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題名 「適者生存,不適者淘汰?」 從職涯發展觀點探討公務人員職場適應問題之研究
Nature selects, the fittest survives? Civil servants workplace adjustment from the perspective of career development作者 呂季蓉
Lu, Chi-Jung貢獻者 陳敦源
Chen, Don-Yun
Lu, Chi-Jung關鍵詞 職涯發展
Career development
Workplace adjustment
Civil Servants
Organizational commitment
Turnover tendency日期 2023 上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 13:41:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 隨著大環境的改變及年金改革的影響,公職工作逐漸失去其吸引力與競爭優勢,政府人力資源管理除了要吸引民眾願意投身公門,更需要有效留任公務人員。以往「適者生存、不適者淘汰」的消極心態,認為職場適應是個人責任,然而,不僅是公務人員離職率攀升,並以年輕、高學歷的人力為主;極端一點,甚者還有任職一個月的新進職員在辦公場所輕生。近年政府致力於將公務人力資源常態化,消弭與一般勞工存有落差的權利與福利,欠缺這些利基後,如何滿足隨之而來的管理需求、有效留任人才,都應該積極面對。 本研究為探討影響公務人員職場適應的主要因素、以及後續的結果,採用了質化與量化的資料蒐集與分析,研究結果發現,第一,我國公務人員的職場適應情形,在「角色清楚度」與「工作熟稔度」上適應良好,「團體融入度」則相對略遜一籌,認為「做人比做事還難」。進入組織後最需要學習的內容,大多都也只提與工作相關的專業,較少提及團體融入的部分。其次,有關職場適應的主要前因,對「角色清楚度」與「團體融入度」影響力較大的是非個人因素,但對「工作熟稔度」影響力較大的則是個人因素;也就是工作可以靠自己、但團體融入度或角色清楚度則必須較多仰賴機關。第三,「角色清楚度」或「團體融入度」越高的公務人員,「情感承諾」明顯較高,越會留任原職務、越不會離開公部門;但工作越熟稔的人,「情感承諾」與「持續承諾」則反而較低,只有「規範承諾」比較高。是以,如果政府機關僅重視工作專業的訓練,而忽略了其他適應面向,就仍會存有人才流失的問題。 研究結果發現,適者不一定留下,工作感到不適應者,也未必就會選擇離開公部門,但「角色清楚度」或「團體融入度」越高的公務人員,越會留任原職務、越不會離開公部門,而影響這兩個適應面向的關鍵又是非個人因素,是以,政府應多加主動肩負公務人員職場適應的責任,有效因應政府人力資源管理的相關議題。
Because the environment changes and the pension reform influences, civil service gradually fails to appeal people to join it and loses its competitive advantages. It needs to attract people to devote to civil service and make sure the retention of civil servants. The government used to be negative and advocated the idea of survival of the fittest. They even thought it was the civil servants’ personal responsibility to adapt themselves to the workplace environment. It leads to the rising turnover rate of civil servants, especially those who are young and highly educated. Moreover, a civil servant who just worked for one month chose to commit suicide from the office building. Recently, the government has been committed to normalize the human resource of civil servants and eliminate the rights and compensation which are extremely different from normal labors’. Without those advantages, the government should try hard to meet the needs of management and remain the civil servants efficiently. This study adapts both qualitative and quantitative data to analyze the major factors which influence the workplace adaptation of civil servants and the results which they remain in the position. First, the questionnaires show civil servants agree that they are good at the role clarity and the task mastery, but poor at the group integration. The interviews also point out that it’s more difficult to fit in groups than to do their jobs. After they get into the organization, they learn more about the professional dimensions, such as official documents, administrative process and regulations rather than the group integration. Second, the research finds out that impersonal factors influence the role clarity and the group integration a lot, but the personal factors influence the task mastery. That means civil servants are able to adapt the work by themselves. However, they fail to achieve the goal of the group integration or the role clarity on their own. They rely much more on the organization. Third, after checking the relationship between the adaption and the organization commitment, it shows that civil servants who are good at role clarity or group integration also have higher affective commitment. But those who are good at task mastery have lower affective commitment and continuance commitment. According to the relationship between adaption and the tendency of retention, civil servants who are good at role clarity and group integration tend to remain in their original positions. Therefore, if the government only puts emphasis on professional training and ignores the importance of role clarity or group integration, there will be the problems of losing talents. The study shows that it is not necessary for those who adapt well in the workplace to remain in their original positions and those who don’t adapt well in the workplace leave the public sectors. However, civil servants who are good at role clarity and group integration tend to remain in their original positions. The key factors to influence these two dimensions of adjustment are impersonal factors. 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104256501資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳敦源 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Don-Yun en_US (Authors) 呂季蓉 zh_TW (Authors) Lu, Chi-Jung en_US dc.creator (作者) 呂季蓉 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Lu, Chi-Jung en_US (日期) 2023 en_US 4-Sep-2024 13:41:47 (UTC+8) - 4-Sep-2024 13:41:47 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 13:41:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104256501 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104256501 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著大環境的改變及年金改革的影響,公職工作逐漸失去其吸引力與競爭優勢,政府人力資源管理除了要吸引民眾願意投身公門,更需要有效留任公務人員。以往「適者生存、不適者淘汰」的消極心態,認為職場適應是個人責任,然而,不僅是公務人員離職率攀升,並以年輕、高學歷的人力為主;極端一點,甚者還有任職一個月的新進職員在辦公場所輕生。近年政府致力於將公務人力資源常態化,消弭與一般勞工存有落差的權利與福利,欠缺這些利基後,如何滿足隨之而來的管理需求、有效留任人才,都應該積極面對。 本研究為探討影響公務人員職場適應的主要因素、以及後續的結果,採用了質化與量化的資料蒐集與分析,研究結果發現,第一,我國公務人員的職場適應情形,在「角色清楚度」與「工作熟稔度」上適應良好,「團體融入度」則相對略遜一籌,認為「做人比做事還難」。進入組織後最需要學習的內容,大多都也只提與工作相關的專業,較少提及團體融入的部分。其次,有關職場適應的主要前因,對「角色清楚度」與「團體融入度」影響力較大的是非個人因素,但對「工作熟稔度」影響力較大的則是個人因素;也就是工作可以靠自己、但團體融入度或角色清楚度則必須較多仰賴機關。第三,「角色清楚度」或「團體融入度」越高的公務人員,「情感承諾」明顯較高,越會留任原職務、越不會離開公部門;但工作越熟稔的人,「情感承諾」與「持續承諾」則反而較低,只有「規範承諾」比較高。是以,如果政府機關僅重視工作專業的訓練,而忽略了其他適應面向,就仍會存有人才流失的問題。 研究結果發現,適者不一定留下,工作感到不適應者,也未必就會選擇離開公部門,但「角色清楚度」或「團體融入度」越高的公務人員,越會留任原職務、越不會離開公部門,而影響這兩個適應面向的關鍵又是非個人因素,是以,政府應多加主動肩負公務人員職場適應的責任,有效因應政府人力資源管理的相關議題。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Because the environment changes and the pension reform influences, civil service gradually fails to appeal people to join it and loses its competitive advantages. It needs to attract people to devote to civil service and make sure the retention of civil servants. The government used to be negative and advocated the idea of survival of the fittest. They even thought it was the civil servants’ personal responsibility to adapt themselves to the workplace environment. It leads to the rising turnover rate of civil servants, especially those who are young and highly educated. Moreover, a civil servant who just worked for one month chose to commit suicide from the office building. Recently, the government has been committed to normalize the human resource of civil servants and eliminate the rights and compensation which are extremely different from normal labors’. Without those advantages, the government should try hard to meet the needs of management and remain the civil servants efficiently. This study adapts both qualitative and quantitative data to analyze the major factors which influence the workplace adaptation of civil servants and the results which they remain in the position. First, the questionnaires show civil servants agree that they are good at the role clarity and the task mastery, but poor at the group integration. The interviews also point out that it’s more difficult to fit in groups than to do their jobs. After they get into the organization, they learn more about the professional dimensions, such as official documents, administrative process and regulations rather than the group integration. Second, the research finds out that impersonal factors influence the role clarity and the group integration a lot, but the personal factors influence the task mastery. That means civil servants are able to adapt the work by themselves. However, they fail to achieve the goal of the group integration or the role clarity on their own. They rely much more on the organization. Third, after checking the relationship between the adaption and the organization commitment, it shows that civil servants who are good at role clarity or group integration also have higher affective commitment. But those who are good at task mastery have lower affective commitment and continuance commitment. According to the relationship between adaption and the tendency of retention, civil servants who are good at role clarity and group integration tend to remain in their original positions. Therefore, if the government only puts emphasis on professional training and ignores the importance of role clarity or group integration, there will be the problems of losing talents. The study shows that it is not necessary for those who adapt well in the workplace to remain in their original positions and those who don’t adapt well in the workplace leave the public sectors. However, civil servants who are good at role clarity and group integration tend to remain in their original positions. The key factors to influence these two dimensions of adjustment are impersonal factors. Therefore, the government should take the responsibility for workplace adjustment of civil servants and handle the issues related to government human resource management efficiently. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 8 第三節 名詞界定 16 第二章 文獻回顧 21 第一節 職涯發展 22 第二節 組織社會化 42 第三節 組織承諾與留任傾向 51 第四節 職場適應 60 第五節 公務人員職涯發展相關人事制度 72 第三章 研究設計 85 第一節 研究對象 87 第二節 研究架構與假設 89 第三節 研究方法 102 第四章 資料收集與分析 117 第一節 我國公務人員的職場適應現況 117 第二節 個人與非個人因素對職場適應之影響 138 第三節 職場適應與組織承諾 159 第四節 職場適應與留任傾向 183 第五節 綜合分析 221 第五章 結論 227 第一節 研究發現 232 第二節 政府留任人才管理之策略建議 245 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 253 參考文獻 255 附錄一、前測問卷對照表 278 附錄二、正式問卷 288 附錄三、研究倫理審查證明 297 附錄四、因素分析結果 298 zh_TW dc.format.extent 8548981 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職涯發展 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職場適應 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公務人員 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織承諾 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 離職傾向 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Career development en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Workplace adjustment en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Civil Servants en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organizational commitment en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Turnover tendency en_US dc.title (題名) 「適者生存,不適者淘汰?」 從職涯發展觀點探討公務人員職場適應問題之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Nature selects, the fittest survives? 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