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題名 自我的轉化:沙漠教父伊瓦格魯斯的苦修思想
The Transformation of the Self: The Ascetic Thought of Desert Father Evagrius Ponticus
作者 崔國瑜
貢獻者 歷史系
關鍵詞 基督宗教苦修主義; 基督宗教密契主義; 伊瓦格魯斯; 沙漠靈修; 修道院神學
Christian Asceticism; Christian Mysticism; Evagrius Ponticus; Desert Spirituality; Monastic Theology
日期 2022-07
上傳時間 2024-08-15
摘要 早期基督宗教歷史當中曾盛行苦修主義,當時的基督徒以獨身苦修為效法耶穌基督的最佳生活範式,更發展出撤離俗世、進入沙漠的修行方式。第四世紀沙漠教父伊瓦格魯斯可謂此一基督宗教苦修風潮中之代表人物,他不但繼承了希臘思想與聖經傳統的雙重文化遺產,更在沙漠修行的脈絡中整合奧利根的思想體系,發展出獨樹一格的沙漠靈修。他的沙漠靈修為修行者的自我轉化鋪陳了藍圖,成為修道院神學所參照的基礎,因而深刻地影響了近古以降的修道院神學。本專書計畫即以早期基督宗教的苦修理想為起點,進一步以伊瓦格魯斯的作品為中心,闡釋其中之苦修思想與密契思想,探討伊瓦格魯斯詮釋聖經的方法,呈現伊瓦格魯斯思想對於後世修道院神學的影響,並對其在基督宗教歷史中的定位予以評價。
In early Christian history there arose a pronounced ascetic trend, in which Christians imitated Jesus Christ by embracing his lifestyle of humility, poverty, and celibacy. Some Christians even withdrew from the worldly life and opted for a solitary ascetic life in the desert. One of the most prominent figures in this ascetic trend in early Christianity was Evagrius Ponticus (345-399), who became a monk in Egyptian desert. As a Christian intellectual inheriting both Greek philosophy and biblical tradition, he was able to integrate Origen’s thought into the desert ascetic tradition and formulated a remarkable desert spirituality. His desert spirituality mapped out the way of the transformation of the self for the ascetic, which was then adopted into monastic theology and thus profoundly influenced it since late antiquity. The present book project will start with describing early Christian asceticism as the historical background in which Evagrius’ thought is to be situated. The mystical dimension of Evagrius’ thought will also be explored. As biblical tradition plays an important role in Evagrius’ thought, his biblical commentaries will be examined so as to elucidate his method of biblical interpretation. Finally, how Evagrius’ thought has shaped the monastic theology and how it was involved in the Origenist controversy will also be investigated.
關聯 科技部, MOST109-2410-H004-155-MY2, 109.08-111.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 歷史系
dc.creator (作者) 崔國瑜 (日期) 2022-07 2024-08-15- 2024-08-15- (上傳時間) 2024-08-15-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 早期基督宗教歷史當中曾盛行苦修主義,當時的基督徒以獨身苦修為效法耶穌基督的最佳生活範式,更發展出撤離俗世、進入沙漠的修行方式。第四世紀沙漠教父伊瓦格魯斯可謂此一基督宗教苦修風潮中之代表人物,他不但繼承了希臘思想與聖經傳統的雙重文化遺產,更在沙漠修行的脈絡中整合奧利根的思想體系,發展出獨樹一格的沙漠靈修。他的沙漠靈修為修行者的自我轉化鋪陳了藍圖,成為修道院神學所參照的基礎,因而深刻地影響了近古以降的修道院神學。本專書計畫即以早期基督宗教的苦修理想為起點,進一步以伊瓦格魯斯的作品為中心,闡釋其中之苦修思想與密契思想,探討伊瓦格魯斯詮釋聖經的方法,呈現伊瓦格魯斯思想對於後世修道院神學的影響,並對其在基督宗教歷史中的定位予以評價。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In early Christian history there arose a pronounced ascetic trend, in which Christians imitated Jesus Christ by embracing his lifestyle of humility, poverty, and celibacy. Some Christians even withdrew from the worldly life and opted for a solitary ascetic life in the desert. One of the most prominent figures in this ascetic trend in early Christianity was Evagrius Ponticus (345-399), who became a monk in Egyptian desert. As a Christian intellectual inheriting both Greek philosophy and biblical tradition, he was able to integrate Origen’s thought into the desert ascetic tradition and formulated a remarkable desert spirituality. His desert spirituality mapped out the way of the transformation of the self for the ascetic, which was then adopted into monastic theology and thus profoundly influenced it since late antiquity. The present book project will start with describing early Christian asceticism as the historical background in which Evagrius’ thought is to be situated. The mystical dimension of Evagrius’ thought will also be explored. As biblical tradition plays an important role in Evagrius’ thought, his biblical commentaries will be examined so as to elucidate his method of biblical interpretation. Finally, how Evagrius’ thought has shaped the monastic theology and how it was involved in the Origenist controversy will also be investigated.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST109-2410-H004-155-MY2, 109.08-111.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 基督宗教苦修主義; 基督宗教密契主義; 伊瓦格魯斯; 沙漠靈修; 修道院神學
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Christian Asceticism; Christian Mysticism; Evagrius Ponticus; Desert Spirituality; Monastic Theology
dc.title (題名) 自我的轉化:沙漠教父伊瓦格魯斯的苦修思想
dc.title (題名) The Transformation of the Self: The Ascetic Thought of Desert Father Evagrius Ponticus
dc.type (資料類型) report