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題名 早期基督宗教的苦修傳統
Early Christian Asceticism
作者 崔國瑜
貢獻者 歷史系
關鍵詞 苦修主義; 早期基督宗教; 上古希羅文化; 上古猶太教; 敘利亞基督宗教傳統
Asceticism; Early Christianity; the Greco-Roman World in Antiquity; Judaism in Antiquity; the Syriac Tradition
日期 2016-12
上傳時間 2024-08-15
摘要 本研究計畫以上一件國科會計畫「早期基督宗教中的獨身議題」之研究成果為基礎,延伸至更廣闊的脈絡─「苦修主義」,以探討早期基督宗教歷史中苦修傳統的發展。苦修主義不僅在早期基督宗教的歷史當中盛行,在世界各大宗教中亦有跡可尋,其可謂宗教修行者所實行的一種操練:藉著對身體的控制及慾望的管理(如,性事、吃食、睡眠、物質享受等),以達致精神上更高目標的完成。宗教修行者往往將不經管控的身體慾望視為誘惑的來源,故他們發展出相應的苦修主義式的操練,好使他們制伏身體、克勝誘惑,專注於精神目標的達成。本研究計畫第一階段探討苦修主義在早期基督宗教中的源起,特別是在《新約聖經》中的苦修主義思想。由於早期基督宗教中的苦修傳統有其文化歷史之脈絡─亦即,猶太宗教傳統與希羅思想,本研究計畫第二階段亦將分析該背景對早期基督宗教苦修傳統之影響。早期基督宗教中的苦修主義蔚為風潮,在第四世紀的地中海世界逐漸發展為機構化的修道院制度,對中古文明的影響至鉅,準此,本研究計畫第三階段將選取以嚴格的苦修典範著稱之敘利亞基督宗教苦修傳統為例,來闡釋宗教「經典」與苦修主義「修行」之間的關係。對於敘利亞基督宗教苦修傳統之特例加以明晰,則將有助於吾人理解特定宗教傳統中苦修者的主體性與身體觀,以利作為苦修主義之泛文化及比較宗教的理論基礎。
Grounded in my previous research project, which investigated “Celibacy in Early Christianity,” the present research project expands into a broader scope, i.e., Early Christian Asceticism, which, not only the issue of celibacy (or sexual renunciation) can be situated in, but also includes renunciation of food, sleep, wealth…etc. that is characteristic of asceticism. The practice of asceticism (derived from “askesis,” a Greek term for “training” or “practice”) can be found as a way of discipline throughout all world religions, which helps religious practitioners pursue a higher, spiritual goal. Since bodily desires, when not harnessed, can be sources of temptation and lead religious practitioners astray from their ultimate goal, ascetic practice that involves discomfort and pain has always been developed as a way to deal with distractive desires. Ascetic men or women believe that the mastery of the disordered bodily desires would enable themselves to assume hegemony over their lives so as to facilitate the ascent to the spiritual sphere. The present research project explores the rise of the ascetic practices in early Christianity that later developed into the institutionalized form of communal Monasticism in the early fourth century Mediterranean world, elucidating their origins in the New Testament as well as their Jewish and Greco-Roman background. On the basis of the survey of the origins of early Christian asceticism, the present research project will then explore its development in the Syriac tradition, which has the reputation of being the most rigorous kind in early Christian history. Since the ascetic body is inscribed by the scriptures, doctrines and rituals of the religious tradition, it is essential to study Syriac Christian asceticism as a particular instance of how this inscription of tradition on the ascetic body or the formation of the self-understanding of the ascetic takes place. The articulation of the ascetic practices in early Syriac Christianity will help to make clear the process of forming the ascetic self or subjectivity in Christian tradition as well as contribute to a greater research framework, which encompasses cross-cultural, theoretical, comparative aspects in studying asceticism from diverse cultures and traditions.
關聯 科技部, MOST103-2410-H004-072-MY2, 103.08-105.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 歷史系
dc.creator (作者) 崔國瑜 (日期) 2016-12 2024-08-15- 2024-08-15- (上傳時間) 2024-08-15-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究計畫以上一件國科會計畫「早期基督宗教中的獨身議題」之研究成果為基礎,延伸至更廣闊的脈絡─「苦修主義」,以探討早期基督宗教歷史中苦修傳統的發展。苦修主義不僅在早期基督宗教的歷史當中盛行,在世界各大宗教中亦有跡可尋,其可謂宗教修行者所實行的一種操練:藉著對身體的控制及慾望的管理(如,性事、吃食、睡眠、物質享受等),以達致精神上更高目標的完成。宗教修行者往往將不經管控的身體慾望視為誘惑的來源,故他們發展出相應的苦修主義式的操練,好使他們制伏身體、克勝誘惑,專注於精神目標的達成。本研究計畫第一階段探討苦修主義在早期基督宗教中的源起,特別是在《新約聖經》中的苦修主義思想。由於早期基督宗教中的苦修傳統有其文化歷史之脈絡─亦即,猶太宗教傳統與希羅思想,本研究計畫第二階段亦將分析該背景對早期基督宗教苦修傳統之影響。早期基督宗教中的苦修主義蔚為風潮,在第四世紀的地中海世界逐漸發展為機構化的修道院制度,對中古文明的影響至鉅,準此,本研究計畫第三階段將選取以嚴格的苦修典範著稱之敘利亞基督宗教苦修傳統為例,來闡釋宗教「經典」與苦修主義「修行」之間的關係。對於敘利亞基督宗教苦修傳統之特例加以明晰,則將有助於吾人理解特定宗教傳統中苦修者的主體性與身體觀,以利作為苦修主義之泛文化及比較宗教的理論基礎。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Grounded in my previous research project, which investigated “Celibacy in Early Christianity,” the present research project expands into a broader scope, i.e., Early Christian Asceticism, which, not only the issue of celibacy (or sexual renunciation) can be situated in, but also includes renunciation of food, sleep, wealth…etc. that is characteristic of asceticism. The practice of asceticism (derived from “askesis,” a Greek term for “training” or “practice”) can be found as a way of discipline throughout all world religions, which helps religious practitioners pursue a higher, spiritual goal. Since bodily desires, when not harnessed, can be sources of temptation and lead religious practitioners astray from their ultimate goal, ascetic practice that involves discomfort and pain has always been developed as a way to deal with distractive desires. Ascetic men or women believe that the mastery of the disordered bodily desires would enable themselves to assume hegemony over their lives so as to facilitate the ascent to the spiritual sphere. The present research project explores the rise of the ascetic practices in early Christianity that later developed into the institutionalized form of communal Monasticism in the early fourth century Mediterranean world, elucidating their origins in the New Testament as well as their Jewish and Greco-Roman background. On the basis of the survey of the origins of early Christian asceticism, the present research project will then explore its development in the Syriac tradition, which has the reputation of being the most rigorous kind in early Christian history. Since the ascetic body is inscribed by the scriptures, doctrines and rituals of the religious tradition, it is essential to study Syriac Christian asceticism as a particular instance of how this inscription of tradition on the ascetic body or the formation of the self-understanding of the ascetic takes place. The articulation of the ascetic practices in early Syriac Christianity will help to make clear the process of forming the ascetic self or subjectivity in Christian tradition as well as contribute to a greater research framework, which encompasses cross-cultural, theoretical, comparative aspects in studying asceticism from diverse cultures and traditions.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST103-2410-H004-072-MY2, 103.08-105.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 苦修主義; 早期基督宗教; 上古希羅文化; 上古猶太教; 敘利亞基督宗教傳統
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Asceticism; Early Christianity; the Greco-Roman World in Antiquity; Judaism in Antiquity; the Syriac Tradition
dc.title (題名) 早期基督宗教的苦修傳統
dc.title (題名) Early Christian Asceticism
dc.type (資料類型) report