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題名 政策效率與公平之權衡-以運具脫碳為例
The Discretion of Policy Efficiency and Equity: A Case Study of Decarbonizing Transportation
作者 陳樹儒
Chen, Shu-Ju
貢獻者 蕭代基
Shaw, Dai-Gee
Chen, Shu-Ju
關鍵詞 綠色運具政策
Green Transportation Policy
Carbon Tax and Energy Tax
Commodity Tax Subsidies
E3ME Model
Income Distribution
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 14:44:29 (UTC+8)
摘要 運具脫碳政策之目的係為解決空氣汙染及氣候變遷問題。運具脫碳能改善空氣品質進而降低罹患呼吸系統和心血管等疾病的風險。此外,車輛行駛中所產生之二氧化碳,亦是政府淨零政策目標有關運輸部門所必須解決最為重要的一環。本研究之目的係評估政府當前運具脫碳政策之公平性及比較不同政策之效率性,進而提供可執行之權衡政策供執政者參考。 首先,本研究使用我國107年至111年的家庭收支調查原始資料,分析我國不同所得組家戶之運具使用及所得關聯性,結果顯示有三:第一,目前僅高所得組家戶能取得當前電動車政策補貼紅利;第二,交通支出占低所得組家戶之可支配所得比例較高;第三,各等分位家戶車輛持有數皆有逐年上升趨勢。再者,本研究透過E3ME模型模擬不同政策情境下對不同運具使用及排放之長短期影響,結果顯示以降低車輛二氧化碳當量排放量效率而言,強制性政策效率最佳,惟實務上可能流失政治支持不易執行;補貼節能政策僅在2031年以前有微幅初期紅利,惟此等能源節約之補貼僅能減少污染者的外部成本,並未增加外部效益,在長期下非為適當政策。以模型估計2040年之結果為例,相較於未施以其他政策之情境,施加碳稅政策之情境較補貼節能政策情境對車輛總體二氧化碳當量排放量降低效果差異15.77%,結果顯示在長期碳稅政策明顯優於補貼節能政策。此外,電動車電能提供的來源亦非常重要,若未計算電能來源之間接排放,結果顯示將高估降低車輛總體排放量效益8.27%。 最後,研究建議有三:第一,設定貨物稅之電動車稅式支出上限;第二,強化老車汰舊換新政策避免市場擴張;第三,引入漸進式碳稅及能源稅,並輔以回饋機制。
The objective of transportation decarbonization policies is to address air pollution and climate change issues. Decarbonizing transportation can improve air quality, thereby reducing the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles are a crucial aspect that must be addressed by the government's net-zero policy targets within the transportation sector. This study aims to assess the equity of the current transportation decarbonization policies and compare the efficiency of different policies, providing actionable trade-off policies for policymakers. This study utilizes raw data from the 2018 to 2022 Household Income and Expenditure Survey to analyze the relationship between vehicle usage and income among households of different income groups in Taiwan. The analysis reveals three key findings: (1) Only high-income households can benefit from existing electric vehicle subsidy policies; (2) Transportation expenditures are regressive, with a higher proportion of disposable income spent on transportation by low-income households; (3) The number of vehicles owned by households across all income quintiles has shown a yearly upward trend. Furthermore, this study employs the E3ME model to simulate the short- and long-term impacts of different policy scenarios on vehicle usage and emissions. The results show that, in terms of efficiency in reducing vehicle CO2-equivalent emissions, mandatory policies are the most effective. However, they may lose political support and be difficult to implement in practice. Energy-saving subsidy policies provide only slight initial benefits before 2031; these subsidies merely reduce the external costs for polluters without increasing external benefits, making them unsuitable as a long-term policy. For instance, the model estimates for 2040 indicate that the scenario with a carbon tax policy results in a 15.77% greater reduction in total vehicle CO2-equivalent emissions compared to the energy-saving subsidy policy scenario, demonstrating the long-term superiority of the carbon tax policy. Additionally, the source of electricity for electric vehicles is also critical. If the indirect emissions from electricity sources are not accounted for, the benefits of reducing total vehicle emissions will be overestimated by 8.27%. The study offers three policy recommendations: (1) Establish a cap on electric vehicle tax expenditures within the commodity tax framework; (2) Strengthen policies for replacing old vehicles to prevent market expansion; (3) Introduce a gradual carbon tax and energy tax, complemented by a rebate mechanism.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蕭代基zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Shaw, Dai-Geeen_US (Authors) 陳樹儒zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Shu-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳樹儒zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Shu-Juen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 14:44:29 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 14:44:29 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 14:44:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110255031en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110255031zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 運具脫碳政策之目的係為解決空氣汙染及氣候變遷問題。運具脫碳能改善空氣品質進而降低罹患呼吸系統和心血管等疾病的風險。此外,車輛行駛中所產生之二氧化碳,亦是政府淨零政策目標有關運輸部門所必須解決最為重要的一環。本研究之目的係評估政府當前運具脫碳政策之公平性及比較不同政策之效率性,進而提供可執行之權衡政策供執政者參考。 首先,本研究使用我國107年至111年的家庭收支調查原始資料,分析我國不同所得組家戶之運具使用及所得關聯性,結果顯示有三:第一,目前僅高所得組家戶能取得當前電動車政策補貼紅利;第二,交通支出占低所得組家戶之可支配所得比例較高;第三,各等分位家戶車輛持有數皆有逐年上升趨勢。再者,本研究透過E3ME模型模擬不同政策情境下對不同運具使用及排放之長短期影響,結果顯示以降低車輛二氧化碳當量排放量效率而言,強制性政策效率最佳,惟實務上可能流失政治支持不易執行;補貼節能政策僅在2031年以前有微幅初期紅利,惟此等能源節約之補貼僅能減少污染者的外部成本,並未增加外部效益,在長期下非為適當政策。以模型估計2040年之結果為例,相較於未施以其他政策之情境,施加碳稅政策之情境較補貼節能政策情境對車輛總體二氧化碳當量排放量降低效果差異15.77%,結果顯示在長期碳稅政策明顯優於補貼節能政策。此外,電動車電能提供的來源亦非常重要,若未計算電能來源之間接排放,結果顯示將高估降低車輛總體排放量效益8.27%。 最後,研究建議有三:第一,設定貨物稅之電動車稅式支出上限;第二,強化老車汰舊換新政策避免市場擴張;第三,引入漸進式碳稅及能源稅,並輔以回饋機制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The objective of transportation decarbonization policies is to address air pollution and climate change issues. Decarbonizing transportation can improve air quality, thereby reducing the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles are a crucial aspect that must be addressed by the government's net-zero policy targets within the transportation sector. This study aims to assess the equity of the current transportation decarbonization policies and compare the efficiency of different policies, providing actionable trade-off policies for policymakers. This study utilizes raw data from the 2018 to 2022 Household Income and Expenditure Survey to analyze the relationship between vehicle usage and income among households of different income groups in Taiwan. The analysis reveals three key findings: (1) Only high-income households can benefit from existing electric vehicle subsidy policies; (2) Transportation expenditures are regressive, with a higher proportion of disposable income spent on transportation by low-income households; (3) The number of vehicles owned by households across all income quintiles has shown a yearly upward trend. Furthermore, this study employs the E3ME model to simulate the short- and long-term impacts of different policy scenarios on vehicle usage and emissions. The results show that, in terms of efficiency in reducing vehicle CO2-equivalent emissions, mandatory policies are the most effective. However, they may lose political support and be difficult to implement in practice. Energy-saving subsidy policies provide only slight initial benefits before 2031; these subsidies merely reduce the external costs for polluters without increasing external benefits, making them unsuitable as a long-term policy. For instance, the model estimates for 2040 indicate that the scenario with a carbon tax policy results in a 15.77% greater reduction in total vehicle CO2-equivalent emissions compared to the energy-saving subsidy policy scenario, demonstrating the long-term superiority of the carbon tax policy. Additionally, the source of electricity for electric vehicles is also critical. If the indirect emissions from electricity sources are not accounted for, the benefits of reducing total vehicle emissions will be overestimated by 8.27%. The study offers three policy recommendations: (1) Establish a cap on electric vehicle tax expenditures within the commodity tax framework; (2) Strengthen policies for replacing old vehicles to prevent market expansion; (3) Introduce a gradual carbon tax and energy tax, complemented by a rebate mechanism.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 p.1 第一節 研究背景 p.1 第二節 研究動機與目的 p.3 第三節 研究架構 p.7 第二章 文獻回顧 p.8 第一節 綠色運具政策分類 p.8 第二節 課稅與補貼之競合 p.18 第三節 能源稅、碳稅與貨物稅之競合 p.21 第四節 綠色運具政策對所得分配之影響 p.26 第三章 政策背景 p.30 第一節 國際電動車補貼及稅費政策現況 p.30 第二節 台灣電動車補貼及稅費政策現況 p.36 第四章 政策之公平性分析-以家庭收支調查為基礎 p.45 第一節 家庭收支調查之運用 p.45 第二節 家庭收支調查運具使用分析 p.50 第五章 政策之效率性分析-以E3ME模型為基礎 p.63 第一節 E3ME模型之運用 p.63 第二節 FTT:TRANSPORT p.66 第三節 情境設定 p.72 第四節 實證結果 p.74 第六章 結論與建議 p.86 參考文獻 p.89 附錄 軌道運輸用電間接排放之驗證 p.96zh_TW
dc.format.extent 5457929 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠色運具政策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 碳稅及能源稅zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 貨物稅補貼zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E3ME模型zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 所得分配zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Green Transportation Policyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Carbon Tax and Energy Taxen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Commodity Tax Subsidiesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E3ME Modelen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Income Distributionen_US
dc.title (題名) 政策效率與公平之權衡-以運具脫碳為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Discretion of Policy Efficiency and Equity: A Case Study of Decarbonizing Transportationen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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