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題名 健康信念模式中自覺罹患性與自我管理之後設分析:以糖尿病為例
Meta-Analysis of Perceived Diabetes Susceptibility of Health Belief Model and Self-Management作者 鄭筱彤
Tong, Teh Xiao貢獻者 韓義興
Han, Yi-Hsing
Teh Xiao Tong關鍵詞 健康傳播
Health communication
Health Belief Model
Perceived susceptibility
Self-management日期 2024 上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 15:06:16 (UTC+8) 摘要 健康信念模式(Health Belief Model)被廣泛應用於各種疾病和不同文化情境下的公共衛生及防治宣導研究,用以解釋和預測公眾信念與健康行為之間的相關性,在探討採行糖尿病自我管理的相關研究中亦不乏其例(Hochbaum et al.,1952; Rosenstock, 1974; Khosravizadeh et al., 2021; Karl et al., 2022)。然而,從過往關於健康信念模式的後設分析研究亦可見,模式中的重要要素與健康行為間並不必然具有相關性,尤其是「自覺罹患性」(perceived susceptibility)在最近期的後設分析結果中被認為跟健康行為近乎無關(Carpenter, 2010)。在糖尿病自我管理的文獻中,自覺罹患性與自我管理間相關與否,多有歧異。 為進一步探究前揭問題,本研究以後設分析方法,依系統性的納入及排除條件篩選出18篇研究(33組效果量),探討健康信念模式中自覺罹患性與糖尿病自我管理的關係,同時檢視教育水準和研究參與者的所在地區是否會影響兩者間的相關性。本研究發現:首先,整體而言,糖尿病患者自覺罹患併發症的信念與整體的自我管理呈正相關,尤其是服藥和血糖監測兩種自我管理行為。儘管這一發現與健康信念模式的預測相一致,但本研究結果顯示該相關性較弱。其次,教育程度和所在地區均會影響糖尿病患者的自覺罹患性與自我管理之間的相關性。對於教育程度低於中學學歷的糖尿病患者而言,增強其自覺罹患併發症的信念更有助於促進其採取及遵循自我管理。儘管美洲、東地中海和東南亞的糖尿病患者之自覺罹患性與自我管理間存在正相關,但各區域患者之間的相關性強度存在差異,伊朗和沙地阿拉伯等東地中海地區的相關性最強。 本研究建議,未來在健康傳播與防治策略可著重於強化糖尿病患者對罹患併發症的信念,從而促進其採取並遵循自我管理行為,特別是針對教育程度較低或居住於美洲、東地中海及東南亞地區的患者。然而,應注意的是,單憑強化自覺罹患性這一構念,對於全面促進糖尿病患者採取和遵循自我管理行為的效果有限,需結合其他健康信念模式的構念進行健康傳播和教育干預,以更好地促使患者實現健康行為的改變。
The Health Belief Model (HBM) has been widely utilized in public health research and intervention studies to explain and predict the relationship between beliefs and health behaviours across various diseases and cultural settings (Hochbaum et al., 1952; Rosenstock, 1974; Karl et al., 2022). This model has also been applied in studies on diabetes self-management (Khosravizadeh et al., 2021). Despite its broad application, past meta-analyses of the HBM have revealed inconsistencies in the relationships between its key constructs and health behaviours. For instance, recent analysis has shown that perceived susceptibility is almost unrelated to health behaviour (Carpenter, 2010). The relationship between perceived susceptibility and diabetes self-management remains unclear, with findings varying across studies. To further address the aforementioned issues, a meta-analysis of 18 studies (33 effect sizes) was conducted to examine the relationship between perceived susceptibility, as conceptualized by the HBM, and diabetes self-management. Additionally, this study explored the possibility of education level and geographic location influencing this relationship. The findings indicate that, overall, perceived susceptibility to diabetes complications was positively correlated with self-management among diabetic patients, especially patients with medication adherence and blood glucose monitoring. While these findings align with the HBM’s predictions, the observed correlation was relatively weak. Furthermore, both education level and geographic location significantly influenced the relationship between perceived susceptibility and diabetes self-management. For diabetic patients with lower educational attainment (below secondary school), an enhanced perception of susceptibility to complications is more likely to facilitate adherence to self-management compare to patients with higher educational attainment. Although there was a positive correlation between perceived susceptibility and self-management among diabetic patients in the Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia, the strength of this relationship varied across regions, with the strongest correlations observed in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Based on these findings, this study suggests that future health communication and intervention strategies should focus on enhancing diabetic patient’s beliefs regarding the risk of developing complications, thereby encouraging the adoption and adherence to self-management behaviour. This is particularly pertinent for patients with lower educational attainment and those residing in the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia. However, it is crucial to note that solely emphasizing perceived susceptibility may have limited effectiveness in comprehensively promoting self-management behaviours. A more comprehensive approach that integrates additional constructs of the HBM is necessary to achieve more substantial health behaviour changes.參考文獻 吳淑靜(2013)。《糖尿病共同照護對病患糖化血色素、健康信念與健康行為之影響》。國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院公共衛生碩士學位學程碩士論文。【臺灣大學博碩士論文典藏系統】 吳淑靜、黃俊豪(2013)。〈糖尿病共同照護對病患糖化血色素、健康信念與健康行為之影響〉。《台灣公共衛生雜誌》,32(6),537-550。 陳曉悌、李怡娟、李汝禮(2003)。〈健康信念模式之理論源起與應用〉,《台灣醫學》, 7(4),632-639。 臺北榮民總醫院內分泌新陳代謝科(2023)。〈第二型糖尿病〉。上網日期2024年1月5日,取自 衛生福利部國民健康署(2023年1月9日)。〈糖尿病〉。上網日期2024年1月5日,取自 Aalto, A.-M., & Uutela, A. (1997). Glycemic Control, Self-Care Behaviors, and Psychosocial Factors Among Insulin Treated Diabetics: A Test of an Extended Health Belief Model. 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111464055資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 韓義興 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Han, Yi-Hsing en_US (Authors) 鄭筱彤 zh_TW (Authors) Teh Xiao Tong en_US dc.creator (作者) 鄭筱彤 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tong, Teh Xiao en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 4-Sep-2024 15:06:16 (UTC+8) - 4-Sep-2024 15:06:16 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 15:06:16 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111464055 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 111464055 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 健康信念模式(Health Belief Model)被廣泛應用於各種疾病和不同文化情境下的公共衛生及防治宣導研究,用以解釋和預測公眾信念與健康行為之間的相關性,在探討採行糖尿病自我管理的相關研究中亦不乏其例(Hochbaum et al.,1952; Rosenstock, 1974; Khosravizadeh et al., 2021; Karl et al., 2022)。然而,從過往關於健康信念模式的後設分析研究亦可見,模式中的重要要素與健康行為間並不必然具有相關性,尤其是「自覺罹患性」(perceived susceptibility)在最近期的後設分析結果中被認為跟健康行為近乎無關(Carpenter, 2010)。在糖尿病自我管理的文獻中,自覺罹患性與自我管理間相關與否,多有歧異。 為進一步探究前揭問題,本研究以後設分析方法,依系統性的納入及排除條件篩選出18篇研究(33組效果量),探討健康信念模式中自覺罹患性與糖尿病自我管理的關係,同時檢視教育水準和研究參與者的所在地區是否會影響兩者間的相關性。本研究發現:首先,整體而言,糖尿病患者自覺罹患併發症的信念與整體的自我管理呈正相關,尤其是服藥和血糖監測兩種自我管理行為。儘管這一發現與健康信念模式的預測相一致,但本研究結果顯示該相關性較弱。其次,教育程度和所在地區均會影響糖尿病患者的自覺罹患性與自我管理之間的相關性。對於教育程度低於中學學歷的糖尿病患者而言,增強其自覺罹患併發症的信念更有助於促進其採取及遵循自我管理。儘管美洲、東地中海和東南亞的糖尿病患者之自覺罹患性與自我管理間存在正相關,但各區域患者之間的相關性強度存在差異,伊朗和沙地阿拉伯等東地中海地區的相關性最強。 本研究建議,未來在健康傳播與防治策略可著重於強化糖尿病患者對罹患併發症的信念,從而促進其採取並遵循自我管理行為,特別是針對教育程度較低或居住於美洲、東地中海及東南亞地區的患者。然而,應注意的是,單憑強化自覺罹患性這一構念,對於全面促進糖尿病患者採取和遵循自我管理行為的效果有限,需結合其他健康信念模式的構念進行健康傳播和教育干預,以更好地促使患者實現健康行為的改變。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Health Belief Model (HBM) has been widely utilized in public health research and intervention studies to explain and predict the relationship between beliefs and health behaviours across various diseases and cultural settings (Hochbaum et al., 1952; Rosenstock, 1974; Karl et al., 2022). This model has also been applied in studies on diabetes self-management (Khosravizadeh et al., 2021). Despite its broad application, past meta-analyses of the HBM have revealed inconsistencies in the relationships between its key constructs and health behaviours. For instance, recent analysis has shown that perceived susceptibility is almost unrelated to health behaviour (Carpenter, 2010). The relationship between perceived susceptibility and diabetes self-management remains unclear, with findings varying across studies. To further address the aforementioned issues, a meta-analysis of 18 studies (33 effect sizes) was conducted to examine the relationship between perceived susceptibility, as conceptualized by the HBM, and diabetes self-management. Additionally, this study explored the possibility of education level and geographic location influencing this relationship. The findings indicate that, overall, perceived susceptibility to diabetes complications was positively correlated with self-management among diabetic patients, especially patients with medication adherence and blood glucose monitoring. While these findings align with the HBM’s predictions, the observed correlation was relatively weak. Furthermore, both education level and geographic location significantly influenced the relationship between perceived susceptibility and diabetes self-management. For diabetic patients with lower educational attainment (below secondary school), an enhanced perception of susceptibility to complications is more likely to facilitate adherence to self-management compare to patients with higher educational attainment. Although there was a positive correlation between perceived susceptibility and self-management among diabetic patients in the Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia, the strength of this relationship varied across regions, with the strongest correlations observed in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Based on these findings, this study suggests that future health communication and intervention strategies should focus on enhancing diabetic patient’s beliefs regarding the risk of developing complications, thereby encouraging the adoption and adherence to self-management behaviour. This is particularly pertinent for patients with lower educational attainment and those residing in the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia. However, it is crucial to note that solely emphasizing perceived susceptibility may have limited effectiveness in comprehensively promoting self-management behaviours. A more comprehensive approach that integrates additional constructs of the HBM is necessary to achieve more substantial health behaviour changes. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究問題 4 第三節 研究架構 6 第四節 研究貢獻 8 一、健康傳播的理論意義 8 二、健康傳播的實務價值 8 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 糖尿病自我管理 11 一、何謂糖尿病 11 二、糖尿病的種類 12 三、糖尿病造成的負擔 13 四、糖尿病自我管理 13 五、糖尿病自我管理的影響因素 16 第二節 健康信念模式與糖尿病自我管理 17 一、健康信念模式的概念與主張 17 二、健康信念模式各構念對於預測行為的效能 21 三、健康信念模式在糖尿病自我管理中的實證研究 22 第三節 自覺罹患性與糖尿病自我管理 25 一、自覺罹患性與糖尿病自我管理行為的相關性 25 二、教育程度作為可能的潛在影響因素 27 三、所在地作為可能的潛在影響因素 28 第四節 相關係數的後設分析 28 一、後設分析基本概念 29 二、固定效應模式與隨機效應模式 30 三、固定效應模式的整合方法 31 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 文獻搜索策略 35 第二節 文獻篩選 36 第三節 數據提取 39 一、自覺罹患性與自我管理行為的測量方法 39 二、編碼 41 第四節 資料分析 44 一、統一效果量度量 44 二、使用固定效應模式整合效果量 45 第四章 研究結果 48 第一節 糖尿病患者自覺罹患性與其自我管理相關性之分析 48 一、自覺罹患性與自我管理整體層面之關係 48 二、自覺罹患性與特定自我管理行為之關係 50 第二節 糖尿病患者自覺罹患性與其自我管理調節變項之探討 53 一、教育程度 53 二、所在地 53 第五章 討論與建議 58 第一節 研究結果討論 58 一、糖尿病患者的自覺罹患性與其自我管理行為 58 二、教育程度和所在地影響糖尿病患者的自覺罹患性與自我管理的相關性 61 第二節 研究貢獻 63 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 64 第四節 結論 67 參考文獻 68 附錄一:納入研究之文獻標題及英文摘要(依年份排序) 84 附錄二:原始文獻量表及相關參考文獻 94 附錄三:原始數據提取結果及編碼對照表 102 附錄四:效果量數據 105 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3382650 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 健康傳播 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 健康信念模式 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自覺罹患性 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 糖尿病 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自我管理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Health communication en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Health Belief Model en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Perceived susceptibility en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Diabetes en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Self-management en_US dc.title (題名) 健康信念模式中自覺罹患性與自我管理之後設分析:以糖尿病為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Meta-Analysis of Perceived Diabetes Susceptibility of Health Belief Model and Self-Management en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 吳淑靜(2013)。《糖尿病共同照護對病患糖化血色素、健康信念與健康行為之影響》。國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院公共衛生碩士學位學程碩士論文。【臺灣大學博碩士論文典藏系統】 吳淑靜、黃俊豪(2013)。〈糖尿病共同照護對病患糖化血色素、健康信念與健康行為之影響〉。《台灣公共衛生雜誌》,32(6),537-550。 陳曉悌、李怡娟、李汝禮(2003)。〈健康信念模式之理論源起與應用〉,《台灣醫學》, 7(4),632-639。 臺北榮民總醫院內分泌新陳代謝科(2023)。〈第二型糖尿病〉。上網日期2024年1月5日,取自 衛生福利部國民健康署(2023年1月9日)。〈糖尿病〉。上網日期2024年1月5日,取自 Aalto, A.-M., & Uutela, A. 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