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題名 論刑事被告責任能力的精神鑑定程序-以美國法為參考對象
The Procedure of Forensic Psychiatric Assessment in the Determination of Criminal Responsibility for Criminal Defendants: Lessons Learned from the United States作者 林瑜庭
Lin, Yu-Ting貢獻者 何賴傑
Lin, Yu-Ting關鍵詞 司法精神醫學
Forensic Psychiatry
Forensic Psychiatry Assessment
Expert Witness
Cross-examination日期 2024 上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 14:32:37 (UTC+8) 摘要 鑑定作為刑事訴訟法上之證據方法,在案件涉及法律以外的專業時,於協助法官的判斷上,扮演著極為重要的角色,對於有關責任能力之認定上,精神專科醫師對於被告的精神狀態所出具之鑑定報告是法院和社會輿論皆高度重視的,故此,精神鑑定證據方法之選任、調查程序,一直到法院之拘束力上,包括借鑑於英美法上鑑定制度的設計,以及2023年年底通過修正的刑事訴訟法鑑定新制,皆為本文的研究重心。論文編排上,本文分為七章,第一章為研究動機、目的及方法,第二章係為司法精神醫學、精神抗辯與司法精神鑑定別介紹,由精神醫學在刑事司法程序中之應用,精神抗辯的主張為介紹,用以確立司法精神鑑定之定義及範圍,並針對我國法與比較法上的司法精神鑑定為制度簡述,復針對司法精神鑑定性質上之特性,以釐清司法精神鑑定在刑事程序上有其爭議之原因。第三章則以英美法專家證人制度為介紹,並且強調英美法面對精神鑑定的特殊的標準與次專業訓練已較台灣成熟,以及精神鑑定證據之可靠性標準,其制度值得台灣參考與借鑑;第四章刑事案件中精神鑑定機關(人)之選任,先以我國的現行鑑定規範為介紹,說明我國鑑定程序對於開啟司法精神鑑定與否之決定以及鑑定機關(人)選任程序上的不透明、專業性的認定不一致可能導致的問題,同時針對我國在鑑定規定修正後,分析其是否得解決先前之缺失及可能產生新爭議之情況,在第五章中,以鑑定人與鑑定報告之證據調查程序為探討,透過賦予鑑定人到場說明之義務講解,鑑定人間的詰問,流暢化審檢辯三方與鑑定人間之互動。最後,第六章為鑑定意見之拘束性與複數鑑定,以強調司法精神鑑定報告在刑事判決中的重要性為基礎,在法院透過前章節之方式加深對鑑定報告之理解後,應藉由加重法院在判決理由中,適時善用複數鑑定人出具鑑定報告並到庭接受詰問,對於鑑定報告採納與否之理由說明義務,使當事人及人民對於司法判決的信賴度提高。
The expert witness serves as a method of evidence under the Criminal Procedure Law, playing an extremely important role in assisting the judge when a case involves expertise beyond the law. Regarding the determination of criminal responsibility, the forensic psychiatry evaluation report issued by a psychiatric specialist is highly valued by both the court and public opinion. This thesis focuses on the selection of the expert, the procedures, and the binding force of psychiatric evaluation evidence, including the design of the system in Anglo-American law and the newly revised Criminal Procedure Law at the end of 2023. In the thesis is graded, this text is divided into seven chapters, The first chapter covers the research motivation and methods. The second chapter introduces forensic psychiatry, insanity defenses, and forensic psychiatric evaluations. The third chapter introduces the expert witness system in Anglo-American law, emphasizing that their specialized standards and subspecialty training for forensic psychiatry are more mature than those in Taiwan, and the reliability standards for forensic psychiatric evidence are worth referencing and adopting in Taiwan. The fourth chapter discusses the selection of psychiatric expert witness in criminal cases, starting with an introduction to the current evaluation regulations in Taiwan. It explains the decision-making process for initiating forensic psychiatric evaluations and the lack of transparency and inconsistent recognition of expertise in the selection process of psychiatric expert. It also analyzes whether the amendments to the evaluation regulations can address previous shortcomings and potential new controversies. In the fifth chapter, the evidence investigation procedures for evaluators and evaluation reports are explored, including the obligation of evaluators to explain their findings in person, the cross-examination between evaluators, and facilitating smooth interactions among the judge, prosecutor, defense, and evaluators. Finally, the sixth chapter focuses on the binding nature and multiplicity of evaluations, emphasizing the importance of forensic psychiatric evaluation reports in criminal judgments. After enhancing the court's understanding of the evaluation reports through the methods discussed in previous chapters, it suggests that courts should increasingly use multiple evaluators to issue evaluation reports and appear in court for cross-examination. This would enhance the obligation to explain the reasons for adopting or rejecting evaluation reports in the judgment, thereby increasing the trust of litigants and the public in judicial decisions.參考文獻 一、 中文文獻(以作者姓氏筆劃排序) (一) 專書 1. 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110651023資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 何賴傑 zh_TW (Authors) 林瑜庭 zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Yu-Ting en_US dc.creator (作者) 林瑜庭 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Lin, Yu-Ting en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 4-Sep-2024 14:32:37 (UTC+8) - 4-Sep-2024 14:32:37 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 14:32:37 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110651023 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 法律學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 110651023 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 鑑定作為刑事訴訟法上之證據方法,在案件涉及法律以外的專業時,於協助法官的判斷上,扮演著極為重要的角色,對於有關責任能力之認定上,精神專科醫師對於被告的精神狀態所出具之鑑定報告是法院和社會輿論皆高度重視的,故此,精神鑑定證據方法之選任、調查程序,一直到法院之拘束力上,包括借鑑於英美法上鑑定制度的設計,以及2023年年底通過修正的刑事訴訟法鑑定新制,皆為本文的研究重心。論文編排上,本文分為七章,第一章為研究動機、目的及方法,第二章係為司法精神醫學、精神抗辯與司法精神鑑定別介紹,由精神醫學在刑事司法程序中之應用,精神抗辯的主張為介紹,用以確立司法精神鑑定之定義及範圍,並針對我國法與比較法上的司法精神鑑定為制度簡述,復針對司法精神鑑定性質上之特性,以釐清司法精神鑑定在刑事程序上有其爭議之原因。第三章則以英美法專家證人制度為介紹,並且強調英美法面對精神鑑定的特殊的標準與次專業訓練已較台灣成熟,以及精神鑑定證據之可靠性標準,其制度值得台灣參考與借鑑;第四章刑事案件中精神鑑定機關(人)之選任,先以我國的現行鑑定規範為介紹,說明我國鑑定程序對於開啟司法精神鑑定與否之決定以及鑑定機關(人)選任程序上的不透明、專業性的認定不一致可能導致的問題,同時針對我國在鑑定規定修正後,分析其是否得解決先前之缺失及可能產生新爭議之情況,在第五章中,以鑑定人與鑑定報告之證據調查程序為探討,透過賦予鑑定人到場說明之義務講解,鑑定人間的詰問,流暢化審檢辯三方與鑑定人間之互動。最後,第六章為鑑定意見之拘束性與複數鑑定,以強調司法精神鑑定報告在刑事判決中的重要性為基礎,在法院透過前章節之方式加深對鑑定報告之理解後,應藉由加重法院在判決理由中,適時善用複數鑑定人出具鑑定報告並到庭接受詰問,對於鑑定報告採納與否之理由說明義務,使當事人及人民對於司法判決的信賴度提高。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The expert witness serves as a method of evidence under the Criminal Procedure Law, playing an extremely important role in assisting the judge when a case involves expertise beyond the law. Regarding the determination of criminal responsibility, the forensic psychiatry evaluation report issued by a psychiatric specialist is highly valued by both the court and public opinion. This thesis focuses on the selection of the expert, the procedures, and the binding force of psychiatric evaluation evidence, including the design of the system in Anglo-American law and the newly revised Criminal Procedure Law at the end of 2023. In the thesis is graded, this text is divided into seven chapters, The first chapter covers the research motivation and methods. The second chapter introduces forensic psychiatry, insanity defenses, and forensic psychiatric evaluations. The third chapter introduces the expert witness system in Anglo-American law, emphasizing that their specialized standards and subspecialty training for forensic psychiatry are more mature than those in Taiwan, and the reliability standards for forensic psychiatric evidence are worth referencing and adopting in Taiwan. The fourth chapter discusses the selection of psychiatric expert witness in criminal cases, starting with an introduction to the current evaluation regulations in Taiwan. It explains the decision-making process for initiating forensic psychiatric evaluations and the lack of transparency and inconsistent recognition of expertise in the selection process of psychiatric expert. It also analyzes whether the amendments to the evaluation regulations can address previous shortcomings and potential new controversies. In the fifth chapter, the evidence investigation procedures for evaluators and evaluation reports are explored, including the obligation of evaluators to explain their findings in person, the cross-examination between evaluators, and facilitating smooth interactions among the judge, prosecutor, defense, and evaluators. Finally, the sixth chapter focuses on the binding nature and multiplicity of evaluations, emphasizing the importance of forensic psychiatric evaluation reports in criminal judgments. After enhancing the court's understanding of the evaluation reports through the methods discussed in previous chapters, it suggests that courts should increasingly use multiple evaluators to issue evaluation reports and appear in court for cross-examination. This would enhance the obligation to explain the reasons for adopting or rejecting evaluation reports in the judgment, thereby increasing the trust of litigants and the public in judicial decisions. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 ................ 1 第一節 研究動機與目的........... 1 第二節 研究方法....................... 4 第三節 研究範圍與架構.................. 5 第二章 司法精神醫學、精神抗辯與司法精神鑑定 ...... 6 第一節 司法精神醫學與精神抗辯................. 6 第二節 司法精神鑑定... 11 第三節 小結... 21 第三章 美國法之司法精神鑑定 ... 22 第一節 美國法的專家證人程序... 22 第二節 美國法的司法精神鑑定專家證人選任... 24 第三節 司法精神鑑定證據之可靠性... 31 第四章 司法精神鑑定人適格性之判斷 ...... 49 第一節 我國司法精神鑑定之選任程序及其缺失.... 49 第二節 我國法精神鑑定制度之程序上缺失.... 55 第三節 本文見解........ 61 第五章 對於鑑定人與鑑定報告之證據調查 .... 66 第一節 精神醫學與司法於實務上之互動與衝撞.... 66 第二節 對於書面鑑定報告之調查程序...... 71 第三節 對於鑑定人之調查程序....... 80 第四節 本文見解....... 87 第六章 司法精神鑑定意見之拘束性及複數鑑定.... 91 第一節 司法精神鑑定報告之拘束性........ 91 第二節 法院對於司法精神鑑定採納與否及理由說明..... 94 第三節 本文見解....... 109 第七章 結論 ........ 111 參考文獻 ............115 附錄............120 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3670682 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 司法精神醫學 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 精神鑑定 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 鑑定人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專家證人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 交互詰問 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Forensic Psychiatry en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Forensic Psychiatry Assessment en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Expert Witness en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cross-examination en_US dc.title (題名) 論刑事被告責任能力的精神鑑定程序-以美國法為參考對象 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Procedure of Forensic Psychiatric Assessment in the Determination of Criminal Responsibility for Criminal Defendants: Lessons Learned from the United States en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文文獻(以作者姓氏筆劃排序) (一) 專書 1. 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