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題名 「組織學習」與「組織記憶」之理論辯證與實踐:以慈濟災害管理系統為例
Theoretical Dialctics and Praxis of ‘Organizational Learning’ and ‘Organizational Memory’: A Case Study of Tzu Chi Disaster Management System作者 賴睿伶
Lai, Jui-Ling貢獻者 江明修
Chiang, Min-Hsiu
Lai, Jui-Ling關鍵詞 組織學習
Oranizational learning
Organizational memory
Disaster management
Tzu Chi日期 2024 上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 13:42:00 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究再詮釋與延伸「組織學習」理論,並探討在災害管理情境下,「組織學習」與「組織記憶」如何進⾏與為何進⾏。⾸先,以組織學習的七個影響因素:⽂化、策略、資源、結構、環境、組織發展階段、資源與時間作為視⾓;並分析「組織記憶」轉移機制框架,提出轉移的機會、動機、機制與思考等。⽽在實證⾯上,以災害管理經驗豐富的慈濟基⾦會為個案,進⾏歷史貫時性研究,⾃該組織的⾸次賑災1969年⾄2023年Covid-19降解,逾50年來,分析共248件災害事件(含天然災害與⼈為災害),並以初級與次級資料分析、個案研究法、深度訪談法與參與觀察法,探討其組織如何累積知識、如何進⾏學習,並以迭代⽅式,進⾏組織記憶圖譜的探究。透過分析,本研究動態性描繪慈濟災害管理「組織記憶」的發展,剖析為四個階段:掘井期、湧地期、擺渡期、共善期。進⽽分析「單圈學習」事做對的基點、「雙圈學習」做對事的焦點,並提出「參圈學習」問對事的返點。透過探析該組織,提出組織學習與組織記憶特質歸內為「分享的催化」、「交互記憶的默會」、「在地知識的湧現」與「轉換型領導」等特質,補充理論上的不⾜與實務經驗上的分享。
This study reinterprets and extends the theory of "organizational learning."Furthermore, it explores how "organizational learning" and "organizational memory"function within the context of disaster management and why it should be done. Initially,seven factors influencing organizational learning are identified: culture, strategy, resources, structure, environment, organizational development stages, and time. This study also delves into the framework governing the transfer of "organizational memory," addressing the opportunities, motivations, mechanisms, and cognitive processes involved. Empirically, the Tzu Chi Foundation, known for its extensive disaster management experience, serves as the case study. A longitudinal historical analysis was conducted from the organization's first disaster relief in 1969 to the mitigation of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2023, covering 248 disaster events (including both natural and human-made disasters). Through primary and secondary data analysis, case studies, indepth interviews, and participant observation, the research investigates how the organization accumulates knowledge and engages in learning. Additionally, it iteratively explores the mapping of organizational memory. Through this analysis, the study dynamically illustrates the development of Tzu Chi's "organizational memory" in disaster management, breaking it down into four stages: the Foundational Well-Digging Stage, the Expansional Ground-Springing Stage, the Transitional Ferrying Stage, and the Collective Goodness Stage. The study thenexamines "single-loop learning" as laying the foundation for doing things right, "double-loop learning" as the putting focus on doing the right things, and introduces "triple-loop learning" as asking the right questions for reflection. By analyzing thisorganization, the study identifies and characterizes key traits of organizational learning and organizational memory, such as "catalysts for sharing," "transactive memory," "emergence of local knowledge," and "transformational leadership," thus addressing theoretical gaps and sharing practical experiences.參考文獻 Almond, G. A., Appleby, R. S., & Sivan, E.(2007)。強勢宗教(徐美琪譯;初版)。立緒文 化。(原著出版於2003)[Almond, G. A., Appleby, R. S., & Sivan, E. (2007). Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms around the World. (Original work publish 2003)] Argyris, C. & Schon, D. A.(2006)。組織學習:理論、方法與實踐(夏林清譯;初版)。 遠流。(原著出版於1996)[Argyris, C. & Schon, D. A. (1996). Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice. (Original work publish 1996)] Daft, R. L.(2003)。組織理論與管理。(李再長譯;二版)。華泰文化。(原著出版於1999) [Daft, R. L.(2003). Orgnizational Theory and Management. (Original work publish 1999)] Diamond, J.(2019)。槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵:人類社會的命運(王道還、廖月娟譯;四版)。 時報文化。(原著出版於2017)[Diamond, J.(2019). 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105256504資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 江明修 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chiang, Min-Hsiu en_US (Authors) 賴睿伶 zh_TW (Authors) Lai, Jui-Ling en_US dc.creator (作者) 賴睿伶 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Lai, Jui-Ling en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 4-Sep-2024 13:42:00 (UTC+8) - 4-Sep-2024 13:42:00 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 13:42:00 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105256504 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105256504 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究再詮釋與延伸「組織學習」理論,並探討在災害管理情境下,「組織學習」與「組織記憶」如何進⾏與為何進⾏。⾸先,以組織學習的七個影響因素:⽂化、策略、資源、結構、環境、組織發展階段、資源與時間作為視⾓;並分析「組織記憶」轉移機制框架,提出轉移的機會、動機、機制與思考等。⽽在實證⾯上,以災害管理經驗豐富的慈濟基⾦會為個案,進⾏歷史貫時性研究,⾃該組織的⾸次賑災1969年⾄2023年Covid-19降解,逾50年來,分析共248件災害事件(含天然災害與⼈為災害),並以初級與次級資料分析、個案研究法、深度訪談法與參與觀察法,探討其組織如何累積知識、如何進⾏學習,並以迭代⽅式,進⾏組織記憶圖譜的探究。透過分析,本研究動態性描繪慈濟災害管理「組織記憶」的發展,剖析為四個階段:掘井期、湧地期、擺渡期、共善期。進⽽分析「單圈學習」事做對的基點、「雙圈學習」做對事的焦點,並提出「參圈學習」問對事的返點。透過探析該組織,提出組織學習與組織記憶特質歸內為「分享的催化」、「交互記憶的默會」、「在地知識的湧現」與「轉換型領導」等特質,補充理論上的不⾜與實務經驗上的分享。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study reinterprets and extends the theory of "organizational learning."Furthermore, it explores how "organizational learning" and "organizational memory"function within the context of disaster management and why it should be done. Initially,seven factors influencing organizational learning are identified: culture, strategy, resources, structure, environment, organizational development stages, and time. This study also delves into the framework governing the transfer of "organizational memory," addressing the opportunities, motivations, mechanisms, and cognitive processes involved. Empirically, the Tzu Chi Foundation, known for its extensive disaster management experience, serves as the case study. A longitudinal historical analysis was conducted from the organization's first disaster relief in 1969 to the mitigation of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2023, covering 248 disaster events (including both natural and human-made disasters). Through primary and secondary data analysis, case studies, indepth interviews, and participant observation, the research investigates how the organization accumulates knowledge and engages in learning. Additionally, it iteratively explores the mapping of organizational memory. Through this analysis, the study dynamically illustrates the development of Tzu Chi's "organizational memory" in disaster management, breaking it down into four stages: the Foundational Well-Digging Stage, the Expansional Ground-Springing Stage, the Transitional Ferrying Stage, and the Collective Goodness Stage. The study thenexamines "single-loop learning" as laying the foundation for doing things right, "double-loop learning" as the putting focus on doing the right things, and introduces "triple-loop learning" as asking the right questions for reflection. By analyzing thisorganization, the study identifies and characterizes key traits of organizational learning and organizational memory, such as "catalysts for sharing," "transactive memory," "emergence of local knowledge," and "transformational leadership," thus addressing theoretical gaps and sharing practical experiences. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents ⽬ 次 第⼀章 緒論 ..... 1 第⼀節 研究背景與動機 ..... 4 第⼆節 研究⽬的與問題 ..... 20 第三節 研究範圍與名詞釋義 ..... 23 第⼆章 ⽂獻探討 ..... 29 第⼀節 組織學習 ..... 31 第⼆節 組織記憶 ..... 54 第三節 組織學習與組織記憶的交織 ..... 73 第三章 研究設計與資料來源 ..... 79 第⼀節 研究⽅法 ...... 81 第⼆節 研究流程 ..... 86 第三節 研究倫理 ..... 96 第四章 個案背景與分析 ..... 98 第⼀節 組織 ..... 100 第⼆節 動員 ..... 110 第三節 資訊 ..... 125 第四節 組織間合作 ..... 132 第五章 組織記憶的雙圈轉化 ..... 135 第⼀節 起:掘井(1969 年⾄1979 年) ..... 139 第⼆節 承:地湧(1980 年⾄1999 年) ..... 147 第三節 轉:擺渡(2000 年⾄2015 年) ..... 156 第四節 合:共善(2016 年⾄2023 年) ..... 166 第五節 知識的流轉與回盼 ..... 174 第六章 組織學習的參圈浮顯 ..... 184 第⼀節 單圈學習:事做對的基點 ...... 185 第⼆節 雙圈學習:做對事的焦點 ..... 189 第三節 參圈學習:問對事的返點 ..... 198 第七章 結論:研究發現與省思 ..... 207 第⼀節 研究發現 ..... 207 第⼆節 後續研究與倫理省思 ..... 214 參考⽂獻 ...... 220 附錄 ..... 244 zh_TW dc.format.extent 7847615 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織學習 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織記憶 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 災害管理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 慈濟 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Oranizational learning en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organizational memory en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Disaster management en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Tzu Chi en_US dc.title (題名) 「組織學習」與「組織記憶」之理論辯證與實踐:以慈濟災害管理系統為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Theoretical Dialctics and Praxis of ‘Organizational Learning’ and ‘Organizational Memory’: A Case Study of Tzu Chi Disaster Management System en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Almond, G. 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