we have deconstructed two types of online discourse domains: the comments on the Facebook fan pages of the four major newspapers in Taiwan and the related comments on the Weibo self-media account, “Taiwan Foolishness”, and explored the rhetorical strategies, framing style, and emotional expressions in the texts. The study explores the cross-strait users’ reproduction of the “otherness” and the constrction of the boundaries of "us" in the discourse. The study has found that in the discourse of digital users of corss-strait, the COVID-19 virus has been imbued with political implications and moral significance, becoming part of the imagination and boundary-drawing between “us” and the “other”. In Taiwanese society, the identity of Mainland Chinese students is constructed as a metaphor threatening security and eroding democratic values. The debate over the policy of Mainland Chinese students returning to Taiwan transforms into a political discourse strategy of the blue and green camps, involving ideological struggles. The Mainland Chinese students are essentialized into awkward appendages, embodying the absent “Chinese factor”. In mainland Chinese society, these students are refused sympathy for leaving their safe homeland, becoming scapegoats for populist emotions. They endure “dehumanization” derogation from a great power mentality that scorns Taiwan and the dissolution of their civic identity. Furthermore, Mainland Chineses’ aversion to Taiwan subtly affects these “internal others”, sketching stricter national identity and emotional inclusion boundaries. The group of Mainland Chinese students thus falls into the “double margins” of the discourse between cross-strait. The “double margins” encompass both the collective fear of “national ruin” under Taiwan's post-war politics and the individual fear of “death” brought by the pandemic. A distinct expression constructed by the discourse of a transforming China, characterized by patriotism, fear of external dangers, vilification of Taiwanese values, and anger towards the perceived weakness of Mainland Chinese students. Not only resulting from the compression of Westernized Eastern practices (Taiwan) and localized Eastern practices (Socialist China), but also connecting to the tension in cross-strait relations, the entanglement of political legacies, and the shifts in economic and social development between cross-strait. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與問題意識 5 第三節 研究對象與概念釋義 9 第二章 文獻探討 12 第一節 「我們」是誰?旅居、離散經驗與社群媒體 14 第二節 誰可以成為「我們」?疫病脈絡的邊緣、邊界與他者 18 第三節 「我們」因何感覺?數媒時代的情感結構與意識形態 22 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究設計 27 第二節 研究抽樣 30 第三節 資料分析 33 第四章 研究發現 38 第一節 文本主題概覽:別樣的表情 38 第二節 臉書留言文本:多重的邊界 42 一、邊界之外:「中國」病毒的隱喻與對立 42 二、邊界之內:政治角力的附庸,藍綠對壘的消費 45 三、邊緣夾縫:「不在場」的主體,容不下的非我 48 第三節 微博留言文本:內部的他者 51 一、「誰」不被同情:替罪的羔羊 51 二、「誰」被貶抑:以「強國」之名 54 三、「誰」來愛國?公民的「情感疫苗」 56 第五章 結論 59 第一節 結論與討論 59 第二節 研究限制與建議 65 參考書目 70 附錄 2020年境外生返台時間軸 83 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2690546 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 陸生 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 身份再現 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新冠疫情 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 雙重邊陲 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 論述分析 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 情感結構 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 離散群體 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mainland Chinese Students in Taiwan en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Identity Representation en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Discourse Analysis en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Double Margins en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Covid-19 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Diaspora en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Structure of Feeling en_US dc.title (題名) 雙重邊陲:旅台陸生的身份再現——以新冠疫情中兩岸網民論述「陸生返台」事件為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Double Margins: Identity Representation of Mainland Chinese Students in Taiwan —A Case Study of Cross-Strait Online Discourse During the Covid-19 Pandemic en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Alain Robert Grillet(1983)。《自然、人道主義、悲劇》。伍蠡甫編,上海:上海譯文出版社。 Karl Mannheim(2009)。《意識形態與烏托邦》,姚仁權譯。北京:中國社會科學出版社。 Rene Girard(2002)。《替罪羊》,馮壽農譯。北京:東方出版社。 丁建新(2010)。〈作為社會符號的「反語言」——「邊緣話語與社會」系列研究之一〉,《外語學刊》,2:76-83。 丁建新,楊薈(2020)。〈作為「他者」的病毒:關於新冠肺炎隱喻的話語分析〉,《廣州大學學報(社會科學版)》,4:107-112。 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