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題名 東方的瑞士? 探索新加坡作為國際外交會議中心的角色
The Switzerland of the Orient? Singapore’s Role as an International Hub for Global Diplomacy
作者 劉權輝
Low, Benjamin Quan Hui
貢獻者 孫采薇
Sun, Tsai-Wei
Low, Benjamin Quan Hui
關鍵詞 新加坡
Small States
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 14:23:42 (UTC+8)
摘要 近幾十年來,新加坡因主辦了許多備受矚目的國際高峰會而逐漸成為國際外交會議中心。由於與同時作為國際外交會議中心的瑞士有其相似之處,這個位於東南亞的彈丸小國多年來被拿來與長期秉持著中立外交政策的瑞士做為比較。然而,兩個國家的外交政策立場還是有區別的。雖然新加坡在世界建立了一定的公正形象,但該國始終並非是一個外交政策中立的國家,反而是採取了以避險為主的不結盟外交政策立場。 本論文旨在探討為何新加坡在秉持著不同的外交政策立場的背景下,這個東南亞城邦仍能成為像瑞士一樣的國際外交會議中心。本文認為,新加坡的國際外交會議中心的性質與瑞士不同的主要原因在於亞太區域的地緣戰略環境及安全結構與歐洲有所不同。這也導致兩國對中立的行使有所區別------瑞士秉持著較硬性的法理性中立,而新加坡則在一個外交規範仍在演變中的區域裡以較靈活、關係性的方式行使中立。 本文除了把瑞士當作新加坡的對照,也同時採用「靈巧國家戰略論」(Smart State Strategy)作為理論框架,研究像新加坡這樣的小國如何在大國的眼中扮演著一個公正、誠實的角色,並為區域與全球和平及穩定帶來貢獻。本文也將以香格里拉論壇和2015年的馬習會作為研究案例,來凸顯新加坡如何分別在多邊與雙邊會議中實施關係性中立。
By being the host of many high-profile international summits, Singapore has risen to become an international hub for diplomacy in recent decades. Due to their similarities, this has drawn parallels between the Southeast Asian city-state and Switzerland, which also possesses a highly-developed international hub for diplomacy. This is because this European Alpine state has a long-established foreign policy of permanent neutrality. However, while Singapore is also known globally for its impartiality, the city-state is not a neutral state, but adopts a non-aligned foreign policy stance that hedges between bigger powers. Hence, this thesis seeks to find out why has Singapore become an international hub for diplomacy like Switzerland, despite having a different foreign policy stance? This thesis contends that the nature of Singapore’s international hub for diplomacy is distinct from its Swiss counterpart due to the geostrategic dynamics and security structure of the Asia-Pacific region. This has also led to both countries applying neutrality very differently, with Switzerland adhering to legal neutrality which is consistent but static, while Singapore practices relational neutrality in a selective, instrumental manner in a region where diplomatic norms are still evolving. Besides using Switzerland as a reference point for the city-state, this thesis will employ the Smart State Strategy as a theoretical framework to understand how small states like Singapore have created an impression among bigger powers that they are impartial, honest brokers which contribute to regional and global peace and stability. The Shangri-La Dialogue and the 2015 Ma-Xi Cross-Strait will also be employed as case studies to demonstrate how Singapore employs relational neutrality in a multilateral and bilateral setting.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 孫采薇zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Sun, Tsai-Weien_US (Authors) 劉權輝zh_TW (Authors) Low, Benjamin Quan Huien_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉權輝zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Low, Benjamin Quan Huien_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 14:23:42 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 14:23:42 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 14:23:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111260018en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 東亞研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111260018zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近幾十年來,新加坡因主辦了許多備受矚目的國際高峰會而逐漸成為國際外交會議中心。由於與同時作為國際外交會議中心的瑞士有其相似之處,這個位於東南亞的彈丸小國多年來被拿來與長期秉持著中立外交政策的瑞士做為比較。然而,兩個國家的外交政策立場還是有區別的。雖然新加坡在世界建立了一定的公正形象,但該國始終並非是一個外交政策中立的國家,反而是採取了以避險為主的不結盟外交政策立場。 本論文旨在探討為何新加坡在秉持著不同的外交政策立場的背景下,這個東南亞城邦仍能成為像瑞士一樣的國際外交會議中心。本文認為,新加坡的國際外交會議中心的性質與瑞士不同的主要原因在於亞太區域的地緣戰略環境及安全結構與歐洲有所不同。這也導致兩國對中立的行使有所區別------瑞士秉持著較硬性的法理性中立,而新加坡則在一個外交規範仍在演變中的區域裡以較靈活、關係性的方式行使中立。 本文除了把瑞士當作新加坡的對照,也同時採用「靈巧國家戰略論」(Smart State Strategy)作為理論框架,研究像新加坡這樣的小國如何在大國的眼中扮演著一個公正、誠實的角色,並為區域與全球和平及穩定帶來貢獻。本文也將以香格里拉論壇和2015年的馬習會作為研究案例,來凸顯新加坡如何分別在多邊與雙邊會議中實施關係性中立。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) By being the host of many high-profile international summits, Singapore has risen to become an international hub for diplomacy in recent decades. Due to their similarities, this has drawn parallels between the Southeast Asian city-state and Switzerland, which also possesses a highly-developed international hub for diplomacy. This is because this European Alpine state has a long-established foreign policy of permanent neutrality. However, while Singapore is also known globally for its impartiality, the city-state is not a neutral state, but adopts a non-aligned foreign policy stance that hedges between bigger powers. Hence, this thesis seeks to find out why has Singapore become an international hub for diplomacy like Switzerland, despite having a different foreign policy stance? This thesis contends that the nature of Singapore’s international hub for diplomacy is distinct from its Swiss counterpart due to the geostrategic dynamics and security structure of the Asia-Pacific region. This has also led to both countries applying neutrality very differently, with Switzerland adhering to legal neutrality which is consistent but static, while Singapore practices relational neutrality in a selective, instrumental manner in a region where diplomatic norms are still evolving. Besides using Switzerland as a reference point for the city-state, this thesis will employ the Smart State Strategy as a theoretical framework to understand how small states like Singapore have created an impression among bigger powers that they are impartial, honest brokers which contribute to regional and global peace and stability. The Shangri-La Dialogue and the 2015 Ma-Xi Cross-Strait will also be employed as case studies to demonstrate how Singapore employs relational neutrality in a multilateral and bilateral setting.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION - 1 1.1. Research Motivations - 1 1.2. Background of Singapore - 2 1.3. Switzerland as a model for Singapore - 10 1.4. Theoretical Overview - 13 1.5. Research Design - 19 1.6. Thesis Structure - 25 1.7. Academic Contributions & Research Limitations - 26 Chapter 2 SINGAPORE AS AN INTERNATIONAL HUB FOR DIPLOMACY - 27 2.1. Singapore’s Political Culture & Its Impact on Foreign Policy - 28 2.2. Singapore’s External Relations - 33 2.3. Building up an International Hub for Diplomacy - 50 2.4. Hedging versus Nation Branding - 58 Chapter 3 CASE STUDY 1: THE SHANGRI-LA DIALOGUE - 61 3.1. Background of the Shangri-La Dialogue - 62 3.2. SLD Participation & Themes over the Years - 65 3.3. Analyzing the IISS’s Choice of Singapore to host the SLD - 71 3.4. How the SLD contributes to Singapore becoming an IHD - 79 Chapter 4 CASE STUDY 2: THE MA-XI CROSS-STRAIT SUMMIT - 83 4.1. History of Cross-Strait Relations & Exchanges - 84 4.2. Singapore’s Relations with the R.O.C. & Role in Cross-Strait Relations - 88 4.3. Singapore’s Relational Neutrality & The Ma-Xi Summit - 97 4.4. How the Ma-Xi Summit Enhances Singapore as an IHD - 107 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION - 111 5.1. Findings - 111 5.2. Is Singapore really the Switzerland of the Orient? - 114 5.3. The Future of Singapore as an International Hub for Diplomacy - 119 REFERENCES - 121zh_TW
dc.format.extent 1277934 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新加坡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 瑞士zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外交zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中立zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 小國zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Singaporeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Switzerlanden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Diplomacyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Neutralityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Small Statesen_US
dc.title (題名) 東方的瑞士? 探索新加坡作為國際外交會議中心的角色zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Switzerland of the Orient? Singapore’s Role as an International Hub for Global Diplomacyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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