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題名 服務學習營隊中教師領導風格、師生互動關係與社會參與核心素養之研究-以台北市某高中為例
A Study on Teacher Leadership Style, Teacher-Student Interaction, and Social Participation Core Competencies in Service-Learning Camps - A Case Study of a High School in Taipei City
作者 呂翊嘉
Lu, Yi-Chia
貢獻者 蘇昱璇
Su, Yu-Hsuan
Lu, Yi-Chia
關鍵詞 服務學習
Teacher Leadership Styles
Teacher-Student Interactions
Social Participation Core Competencies
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 13:45:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 「十二年國民基本教育」的課程發展方向以「核心素養」作為重點,其中「社會參與」核心素養被視為一項關鍵能力。透過「服務學習」,學生能夠提升公民意識。在服務學習的過程中,「教師」扮演著至關重要的角色,他們是學生的重要領導者。良好的師生互動關係也可能是促進學生的學習成果、學習動機以及社會參與的關鍵。因此,本研究旨在探討臺北市某高中參與服務學習營隊的高中生在社會參與核心素養方面的現況,並研究參與服務學習營隊的高中生知覺教師領導風格對其社會參與核心素養方面的影響,以及師生互動關係作為中介變項的中介效果。 本研究發現參與服務學習營隊後的高中生社會參與核心素養皆顯著進步,其中以「道德實踐與公民意識」分數進步最多。此外,不同人格特質和服務動機的學生在社會參與核心素養也有顯著的差異。在服務學習過程中,高中生知覺帶團教師同時採用轉型領導和交易領導風格,其中以轉型領導平均數較高。經過多元迴歸分析,研究結果顯示學生知覺轉型領導風格和社會參與核心素養之間存在顯著正相關,表示教師採用轉型領導風格有助於學生社會參與核心素養的發展。此外,進一步發現,師生互動關係在交易領導風格與「多元文化與國際理解」素養之間發揮完全中介效果,表示師生互動關係在兩者之間產生了間接影響。因此,當教師採用交易領導風格時,透過建立良好的師生互動關係,可以更有效地促進學生「多元文化與國際理解」素養的提升。 因此,建議未來在領導學生籌備或執行服務學習營隊時,教師可以多採用轉型領導風格,有助於培養學生的公民意識、社會責任感、人際互動技能以及多元文化的理解,從而更好地應對未來的挑戰,成為「終身學習者」。
‟Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education” focuses on ‟core competencies”, among which ‟social participation” core competency is regarded as a key ability. Through ‟service-learning”, students can enhance their core competencies. In the process of student participation in service-learning, ‟teachers” play a crucial role as important leaders for students. A good teacher-student interaction relationship may also be a key factor in promoting students’ learning outcomes, learning motivation, and social participation. Therefore, this study aims to explore the current status of high school students’ social participation core competencies in a high school in Taipei City participating in service-learning camps. It also investigates the impact of students’ perceptions of their teachers’ leadership styles on their social participation core competencies, as well as the mediating effect of student-teacher interaction as a mediating variable. This study found that high school students who participated in service-learning camps showed significant improvement in their social participation core competencies, with the most notable progress in ‟Moral Praxis and Citizenship”. Additionally, there were significant differences in social participation core competencies among students with different personality traits and service motivations. During the service-learning process, high school students perceived their teachers as employing both transformational and transactional leadership styles, with a higher average score for transformational leadership. Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between students’ perception of transformational leadership style and their social participation core competencies, indicating that the use of transformational leadership by teachers facilitates the development of students’ social participation core competencies. Furthermore, it was found that the student-teacher interaction had a mediating effect between the transactional leadership style and the ‟Cultural and Global Understanding” competency, indicating that the teacher-student interaction relationship has an indirect impact between the two. Therefore, when teachers adopt a transactional leadership style, establishing a strong teacher-student interaction can more effectively enhance students’ ‟Cultural and Global Understanding”. Therefore, it is recommended that in future leadership of students preparing or executing service-learning camps, teachers should adopt a transformational leadership style more frequently. This approach can help cultivate students’ civic awareness, social responsibility, interpersonal skills, and understanding of diverse cultures, thereby better preparing them to face future challenges and become ‟lifelong learners”.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蘇昱璇zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Su, Yu-Hsuanen_US (Authors) 呂翊嘉zh_TW (Authors) Lu, Yi-Chiaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 呂翊嘉zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lu, Yi-Chiaen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 13:45:56 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 13:45:56 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 13:45:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110261003en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國家發展研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110261003zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 「十二年國民基本教育」的課程發展方向以「核心素養」作為重點,其中「社會參與」核心素養被視為一項關鍵能力。透過「服務學習」,學生能夠提升公民意識。在服務學習的過程中,「教師」扮演著至關重要的角色,他們是學生的重要領導者。良好的師生互動關係也可能是促進學生的學習成果、學習動機以及社會參與的關鍵。因此,本研究旨在探討臺北市某高中參與服務學習營隊的高中生在社會參與核心素養方面的現況,並研究參與服務學習營隊的高中生知覺教師領導風格對其社會參與核心素養方面的影響,以及師生互動關係作為中介變項的中介效果。 本研究發現參與服務學習營隊後的高中生社會參與核心素養皆顯著進步,其中以「道德實踐與公民意識」分數進步最多。此外,不同人格特質和服務動機的學生在社會參與核心素養也有顯著的差異。在服務學習過程中,高中生知覺帶團教師同時採用轉型領導和交易領導風格,其中以轉型領導平均數較高。經過多元迴歸分析,研究結果顯示學生知覺轉型領導風格和社會參與核心素養之間存在顯著正相關,表示教師採用轉型領導風格有助於學生社會參與核心素養的發展。此外,進一步發現,師生互動關係在交易領導風格與「多元文化與國際理解」素養之間發揮完全中介效果,表示師生互動關係在兩者之間產生了間接影響。因此,當教師採用交易領導風格時,透過建立良好的師生互動關係,可以更有效地促進學生「多元文化與國際理解」素養的提升。 因此,建議未來在領導學生籌備或執行服務學習營隊時,教師可以多採用轉型領導風格,有助於培養學生的公民意識、社會責任感、人際互動技能以及多元文化的理解,從而更好地應對未來的挑戰,成為「終身學習者」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) ‟Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education” focuses on ‟core competencies”, among which ‟social participation” core competency is regarded as a key ability. Through ‟service-learning”, students can enhance their core competencies. In the process of student participation in service-learning, ‟teachers” play a crucial role as important leaders for students. A good teacher-student interaction relationship may also be a key factor in promoting students’ learning outcomes, learning motivation, and social participation. Therefore, this study aims to explore the current status of high school students’ social participation core competencies in a high school in Taipei City participating in service-learning camps. It also investigates the impact of students’ perceptions of their teachers’ leadership styles on their social participation core competencies, as well as the mediating effect of student-teacher interaction as a mediating variable. This study found that high school students who participated in service-learning camps showed significant improvement in their social participation core competencies, with the most notable progress in ‟Moral Praxis and Citizenship”. Additionally, there were significant differences in social participation core competencies among students with different personality traits and service motivations. During the service-learning process, high school students perceived their teachers as employing both transformational and transactional leadership styles, with a higher average score for transformational leadership. Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between students’ perception of transformational leadership style and their social participation core competencies, indicating that the use of transformational leadership by teachers facilitates the development of students’ social participation core competencies. Furthermore, it was found that the student-teacher interaction had a mediating effect between the transactional leadership style and the ‟Cultural and Global Understanding” competency, indicating that the teacher-student interaction relationship has an indirect impact between the two. Therefore, when teachers adopt a transactional leadership style, establishing a strong teacher-student interaction can more effectively enhance students’ ‟Cultural and Global Understanding”. Therefore, it is recommended that in future leadership of students preparing or executing service-learning camps, teachers should adopt a transformational leadership style more frequently. This approach can help cultivate students’ civic awareness, social responsibility, interpersonal skills, and understanding of diverse cultures, thereby better preparing them to face future challenges and become ‟lifelong learners”.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究問題 7 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 服務學習 8 第二節 核心素養中的「社會參與」 17 第三節 教師領導風格 31 第四節 師生互動關係 44 第參章 研究方法 52 第一節 研究架構 53 第二節 研究對象 54 第三節 研究工具 56 第四節 研究流程 63 第五節 資料處理與分析方法 64 第肆章 研究結果分析與討論 67 第一節 高中生社會參與核心素養之現況分析 67 第二節 高中生知覺帶團教師領導風格之現況分析 81 第三節 高中生知覺教師領導風格和社會參與核心素養之相關分析 86 第四節 師生互動關係的中介效果 92 第五節 帶團教師訪談結果 98 第六節 研究結果討論 107 第伍章 結論與建議 111 第一節 結論 111 第二節 建議 113 參考文獻 117 附錄:帶團教師訪談大綱 127zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2118834 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務學習zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教師領導風格zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 師生互動關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會參與核心素養zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Service-Learningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Teacher Leadership Stylesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Teacher-Student Interactionsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Participation Core Competenciesen_US
dc.title (題名) 服務學習營隊中教師領導風格、師生互動關係與社會參與核心素養之研究-以台北市某高中為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Teacher Leadership Style, Teacher-Student Interaction, and Social Participation Core Competencies in Service-Learning Camps - A Case Study of a High School in Taipei Cityen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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